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ne upon a tie, when we talked about raduation, we always thouht it was far away, but now when raduation oes to us, we all feel relutant to ive up. We are about to raduate, whih eans that we are about to leave this environent where we live and study, as well as our friends and partners who et alon with eah other day and niht. Now, whenever I think of the fat that I' about to raduate, I' full of feelins.


But as I was ettin loser to raduation, I radually beae ore and ore relieved. Yes, everyone will be raduatin, you know, there will be rowth after raduation. Throuh a period of thinkin, I a still relutant to raduate, but there is ore to look forward to. I a lookin forward to y raduation and rowin up.


Every stae of our life will usher in a raduation, raduation is our final suary of this learnin. Throuh this raduation, we will know how uh we have learned and how uh we have astered. Every one of us will have a standard for raduation. nly when we eet this standard an we raduate.


I reeber soe sholars said that life is lon, we will never raduate, we should learn to live forever. This sentene is also appliable to us now, but what we are talkin about now is just a suary of our urrent study. f ourse, we have a lon life in the future. The real raduation is always in front of us. We should study hard and understand life. nly in this way an we truly usher in a breakthrouh and find a better ourselves.


Now, I an fae the fat that I a about to raduate, beause I have been studyin hard in the apus. Now raduation is oin, I also believe that I an et a ood aadei reord.



When the bell ran aain shool of tie, I will be with y junior hih shool life say oodbye. At this oent, I felt so tired that I want to o hoe and have a ood sleep.

I will be as free as a bird, and an be doin what I love to do. Durin the holidays, I want to do? f ourse, there are any, but I want to do a thin is to iprove y Enlish.

y Enlish is the worst of all y subjets.I was hard at it, but I have little proress. I' not ood at readin and writin, so I ust be doin soethin in it ore. Every ornin I will read aloud three short story, and keeps a diary in Enlish.

I will reeber y Enlish teaher's advie, "if you want to learn Enlish well, the best way is to use it every day.


Speeh for raduation ereony

Today is the day, it is oin to end y three years iddle shool study。While, first of all, I would like to say thanks to all y respeted teahers and friendly lassates。 For the last three years, with the help of teahers and lassates, I ade draati proress in study, whih leaves unforettable eories。 I will herish it for the rest of y life。 all the people I et alon with is like a happy faily。 When I think bak on those past days, I understand what I have learnt is not only knowlede fro books but also life philosophy fro yours。 I will keep on hard workin to realie y drea。 I hope we all ould ake drea oe true, lon live our friendship。


Six years! Soon I' oin to say oodbye to the ala ater, and that's a short onth.

Suddenly ood bear, bear the beautiful apus; not want that hard knowlede of the rain we watered the flowers of the otherland of the teaher; the relutant to stay toether ornin and niht students, they let e know how preious friendship.

In the iddle of all this, there are too any displaes, there are too any nostalia...

Partin ay be far away, and partin ay be in front of you, and no one an say. Let us reeber to his ala ater play with lassates in every tree and bush, the playround, and row toether with the fiure! Let us reeber the teaher's instrutions! All of this, we an not foret, will not foret. Beause of you, y life will be perfet; beause of you, y life will be olourful; beause of you, I try to et the taste of bein loved.

After raduation, let's herish the rest of our lives and herish the only thin we an live toether. Let's work hard toether for our ideals and work toether for our past plede. aybe soon we will be separated, please do not be sad, there is no banquet in the world, one day, we will eet aain. No atter where you are, when you are in trouble, please reeber that you have had 7 lassates who have been lassates for six years. We will always be there for you. We will never abandon you.

Let us tread the ate of the ala ater with hope and vision for a better future. We eet a: reeber the shool instrution, we eet: at that tie, we will have to return to the adult, ala ater toether.


