Dear s. Reinhart,
I a terribly sorry that I failed to arrive at BLU last Friday. I hopethat this did not ess you up opletely, althouh I know that you had alreadyade soe speial arraneents for y visit with you parents and friends. I avery sorry about all that. I a sure you will be sypatheti, however, when Itell you that y father is danerously ill in hospital, and that I found itipossible to leave for the visit when he is in this state.
y father was workin very hard on his projet on protetin theenvironent. I know the projet has oe to a very iportant stae. He and hisassistants did not take reular rest for three weeks. Last niht, y father hada heart attak and was soon sent to the hospital. The dotor said y father wasin a very serious situation, and, he iht need an operation.
24 hours have passed. Nothin has haned. I have to stay at the hospital.I will let you know if there is any ood news.
I a sorry aain and look forward to seein you soon.
Yours sinerely,
To Willias
Dear To,
I' just writin to let you know that we're all well, and I hope you are,too. Unfortunately, I've ot soe rather bad news for you: I' afraid I ade abit of a ess of John's ar. Anyway, here's what happened.
We were on our way to arol's after a lon party, and I suppose it usthave been about eleven o’lok. Well, the last few iles bak hoe were reallydark and deserted. I now realie I was probably oin a bit too fast for aountry lane beause, althouh the road was fairly straiht, I drove up onto theurb and went into a tree.
f ourse, John was absolutely furious and started shoutin at e andursin. After we' d arued for a few oents, we deided to look at the daae,and he aled down a bit. Well, we found we ould ove the ar, but the win wasauht on the wheel, so we ouldn't drive it. I tried to pull the win lear,but I didn't sueed.
Anyway, John went off to phone for a breakdown lorry, but while he wasaway, I had another o at the win and this tie sueeded in pullin it rihtoff. I threw it onto the bak seat, and by that tie John ot bak and we wereready to o?so we didn't need the breakdown lorry at all. John has ore or lessforiven e now, but he was very anry with e for a few days. I suppose I was abit areless.
Well, that's all for now. Next tie I write I hope I'll have better newsfor you.
Yours sinerely,
Linda hen
Dear To,
Thanks for your letter whih finally auht up with e in London. I supposeyou're keen to hear how the trip has been so far. So here's a short desriptionof what's happened.
Well, you reeber we left Sydney on onday and arrived in London 24 hourslater. After suh a lon and exhaustin fliht the first thin we did was tohave a ood, lon sleep. And after that?a ood eal to ake up for all thathorrible airline stuff!
The first real day of our holiday was spent just walkin around London toet a feel of the plae. After that, however, we were ore partiular andplanned eah day arefully.
First, we looked at all the historial sihts, suh as the Tower of London,the Houses of Parliaent, the British useu and the National allery. Then wevisited soe other faous plaes, suh as Kew ardens and Hapstead Heath.Finally, we took a one-day trip to xford, whih is really the ost arveloustown. You should ake sure to o there when you visit Enland.
After we had seen a lot of London, we flew to Paris. A t first, we didn'tlike the plae-I suppose beause it was so different fro London. Later, thouh,we bean to really love it and started to appreiate its differentness.
The final stae of our trip is a visit to Roe, after whih we will bestayin in Sinapore for two days before returnin to Australia.
Hope everyone is well. See you soon.
Dear r. Wan,
I a pleased to invite you to a lunheon, to be held by the ontereyInstitute of International Studies on tober 12, 2006 at noon, oeoratinthe 7th anniversary of the death of eneral Stilwell and in honor of hisdauhter, rs. Nany Stilwell Easterbrook. rs. Easterbrook was a eber of theBoard of Trustees of the onterey Institute and founder of the StilwellSholarship, whih is dediated to supportin students fro hina.
For any years until she passed away, Nany had served as a oodwillabassador of the Aerian people who ade unreittin efforts to prooteexhanes between the United States and hina. The Stilwell Sholarship shefounded helps support deservin students fro hina who have oe to theonterey Institute to pursue professional derees in translation andinterpretation, international poliy studies, lanuae teahin and businessanaeent.
