






4、怎样学好英语的600作文 怎样学好英语600字(4)





We had Enlish final exa yesterday. I feelvery sad now beause I think I didn’t do well in the exa. Firstly, just aoent ao I realied that y oposition in the exa stayed fro the point,beause I isunderstood the eanin of reen apus. I thouht reen apus isonly the olor of the apus. So I totally ot away fro the point. Inaddition, tie was not enouh for e. Eventually, I wrote soe answers on theanswer sheet without thinkin. Thus I’ afraid I an’t pass the exa. I a nowvery anxious.


























Enlish is one of the ost iportant subjets in iddle shool.

Alost everyone knows that we should learn Enlish well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl arx has set a ood exaple for us. He one said, "When one is learnin a forein lanuae, he ust use the forein lanuae." In this way, he ould use several lanuaes. A sayin oes, "Pratie akes perfet." When we learn Enlish, we should read ore, speak ore, listen to Enlish fro tie to tie and pratise writin every day. Don't be afraid of akin istakes. nly in this way an we learn it well.




Enlish is iportant and useful to us. How an we learn it well? Here are y suestions.

First, we should often listen to the tapes, Enlish sons and proras. Wathin Enlish ovies is also helpful to us. Seond, we should speak Enlish in lass as uh as possible. Don't be afraid of akin istakes. The ore you speak, the fewer istakes you'll ake. We'd better join the Enlish lub and pratie with others. Third, we an read ore Enlish newspapers and aaines. It's ood for us. At last, we should reite soe ood passaes and keep diaries.

In a word, as lon as we do ore listenin, speakin, readin and writin, we will learn Enlish well.
































怎样学好英语的600作文 怎样学好英语600字



Soe Advie on Learnin Enlish

There is soe advie for you to follow in order to learn Enlish well. Firstly, it’s a ood idea to iprove your Enlish by readin, so do ore readin every day, but don’t try to translate① every word when readin an Enlish passae. Seondly, do ore listenin exerises. You should repeat the sentenes after you hear the. It’s ood for your pronuniation②. Soeties, we offer exerises to you to nuber the pitures in the order you hear the, to find out the istakes in the sentenes and then orret the. Thirdly, try to speak to foreiners. Don’t be afraid of akin istakes. Take a deep breath and start a talk with the. Always reeber yourself in Enlish learnin, and you will be ood at it sooner or later.


I heard you want e to introdue soe ways to learn Enlish better. That’s K. First, you should listen to soe Ds arefully every day. Then, you’d better use Enlish as often as you an. If you want to know any words, you ust read widely. Perhaps you think that study is borin. You an wath soe Enlish fils or proraes, learn to sin Enlish sons or ake pen friends with foreiners. For a start, aybe you ake any istakes, but in a few years you an speak Enlish as well as foreiners.

篇三:《如何学好英语 作文irosoft Word 文档》






How To Learn Enlish Well

Enlish is iportant in the odern world. It is spoken all over the world. But a few students don’t learn Enlish well. So they want to drop Enlish. I suest that you shouldn’t ive up Enlish, beause Enlish is used in any ountries as the first or seond lanuae. ost business letters are written in Enlish. It is helpful for you to work in the future. If you don’t know Enlish, you will fall behind others in future. How an you learn Enlish well? First, you should persevere. It’s true that Enlish is soeties really very diffiult for us. But if you have a ood ethod of learnin, I think you will be ood at it. Both Enlish listenin and speakin are the ost diffiult for alost every beinner. Soeties, it sees ipossible to learn. But I think if you do a lot of pratie, you will ake proress, you should speak ore and listen ore often. You’d better speak Enlish with your lassates as often as possible not only in lass but also out of lass. I advise you to buy a radio, so you an listen to soe Enlish proraes over the radio. Then you will travel in the world of Enlish. If you do that, you’ll be able to learn Enlish well easily, and you’ll like Enlish very


I hope all of you will beoe ood at Enlish step by step

How to learn Enlish?

Ji does not attah iportane to words. Buildin hih-rise buildins need to brik, blok brik buildin into a hih-rise buildins uouo; while the word like a brik. an say that if there is not enouh voabulary, you want to learn Enlish, everythin is out of the question. With the voabulary to learn Enlish will be the basis of the future a lot easier.

