3、你的生活和饮食习惯健康吗?请以“My Lifestyle”初中英语作文(3)
4、怎样健康饮食作文100字语文作文 健康饮食英语作文(4)
What is a ood eatin habit? In y opinion, a ood eatin habit is related to eat healthily and reularly. To say it siply, Xiao in has breakfast about 7:30a.. to 9:00a.. every ornin and lunh at noon. He also has dinner about 6:30p.. to 7:30p. in the evenin. What he eats is healthy food, suh as, eat, veetable, fruit, e, ilk and so on. He would not have soe snaks for a eal. He also would not eat and drink too uh or eat nothin. Xiao in sets a ood exaple to have a ood eatin habit.
Eatin patterns hane over tie. Inredients annot be seen before in a ountry iht bein to appear in loal arkets, shipped fro abroad. iration auses ultures to hane, and eatin patterns invariably reflet new influenes.
In the 20th entury, few people have the tie to o hoe for lunh,and any ity dwellers find theselves in need of rabbin a bite to eat in a plae lose to their offies. As a result, the popularity of fast food and takeaway food has risen. In any urban areas, people who traditionally ate their ain eal at idday now enjoy it in the evenin,after work.
hanin eatin patterns have an effet on other aspets of soiety. eals have traditionally been ties when ebers of a faily ath up with eah other. Fast food and quik eals soeties threaten suh faily et-toether.
It is hard to saidthat I have a healthy food, beause there is not speifi definition forhealthy food. So what is healthy food?
In y point of view healthy food have alose onnetion with healthy lifestyle, if people do ore exerise it is hardto have a bad diet. I prefer haburers, althouh I know that they are hih alories but still for e it is really attrative, after I eat hih alories I always dosoe exerise.
Also I have a stron passion on findin deliious food. Ilike to eat typial tradition hinese food beause y o is ourfaily hef and every dish she ooked all look aain and taste unforet table deliious.
I also like to try new thins and biarre food that others sared to eat.
bad eatin habits an destroy our health,lots of diseases our beause of bad eatin habits.
there are lots of bad eatin habits in our life whih we always inore.for eaple,wathin television while havin eals or snaks .doin this eans you dont pay attention to your food, foret how full you are, and often eat too uh.havin drinks rather than water.fiy drinks and fruit juie are usually hih in alories and suar, whih an ause weiht probles. water is iportant in akin your brain ells and every oran in your body work properly.and eatin in front of the oputer and stayin there after eals.these are only soe of the.
for the sake of our health.we should onquer all ofthese bad eatin habits.
the period of 196—1990 saw reat hanes in the diet of the hinese. rain, whih used to be the ain food of ost people in hina, is now playin a less iportant role. on the other hand, the eat and fish has inreased rapidly.
the hanes in diet an be aounted for by a nuber of fators. first, people are uh wealthier than before. with hiher inoe,they an afford to buy ood foods. another fator is that people have realied the iportane of a balaned diet to their health. lak of ertain aount of eat or ilk,for eaple, will result in poor health. finally, owin to the eeonoi refor, eat, hiken, fish and ilk, whih were sare in the past, are produed in lare quantities. for all these reasons, what was forerly alled "the basket of veetables" has.
to su up, insinifiant as those hanes ay see, they are the sins of the iproved eonoi ondition in hina. we believe that as lon as the effort ontinuous in refor and openin to the outside world, there will be reater hanes in peoples diet in the future.
Hello. I' Tiy. I like to eat es an ilk for breakfast. I often eat y breakfast at hoe. It starts the day .
I often have lunh at shool. For lunh, I often eat rie and eat. It an ive e enery.
For supper. I often have veetables and apples. They are ood for health.I after supper within randparents at hoe.
Under the take are of y other, y eatin habit is very reular. I often eat porride in the ornin. Soeties y other will prepare soe pikles for e.
But soeties I will put an e into the porride to have the e porride. At noon, I will eat in shool anteen. Soeties I will have noodles.
At niht, y other will prepare a bi eal for e. After dinner, I will eat a little fruit.
y eatin habbits
I' a iddle shool student.i have ood eatin habbits. I often drink a up of ilk and eat an e for breakfast at hoe. I don't like ilk, but y o thinks it's ood for y health. I often eat lunh at shool. I usually have soe eat and veetables. I like all kinds of veeatbles and fruit. I also like juk food , but I only eat one or twie a onth. I usually drink water and juie, and I never drink offee or oke. As you see, i eat well and I' very well.
