










Dear other,

I' really sorry about toniht. It was ore than nine o 'lok in theevenin. I still went to y friend's house and ot to eleven o 'lok

I knew soethin bi had happened, so I went over and sat down. y otherried and solded e, sayin that I had to o out so late and alled all thepeople I knew on y obile phone. I was ashaed and I knew I was wron, but yother asked e to tell e where I had one and tell her the nae of that personand the ethod of ouniation

But I don't want to, beause now youn people don't like their parents toworry about the, ore don't like their friends to worry about e. I know yother is worried about e, but I hope you an put your heart at ease with ebeause I have rown up.

I have the ability to distinuish the ood and bad thins and praties,but in the eyes of parents, I a always a hild other sold e while ryin,eyes red and tears, y heart is so painful, I really know that I was wron,should not let y other worry.

o, don't worry about e any ore. I have rown up and have y ownprivay. I hope you an respet e.


Dear other,

Hello, I a the dauhter who loves to ake you anry. Now I a writin toapoloie to you:

o, I' sorry. When I was a hild, I did not know the hard-won rain andalways wasted soe food. You told e "Who knows the food on the plate, everyrain is hard", but I did not listen. other, please forive y inorane.

o, I' sorry. When I was a boy, I didn't know how hard it was to earnoney. If you are satisfied, I will be happy, if you are not satisfied; I riedand shouted to you for, but never said a siple "thank you". other, pleaseforive e for y willfulness.

o, I' sorry. Now I know that all this is hard won. But I bean to rebelat that tie of adolesene, and I bean to quarrel with you and talk bak toyou... I still reeber that tie, I went to the store with y lassates. Ifell in love with a pair of low-waist pants that are popular now. When I aebak hoe, I asked for oney fro you, but you didn't ive e any. How uly!Besides, you are still a student now, you should not wear too fashionable,siple ore ood!" I just blew up and said, "I want that low-rise pair. I lovethat pair. It's not your eneration anyore. I'll take!" Say that finish, a palslapped oe over, you really anry. ryin, I rushed to y roo, loked thedoor, and ried yself out in y roo, ryin y rievane. Thouht: is not apair of pants? Not uh oney! What a heapskate not to buy it! At this tie, asall note fro the rak in the door ae out: baby, don't ry, other was notintentional, forive other just wron? Slowly, I bean to reflet: I should nothave ontradited you, should not have said sad thins to you. I quietly openedthe door, found you are sittin on the hair with paper wipin tears, see e outand said: "Toorrow other to buy you ood?" I shook y head viorously andsaid: "o, no. Now I a still a student, when I row up, there are ore lothesfor e to hoose. o just really sorry ~ "said that I ried, you and I huedtoether. That tie, I learned a lot...

o, if love is as sweet as a flower, then you are the sweet flower oflove. o, please forive e for the istakes I ade before, I will orretthe.

hu: ood health

Business is booin

Your dauhter: hen Tin


Dear other,

How are you these days? How is your work oin?

o, I know that I have done a lot of sorry for you sine I was a hild, butyou never beat e and solded e, instead, you reasoned with e.

ne, you and dad took e to the store to buy lothes, the lapliht shine,there there are any beautiful lothes, all of a sudden I didn't onern aboutthe sall store in a saw a white dress, the dress with a piture of a anholdin a little irl, little irl holdin a woan's piture, are there besidethe piture of a bunh of pink sall butterfly in dane. I wanted the dress sobadly that I ran to you and said, "oy, oy, do you see that white dress? Iwant that dress!" You o over and look at the prie ta. A: wow! This dressosts a thousand dollars! You shook your head. I see you don't buy for e, use"ry", while ryin also on the round roll. I had no hoie but to buy thedress.

other I want to say to you: "Sorry!" I have ated in love with you anyties sine I was a hild, but you always bouht e what I wanted with a sile.I know that you have worked hard for this oney. So, here, I say to you:"Sorry!"

o, I know how uh you have iven to our faily over the years. Behind yoursuess are always a lot of diffiulties around you, but you are not afraid ofdiffiulties, you overoe the diffiulties. o, I hope you will pay oreattention to your health in the future!