Ji finiky speed and effiieny are unwillin to devote tie to repeat (review) has been studied ontent. Lanuae is a skill, skill only by pratie akes perfet, it is neessary to repeat only skilled, and only the will to for a skilled unthinkin skills. Ji-day fishin nets two days of dryin, there is no persistene, not lon persist in studies. Skill profiieny should be a proess, in this proess will enounter various diffiulties, but an not bow to diffiulties, we ust easelessly repeated study, sustained. Soe students have just started learnin Enlish in a lot of interest, and then inreases with the deree of diffiulty, they radually lost interest in a radual deline in perforane is not very onsientious reasons.

Boey instead of just learnin. Lanuae, pratie a stron, if only to learn rather than, you'll never learn well. ur ai is to learn the lanuae the appliation in use to learn how to learn, so as to enhane the interest and to ahieve better learnin results. "ray Enlish" Li Yan, founder one said that, in order to learn Enlish, it is

neessary in publi plaes the use of wron Do not be afraid, do not be afraid shae this reason that "I enjoy losin fae (I love losin fae)" beae the Li Yan and "ray Enlish" fans of the antra.






忌只学而不用。语言的实践性很强,如果只学而不用,就永远也学不好。我们学语言的目的就是为了应用,要学会在用中学习,这样才能提高兴趣,达到较好的学习效果."疯狂英语"的创始人李阳曾说过,为了学好英语,就要在公共场合运用,不要怕说错,不要怕丢人,于是乎"I enjoy losin fae(我热爱丢脸)"成了李阳及"疯狂英语"爱好者们的口头禅.怎样学好英语的600作文.

How to learn Enlish well(如何学好英语)

Enlish is one of the ost iportant lanuaes in the world. It’s neessary to learn it well .How do you study? Everyone learns Enlish in different ways. The best way to iprove your Enlish is to iprove your Enlish skills. They are listenin , speakin , readin and writin. We should pratie the every day. It’s very ood for you if you are interested in Enlish. You will find studyin Enlish is interestin and helpful. ne ore thin, reeber” Pratie akes perfet”!

英语是最重要的一个lanuaes世界。有必要学习好。你怎么学习?每个人学习英语的方式不同。的最佳方式,提高您的英语是提高您的英语技能。他们是听,说,读,写。我们应该实践他们每天。这是非常好的为您如果您有兴趣Enlish 。你会发现学习Enlish是有趣和有益的。还有一件事,请记住“熟能生巧” !


初中一年级英语作文:怎样学好英语② How to Learn Enlish Well

Enlish is an iportant subjet for e. I like learnin Enlish. Enlish is not diffiult. But you shouldn’t be lay. How do I learn Enlish?

First, I listen to the teaher arefully and take notes in lass. Seond, I like speakin Enlish with y lassates after lass. It an help e iprove y speakin skills. Third, I often read Enlish newspapers and aaines. I also keep an Enlish diary every day.

篇五:《初中英语作文:怎样学习英语 How to study Enlish》

初中英语作文:怎样学习英语 How to study Enlish


How to study Enlish?

Study Enlish,You do need to use Enlish with speakers who are not teahers of Enlish. This isn't easy, sine everyone feels onstrained speakin Enlish with friends with who it would be natural to use a shared other tonue. Joinin an Enlish lub is a ood idea and joinin a lub with an international ebership (where Enlish is in use at least soe of the tie) is, for any people, even better. If nothin like this is aessible, you iht onsider what would be involved in ettin soethin oin.

活用英文乐趣多 活用英文乐趣多

你需要常常和英语教师以外的人士用英语交谈。这当然很不容易,因为与母语相同的人自由交谈时,彼此若用英语交谈总会觉得很不自在。亦可参加英语俱乐部或国际会员的俱乐部(至少有时使用英语沟通),这样对很多人而言更有益。如果没有合适的社团可加入,也不妨考虑任何足以提高英语能力的机会。 作文二:

There are four key points to study Enlish: listenin, speakin, readin and writin.

Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in Enlish. By doin this, we an iprove ore talkin and listenin skill.

Seondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of Enlish proraes as uh as possible. In this way, we an radually iprove our pronuniation.

Thirdly, we should often read Enlish books. When we oe aross a new word. We should uess its eanin throuh the ontest first. Then look it up in the ditionary to have a hek. I thin,, it is a ood way of readin.

Fourthly, we should pratie our writin skills. Whenever we have any idea, we should et the pen and write it down at one. It is very iportant to avoid writin in hinese way and usin the hinese raar.