Under the take are of y other, y eatin habit is very reular. I often eat porride in the ornin. Soeties y other will prepare soe pikles for e. But soeties I will put an e into the porride to have the e porride. At noon, I will eat in shool anteen. Soeties I will have noodles. At niht, y other will prepare a bi eal for e. After dinner, I will eat a little fruit.
this table shows the hanes in peoples diet fro the year 196 to 1990. fro the table, one an see that reat hanes have taken plae in the past five years. there is a eneral trend of derease in the onsuption of rain, but an inrease in the onsuption of soe hih protein, hih enery food, suh as ilk and eet.
there are two ajor reasons for the hane in peoples diet. on the one hand, after the arryin out of the refor and open to the outside world poliy, people have beoe rih, whih enables the to afford food with ore nutrition. on the other hand, people have ore knowlede in iprovin the struture of their diet. they not only pay attention to the quantity but also the quality of what they eat.
so fro the analysis, we an draw a onlusion that our soiety is proressin and people are livin a better life than before. we are now able to et ore deliious and nutritious food, resultin in an iproveent in our health. we an be sure that a better life will be waitin for us in the future.
Bad Eatin Habits
Bad eatin habits an destroy our health,lots of diseases our beause of bad eatin habits. There are lots of bad eatin habits in our life whih we always inore.
For exaple,Wathin television while havin eals or snaks .Doin this eans you don't pay attention to your food, foret how full you are, and often eat too uh.Havin drinks rather than water.Fiy drinks and fruit juie are usually hih in alories and suar, whih an ause weiht probles. Water is iportant in akin your brain ells and every oran in your body work properly.And eatin in front of the oputer and stayin there after eals.
These are only soe of the. For the sake of our health.we should onquer all ofthese bad eatin habits.
3.我的饮食习惯英语作文y eatin habits
你的生活和饮食习惯健康吗?请以“My Lifestyle”初中英语作文
你的糊口和饮食习惯健康吗?请以“y Lifestyle”为题写一篇短文来先容你的糊口饮食习惯。词数:0左右。
y Lifestyle
Let e tell you a little about y lifestyle.
I often eat fruit and veetables. Apples and oranes are y favorites. I love junk food, too, and I eat it three or four ties a week. I sleep less than seven hours ever day. I often feel sleepy. I brush y teeth one a day. I run in the ornin, and play pin-pon after shool. In y free tie, I enjoy surfin the Internet. n weekends, I often o to the ovies with y friends.
I think I’ kind of unhealthy. I shouldn’t eat too uh junk food. I’ll try to have a balaned diet and sleep ore. I should brush y teeth twie a day. I hope I an have a better lifestyle.
怎样健康饮食作文100字语文作文 健康饮食英语作文
我们要注意饮食习惯,不能吃零食,因为零食吃太多了,?淙菀椎米系摺?/p> 早晨要喝一杯牛奶、吃一张饼、喝一杯水,这样才能有助于消化。 中午绝对不能给孩子吃剩饭,否则会得很多病,要让孩子吃得七分饱,这样才有利于健康,并且能长寿。 晚上如果是胖的同学,最好不用吃饭。如果是瘦的同学,最好少吃一点。
如今,当代的大部分学生存在着很多不良的生活习惯:作息时间无规律、休息的时候不休息,经常熬夜。殊不知,睡眠具有非常重要的生理意义,可以增强免疫力,康复机体,促进生长发育,延缓衰老。 日常饮食欠科学、时常会由于睡得晚,早晨起的迟,来大学生正处于长身体的关键时期不及吃早饭便去上课,在课间饿的时候随便买些饼干、方便面之类的零食充饥;有的大学生索性取消了早饭,养成了常年不吃早饭的不良习惯;还有的男生酗酒、暴饮暴食,这些都违反了正常的饮食规律。娱乐休闲无节制、泡在电脑面前,这样很容易中枪比如久坐损心、久坐不动血液循环减缓,日久则会使心脏机能衰退,引起心肌萎缩。尤其是患有动脉硬化等症的中老年人,久坐血液循环迟缓最容易诱发心肌梗塞和脑血栓形成等…自我保健意识差、不爱活动常喜欢长看电视剧或玩网络游戏爱泡着吃零食然肥胖学生的比例明显增多、近视眼发病例居高不下、多数大学生心理素质不高、抗挫折能力差,这些与缺乏体育锻炼有关。有些男同学不仅不注意自身卫生习惯,还经常在宿舍抽烟,使得其余同学被迫抽二手烟,影响了同学们的身心健康。