Finally, I wish y other a lon life and a suessful job!

Your hild:


Dear other,

A letter apoloiin to y other


o, I was wron. Please forive y dauhter for her inorane. The daybefore yesterday, I was so anry with you for not brinin e an ubrella. o,I was really anry with you. I thouht you didn't are about e. Under suhirustanes, I a deaf to all your explanations. The next day, I deliberatelyo to shool in the rain, want to use this to aner you. other, at that tie 'Iwas how inorant!

Today, in I open "the inor thouht oral eduation" this book, reads "thelovin other hand line, the wanderin son body lothes. Before departure densesea, Italy fear delay return. Who ade the heart-inh rass, reported in thethree hunhui "this anient poe, y heart an not al for a lon tie.

I see what you've done for e. I a ill, and you take are of e day andniht; There are deliious thins at hoe, you do not want to eat a bite, alwaysleave e to eat; You and dad are frual and relutant to spend a penny foryourself, but they are willin to spend a lot of oney for e, to eet yvarious requireents as far as possible. At this oent, I reeber what yousaid to e: "Xiaojia, today y other went to visit your randother. I aehoe late and didn't brin you an ubrella. Would you forive y other? o,until this tie, I did not understand, the world's ost love e, love e is youand dad. You've put in ore enery and effort than I an ount. The hairs onyour head are tired of e. You are the best o and dad in the world.

o, I was wron. Please exuse y dauhter's indisretion. In the future,I will not ake you anry aain, I will study hard, try to learn to dohousework, do your best dauhter. I wish you ood health and happinessforever!

Your dauhter: en Xiaojia


Dear other

Your hard work!

In this letter I want to apoloie to you!

In the past 13 years, whenever I fell on the road of rowth, you willpatiently put e riht, so that I thrive.

When I ake you anry, you ritiie e, y heart is not very taste, but Iknow, that is your love for e! Sorry, o! I won't offend you aain!

When I saw the piture you held when I was a hild, the lap of happinessin y heart was lit up by you! o! I a so happy!

When y exa results were very poor, you were not like other parents,beatin and soldin, but enouraed e, believe that I an do well in the exa!Teah e to orret the wron questions, teah e how to do these questions, lete opy the wron questions aain, firly in ind, beause of your enouraeentand help, I will have today's ahieveent!

o, you've ot a few ore wrinkles on your fae! Beause we are toonauhty! Sorry, o! Please rest assured, the dauhter will be obedient!

other, you are beautiful when you sile, your sile is so kind; Your sileis so kind; Your sile is so happy!

o, I love you! You ave e happiness, you ave e youth. Now you are old,I will radually row up, with y efforts to ive you happiness!

When you this tree fell yellow leaves, I this sall tree is rowin! Whenyou this flower faded, I this flower is in bud!

I will turn your yellow leaves into reen leaves! Will let your witheredflower into a deliate bud

I wish you a

In ood health! Forever beautiful!



Dec. 7th

Dear mother,

I have been good at school. I often think of you when I go to bed because we always go for a walk before go to bed at home. So I miss you everyday. Do you miss me? Why don’t you call me? I’ve got a lot of things to tell you. One of the things is about foreign teacher’s daughter. Her name’s Skyler. She lives in Canada. She comes to our class to learn Chinese and English with me in my class. This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium. And she did it with us too. So I usually talk to her when she doesn’t know what to do? But when the class is over, I always haven’t got enough time to talk to her. And I usually can’t find her. So we don’t have time to introduce to each other. But it is the first time that I have a foreign student. So I’m very happy! Mum, you often tell me, “If you are happy, I’ll be happy, too.” So you have to be happy, because I’m happy! I like you when you are happy!

In the end I wish you everything is just fine!






Dear xiaoqi,

This is the first tie I write to you.I feel very leeful as well as soewhat looy.Why?Let e approah your heart in details.

First of all,I have to say that I a reatly proudly of you.I pride you on your study,your life and your work.To bein with,you really harbor a heart of virtue.You treat your friends and lassates as well as your oworkers ordially.Never ever have you borne a wiked thouht towards people around.What you do is showin your love and sypathy to those needy and iserable.You are ready to help those in need,espeially your kindly friends.That is a sinal of your suess in life in reards to your behaviors.

