3、最新张学友经典歌曲歌词签名大全 好听的张学友歌曲歌词签名(3)
圣诞节到来时候要播放什么音乐比较好呢?和小编一起来看看下文关于圣诞节歌曲歌词 ,欢迎借鉴!
1 ☆ Silent Niht 平安夜
Silent Niht
silent niht, holy niht, all is al, all is briht
round you Virin other and hild
sleep in heavenly peae (repeat)
silent niht, holy niht, shepherd's quake at the niht
lories strea fro Heaven afar, heavenly host sin Alleluia
hrist the savior is born (repeat)
silent niht, holy niht, son of od, love's pure liht
radiant beas fro thy holy fae, with the dawn of redeein rae
Jesus Lord, at thy birth (repeat)
Jesus Lord, at thy birth
2 ★ The First Noel 第一支圣诞歌
The First Noel
The first noel the anel did say,
Was to ertain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;
In fields where they lay keepin their sheep
n a old winter's niht that was so deep.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, born is the kin of Israel.
They looked upon and saw a star
Shinin in the east beyond the far
And to the earth it ave reat liht
And so it ontinued both day and niht.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, born is the kin of Israel.
Thus by the liht of that sae star
three wise en ae fro ountry far
to seek for a kin was their intent,
and to follow the star wherever it went.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, born is the kin of Israel. h, Noel——
3 ★ White hristas 白色圣诞节
White hristas
I' dreain of a white hristas, just like the ones I used to know.
Where the treetops listen, and hildren listen
To hear sleih bells in the snown
I' dreain of a white hristas with every hristas ard I write.
ay your days be erry and briht
and ay all your hristases be white.
ay all your hristases be white
4 ☆ We wish you a erry hristas
圣诞节该是什么样?——该是欢快。所以,我们祝你有个快乐圣诞节、快乐新年!带点布丁,带点糖果,要是你不给点什么,我们可不走哦,祝福可不是白给!来自Enya(恩雅)天籁之音!We Wish You A erry hristas
We wish you a erry hristas. We wish you a erry hristas
We wish you a erry hristas and a happy new year.
We wish you a erry hristas. We wish you a erry hristas
We wish you a erry hristas and a happy new year.
ood tidins we brin to you and your kin
We wish you a erry hristas and a happy new year.
h brin us soe fiy puddin. h brin us soe fiy puddin
h brin us soe fiy puddin. I'll brin it out here!
h brin us soe fiy puddin. h brin us soe fiy puddin
h brin us soe fiy puddin. I'll brin it out here!
ood tidins we brin to you and your kin
We wish you a erry hristas and a happy new year
We won't o until we et soe. We won't o until we et soe
We won't o until we et soe. So brin soe out here!
We won't o until we et soe. We won't o until we et soe
We won't o until we et soe. So brin soe out here!
★ od Rest Ye erry
od Rest Ye erry, entleen
Loreena kennitt
od Rest Ye erry, entleen. Let nothin you disay
Reeber hrist, our Saviour, was born on hristas day
To save us all fro Satan's power when we were one astray
h tidins of ofort and joy, ofort and joy
h tidins of ofort and joy, ofort and joy
"Fear not," then said the anel,"let nothin you affriht
This day is born a Saviour of pure Virin briht
To free all those who trust in Hi fro Satan's power and iht"
h tidins of ofort and joy, ofort and joy
h tidins of ofort and joy, ofort and joy
The shepherds at those tidins rejoied uh in ind
And left their floks a feedin in tepest, stor, and wind
And went to Bethlehe straihtway, the Son of od to find
h tidins of ofort and joy, ofort and joy
h tidins of ofort and joy, ofort and joy
And when they ae to Bethlehe where our dear Saviour lay
They found Hi in a aner where oxen feed on hay
His other ary kneelin down unto the Lord did pray
h tidins of ofort and joy, ofort and joy
h tidins of ofort and joy, ofort and joy
Now to the Lord sin praises, all you within this plae
And with true love and brotherhood eah other now ebrae
The holy tide of hristas all other doth defae
h tidins of ofort and joy, ofort and joy
h tidins of ofort and joy, ofort and joy
6 ☆ Hark! Herald Anles Sin 天使在歌唱
与圣诞寂静不同,天使报信让人世沸腾:这是和平之子,这是正义之光,基督降生是为了拯救世俗臣民,是为了给他们第二次生命。来自超级天后ariah arey(玛丽亚-凯莉)经典翻唱!Hark! The Herald Anels Sin
Hark! The herald anels sin, "lory to the newborn kin,
peae on earth and ery ild, od and sinner reoniled,
joyful all ye nations rise, join the triuph of the skies,
with the aneli host prolai, hrist is born in Bethlehe."
Hark! The herald anels sin, lory to the new-born kin.
