as is illustrated in the piture, a student is exessively fond of oputer ae so that he an not see anythin suddenly. aordinly, the fat that students bein on the rise spent their spare tie playin oputer aes suh as s has aroused reat onern and should be iven enouh onsideration. there is no doubt that its syboli eanin that it is iperative to prevent the fro indulin in ouht to be taken aount for the above-entioned ase, several effets arisen fro should be put forward. to bein with ,takin to too uh ipair players’health espeially eyes, just like bein revealed in the piture. in addition, the rowin nuber of students nelet their studies, idle away their tie and even oit ries thanks to ., whih is threatenin situation we are unwillin to see. no better illustration of this idea an be thouht than the exaple as entioned below, a student, who had wanted to play but had little oney ,ade a rekless ove to waylay and rob. , in soe sense, is just like pandora’s box, whih ives rise to soe undesirable results unexpetedly. therefore, no issue is as ruial to individual and national survival and prosperity as brinin under ontrol in hina.
fro what have been arued above , it is neessary that soe effetive steps be arried out to hek . on one hand, it is deandin for the overnent to ake law to ban full of sex and violene on sale. on the other hand, we should assue our responsibilities and spare no effort to brin hoe people the awareness of hars onernin .
only by underoin these easures, an we ake our youths live in healthy life style, whih has just one to the heart of buildin up the ordial soiety .
Advantaes and Disadvantaes of the Internet.
Ten years ao, the Internet was pratially unheard of by ost people. Today, the Internet is one of the ost powerful tools throuhout the world. The Internet is a olletion of various servies and resoures. Aordin to Russ Brok, a diretor and onsultant at the enter for Innovation and Inquiry, the Internet’s ain oponents are E-ail and the World Wide Web. “There’s a lot ore to the Internet than E-ail, searh enines, elerity web sites, up-to-the-seond sports sores, and hat roos full of risqué disussions. The Net also ranks as one of today’s best business tools - if it’s used adroitly”. Alost all households ontain the Internet; however, before people onnet to the Internet, they need to be aware of its disadvantaes and advantaes.
any fear the Internet beause of its disadvantaes. They lai to not use the Internet beause they are afraid of the possible onsequenes or are siply not interested. People who have yet onneted to the Internet lai they are not issin anythin. Today’s tehnoloial soiety ust realie, it is up to the to protet theselves on the Internet “Half of U.S. adults, or 94 illion Aerians, aren’t online”.
hildren usin the Internet has beoe a bi onern. ost parents do not realie the daners involved when their hildren lo onto the Internet. When hildren are online, they an easily be lured into soethin danerous. When hildren talk to others online, they do not realie they ould atually be talkin to a harful person. As a result, there have been any ases where hildren have been onvined to eet people they have talked with online. In fat, “stories see to oe out every week: a hild or teenaer lured into soethin foolish, danerous, or even deadly on line” . athy leaver of the Faily Researh ounil lais that it is aainst the law for a olester to even attept to find hildren online . In addition, hildren ay also reeive pornoraphy online by istake; therefore, ausin onern aon parents everywhere. Whether surfin the Web, readin newsroups, or usin eail, hildren an be exposed to extreely inappropriate aterial. Pornoraphi sites tend to ake sure they are the first sites to be listed in any searh area; thus, hildren oe aross suh sites easily. A an fro Pearl, ississippi was arrested in 1996 for downloadin pornoraphi iaes of hildren fro the Internet. He was hared with 290 ounts of hild pornoraphy . Soe ritis say that parents are responsible for their own hildren on the Internet beause there are available servies to protet hildren. To keep hildren safe, parents and teahers ust be aware of the daners. They ust atively uide and uard their hildren online. Parents should talk to their hildren about what is online and what iht happen online, lais Howard Rheinold, writer of The Virtual ounity . There are a nuber of tools available today that ay help keep the Internet environent safer for hildren. Soe opanies, suh as Aeria nline, try to onitor everythin that is said and done on their online servie; however, beause thousands of hat roos are available, it is siply ipossible for everythin to be onitored, lais Triia Prirose, worker for Aeria nline . In other words, hildren want to explore thins; however, there are people on the Internet that are just too persuasive.
With the developent of hih tehnoloy, Internet is ore and ore popular. No atter hildren or the old know how to searh the Internet. The eerin of the Internet brin a lot of benefit for people, while people also find it brin har to the enerally.
First of all, Internet brins uh onveniene and a olorful world for people. With Internet, people an buy all the thins at hoe, searh various inforation, ake friends with people fro all the world and so on. Without Internet people an’t have those benefit. oreover, as there are a lot of people shoppin on line, the need for ouriers is inreasin. This brin eployent opportunities to any people. However, Internet also brin disadvantaes for peole. As the Internet is wonderful, any people are addited to it. Soe indule in playin oputer aes and nelet study or job. Besides, beause people an touh different kind of inforation online, they are easily learn soe bad essaes, whih is bad for their rowin.
To su up, everythin has two sides. Internet also has advantaes and disadvantaes. But as far as I’ onerned, Internet has ore advantaes than disadvantaes if people use it in a proper way.
usiians are also onerned with disadvantaes to the Net suh as, aessibility and freedo. They are upset beause the Internet provides their usi online at no hare to onsuers. File-sharin servies, suh as Napster, provides opyrihted sons to all Internet users. The ain onern is - the usi is free! usiians feel “they are not ettin paid for their work”. Beause of Napster, it is alost ipossible to lose down all file-sharin servies; there are too any of the to ount . Leal ases have developed aross the ountry with opyriht owners delarin that their usi is bein plaiaried by people on the Internet .
Another ajor disadvantae of the Internet is privay. Eletroni essaes sent over the Internet an be easily snooped and traked, revealin who is talkin to who and what they are talkin about. As people surf the Internet, they are onstantly ivin inforation to web sites . People should beoe aware that the olletion, sellin, or sharin of the inforation they provide online inreases the hanes that their inforation will fall into the wron hands. onsequently, they will beoe a viti of identity theft, one of the worst privay violations with potentially devastatin finanial onsequenes . When ivin personal inforation on the Internet, people should ake sure the Web site is proteted with a reoniable seurity sybol. n the other hand, this does not ean they are fully proteted beause anyone ay obtain a user’s inforation . In other words, “the ost oon Internet ries are frauds and on aes” .
Today, not only are huans ettin viruses, but oputers are also. oputers are ainly ettin these viruses fro the Internet; yet, viruses ay also be transitted throuh floppy disks. However, people should ainly be onerned about reeivin viruses fro the Internet. Soe of these danerous viruses destroy the oputer’s entire hard drive, eanin that the user an no loner aess the oputer. Virus protetion is hihly reoended.
Despite all of the terrible disadvantaes of the Internet, there are nuerous advantaes. In fat, the advantaes out weih the disadvantaes. Alestis ber uses elderly people as an exaple of those who benefit the ost fro the Internet; a REat deal of elders are shut in their hoes due to health probles. She also lais the Internet “beae one ore soial avenue in our lives” .
The ost oon thin the Internet is used for is researh. hildren and students are aon the top people who use the Internet for researh. Today, it is alost required that students use the Internet for researh. Thirty perent of teahers ive assinents requirin researh fro the Internet. In the lassroo, sixty-six perent of teahers use the Internet to teah . The Internet has beoe one of the biest soures for researh. Alost everyday, researh on edial issues beoes easier to loate. Web sites have beoe available for people to researh diseases and talk to dotors online at sites suh as, Aeria’s Dotor. Durin 199 over 20 illion people reported oin online to retrieve health inforation .