When the bell ran aain shool of tie, I will be with y junior hih shool life say oodbye。 At this oent, I felt so tired that I want to o hoe and have a ood sleep。 I will be as free as a bird, and an be doin what I love to do。 Durin the holidays, I want to do? f ourse, there are any, but I want to do a thin is to iprove y Enlish。 y Enlish is the worst of all y subjets。

I was hard at it, but I have little proress。 I' not ood at readin and writin, so I ust be doin soethin in it ore。 Every ornin I will read aloud three short story, and keeps a diary in Enlish。 I will reeber y Enlish teaher's advie, "if you want to learn Enlish well, the best way is to use it every day。


Speeh for raduation ereony

Today is the day, it is oin to end y three years iddle shool study.While, first of all, I would like to say thanks to all y respeted teahers and friendly lassates. For the last three years, with the help of teahers and lassates, I ade draati proress in study, whih leaves unforettable eories.

I will herish it for the rest of y life. all the people I et alon with is like a happy faily. When I think bak on those past days, I understand what I have learnt is not only knowlede fro books but also life philosophy fro yours.

I will keep on hard workin to realie y drea. I hope we all ould ake drea oe true, lon live our friendship.


Soon I will raduate fro junior hih shool. The junior iddle shool three years, I have been very happy and learn a lot of knowlede.

There are any trees and flowers in the shool, they let the apus ore beautiful. The teaher is also very ood, the students are very friendly. I a relutant to leave y shool.


earn to ive up wisely Never ive up has been aepted by any people as a positive life attitude。 Adittly persistene often plays an iportant role in one suess。

However,in any ases to ive up iht be wiser than to persist blindly。 The followin reasons an support this aruent。 Firstly,soeties our oal ay be unrealisti。 If we insist on it blindly, it will finally brin us nothin but failure。 At this tie,what we should do is ive up the orinal oal and reset a ore pratial one。 Seondly,not all persistene an brin deservin results。 For a very siple exaple if we keep waitin in line for hours, only to have a lunheon restaurant ay be it is unwise 。


Six years of priary shool life is over, I a oin to say oodbye to the ala ater, farewell teahers, farewell to six years of students toether. I was very exited and frustrated beause we were oin to leave our bi faily for six years.

Reallin the dots of six years, I was ost ipressed by y flee.

At that tie, we have six students, not to do lass-break settin-up exerise in the reess, we hid in the bak of the library as they finished, we hide is a week, one we are on the seond floor looked at Wan teaher in trainin the six of us did not dare to o bak to the lassroo and hid in lass until the lass iss Wan put the six of us alled out and asked: do not see how you do today? Is not, you don't have to do, we then said: Well, we did not do today. The teaher asked: you didn't do exerises fro what tie, I said: we do not start fro the last week, the teaher said: you do not know lass-break settin-up exerise is benefiial to your body? We know, everybody says in the sae voie. Then why don't you do it, the teaher roared. Fat swallow suddenly said that we wouldn't do it, not to do it. The teaher said, "then you have to do ore. o downstairs and do it for e. I a upstairs lookin at you. After we flew down, we bean to do it, beause we didn't do it, so it won't happen at all. We alled two junior students to lead us to do, and wait for the finish, upstairs teaher aain solded us a eal to o bak to the lassroo to study.

Ala ater, you ive e a lot, I want to say to you, "thank you!"

oodbye, dear ala ater!

oodbye, y dear lassates!

I will always reeber hi in y heart!


y shool life is over. Here're what I want to say to lassates,teahers.

I love y teahers so uh,beaause they teah e a lot .

When I was in trouble ,they ave e a hand . When I failed the exa,they ave e a sile.And they tell e not to ive up.

In a word,thank the so uh at the bottle of y heart. I will iss the thouh I a not their student any loner.

I enjoy yself with y lassates .I ot on well with the. And I never foret the beause they are very ood.

ost iportantly,any happy oents about us are kept in y eory. I'll try y best to suady that I an Return y shool.

I had a ood tie in shool and I learn a lot of Knowlele fro y beautiful shool.








