I hope you will be able to join us. r. huanyun Boo, Dean of the raduateShool of Translation and Interpretation, will be allin you soon to disussthis event further.
Yours sinerely,
To Burton
Dear r. Willias,
Thank you for your letter of onratulation on y exa results. I was verypleased to hear fro you. The results were a reat relief. I did uh betterthan I thouht I would.
We are havin a elebration party on Saturday 22 ay and we shall bepleased if you an oe. It is a party for e, but y parents and soe of theirold friends are joinin in, so you will find "real people" as well as teenaersto talk to.
The party starts at half past six- drinks, and a buffet supper later. Yousaid in your letter that you've iven up drivin, so y father will eet youwith the ar at San ateo station. Please let e know what tie your trainarrives.
There is a ood train bak to San Palo at 10:30 and we'll arrane transportfor you to ath that. I hope that won't be too late for you. It would be a pityif you had to leave while the party was still in full swin.
I do hope that you will be able to oe.
Yours sinerely,
Lily hen
Dear arry,
How is everythin oin with you I' here in your ity.I arrived here yesterday.There are a lot of plaes of interest in the ity .I a very interseted in the .I a oin to visit the Siene useu and to lib the reat Wall toorrow.Would you please o with e if you are free toorrow?I a waitin for your reply.
Yours Luy
Dear hris:
It rained here last Sunday, too. I was at hoe, too. First I finished y hoework. Then I wathed a fil. Next I leaned y roo. After that, I watered the plants.
Take are
Eah tie I enter your one, I will be onsiderably oved for a lon tie even after I o out of it. There are too any thins that worth y thrill all over your one. The usi is so eotional, so roanti, so sentiental that it helps e provoke waves of eories. I would like to listen to the usi in your one, for it displays e a totally different feelin fro the one it ives e when I listen on y usi olletion. Why? The reason is very siple. That is, the ontent of your one is deliately athin with the usi.
The ontent of your one is atually plain, but it is real! It is even tanible! It an touh the readers’ heart deeply, at least y heart! As your ood friend as well as lassate, thouh we hat a lot often and I should have a lear piture of you, I an witness another side of your heart throuh your one. In life you try to hide it, esape it even swallow it to the deepest of your soul. But in your one ost of your ind is opletely exposed to all the passers-by, espeially those who are downriht aquainted with you! In life you are so sunny and happy that it iht lead ost people to think that you are ore than staunh. Atually I do think you are staunh, for I have learnt fro your outh that you have fatually one throuh soe hardships that an barely be iained by ost of students. Soe of the hardships are atually atters between life and death. However stron-willed you are, as I entioned in one of y diaries below, you would be frail at soe point, however sall it is! You are relutant to deonstrate your neative side to us fae to fae, but you hoose another way, that is, writin your one. Unlike soe so-alled poets, you prefer to unveil your feelins and ind diretly with siple and easy-understandin words and sentenes instead of with obsure and blurry ones. It is soehow like the style of your life and behavior. You like doin thins and speakin diretly. That is preisely another aspet in whih I reatly adire you.
Your one has reorded too any of your sorrows and happiness. I know your other went to heaven last year, whih was a deadly strike to you then. After finishin dealin with all the affairs about your u, you ae bak to shool to ontinue your study. Before you ae bak, we were all extreely onerned about your state and ood. We were worried about that it would take you a lon tie before you ould truly reover and run your noral study. But out of our iaination, you showed us the one you used to be. You quikly ot bak to your feet and studied even harder than before, whih did ive us a reat ofort and inspiration! Thouh durin soe breaks you ould not help thinkin of the iserable eory and showed a sad expression on your fae oasionally, it is quite noral and you are really reat! any ties I wanted to have a talk with you and soothe you, but I did not. I was afraid y ofort would reall your eories of aony. I believed you ould drain all the pain away all by yourself. At that oent, all the ofortin words seeed so pale. All I did, I reeber, was sendin you a essae with only one sentene: if you need hands, I a just riht there.
