










The lanuae develops as the edia beoe various, any years ao, people used the lanuae that was very foral, beause ost oral lanuae was always the sae as the paper lanuae. But as the tie by, people started to use oputer, they shared the inforation, at the sae tie, any new lanuae was reated. The Internet lanuae is in favor by people, they like to use it, beause it is fashionable and very appropriate to express what they ean. I like to use the Internet lanuae, it is so new and fun, what’s ore, it is onvenient, like I an use the shorten words instead of the lon words. The proble of the Internet lanuae is that it is very inforal, it an’t be written in the paper, it will hanes as the tie oes by. In y opinion, we an use the Internet lanuae in inforal oasions.




Nowadays, with the developent of the Internet, there is a kind of lanuae alled Web lanuae. Soe people even speak hinese ixed with Enlish letters. ur lass have a disussion about it.

40 perent of the students think it is kind of ridiulous. In their opinions, it is useless helpin people ouniate or learn Enlish. Besides, it will ruin the hinese lanuae. However, the others, 60 perent of our lass, are fond of the Web lanuae. They think it is helpful in expressin theselves. What’s ore, it ay ake the lanuae ore interestin.

In y opinion, it’s not a ood habit to use the Web lanuae. It ay be popular as soe people think, but you ay also ake yourself isunderstood.




Nowadays, with the developent of the Internet, there is a kind of lanuae alled Web lanuae. Soe people even speak hinese ixed with Enlish letters. ur lass have a disussion about it.

40 perent of the students think it is kind of ridiulous. In their opinions, it is useless helpin people ouniate or learn Enlish. Besides, it will ruin the hinese lanuae. However, the others, 60 perent of our lass, are fond of the Web lanuae. They think it is helpful in expressin theselves. What’s ore, it ay ake the lanuae ore interestin.

In y opinion, it’s not a ood habit to use the Web lanuae. It ay be popular as soe people think, but you ay also ake yourself isunderstood.




This year's winter vaation is an extraordinary one. Due to the novel oronavirus, the shool hours are delayed. In order to ensure the noral proress of teahin, the shool launhed the network ourse. Today is the fourth day of online teahin. The students have radually adapted to this new teahin ethod, and have not slakened their study due to the supervision of the teaher. They atively answer the teaher's questions in lass, listen arefully, and finish their hoework on tie after lass. The teahers who beoe the "anhor" take turns to oplete the teahin of various subjets. They are very ative in lass, attentive in ourseware preparation and in plae in knowlede suary. I feel that this online teahin ethod an not only protet the safety of students and teahers, but also further stiulate students' interest in learnin, so as to iprove the effiieny of learnin.


A novel oronavirus epidei aused by pneuonia in 2020 was enveloped in hina. People bean to stay indoors and life beae oppressive. In this ontext, the inistry of Eduation issued a notie of "no suspension of lasses", offiially openin up a new way of learnin, online teahin.


Every day in nail live roup lasses, I think this teahin ethod has beoe lively, y interest in learnin has also inreased a lot. Teahers teah eah lesson to us in the for of ourseware in the live roo. The knowlede fraework of the whole lesson beoes lear and lear, whih is very onduive to our aeptane and diestion.


Seondly, this way has broken throuh the oriinal teahin ode. In shool, there is only one teaher for eah subjet, but in online teahin, any different teahers are our teahers, so that we an fully understand the teahin styles and harateristis of different teahers, and then we an know the teahin ethods we are interested in.


oreover, in online teahin, eah teaher only needs to have one or two lasses a day, whih akes the teahers have enouh tie to rade and write oents for the students, so that the students an understand the shortoins and hihlihts of their own work, and then know whih diretion we an work in.


All in all, we are interested in learnin in this winter. "If winter oes, will sprin be far behind?" I believe that as lon as we arefully arry out online learnin and always aintain our onfidene in learnin, there will always be a ray of sunshine, whih will break throuh the hae of the epidei and brin war sprin. When sprin oes, we will et toether on apus.








I have Internet lass

In Deeber 2019, a new virus, a new oronavirus, was disovered in the southern hina seafood arket in Wuhan. This virus is very harful and any people are infeted. Althouh the epidei is severe, workers in all walks of life do not hide at hoe beause of the epidei. They are still ontributin to aintainin the noral operation of soiety.

