




2、写给英语老師的一封信 用英语给老师写一封信(2)


4、写给妈妈的一封信英语作文50字 写一封信的作文300字(4)




Dear iss Nany,

uh to y reret I was unable to keep y proise to attend your birthdayparty last Saturday, owin to the fat that y little son was suddenly taken illearly that day.

Hopin to see you soon.

Truly yours,



dear david:

i a afraid that you will think e unpardonably nelient in not havinanswered your letter dated 7, deeber sooner, but when i have told you thereason, i trust you will be onvined that the nelet was exusable. when yourletter arrived, i was just in hon kon. as y faily ould not forward it to edurin y absene, it has been, therefore, lyin on y desk until the oentwhen i took it up. now the first thin i have to hasten to do is to write to youthese few lines to express y deep reret.

i enjoyed any pleasant sihts durin y trip. i shall be pleased to iveyou an aount to of the when i see you next.

sinerely yours,



dear kate:

exuse e for y lon delayin in returnin to you your robinson rusoewhih i read throuh with reat interest. i had finished readin the book andwas about to return it when y ousin ae to see e. never havin seen thebook, she was so interested in it that i had to retain it loner. however, ihope that in view of the additional deliht thus afforded by your book, you willoverlook y neliene in not returnin it sooner.

thankin you aain for the loan.

sinerely yours,



Hi iss Liu(男的用r)

I a writin to express y sorry for the breakin of an appointent. Wewere areed that I will o to your offie to disuss y hoework on ten olokonday ornin, but I was busy with soethin else whih is iportant for e. Ia so sorry for did not infor you about it.

Best reards


Dear Frank:

I a terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost the valuable book you wereso kind to lend e last week. I read it everyday and intended to finish it nextonth. Last niht when I ae to y roo, it was nowhere to be found. I will tryto reover it as soon as possible. If I fail to find it, I will et a new bookfor you.

But I a afraid it an never take the plae of the old one. ld books arelike old friends. ne lost, they an never be replaed. They are onneted withherished assoiations whih the new ones an never have. And for thisirreoverable loss, I a to blae. I was so areless with y thins. This is awarnin to e to be ore areful in the future.

Yours truly,



Dear ___,

I a so sorry that I was late to the lass this ornin.Althouh it beausethat I issed the bus so that I had to wait another 1 inutes for the nextone,I still need to take the full responsibility for it.

If you would aept y appoloie,that would be reat.I proiss you that Iwill not be late to any lass aain.

Yours sinerely

Tony Blair


Dear han,

I a really sorry to tell you that I was unable to attend your birthdayparty yesterday evenin. That is owin to the fat that y old friends visitedy house without tellin e the exat tie. I had to entertain those friendswith y passion in the entire evenin,and I will ontinue to entertain the inthe followin two days.

I really reret that I havent o to elebrate your birthday personally andhad issed a wonderful hane to enjoy yself with our kind olleaes. I haveprepared a pretty ift to you yesterday and will send to you this afternoon toshow y best birthday wishes. Besides, I trust that you will understand e.

Best wishes,

yours sinerely,



写给英语老師的一封信 用英语给老师写一封信


Deeber 27th, 2009

Dear r Pan:

It has been a lon tie sine I wrote the last letter. Nowdays, people write letters less and less, instead, they ake a all or send a SS. However, it is still a ood way for us to ouniate with eah other by sendin a letter.

It's y honour to et the hane to write to you. "Approahable" is y first ipression of you, beause you always keeps silin. Students ay fear the teahers that are serious both in and out of lass. Sile akes a teaher popular with his students, you are a teaher of this very kind.