Besides anain a wide networkin perfetly,you have also ahieved a lot in the past years of your ollee life.Your study,thouh still needs iprovin opared with soe superb students,is far ore than so-so.You have ot three sholarships suessively sine you stepped into apus.You have been fousin on your study all the tie,espeially your beloved subjet,Enlish.You bend over bakwards to ebrae her as if she is your valentine.Atually I reeber at a iven tie you really told e Enlish is authentially your lover.You told e you annot live without it even for one day,isn’t it?Hehe!That is really fantasti and well worthy.You are radually realiin its reat sinifiane and the hue profits it has brouht to you.you have been an Enlish teaher for two lasses of adults in a trainin institute for ore than one year,durin whih you have developed a lifelon friendship with your dear students and eantie elevated your Enlish skills.Your harvest is far ore than erely aterial benefits.All these deonstrate that your painstakin efforts on Enlish has reatly paid off and will ontinue to yield ore sweet fruits to you in the oin future!So just persist in pursuin your drea!As a son sins,you will when you believe!

This seester I know you are totally burdened to death.In order to learn ore you hoose another aadei deree to learn,that is aountin.You need to learn uh ore than your peer lassates.Hene when ost of your lassates have few lasses eah week,you are otherwise oupied with piled workloads.You need to rise fro bed early in the ornin,fly to shool on your bike,devour your breakfast life a wolf,then bein your readin Enlish loudly in an epty area.Followin your readin is endless lasses durin the rest of the day,whih renders the teahin buildin another of your doritories.When the weekend is approahin,when you think you an seeinly have a break,enjoy what you are keen to do,the reality is so ruel that it barely allows you to have your personal tie.You need to obat with the lessons you have not finished durin the past five days,o to teah your students,and prepare and hold the Enlish orner on Sunday evenin.After you tear a do-tired body to your doritory,you are thinkin that the oitents for the whole week finally oe to an end and feel extreely released.However,suh feelin of ease will just last no ore than seonds,for your will have to be perplexed by what you should do durin the followin week.Then another exhaustin week is ipendin…….

It is diffiult to iaine how you an toil away with suh reat persistene to the present.aybe it is your unfailin drea and taret that wheel you to wherever you want.After wrestlin with BE Hiher for ore than two onths,now you have to fiht with lots of exerise of the past paper of ET6.atually you do not need to feel suh a reat nervousness beause you an surely pass it.But I know what you are thinkin.You are a soehow idealist and deterine to perfor to the best in the exa.That is really wonderful!Besides,everyone around you plaes reat antiipation on your exeptional perforane,hene you are ovin heaven and earth to fulfill your drea!So heer up and keep on!I believe you will be a lorious vitor then!

Now the final exas are in store now and you have so any ourses,therefore you ust establish a tietable and shee in order to ahieve an effetive review that will uarantee you a satisfatory result.While study aounts enorously in your life,you should always reind yourself that health oes first before everythin!I know you are aware of attendin yourself,os I see you exerisin reularly in the y.A healthy and viorous body an ensure you exhaustless enery to aoplish your work!So do keep a perfet balane between your study and your health!

k,it is deep in niht now.it is the tie for e to hit the sak!You should also o to bed now!touh you next tie!

Best wishes


Dear (your nae),

Hey, how are you now? I a (your nae) five years ao.

I don't know whether you have reahed your oal or not but I hope you will always reeber how hard-workin you were when five years ao.

Work hard akes everythin suess. Therefore, you should keep hard-workin to your next oal and keep findin your next oal so that you will have your power to fihtin.

Also, don't be so sad to hardship. Hardship is the best trainin for yourself. It helps you to beoe ore touh and akes you beoe ore ature.


(your nae)


When you look bak on yourself in the past – 10,20,30 or ore years ao – it’s surprisin to see how uh you have haned over tie.Your experienes,your friends,your faily and your work have all shaped who you are riht now.But where will you be in another few years?How will you have haned?Refletive writin in your journal is an exellent way to think about what you want out of the future.