The fat deonstrates you have beoe touher and touher throuh all the twists and turns! y dear friend, you often say to e that you have learnt a lot fro e, like how to learn Enlish, how to balane all the subjets, how to alloate tie and so on, but I have been eant to tell you that I’ve atually learnt ore fro you! It is not the deliberate oplient as the repay for the praise you said to e! It is nothin but true! In spirit you stand uh hiher than I do. Your attitude towards life deeply affets e. You show e the way I should o to a lare pith. Thanks aain!
I have been herishin y ollee life and I do feel proud of bein a odern ollee student! I know you also think so, riht? So let’s strive for our oal and areer toether. As y otto oes, thouh hope is frail, it is hard to kill; when you believe, you an ahieve!
Howhave you been reently? I iss you very uh. Do you still reeber e?
Tobe honest, I' honored to ake friends with you. I still reeber the days whenwe were toether. As far as I know, you are the kindest person in the world.ne we were toether, you always treated e as if I were your dear brother, soI was rateful to you in y heart. After you leavin, I always thouht of you.Next tie we have a hane to see eah other, I will say "thank you"to you. Thank you for your kindness. Now I have ot the eanin of y life.
Althouhwe are in two different plaes now, we are still toether, beause we arealways heart to heart. I believe we an see eah other aain. Sine we arealways lose friends as well as dear brothers. Beause of you, y life isalways so sinifiant. Wherever I a, I will pray ood luk for you.
Lastbut not the least, I hope you an ake it and have a briht future.
Sinerely yours,
June 30,200l
Dear Wan Jun,
I a delihtd to learn that you are oin to visit e durin the oin suer holidays. y parents will also be happy to see you a ain I a sure you will enjoy every inute here. I know you are fond of swiin. A river lies not far away fro y hoe. We an o swiin there. I think it would be very pleasant and refreshin to swi in suh hot days. In every bi roo of y hoe there is an air-onditioner, so we ars also wath TV, play VDs or read books very eorafortably at hoe. A ountain about two iles away for here is beautiful and there fore is worth tourin. We an o there on foot. When we lib to the top of the ountain, we an have a wonderful bird's-eye view of the whole villae. Just phone e before you set off. There is no need for you to take anythin. I'll prepare everythin for you. I a lookin forward to seein you soon. Yours,
han Yin
4.致同学朋友一封信 - 学习啦
在职证明中英文 在职证明中英文模板
De 14, 200/200年12月14日
onsulate eneral of Italy in Shanhai
Dear Sir or ada:
Herewith we onfir that s. HAN Jun is the anaer of Trainin Dept. of Shanhai entury Lianhua Superarket Developent o., Ltd. She will o to visit Italy and other Europe ountries fro 1 Nov 200 to 24 Nov 200.
Nae(姓名): HAN Jun 章娟
Date & Plae of Birth(出生日期和地点): 9 De 1977, Shanhai hina/1977年12月9日中国上海 Servie oraniation(工作单位): Shanhai entury Lianhua Superarket Developent o., Ltd.
Title(职位): anaer of Trainin Dept. 培训部经理
Passport No(护照号码): 00000290
Workin Period(工作时间): 1 Year
Salary(薪资): RB00
All osts relatin to her stay will be borne by herself. We uarantee that durin this trip she will abide laws of your ountry and be bak as sheduled. We will resue her position in our opany. It will be rateful if you issue her visa as soon as possible!
Best reards,
Yours faithfully,
Shanhai entury Lianhua Superarket Developent o., Ltd.
Leal Representative(法定代表人): han Linlin
地址: 上海市四川北路10006号4444楼 电话: 3000000 (总机) 传真: 63000000
X X X XX X X XX X X X Ltd.