Hark! The heaven-born Prine of Peae, Hail, and the Sun of Rihteousness
Liht and life to all He brins, Risen with healin in His wins.
ild He lays his lory by, born that an no ore ay die
Born to raise the sons of earth, born to ive the seond birth.
Hark! The herald anels sin, lory to the new-born kin.
7 ☆ Winter Wonderland 冬天仙境
Winter Wonderland
Billy ilan
Sleih bells rin, are you listenin?
In the lane, snow is listenin
A beautiful siht, we're happy toniht
walkin in a winter wonderland
one away is the bluebird, here to stay is a new bird
He sins a love son as we o alon
Walkin in a winter wonderland
In the eadow we an build a snowan
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say: Are you arried? we'll say: No an
But you an do the job when you're in town
Later on, we'll onspire as we drea by the fire
To fae unafraid the plans that we've ade
walkin in a winter wonderland
In the eadow we an build a snowan
and pretend that he's a irus lown
We'll have lots of fun with ister snowan
Until the other kids knok hi down
When it snows, ain't it thrillin
Thouh your nose ets a hillin
We'll froli and play, the Eskio way
walkin in a winter wonderland (Repeat 3 ties)
☆ Joy To The World 普世欢腾
《普世欢腾》(Joy To The World)是伊萨克-沃茨(Isaa Watts)于1719年写下著名圣诞颂歌,旋律很熟悉,听得太多次了。原文本有独立七个段落,现有音频资料是根据原文缩编成曲。当今流行音乐天后级歌手玛利亚-凯丽也翻唱过,附上她音频,仅供消遣。和传统颂唱方式相比,她版本多少还是有些矫情
普世欢腾,救主下降,沃野、洪涛、山石、平原无不歌声嘹亮——主治万方气度,仅仅有海豚音音色怎么够呢,你觉得呢?Joy To The World
Text: Isaa Watts
Joy to the world, the Lord is oe! Let earth reeive her Kin
Let every heart prepare Hi roo. And Heaven and nature sin
And Heaven and nature sin. And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sin
He rules the world with truth and rae and akes the nations prove
The lories of His rihteousness and wonders of His love
And wonders of His love. And wonders and wonders of His love
Joy to the world, the Saviour reins. Let Saints their sons eploy
While fields and floods, roks, hills and plains repeat the soundin joy
Repeat the soundin joy. Repeat, Repeat, the soundin joy
He rules the world with truth and rae and akes the nations prove
The lories of His rihteousness and wonders of His love
And wonders of His love. And wonders and wonders of His loveLet every heart prepare Hi roo. And Heaven and nature sin
And Heaven and nature sin. And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sin
9 ★ Holy Niht玛丽亚-凯丽
《神圣夜晚》是法国一个酒场主147年写下赞美诗,后流传到美国,由波士顿一个牧师翻译而成。现在听到这个版本是由ariah arey重新诠释,荡气回肠,一首圣诞经典圣诗!
Holy Niht
ariah arey
holy niht. The stars are brihtly shinin
It is the niht of our dear Savior's birth
Lon lay the world in sin and error pinin
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoies
For yonder breaks a new and lorious orn
Fall on your knees. hear the anel voies!
niht divine. niht when hrist was born!
niht divine. niht, o niht divine! (Repeat)
10 ★ Anels We Have Heard n Hih 天使歌唱在高天
圣诞节时唱赞美诗称为“圣诞颂歌”。圣诞颂歌很多,词曲多取自名家名作,这首《天使歌唱在高天》即是其中一首!Anels We Have Heard n Hih
Text: Frenh arol, a. 162
Anels we have heard on hih sweetly sinin over the plains
And the ountains in reply ehoin their joyous strains
lo-ori-a in exelsis de-o. lo-ori-a in exelsis de-o
Shepherds, why this Jubilee? Why your joyous strains prolon?
What the ladsoe tidins be whih inspire your heavenly son?
lo-ori-a in exelsis de-o. lo-ori-a in exelsis de-o
oe to Bethlehe and see hi whose birth the anels sin
oe, adore on bended knee, hrist, the Lord, the newborn Kin
lo-ori-a in exelsis de-o. lo-ori-a in exelsis de-o
See Hi in a aner laid. Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth!
ary, Joseph, lend your aid, with us sin our Savior's birth
lo-ori-a in exelsis de-o. lo-ori-a in exelsis de-o
shepherd n. 牧羊人
Jubilee n. (天主教0年一次)大赦年
adore v. 崇拜,爱慕
Savior n. 救世主
jinle bells, jinle bells,
jinle all the way!
o what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleih.
dashin throuh the snow
on a one-horse open sleih,
over the fields we o,
lauhin all the way;
bells on bob-tail rin,
akin spirits briht,
what fun it is to ride and sin
a sleihin son toniht.
