




2、传统剪纸文化介绍英语作文 中国传统文化剪纸作文(2)







Dane lion, is our ountry outstandin folk art, at the beinnin of the Sprin Festival, the other's unit to the dane lion to help, in order to wish everyone life ood luk, everythin is safe.

Today, y other and I went to see the lion dane. Last niht, I was happy to hear y other explain the lion dane. ot up early on, brush teeth, wash fae, eat breakfast, then and other arrived at the offie buildin, the lion dane of just in tie to ath the tie, but too any people, the lion dane venues paked. I looked left and riht, and finally I found a ood plae. These "lions" are so ute that they are a little different fro the "lions" of the past. This year, "the lion" by a blak and a red lion lion, blak lion ajesti tuan wu, red lion harin is sprue lovely, a left a riht, drus with rhyth, the danin, soeties in the play, fro tie to tie in the play, very lovely. The two lion daners worked toether so well that the audiene lapped their hands toether and heered. In the proess of "pikin reen", in the proess of "pikin reen", the lion keeps leapin, blinkin, openin outh, fan ear, and shakin tail, whih is vivid and vivid. y other and I followed the lion, and the ore we wathed, the happier we were until the lion was over.

other said that the lions will oe aain next year. I really hope the Sprin Festival will oe soon!


Today, y other took e and y brother to the reen ity square to see the lion dane. I was so happy.

Arrivin at reentown square, just in tie for the start of the show. I dived into the rowd and found that a an was wavin a bi knife fihtin the lion. The two ators, who play the lion, were so skilled that they saw the lion dane, and then swooped out, holdin bak their hind les and runnin quikly. The ator of the bi sword is not inferior, three next two down to the "lion" unifor. Suddenly, a few solo "lions" suddenly ae to us and ave us a New Year's reetins. I ould not help lauhin at the wonderful perforane of the ators.

Suddenly, the elder brother asked, "what is that platfor for?" We hurried over, and there were a lot of lion dane perforanes today, and we only saw one, and there were a lot of the! Here's the lion hasin the tier. A "tier" was hased down by a lion, and the tier had to lib onto two ropes onneted to the top of the tower. The lion went after hi and ade several oveents. When the lion libed to about half the heiht of the tower, the tier suddenly bean to fiht bak. At that tie, I was really worried about the: what if I fall? But y fears were superfluous, and they did not fall at all, and the audiene heered the on every oent of daner.

How tie flies! It's noon. It's tie for us to o hoe. I relutantly left the square.

Today, I not only saw the wonderful lion dane, but also saw the rih national ulture, really happy ah!


Today is the first day of the New Year, and the hihliht of the day is the lion dane.

At 7 o 'lok in the evenin, a briht oon illuinates the lear niht sky. All of a sudden, the sound of drus and drus, firerakers, a fiere "lion" juped out. There was a rowd of onlookers, and the sound of firerakers, and y heart was burnin like fireworks. What a wonderful siht! The lion was about three eters lon, and its briht, pearl-like eyes flashed and flashed.

randpa and his teaates were danin with the lion, and the bi hand of the blue veins was full of strenth. The lion's head, of ourse, was ontrolled by the revered randpapa, who daned flexibly under his randfather's dane. Fro afar, the lion is vivid. randpa and his teaates in the proess of arhin, ae to a faily house, haven't into the ate, would hear is srathin fro the firerakers, oriinally the faily early in the ornin pik up the hall, ready to firerakers to reet the arrival of the "lion", and insisted lion dane tea to ake a little stay at hoe. Hoe-brewed rie wine and festive ouplets, andies and endless lauhter all ake the red fire a stroner year.

"Three lions, seven dane." That's what randpa used to say. It is true that the lion danes to show his power. See randpa turned the lion in the way ahead, lion tail followed, ithin, follow with rhyth, the lion and the body of danin, writhin around, that "apple roain" is very sooth. All of a sudden, randpa turned the lion's head to the tail of the lion, and the lion was in hot pursuit. The host quikly brouht out iarettes, andy and tea to entertain the, and it was said that the "lion" had a ood fortune in the year. Alon the way, firerakers, drus and drus, heers.

In the firerakers, the other quietly told e: "lion dane tea is to researh, and for early on the first niht's perforanes would have done suffiient preparations, every day they walk to trainin the basi ation, suh as bak, put tail, and profferin flain arobati oves. The lion dane is not just a atter of fore, but also requires skill and ooperation. Ten years of work, one inute on the stae. So everythin you do is not so easy, don't just applause for their wonderful perforane, reardless of the perforane is ood, should also be the sweat for their audiene and ive enouraeent."