To: Ebassy of the United States
Dear Visa offier:
This is to ertify works in our opany as sine the year of His/Her onthly salary is RB He/She will have a tour to the United States of Aeria fro
All the travellin expenses, inludin air tikets, transportation, aoodation and health insurane, will be overed by hiself/herself.
We hereby uarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and reulations durin his stayin abroad. We also uarantee that he/she will be bak to hina on shedule and will ontinue to work for our opany.
Yours sinerely
opany Nae: 公司英文名称
Add: 地址 Tel: 电话
Nae of the leader : 领导姓名 Sinature:
X X 市X X X X 有 限 公 司
兹证明 先生/女士自 年来我公司任职,职位是 。他/她的月收入是人民币 元。他/她将于 年 月 日到 年 月 日赴美国旅游。
单位名称: 单位地址: 单位电话:
经办人姓名: 经办人职位: 经办人签名: 公司盖章:
日期: 年 月 日
Dear Sirs,
r. / s. XXX (申请人姓名) works in our opany fro XX.XX.XXXX(现单位入职时间某年某月某日).He/She will be on travelin purposes visitin your ountry in XX.XXXX (出国时间某年某月). All the expenses inlude air tikets, transportation, aoodation and health insurane will be overed by hiself / herself. He/She will be bak on tie as per his/her shedule planned and shall ontinue to work in our opany after his/her visit to Australia
Nae Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Annual Inoe
Your kind approval of this appliation will be hihly appreiated.
Best Reards,
Nae of the leader(领导人姓名)
Position of the leader(领导人职位)在职证明中英文.
Sinature (领导的签名)
opany’s Stap(公司盖章)
opany Nae: XXXXXX
1. 在职证明需打印成英文,请删掉参考样本中所有中文的提示语,保持在职证明为全英文格式
2. 凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的在职证明中
XXX 先生/女士自X年X月X日(现单位入职时间某年某月某日)在我们公司工作。他/她计划于XXXX年XX月(出国时间某年某月)赴贵国旅游,所有费用包括:机票费,运输费,住宿费和医疗保险等均由他/她本人承担。他/她将会根据行程按时回国并继续在我公司工作。
1. 凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的在职证明中
2.如只去瑞士一地请删除and other European ountries
.如客人所工作的分公司没有营业执照,只能提供总公司的。请在在职证明中增加一段英文说明,说明原因。且在落款处打印公司名称时要是uihou Liin Soures of Enery roup o.,Ltdbeijin branh 的格式。
01 Septeber 2006
Attn.: Visa Setion
Switerland Ebassy in Beijin
Dear visa offier:
This is to ertify that r/s. (选择正确的性别)Lu Yue(本人姓名的拼音)职位的英文名称)of our orporation (请根据您的情况更改). He/She(选择正确的性别)is oin to travel Switerlandand other European ountriesin tober,2006 行程的出发日期月/年). We uarantee that he/she(选择正确的性别) will obey the loal laws durin the tour and oe bak to hina as soon ashe/she finishes the trip. His/Her别) annual inoe is 200000(年收入数目请用阿拉伯数字)RB. His/Her(选择正确的性别) position return.
He/She will over all the travelin expenses hiself/herself, please kindly issue his/her (选择正确的性别) the visa after your hekin up!
Nae Sex Date of Birth Passport No.
Lu Yue /F 03/04/1963 13601 (本人姓名的拼音) (选择正确的性别)(出生日期请用阿拉伯数字日/月/年) (申请人护照号码)
Sinerely yours
upation of Sinature:(签字人的职务,请用英文和中文同时打印) Seal:(请加盖公司公章)
Add: (公司英文地址)
Tel: (可以联系到的公司电话)
Fax: (公司传真)
篇五:《美国签证在职证明 中英文模板》
ertifiate of eployent
To: onsulate-eneral of Aeria
This is to ertify that the is assistant arketin anaer in our opany. She has been workin here sine .