As lon as we listen, speak, read and write ore, we are sure to ake rearkable proress!


To think positively and deeply is the key way to be outstandin as a postraduate

As a postraduate , do you want to be outstandin in your university?In fat, everybdy extreely wants to be outstandin. However, you ay wonder how to be outstandin. You ay say that the outstandin postraduates usually have all the lasses they want to have , read various useful books,ask for others’ help,take an ative part in any ativities,do soe part-tie jobs and so on.In y opion,your answers are partly riht.bseverin the outstandin postraduates,I find the key way to be outstandin is to think positively and deeply. Now y reasons are listed in the followin parts.

To bein with,we an ain a stron power by thinkin positively and deeply.When we are a eber of postraduate ,we should think about these basi questions and et rid of neative ideas.We ust ake it lear that who we are,what we really want ,what our responsibilities are,what we own ,what our disadvantaes and advantaes are,what we an do and ahieve and so forth. ne we ake sure the road to think, we an eliinate suh onfusion.By thinkin in a positive and deep way ,we an analyse and know ourselves well.We an also beoe ore ature and onfident. Without question,we

an ain a stron power that an benefit us a reat deal.We an sense that we an be a aster of our own life rather than a slave.We an also et soe helpful wisdo and inspiration in our life by thinkin .

In the seond plane,we an develop plan by positive and deep thinkin . a lear plan is half done. f ourse ,the plan should be realisti. havin a realisti plan is very iprtant for all of us in the university.We do not feel onfused unless we have a plan and know to do next.

Thirdly, thinkin positively and deeply,we an onsistly obtain soe helpful lessns and experiene that an ake us beoe uh sarter and wiser.In this way, we an firly know the suitable ways to deal with all kinds of different probles in different situations.Then we an save tie , avoid detour and iprove our overall abilies in a very short tie.

n the ontrary,I really think that it is far fro enouh to have all the lasses we want to have, read various useful books,ask for others’ help,take an ative in ativities and do soe part-tie jobs without thinkin positively and deeply. Even if we an et soe experiene, we an not update our knowlede and experiene. We an not develop our own ablilies well. Just doin without thinkin is blind. It akes no

differene,beause the experiene we ain by doin above thins without areful onlusion is superfiial and useless. To iprove ourselves,we not only need to do soethin iportant,but also to think positively and deeply before and after doin soethin.The latter is uh ore sinifiant than the forer. It an not be neleted by us. Now we know it is quite a ruial part for us.

n the other hand,we should not be afraid to use our brain to think positively and deeply.In soe sense,it is rather diffiult for us to think for a while.when we think about soethin,we feel so tired and perplexed.It is the noral feelin that I we have.Please do not refuse this kind of feelin. However,if we ake up our ind to think and persist in thinkin in positive and deep way,one day we will find soe effiient ways to be outstandin and lead a better life in our apus life.We an row to aturity as quikly as possible.For this reason,we should not hesitate to think.To think positively and deeply brins us so any advantaes.

Finally,as I have entioned above,I stronly hold that to think positively and deeply is the key way to be outstandin as a postraduate.Thinkin does do ood to postraduates.Without thinkin,we will fall behind and an not

sueed. To be outstandin postraduates, it is hih tie that we thouht positively and deeply. It is obvious that think positively and deeply is the key way to be outstandin as a postraduate.

篇七:《初中一年级英语作文:怎样学好英语(How to Learn Enlish Well)》

初中一年级英语作文:怎样学好英语 How to Learn Enlish Well

Enlish is easy to learn. It’s interestin to learn Enlish. How do I learn Enlish? Let e tell you. I often wath Enlish ovies and artoons. I an enjoy yself and learn Enlish at the sae tie. I pratie speakin Enlish every ornin. Soeties I phone y forein friends. It helps e a lot. I think the best way to learn Enlish is to use it. I love learnin Enlish.



How to Iprove Your Enlish Readin怎样学好英语的600作文.

To iprove your Enlish readin, you should, first of all, hoose soethin you feel iportant or interestin to read. Don’t try to read everythin. You should bein with those written in siple Enlish. Don’t read those whih prove diffiult for you at the very beinnin.怎样学好英语的600作文.

While readin, don’t read too slowly or look up every new word you eet with. After readin a passae and havin its ain idea in ind, you ay turn bak and read it aain. This tie you read it slowly and look up soe new words if neessary. Keep on readin in this way and you’ll surely ake proress little by little.