After a raklin sound of firerakers, a roup of people swared around the ihty lion, ovin towards the next faily, and set out for the ood life of the New Year...


After the ride, we went to see the lion dane. There were four lions danin on the stae, and under eah lion there were two en playin below. They followed the rhyth of the ons and drus, and the people around the applauded. Look! The blak lion daned on the top of the baboo. The red lion waddled up the ladder with the knife. Terrible! y sister and I were blindfolded with fear. The people next to the were applaudin.

With the druin of the drus, the two lions daned over our heads, and for a while they slowly libed down. I was relieved.


At last, New Year's day, eah faily has affixed new ouplet, put the year orane, the year flower, everywhere is a happy sene.

I a ost happy to see the annual lion dane perforane. Early in the New Year, our faily returned to the south round villae, and saw that randpa was ready to ive the lion a reen thin, and he was lookin forward to the lion dane.

The arrival of the tea. Waited for a ornin, finally hear the drus and firerakers, we quikly ran out and saw a roup of people surrounded the reetins of the lions, teas have 20 people, less old, I also look

y two unles are in the proession. There are two lions, a blak one and a olden one, and soeties they jup, and soeties they bow down, and they look reat, and every one of the, after they have one to the house, after they have finished.

The lion that will be lit with firerakers to deliver the blessin, o to the house, and then to the house, is really lively.


Early this ornin, I heard a blast of drus, where the lion dane? y brother and I juped beause we had never seen a real southern lion. So we didn't have tie to finish our breakfast and rushed downstairs to see the lion dane.

We followed the dru to the "huanshan royal eat opany", and the ouplets on the ate were already hun up, and the lion daners were restin in the iddle of the ae. After one of the players punhed one, the other ae up with a bi knife, and I stepped bak unonsiously, even thouh I was far away fro hi. I saw the bi knife flyin up and down, silver shinin. Slow down, don't hurt yourself, I ouldn't stop thinkin about it, and I really did it for hi. A beautiful harvest, the daners do not hane the olor, the hi did not row, standin firly in the enter. "ood!" There was a whoop of ood heer.

At the beinnin of the lion dane, I opened y eyes wide. Four players dressed as two lions, ajesti. With the dru, the two lions shook their heads and daned, and the bi eyes would blink and be ute. Then a lion ae to the end, and the other lion stopped under a bi tree, and I found that there were a few lettues and a iarette hanin fro the tree. ne of the lions stood up, no, too low, no, the bi lion juped bak to the round and daned, as if he were tryin to find a way. Later, the other players brouht three benhes and arraned the into a trianle. The lion was happy and juped up, and the sound of the on and the drus rose, and the audiene held their breath. The lion stood up aain, and the abbae and soke ae to the lion's head, and he turned his head slowly, lookin for "prey". ot it! "Prey" to his eyes, blink by a lion to eat into his outh, I was happy for it, all of a sudden, it's the first, low down, drus and sreehin halt, y heart suddenly tihtened, people fall down? When I fixed y eyes on it, I found that the an on the top was holdin his arpit tihtly between his les. Drus sounded aain, the lion put his lips of lettue into the underround red bowl, shakin his head as if in the New Year, a anaer like person quikly ae to put a bi red envelope in the lion's outh, drus loud at this tie, the lion joyfully juped off the benh, pikin up the air in the lettue, thrown into the rowd, with a orane off the busy iediately, people srable to orane. Finally, the lion spilled wine on the round...

n the way bak, I ouldn't help askin the teaher: why do you send lettue? The teaher told e that the hoony of lettue is "wealth", whih eans "to be rih". I suddenly realied.

I' so happy today. The oposition


Today, y parents took e to see the lion dane.

The first tea to play is the uanxi tea, the lion dane tea has drus, they play the ons, they are nearby. ne of the lions on the stae was holdin the ball, and the other four were wearin the lion's head. The red lion, the olden lion and the reen one, the eyes of the lion's head would blink. The lion daner is oin to soersault and to tease the lion. ove to iitate the lion lion jup, jup, roll, and juped on a lede is hiher than a few eters and pillars, dane, on the pillars on the bak of the lion, the lion dane people you don't say I will, but they stood on the tall oluns show! The audiene ave the a bi round of applause when the perforane was ood.

What ipressed e ost was the jianxi tea, beause their perforane was wonderful. I wathed four proras altoether, beause I had to o to shool toorrow, so I had to o hoe.

