Last week, y Enlish teaher ave us a task, she asked us to for a sall roup, eah roup was ade up of five students, the roups need to do a researh, it is about how uh people know about forein ountry. In y roup, there are three irls and two boys, at first, we did not know what to do, then I suested our roup take the ooperated work. As I and the irl are ood at writin paper, so the two of us deided to desin the questions, and the other three students are so ative, so they like to ask people the questions. The researh went o so well, we finished it in two days, thanks to the teawork, we did well on the task. The teaher praised y roup, I have learned the iportane of ooperation, sine then, I will onsiderate other people’s feelins.
Aon all the iportant skills of huan beins, soial skills are rearded as the ost iportant. In an inforation ae, ouniation with others in all walks of life plays an iportant role. No wonder that any students are deliberately workin on their soial skills.
oon sense has told us that those who have suessful love affairs usually possess exellent soial skills. They are ood at prootin an easy-oin relation with their partners, whih naturally result in a roanti affair. The sae is true for faily life. ood soial skills are essential to keep faily eber on ood ters with eah other, brinin about a happy faily life. Seondly, statistis show that one’s areer suess depends heavily on his or her soial skills. Professional skills are neessary, but without ood soial skills, a ood teawork is hardly iainable, whih would undoubtedly hinder the full play of professional skills. Exaples are not rarely seen fro people who are talented and have reahed hih level of aadei developent, but have finally oe to nothin due to their poor soial skills.
In onlusion, if we are to lead a happy life and sueed in areer, we ust iprove ourselves in suh soial skills as the skill in ouniatin on a feelin level, the skill in developin and usin interpersonal relations and so on.Aon all the iportant skills of huan beins, soial skills are rearded as the ost iportant. In an inforation ae, ouniation with others in all walks of life plays an iportant role. No wonder that any students are deliberately workin on their soial skills.
oon sense has told us that those who have suessful love affairs usually possess exellent soial skills. They are ood at prootin an easy-oin relation with their partners, whih naturally result in a roanti affair. The sae is true for faily life. ood soial skills are essential to keep faily eber on ood ters with eah other, brinin about a happy faily life. Seondly, statistis show that one’s areer suess depends heavily on his or her soial skills. Professional skills are neessary, but without ood soial skills, a ood teawork is hardly iainable, whih would undoubtedly hinder the full play of professional skills. Exaples are not rarely seen fro people who are talented and have reahed hih level of aadei developent, but have finally oe to nothin due to their poor soial skills.
In onlusion, if we are to lead a happy life and sueed in areer, we ust iprove ourselves in suh soial skills as the skill in ouniatin on a feelin level, the skill in developin and usin interpersonal relations and so on.