She is allowed to be off work between and to have a trip to Aeria,total days .
We uarantee that she will abide by the laws in your ountry and reulations and return to hina on tie. All of the travelin expenses will be paid by herself. We aree and will keep her position after she oes bak to hina.
Your sinerely
anaer Position: huan resoures anaer anaer Sinature:
opany: Tel: Fax: Address:
在职证明 日期:
在我公司任市场经理助理一职,到职时间为 日。
本公司允许其在 至 期间至美国出游,总计 天。
批准人职位:人事经理 批准人签名: 公司: 电话: 传真: 地址:
公司抬头 (公司中文名称即可)
ertifiate of eployent
Date: 时间
To: onsulate-eneral of 国家
This is to ertify that the r/s 姓名 is 职位 in our opany. He/She has been workin here sine 年月日.
He/She is allowed to be off work between 去的时间 and 回来时间 to have a trip to 所申请的国家,total 天数days .
We uarantee that he/she will abide by the laws in your ountry and reulations and return to hina on tie . All of the travelin expenses will be paid by hiself/herself.
Your kind approval of this appliation will be hihly appreiated.
Your sinerely
Responsible Person’s Position: 英文职称需打印
Responsible Person’s Sinature: Xin in(姓名拼音需打印不可手写)
在 职 证 明
兹证明 人名(护照号: )为我公司正式在职员工, 年
月入职,职位为 ,平均月收入约 元人民币,年收入: 元人民币
我司同意她在 年 月 日至 日带薪休假去 旅游,并保证她会按时返回中国。
总经理: 年 月 日
onfiration of eployent
It is ertified that ) is , as 职位, with averae onthly salary of RB 月薪, and annual salary of RB .
ur opany arees her to have a vaation in froto and will ive her noral salary durin her vaation; we uarantee she will oe bak to hina on tie.
eneral anaer:
To: Ebassy of the United States
Dear Visa offier:
This is to ertify works in our opany as sine the year of fro to
All the travellin expenses, inludin air tikets, transportation, aoodation and health insurane, will be overed by hiself.
We hereby uarantee that he will abide by all the laws and reulations durin his stayin abroad. We also uarantee that he will be bak to hina on shedule and will ontinue to work for our opany.
Yours sinerely
opany Nae: 公司英文名称
Add: 地址 Website:网址 Tel: 电话
Nae of the leader : 领导人姓名 Sinature
兹证明 女士自 年来我公司任职, 职位是 .她的月收入是人民币 元。 他将于 年 月 日到 年 月 日赴美国旅游。他的具体信息如下:在职证明中英文.
此次旅游的所有费用包括:机票费,运输费,住宿费和医疗保险等均由他本人承担。我们保证他在国外旅游期间将会遵守当地的法律法规。我们也保证他将会按时回国并继续在我公司工作。特此证明! 单位名称: 单位地址: 单位电话:
领导人姓名: 领导人职位: 领导的签名: 公司盖章:
篇九:《出国旅游 在职证明 中英对照版》
ertifiate of Eployent
To British onsulate-eneral in Shanhai,
兹证明XX(出生日期XX), 护照号码(XX),自2012年10月起,于本公司担任办公室经理职务,月薪税后9,000元。自201年月13日至201年月20日前往英国旅游,出游期间我公司保留其职务和一切待遇。
This is to ertify that XX (birthday of XX) (passport nuber of XX) has been eployed by our opany as the ffie anaer fro tober 2012. Her after-tax onthly salary is 9,000 Yuan. She intends to take a trip in the United Kindo fro Auust 13, 201 to Auust 20, 201. ur opany will keep her position and all treatents durin her trip.
