the lare nuber of our population has beoe one of the ost serious probles of our soiety. aordin to a reent survey of the national bureau of statistis, there are ore than 1.3 billion people in our ountry, whih aount for about 1/ of all the people in the world. the sae survey also predits that our population will row quikly in the years to oe.
overpopulation has brouht about a series of neative effets to our eonoi developent and soial seurity. in the first plae, too any people ipose a heavy burden on our environent. as a result, we suffer fro a shortae of fresh water and natural resoures. in the seond plae, as the supply of labor reatly exeeds the deand of the soiety, any people beoe eployed. this is a soure of soial unrest. last but not least, we have to anufature all kinds of produts to eet the needs of the people, whih auses environent pollution to our lakes and land.
serious thouh the proble sees, we have to take soe easures to takle it. on the one hand, the overnent should arry out ore stritly the poliy of faily plannin, thus reduin the total nuber of population. on the other hand, all the people should realie the hars of overpopulation. with the onerted efforts of all the parties onerned, we’re sure to solve the proble in the future.
It has been estiated that a thousand years ao there were less than 400 illion people on earth. Today, however, the world's population has aounted to ,000 illion. What is worse, it keeps rowin at a surprisin speed. If this trend ontinues, the world's population will shoot up to 7,000 illion by the year 2000. This is what we all population explosion.
The rapid developent of siene and tehnoloy is the ain ause of population explosion. We an see that the population has been rowin at a treendous speed sine the Industrial and Ariulture Revolution in 160, whih raised the people's standard of livin, and the eerene of odern ediine in 10, whih lowered the people's death rate.
Population explosion will result in a lot of suh probles as food shortae, housin shortae and uneployent. It is tie that we ated quikly to arry out the poliy of birth ontrol otherwise, an's survival on the earth will be threatened.
To bein with, as the population rows, people onsue uh ore natural resoures, whih often leads to exessive huntin. Seond, with the inrease of huan ativities, odern people take up ore and ore spae. Whih has a reat ipat on other speies. Finally, the proble of pollution beoes ore and ore serious with the developent of odern industry. ore and ore anials have to adapt theselves to the deayin environent or ove to a totally different plae, but not all of the are fortunate enouh to survive the hanes.
Solvin this proble alls for, above all, the overnent’s efforts to ontrol population rowth, to derease industrial pollution and to enhane the laws to forbid wildlife huntin. oreover, oon itiens should be aware of this eoloial risis and take on the responsibility of wildlife protetion. In a word, only when the overnent and the oon people ake joint e f forts an we hope to find a satisfatory solution to this proble.
Traffi probles have beoe one of the ajor probles in ities. Streets are always rowed with vehiles and pedestrains, espeially in rush hours. What is ore, traffi aidents have ade streets beoe one of the ost danerous plaes. But why is this proble beoin ore and ore serious in spite of the ontinuous iproveent of traffi failities?
The rapid inreasin population is a oot explanation of the answer. ore people eans heavier traffi. oreover, beause ore spae has to be used to eet the needs of the housin proble, it is alost ipossible to widen the streets, whih akes the situ ation even worse. Then, how an we solve this proble?
ore easures should be taken to deal with this proble. For exaple, riid rules and reulations of rewards and penalties should be established to ake people ore areful on the streets, in addition, uh ore efforts should be ade to put the population plannin poliy into pratie.
any ountries in the world are faed with the probles of an inreasin population and a shortae of food.
There are a nuber of possible solutions to the proble, but none of the is easy. Firstly, overnents ould disourae people fro havin lare failies. Why not have just one hild?
Seondly, farin ethods in those ountries are very siple and often ineffiient. If the people bouht new ariultural ahinery, odernied their farin ethods and developed ore land, they iht soon produe enouh food for their needs.
Thirdly, any ountries have natural resoures suh as oil, wood or iron. These ould be exported so that food ould be iported.
All of these possible solutions siplify the proble. But they show that, if people ean to solve the probles of inreasin population and food shortaes, there are ways of doin it.
如今,世界上的人口正变得越来越大。与世界人口的增加,越来越多的问题。小编收集了人口增长的英语作文,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:人口增长Nowadays,thepopulationoftheworldisbeoinlarerandlarer.Withtheinreasinofthepopulationoftheworld,thereareoreandoreprobl...
如今,人口以及环境已成为一个非常重要的问题,小编收集了关于人口问题的英语作文,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:关于人口问题的英语作文Nowadayswehavetofaetheproblethatthereisasharpinreasininpopulationofhina,andpeopletendtoetoreandoreold,butanyofusdidn'treali...