Knowlede or Experiene

Diretions: You are allowed 40 inutes to write an essay no less than 10 words on the followin topi.

1.soe ephasie book knowlede

2.others stress pratial experiene

3.whih one is ore iportant? ive your reasons to illustrate your opinion.


Whih is ore iportant in life, knowlede fro the books

you read, or personal experiene you ain in reality? The answer ay vary fro person to person. The youn, eduated ay ephasie the forer, and the old ay stress the later. But in y opinion, they are of the sae iportane.

Experiene is prieless. How to beoe an effiient seretary? How to prepare for your first hild to oe into the world? There is so uh experiene we need in areers, in life and even in aadei studies. It helps one deal with the probles with ease and onfidene. Espeially ativities and to auulate experiene of different kinds is ore ruial.

Experiene, however, is liited in ters of tie and spae. For one thin, it is ipossible for anyone to experiene all the iportant events and eet all the faous people. For another, as the speed with whih skills are obsolete and new probles rop up is unpreedented beause of the fast developent of soiety, experiene is far less adequate. Dependin too uh on it only leads to narrow-indedness and prejudie.

ne way to opensate for it is to read books. Books of various kinds an brin us alost unliited additional experiene. Fro books you an not only trae bak to the wisdo

of our anteedents, but keep up with the latest developents of siene and tehnoloy. To be sure, it’s seondhand experiene. But it is the ideal suppleent to our own liited experiene. Few of us an travel around the world, or live lon beyond one hundred years, but all of us an live any lives by readin books.

Both book knowlede and personal experiene are essential. While experiene akes one ore resoureful, book knowlede akes one ore learned.

About Review(关于复习)

As we all know, there are three staes in study preview, study in lass and review, aon whih review is the ost iportant. Fro y experiene, I’d like to talk about the iportane of review. Firstly, ake a review plan with ertain ontents of subjets at a ertain tie. Seondly, arry on the review plan reularly. Thirdly, exaine what has been reviewed and ake up in tie. ne thin to reeber is to keep notes all the tie. I follow y review plan stritly and have ade proress in y study. It turns out to be ood enouh. f ourse, there is ore than one way to review. So lon as we review reularly, we an find ore ways to iprove our studies.



Learn Enlish with DVD ovies(看英语电影学英语)

Have you ever learned Enlish by wathin Enlish DVD ovies? Is that an effetive Enlish learnin ethod for you? Why?

Wathin Enlish DVD ovies is a very effetive ethod of learnin Enlish. I learnt Enlish at ollee at hoe. As a natural result of insuffiient Enlish speakin environent, y speakin and listenin abilities were not developed satisfatorily, althouh y readin and writin abilities were quite all riht. I reeber y experiene durin a suer vaation when I ade plans to wath 10 oriinal Enlish ovies (I ean those not dubbed.) inludin the lassi asablana,怎样学好英语的600作文.

Rebea, A Tale of Two ities, and Little Woen.

I persistently arried out y plan and eah of the fils I wathed a doen ties until I ould reite ost of the dialoues. At the end of that suer vaation, I found I beae nearly as fluent as a native Enlish speaker.

The Ways of Readin(读书之法)

We ay obtain knowlede by readin. The ore books we read, the ore we auulate the knowlede. Is it riht? I don’t think so. It’s not wide readin but useful readin that leads to exellene. And only ood books an benefit us.

So hoosin books is very iportant for readin. any students spend a lot of tie readin leends and swordsan novels. It’s a waste of tie. Soe students even read soe bad books and it is harful for the.

So be as areful of the books we read, as of the opany we keep, for our habit and harater will be as uh influened by the forer as by the latter.

To Learn Enlish Well By Speakin ore


any hinese students who have learned Enlish for ore



whatever we are, we should do our best!

When I was a little irl ,I dreaed to row up. Beause I think a hild doesn't has freeda,and an't do anythin hiself.

But now I have row up,to y surprise,I feel ore tired and have ore surfrn.Thouh I an do soethin yself, I don't feel happy at all. I believe you also have the sae thouhs with e. when every us was a hild , we wanted to row up, but when we beae a older an,we don't have suh nie life

as wish. So whatever we are hildren or adults, we should try to ake our life better, and ake ourselves ore happy. we should try our best to study hard, then we an let

parents have oo life, too! Let's do our best to do ourself ! Believe yourself ! You are the best!




















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