In order to avoid ross-infetion aused by dense population, the state requires all tutorin institutions to teporarily suspend offline teahin, and enourae non-stop lasses to ondut teahin ativities on the Internet. Various tutorin institutions have taken ation and launhed a free online teahin ativity. We are very rateful that the teaher uses his free tie to teah everyone for free.

At hoe, I also wathed soe online lasses. The first online lass I took opened y eyes. This is a hinese lass. The teaher ’s avatar appears in the upper riht orner of the sreen as soon as the lass starts. The kind youn teaher, he first explained to us the ontent of this lesson, whih is to learn the faous book "Robinson rusoe". The learnin proess of online ourses is beyond y iaination. The ain body of the sreen is a well-ade eletroni ourseware. Teahers an write books on the panel, and they an also answer questions and interat with students online. This novel for of lass attrated e deeply, and it passed in 40 inutes. National siene and tehnoloy are onstantly iprovin, and we have been able to learn online when the epidei situation oes.

I a really exited about the developent of y otherland, and the ountry ’s sientifi and tehnoloial proress is also hanin with eah passin day. I firly believe that y otherland ’s onress is beoin stroner and stroner, and I ust study harder to row up and strive to be a useful person for the soiety. Developent ontributes to y strenth.











This Sprin Festival akes people feel very heavy! any people have lost their lives due to the rain of the new oronavirus pneuonia. In order not to ause haos to the ountry, our eleentary shool students an only respond to the all of "losin the ity" and stay at hoe.

Fortunately, just as we were lookin forward to it, our online lass friends ae! It ae like Sprin irl awakened the sleepin rass to row viorously, evoked our otivation to learn, and evoked our reular work and rest , Evoked our full onfidene. The online lass akes y work and rest tie orderly.

Before the lass started, I only ot up with sleepy sleep at about 11 a. I was drowsy and drowsy all day lon. I stayed in the niht until ore than one in the ornin before puttin on the quilt. This kind of life is always with e throuhout the winter vaation, the whole person is depressed, listless and extreely unofortable.

After the lass started, y life haned draatially: at 7:30 in the ornin, I ot up on tie, brushed y teeth, washed y fae, obed y hair, and had a eal. After a while, the whole person is radiant! At :40, I have already waited for the Internet lass in front of the oputer! I listened intently in the roo, ade notes arefully, irled oents, and was very busy. At 9:30 in the evenin, I lay in bed early and read the book with relish, readin and wathin, and then I fell asleep. Net lass not only frees e fro the life of a lay pi, but also akes e live a full and enjoyable day!

Net lass is so ood! It relies on the Internet to onnet teahers and students who are thousands of iles away. In the aerial lassroo, we saw lon-lost teahers. When they were dressed up, they were well-dressed. It was true that wisdo and beauty oexisted, and entleness and fortitude obined. They all tauht us etiulously. The entle words, olorful ourseware, and rih lassroos all fasinated us!

Durin lass breaks, the students are in the hat roup, you speak one by one, and srable to speak. Star hasin, pourin water, reetins, oplainin, disussin topis, and others are heerin for Wuhan, whih is really hilarious! Althouh the virus isolates us, the online lass has brouht our hearts toether aain.

Net lass is a new thin, we are both ysterious and new to it (lassates have not seen it before). With suh uriosity for new thins and the attitude of bein responsible for their own learnin, the lassates foused on studyin with the anhor teahers. In online ourses, different tietables, different lassroos, different teahin ethods, online letures, instant ouniation, and feedbak. This brand-new learnin odel has helped us to realie the infinite power of knowlede and the reat har of learnin.

Under the epidei situation, we ust strive to row up to be a deterined and ouraeous youn an! Althouh there is no teaher supervision, but we will listen to the teahins of our parents, ipleent the shool ’s urriulu plan, stritly abide by the work shedule, fous on learnin, dilient, and solid oplete learnin tasks effetively. f ourse, also reind y friends, pay attention to eye hyiene, it is best not to learn on the phone, it hurts your eyes!

oe on Wuhan! oe on Hubei! oe on hina! oe on lassates! Althouh the epidei stopped our pae of oin to shool, but we an not stop our enthusias for learnin, beause we have online ourses! nline ourses, I really want to say I like you!


















Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited ?








英语作文: 逃离网络




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