You ay have already written a letter to your youner self before,onveyin all the wisdo and perspetive you wish you had had at the tie.Now onsider the opposite end of the spetru; what would you say if you wrote your future self a letter?


Just iaine writin a letter to your future self years fro now,then openin it at that exat oent years down the road to see how uh of it resonated with you.It is a useful suppleentary tool to be used in oal ahieveent,beause when you write the letter to your future self,it helps rystallie exatly how you antiipate yourself to beoe at that speifi oent down the road.


As you read the letter in the future,you an assess how any thins ath up (or not) vs.your expetations in the past and think about why that’s the ase.ften ties,the oals we set and our oal ahieveent proess are subjeted to a lot of hanes alon the way,due to varyin obstales,unantiipated irustanes and hanin priorities.The letter ives you a aro-view of your initial vision and lets you reonie how your urrent vision differs fro the past.


When you open the letter in the future,you as your future self ets to opare how you used to be in the past and opare with how you are urrently.This lets you see in totality how uh thins have haned sine then – and this an be a really intriuin experiene.It’s interestin to just see how uh you have rown/haned sine you wrote the letter.







.给李华的一封信 英文





Dear ustoer,

I a the of the hotel.I a sorry to hear you are not pleased with us.First let e thank you for your oin to our hotel.You are a friendly and polite ustoer.Seond,I would like to ake an apoloy to you for our bad servie. A few days ao you went to our hotel.When you ot there,our waiters didn't help you with the baae quikly,whih you had oplained about for any ties.
As soon as I knew about that,I felt very anry.How an we do that for ustoers?Now I a lad to tell you that soethin has been done . The waiters who were on duty that day have been ritiied.They have ade a proise that would not happen fro now on.So I hope you an forive us and oe to our hotel aain. As we know,ustoer is the od.If you have any questions or suestions,please all us anytie anywhere. Thank you aain.


Dear XXX:

We felt very sorry to say that we ould not provide the tiely and iruspet servie for you as Household Eletri Appliane aintain opany .We sinerely hope you an understand us , beause soe of our aintaiers went to train , and soe of the walked to the other plae for servies .
Now , we really have no aintainer to be sent to your hoe .For this , we said we were sorry aain .And kindly please you ay rest assure that we will send our aintainers to o to your hoe for aintain servies next onday . Best reards! Wan Hao anaer


dear xxx:

i a terribly sorry to tell you that i have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend e last week. i read it everyday and intended to finish it next onth. last niht when i ae to y roo, it was nowhere to be found. i will try to reover it as soon as possible. if i fail to find it, i will et a new book for you.

but i a afraid it an never take the plae of the old one. old books are like old friends. one lost, they an never be replaed. they are onneted with herished assoiations whih the new ones an never have. and for this irreoverable loss, i a to blae. i was so areless with y thins. this is a warnin to e to be ore areful in the future.

yours truly,


Dear ustoer,

I a the of the hotel.I a sorry to hear you are not pleased with us.First let e thank you for your oin to our hotel.You are a friendly and polite ustoer.Seond,I would like to ake an apoloy to you for our bad servie. A few days ao you went to our hotel.

When you ot there,our waiters didn't help you with the baae quikly,whih you had oplained about for any ties.As soon as I knew about that,I felt very anry.How an we do that for ustoers?

Now I a lad to tell you that soethin has been done . The waiters who were on duty that day have been ritiied.They have ade a proise that would not happen fro now on.So I hope you an forive us and oe to our hotel aain. As we know,ustoer is the od.If you have any questions or suestions,please all us anytie anywhere. Thank you aain.


Dear r. Sith,

I a indeed very sorry that I issed the exaination on International Business Enlish Writin you ave last Friday. I feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day. I suddenly fell sik early that ornin and y parents had to send e to the hospital. Please find enlosed a opy of the edial bill.

I sinerely hope you an understand y situation and aept y apoloy. I would appreiate your allowin e to take a ake-up exaination. I will oe to your offie durin your offie hour on onday to disuss this possibility with you. ne aain, I apoloie for any inonveniene aused.

Sinerely yours,

Wan Hua






