此次旅游的所有费用包括:机票费,住宿费和医疗保险等均由她本人承担。我们保证她在国外旅游期间将会遵守当地的法律法规。我们也保证她将会按时回国并继续在我公司工作。 All osts of this trip will be undertaken by her, inludin the air tiket, lodin fee and edial insurane, et. We uarantee that she will obey the loal laws and reulations durin her overseas travel. eanwhile, we also uarantee that she will oe bak to hina on tie and ontinue to work at our opany.在职证明中英文.
Hereby ertify
XX o., Ltd.
Date: July 7, 201
兹证明\女士( ),自2014年6月 至今已在*******工作 ***年。现在我单位担任 ****_一职,年收入为人民币*****元。现准其在 **********期间自费前往英国旅游,并督导其遵守当地法律按时归国。待其休假结束后继续担任原来职务。
证明人: 证明人职务:
电话:*********** 日期:201年11月12日
Dear Sirs,
s. ******* has been workin with ****** sine June****** She will be on travellin purposes visitin BRITAIN fro******. All the expenses inludin air tikets, transportation, aoodation and health insurane will be overed by herself. She will be bak on tie as her shedule planned and shall ontinue to work with us after her visit to BRITAIN.
Nae Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Annual Inoe Your kind approval of this appliation will be hihly appreiated.
Best Reards,
upation of Sinature:*******
opany:********** Address: *********** Telephone:***********
Fax: ***********
在校证明,英文 在校证明英文模板
Beijin Jiaoton University
姓名:XX,性别:男,出生日期:XXXX年 X 月X 日,学号:XXXXX 于 2007年9 月入我校土木建筑工程学院土木工程专业本科学习,按国家标准该专业本科的学制为4年。我校实行弹性学习年限,在校学习期限为4至6年。该生现为大学四年级学生。
北京交通大学教务处 2010年9月16日
Beijin Jiaoton University
This is to ertify that XXXX, ale, born on 9 Auust 1990, student ID nuber XXXX, has been enrolled as an underraduate student ajorin in the prora of ivil Enineerin in Shool of ivil Enineerin sine Septeber 2007. The prora is a standard four-year prora. Aordin to the flexibility poliy of Beijin Jiaoton University, the prora an be aoplished in three years to six years. The student is urrently studyin in the fourth year.
Aadei Affairs ffie
Beijin Jiaoton University
People's Republi of hina
Septeber 16th, 2010
Beijin Jiaoton University
Beijin Jiaoton University
This is to ertify that Tan Jielin, ale, born on 27 July 191, student ID , has been enrolled as an underraduate student sine Septeber 1999, and is ajorin in the prora of Autoation in Shool of Eletronis and Inforation Enineerin. The prora is a standard four-year prora. Aordin to the flexibility poliy of Beijin Jiaoton University, the prora an be aoplished in three years to six years. The student is urrently studyin in the fourth year.在校证明,英文.
ffie of Aadei Affairs
Beijin Jiaoton University
People's Republi of hina
Noveber 27th, 200
Stateent of Student’s Status
在 校 证 明
This is to ertify that , ale/feale, born on , has been studyin full-tie at our shool sine . He/ She is in lass , rade , and perfors well all the tie.
兹证明 ,男/女,出生日期 年 月 日,自 年 月起到 年 月在我校 年 班读书,在校期间表现良好。
Shool (Seal)
President (Sinature)
Date :
年 月 日
兹证明 艾思宇 ,女,出生于 1994 年 12 月 03 日,于 2010 年 习成绩优异,尊敬师长,团结同学,积极参加各项集体活动,是一名品学兼优的好学生。
日期:2011年 0 月 06 日
This is to ertify ale/feale, was born on He/She started to study in our shool in Durin his/her study in our shool, he/she observes the laws and reulations, ets alon well with his/her lassates, loves the lass, obtains ood ahieveents in both oral and intelletual eduation, and he/she is an exellent student with all-around developent.
Durin July and/or Auust, 2011, the suer vaation, he/she will take part in the students exhane prora in Sieen, erany.
Shool Nae:在校证明,英文.