然而常可能吃到的某些垃圾食物其所存在的隐患。第一那些油炸类,吃多了油炸类会容易使血管阻塞,所以应尽量少吃。第二腌制品,腌制久会越咸吃了会导致鼻咽或溃疡的可能性应少吃。第三是最长吃的饼干类,有甜的有咸的里面的成分有很多糖精、热量摄入过量,糖会转成脂肪,会导致变胖。第四就 那些汽水、可乐等都是碳酸饮料饮料中过多的糖分被人体吸收,就会产生大量热量,长期饮用非常容易引起肥胖。最重要的是,它会给肾脏带来很大的负担,这也是引起糖尿病的隐患之一。所以本身就患有糖尿病的人;我们所喝的橘子汽水、柠檬汽水都是什么做的?石油做的,绝对不是苹果、橘子做的,都是从石油提炼出来的一个酚,那个味道跟橘子,跟很多水果都一样等等……所以尽量不要饮用。
Firstly, pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and veetables, beause they are rih in vitains and low in fat. As a proverb says, “An apple a day keeps the dotor away.” Don’t have a lot of food (that ontains too uh fat). eanwhile, sweets should be eaten in proper quantity, beause too uh suar does har to us. Don’t drink too uh offee, either. Seondly, exerise is iportant. Reular exerise an help us keep our fiures. People (who do runnin every day usually) have stroner hearts than those(who don’t). But it is not proper to have sports [soon after we have eals. ]时 Finally, for ood livin habits. We should sleep about eiht hours at niht, and never work too hard. ver work and little sleep will ause us to fall ill. What’s ore, keep away fro iarettes.
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A balaned diet, or eatin balaned eals, is the key to a healthy life. To what extent do you aree or disaree with this stateent? ive reasons for your answer.怎样健康饮食作文100字语文作文.怎样健康饮食作文100字语文作文.
Althouh a balaned diet is iportant, there are other fators that ontribute to a healthy life. People in soe
ultures do not eat a balaned diet, but use liited food soures. In addition, lak of stress ould well be as iportant as diet.
ne ulture-related reason onerns environental or liati onditions. The Inuit, in the Arti irle, live in harsh surroundins and their ajor soure of food for any onths of the year is fish. Nutritionists in industrialied ountries would not onsider their diet balaned or even healthy, yet Inuit people have flourished in food fro the sea for
enturies. Another ultural reason is reliion-based. any Hindus are veetarians beause of their reliion. Aain, any dietiians lai that veetarianis is unbalaned beause huans need protein, espeially fro anials. Hindus, however, see to be quite healthy, sufferin no ill effets fro the lak of anial protein.
The ajor reason for disareein with the balaned diet aruent, however, is to do with stress. Even thouh people in the past did not always have a balaned diet, soethin existin only on potatoes and bread, they lived healthy lives beause there afflits urban residents today. Seondly, there is a lare perentae of onteporary people who do their jobs, then relax in front of the TV, and quite often eat junk food. But see healthy enouh. They ay be spared disease by their relatively stress-free lives.
In onlusion, althouh it is undeniable that a balaned diet is of soe iportane to health, there are no doubt ore fators that ay et involved in affetin people’s health in ters of livin environent, liate and stress in the.
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上个周六傍晚,我和妈妈去南门市场,想买点菜回家做饭。 市场内,有的摊主开始收摊了,但我和妈妈还是一个摊位一个摊位地逛。来到了豆腐摊前,我看到了我爱吃的豆腐,赶紧对妈妈说:“晚上吃鱼豆腐吧!”卖豆腐的是一位中年妇女,守着豆腐板上的半块巴掌大的豆腐,一脸焦急,似乎在等着人。
“好,给我装了!”妈妈打断了摊主的话,边说边掏钱。 “对不起!这豆腐不能卖了。”
“嗯?做豆腐的还怕吃不上豆腐吗?我给你一块钱吧!” “我不是留自己吃,是帮别人留的。”
顺着摊主手指的方向,只见满头银发的老太太抱着小孙子正朝着豆腐摊走来,老太太一边哄孙子,一边指着豆腐问摊主:“多少钱?” “六毛。”摊主边说边麻利地装了起来。
我听了,有点不敢相信,这卖豆腐的也真是的,跟钱过意不去。 老太太提着豆腐离开了。摊主见我和妈妈还没离开,有点不好意思地说:“钱谁不想要,但人不能见利忘义,做生意不能忘了诚信经营。” 妈妈若有所思地拉着我离开了。过了许久,妈妈才意味深长地说道:“诚信是做人之本。”
金桥双语实验小学 六(2)班 高珂涵
你的生活和饮食习惯健康吗?请以“My Lifestyle”初中英语作文