I was very ipressed by the perforane of the lion dane. It was an unforettable niht and an unforettable perforane.


Today is the first day of the New Year. I went to see the lion dane with y randother and brother. ne at the perforane site, the rowd of people fro all the villaes of the town had already rowded around the stands.

The staff set up seven tables on the stae and folded up three layers. At this tie, the sky suddenly liht rain, the lion dane perforane in the drile of the lively openin. You see, the red lion and the reen lion dane fro both sides of the stae. They are both powerful and powerful. WuShihe is wearin a white silk dress with red balls, tied with red belt ajestially throuh between the two lions, dane ball while soersault, he saw the red ball keeps rollin on the stae, two lions, ross and rab the ball bak and forth, this only red ball rolled out into three layers on the top of the table, the two lions also libed to the top, this burst of red ball rolled under the table, the lion also went under the table, it's wonderful. With the urin of the drus and drus, the struture of the ball snathin is ettin faster and faster. All the audiene applauds and heers. Wonderful! Wonderful!

The perforane of the lion dane was ended by the applause, and the audiene left with the snowflakes linin to the rain.

传统剪纸文化介绍英语作文 中国传统文化剪纸作文



(每条都是我自己写的啊亲 好好看 很短不多 每条一句话)

泥人(lay Fiure)


泥人是雕塑的一种,使用泥土为原料,多表现人物。著名的有泥人张。 英文介绍:

lay Fiure is a sulpture usin lay as raw aterial, a lot of the perforane fiures. The ost faous lay fiure artists is lay Fiurine han.

糖画(Suar Paintin) 中文介绍:

糖画是一种汉族民间手工艺,以糖为材料来进行创造。艺人使用小汤勺舀起溶化了的糖水,在石板上飞快地来回浇铸,画出造型,并用小铲刀将糖画铲起。 英文介绍:

Suar Paintin is a hinese folk handirafts, whih uses suar as aterial for reation. The artists use a sall spoon to soop up the suar elted, spread rapidly bak and forth on the slate, draw shapes.Then use a sall shovel sooped Suar Paintin.





Paper-ut is to use sissors and knife to ut paper into various shapes. People put beautiful paper-ut attahed to the wall or lass window on the door. Express their rih joy and happiness in the festival.传统剪纸文化介绍英语作文.

绣花鞋(Ebroidered Shoes)传统剪纸文化介绍英语作文.




Ebroidered Shoes is a hinese traditional loth shoes. It is the perfet obination of ebroidery and loth shoes,has a very lon history.

云锦(Broade or Nanjin Broade) 中文介绍:

南京云锦是中国传统的丝制工艺品, 是中国丝绸文化的精华,至今还在使用传统的老式木制机器织造。


Broade is a hinese traditional silk rafts. It is the essene of hinese silk ulture. So far, it is still usin the traditional old wooden ahine to weave.传统剪纸文化介绍英语作文.

丝绸(Silk loth)传统剪纸文化介绍英语作文.




Silk loth is a kind of textile whih uses silk as raw aterial.

水墨画(Ink And Wash Paintin)

中文介绍: 水墨画是一项中国传统艺术,是由水和墨经过调配不同的浓度所画出的画。


Ink and wash paintin is one of hinese traditional arts. Painted by water and ink throuh the deployent of different proportions.


剪纸(paper uttin)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the in and Qin Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。

Paper uttin is one of hina’s ost popular traditional folk arts. hinese paper uttin has a history of ore than 1,00 years. It was widespread partiularly durin the in and Qin Dynasties. People often beautify their hoes with paper uttins. Durin the Sprin Festival and weddin elebrations, in partiular, paper uttins are used to deorate doors, windows and roos in order to enhane the joyous atosphere. The olor ost frequently used in paper uttin is red, whih sybolies health and prosperity. hinese paper uttin is very popular around the world and it is often iven as a present to forein friends.







提示词语:eat, et toether, share, happy, speial

Hi! To,

I’ lad to hear that you are interested in traditional hinese festivals.

y favorite festival is the id-Autun Festival. It usually oes in Septeber or tober. n that day, our faily ebers usually et toether and have a nie eal. After that, I always adire the oon and share oonakes with y failies.

I love this festival beause I like eatin oonakes. They are in the shape of a full oon. They arry people’s wishes to the failies they love and iss.

In short, the id-Autun Festival is a day of pleasure and happiness. I hope that y letter will help you know ore about hinese festivals.


Li Hua
















传统剪纸文化介绍英语作文 中国传统文化剪纸作文