Sinature and Seal:
The iddle Shool Attahed to Sun Yat-sen University
That is to ertify that Lin YiDa is a junior iddle shool student in lass five rade three in y shool. The shool vaation is fro the 12th of July to the 30th of Auust, durin this tie he will visit his relatives and o sihtseein with his other in Frane. He will abide by law of Frane and he will oe bak hina on tie when he finish his journey.
Hereby ertify that!
ertifier: a hun Xiu Position: Vie-headaster
The iddle Shool Attahed to Sun Yat-sen University(stap)
Sinature: a hun Xiu
Telephone: 0204037714
Address: No.13 XinanXi road, Haihu distrit, Huanhou ity.
This is to ertify that XXXX, feale, born on XX February XXXX, student ID nuber XXXXXX, has been enrolled as an underraduate student ajorin in the prora of Pharay in Shool of Pharay,
Tianjin edial University. It is a full-tie, four-year prora leadin to a Bahelor`s Deree. She is expeted to raduate in July, 20XX.
Shool of Pharay
Tianjin edial University
Septeber 9th, 20XX
,性别,年 月日, 于 2011年9 月入我校经济管理学院学院行政管理专业本科学习,按国家标准该专业本科的学制为4年。我校实行弹性学习年限,在校学习期限为4至6年。该生现为大学四年级学生。
Beijin Jiaoton University
This is to ertify that XXXX, ale, born on 9 Auust 1990, student ID nuber XXXX, has been enrolled as an underraduate student ajorin in the prora of ivil Enineerin in Shool of ivil Enineerin sine Septeber 2007. The prora is a standard four-year prora. Aordin to the flexibility poliy of Beijin Jiaoton University, the prora an be aoplished in three years to six years. The student is urrently studyin in the fourth year.
Aadei Affairs ffie
Beijin Jiaoton University
People's Republi of hina
Septeber 16th, 2010
Ebassy of The Australia,Visa Setion
We ensure 姓名 is a student of our shool. He has studied in our shool for ** years. He intends to o to the Australia with his ** (同行人) for 访问目的fro ** to **(访问时间). All the expenses inludin air tikets, transportations, aoodations and health insurane will be overed by his(费用承担方).We hereby forally uarantee that he will abide by the outbound laws durin his stay in your ountry and will oe bak to hina on tie and will still study in our shool. We trust that your kind onern will ive every onsideration to his appliation. Thank you in advane.
eneral President: (领导签名)
Fax: 学校传真
opany: 学校名称(加盖公章)在校证明,英文.
ertifiate This is to ertify that hansan ,ale, born on (arh 01,199X), identity ard : 4419001992060XXXX. This student is June 201X unifies the reruitent of students test, take part in the national ordinary institutions of hiher learnin by eonoy and finane in our shool international eonoi and trade professional full-tie underraduate adissions. The student is attendin in unjin ollee of uandon ean University international eonoi and trade professional student nuber:201 X X lass
pateat universis per praesentes
unjin ollee of uandon ean University 2016.01.01
证 明
张XX,男,19XX年X月出生,身份证号为:4419001992060XXXX。该同学是201X年6月参加全国普通高等院校统一招生考试,被我校经济与金融系国际经济与贸易专业录取的全日制本科生。该生现就读于我院国际经济与贸易专业201X级X班,学号是20111010101XX。 特此证明。
张XX,女,身份证:*************,学号:*******,该生系我校200级经济与贸易学院国际经济与贸易专业本科在校学生,于200年9月至今在我校就读, 学制4年。
ertifiate of Student Status
HAN XX (ender: Feale, ID No: *********, Student No: *******) is an underraduate student ajorin in International Eonois and Business at Eonoi and Business ollee of honqin University of Tehnoloy. HAN XX entered our university in Septeber 200. The lenth of Shoolin is 4 years.
Hereby ertify.
ffie of Aadei Affairs
honqin University of Tehnoloy
Noveber 23, 2011