该首歌曲也是郭敬明执导的电影《小时代3:刺金时代》中的插曲。周笔畅与吴青峰是一个新鲜的组合,周笔畅独特的声线使这首歌里赋予了一种不舍的温暖,即让人有共鸣又感动。就向再见说了再见 重复画面 红了眼这句歌词充满画面感,歌曲中所表达的关于青春、关于成长、以及对于未来的向往,给即将毕业步入人生新旅程的学生朋友。别忘了曾经同桌的你;别忘了宿舍中玩闹的你;别忘了一起走过的青春痕迹;就算哭红了眼,也别忘了未来还未来的那一切。
我们是谁 和流动的蜕变
转了几圈 和时光打呵欠
有什么约 和谁说了再见
换来了解 那青春的岁月
重复画面 红了眼
潮湿季节 搁了浅
我们是谁 和流动的蜕变
转了几圈 和时光打呵欠
有什么约 和谁说了再见
换来了解 那青春的岁月
重复画面 红了眼
潮湿季节 搁了浅
重复画面 红了眼
潮湿季节 搁了浅
回头看你的脸 今天变成了昨天
回头看你的脸 今天变成了昨天
最新张学友经典歌曲歌词签名大全 好听的张学友歌曲歌词签名
1、紧紧拥着你 永远记得 你曾经为我 这样的哭过
2、握住你的手 放在心头 我要你记得 无言的承诺
3、一千个伤心的理由 最後我的爱情在故事里慢慢陈旧
4、除了呼吸其他不重要 除了现在什么都忘掉 心事像羽毛 越飘越逍遥
5、遥遥长路寻背影 暖暖爱去如流星 盼望原谅我 不要问究竟
6、爱过的人我已不再拥有 许多故事有伤心的理由
7、说再见 再见不会太遥远 若有缘 有缘就能期待明天 你和我重逢在灿烂的季节
8、回头当天的一切像泡影 原来天荒地老总会明
9、静静默默 望着陌生的背面 心中所想 原来离我多么的远
10、这一刻 偎着烛光 让我们静静地度过 莫挥手 莫回头
11、夜雨冻 雨点透射到照片中 回头似是梦 无法弹动
12、如果这都不算爱 我有什么好悲哀 谢谢你的慷慨 是我自己活该
13、让你走 为何让你看不透 但求你未淡忘 往日旧情
14、一点一点逐渐逐渐 便发现 纵相对 却无言
15、笑眼内观看自己 感觉有些寂寥 想起你爱恨早已不再萦绕
16、像花虽未红 如冰虽不冻 却像有无数说话 可惜我听不懂
17、青春若有张不老的脸 但愿她永远不被改变
18、请你再为我点上一盏烛光 因为我早已迷失了方向
19、能给的我全都给了 我都舍得 除了让你知道 我心如刀割
20、青春仿佛因我爱你开始 但却令我看破爱这个字
21、等你等你等你 一世一世等你 我真的真的不愿舍弃
22、爱上你是最快乐的事 却也换来最痛苦的悲
23、晨曦细雨重临在这大地 人孤孤单单躲避 转身刹那在这熟识的路旁 察觉身后路人是你
24、余下来的日子就用来与你相爱 此生若能只做这件事划得来
25、她倚着我肩 呼吸响耳边 高温已产生 色相令人乱
26、男孩为了她彻夜排队 半年的积蓄买了门票一对
27、心里像火烧 分分秒秒 没有你 管他艳阳高照 忘记你我做不到
28、名是什么财是什么 是好滋味但如在生 朝朝每夜能望见你 那更加的好过
29、我唱得她心醉 我唱得她心碎 成年人分手后都像无所谓
30、我等到花儿也谢了 你知不知道
31、星星今晚伴我醉 就像同情我空虚
32、生活不要 太多钞票 多了就会带来困扰
33、像狐狸精般 并未允许我步近 无回忆的余生 忘掉往日情人 却又记住移情别爱的命运
34、他曾为了你的逃离颓废痛苦 也为了破镜重圆抱着你哭
35、感情浮浮沉沉 世事颠颠倒倒 一颗心阴阴冷冷 感动愈来愈少
36、这一生遇见你 是上辈子我欠你的 是天意吧 让我爱上你 才又让你 离我而去
37、而你是一张无边无际的网 轻易就把我困在网中央
38、一路上有你 苦一点也愿意 就算是为了分离与我相遇
39、灯光熄灭了 音乐静止了 滴下的眼泪已停不住了
40、跟你的温柔比较 一切变得不重要 没有你 分分秒秒 都是煎熬
41、但愿花亦艳红 未惧路上烟雨蒙
42、情 不能分 不能恨 不能太轻易信任 真爱一回 尽是伤痕
曾经意外 他和她 相爱
在不会 犹豫的时代
一双手 紧紧放不开
心中的 执着与未来
忘不了 你的爱
让你微笑起来 勇敢起来
忘不了 你的爱
想你 每当我又徘徊
所有遗憾的 都不是未来