You always arrive at the lassroo ahead of any of the students, fro whih we ould iply that you are a dilient an with reular habit. Before the lass, you like to talk to us, at this very tie, you are ore a friend than a teaher. To be honest, I was surprised in the first lass when I learned a teaher at your ae ould speak Enlish in suh a fluent way.(I didn't ean you are old, you're youn at heart.) oreover, you know well how to keep your lass attrative. You've ot suh an ative ind that you an keep talkin durin the whole lass without a pause. I always appreiated your ideas and enjoyed listenin to you. In your lass, I learned not only the writin skills but also the presentation skills as well as uh knowlede of other areas. Thanks for your exellent teahin.

I've ot soe suestions for you. It sees that we students have ot few hanes to partiipate in disussion durin the lass tie. ost of the tie, we are listenin. Seldo did we express our own ideas. I suest that teahers should interat with students ore frequently in the lass. Besides, I'd like to pratie writin ore, so would you please leave us ore assinents?

Happy new year.

With every ood wish.

Yours sinerely Dali Wan






那天在课上,我竟然连onitor一次都听不明白,是我的愚笨浇灭了你的热情。 第二次课上,我们换了班长,你当时问,是不是选举产生的。当时我心情实在不是很好,在以后的日子里,




面对期末考试,我很紧张,担心自己不及格,整个学期我都在努力学习。 下个学期我想把学生工作处的工作辞掉了,让自己专心学习。




我很喜欢听你讲你在国外看到的或者听到的一些事情,可是时间过得很快。 下学期,我准备去旁听英语本科的课程,继续提高自己的英语听说能力。



The ourse of a seester is over soon.

Fortunately, I know you. et on the road every tie you think you are exited, Healthy heart sile.

ne thin, I'll tell you about. Is about the onitor thin. The first tie in your lass, I do not open your outh and say five years of Enlish life.

Day in lass, I atually do not understand even the onitor one heard, is y stupid your passion extinuished.

The seond lass, we hane the squad leader, you were asked, is not eleted. I was feelin not very ood at a later date,

I understand the iportane of squad leader in your heart. Here, I want to explain to you

I take the initiative to quit the squad, I wish I had ore tie to learn, beause I've been workin for three years, and feel that two years of study tie is life

The last tie a setion of students.

The fae of the final exa, I was nervous, worried they do not pass the whole seester I are workin hard.

Students next seester I want to work at his job, and let yourself onentrate on their studies.

In your lass, you tauht e ourae, I never dare open outh of a boy to speak Enlish, startin in your lass tryin to learn spoken Enlish.

Is you, let e speak Enlish and did not think that's so diffiult. Althouh, in fat, before eah lass I have the aterials ready pretenshion dare to outh said.

Also learn to understand, forewarned is foreared, without prejudin the waste. I like to hear you say you see or hear in a forein ountry soe thins, but tie flies.

Next seester, I' oin to sit in underraduate Enlish ourses, ontinue to iprove their Enlish speakin ability.

We also hope that reular ontat as friends, but wish I had Enlish and you an share soe knowlede on forein.

Finally, we wish you health and happiness.










尊敬的 老师您好:

我是 院 专业的学生。现在已是研一的一名学生。






题目:作为教师,我们很关心我们的学生是否在健健康康的成长;作为英语老师,我们也很希望我们的课高效而且令人快乐,从而让我们的学生在上少走弯路. 教学本就应相长 ,在开学之际,坦诚地写写英语老师及英语课吧,提点建议,给点儿鼓励,只因为大家都不容易.

动笔写一篇以To y Enlish Teaher为题的作文。


To y Enlish Teaher

I a a new student here.I haven't et you yet.I don't know if you teahes well.But I an iaine that you are a kind person.I a sure that you will not ake us disappointed.y Enlish is not very exellent.I always ake stupid istakes.I an't do well in Enlish exaination.There are a lot of reasons in it.aybe I spent too little tie on Enlish.aybe I was not interested in it.I hope that you will hane that.aybe you an help e to et interest on Enlish.any people,espeially any boys thinks that Enlish is a borin subjet.Soe people even thinks that boys ouldn't do well in it forever.I will prove that is wron.Bein a boy,I will ake reat proress in Enlish.



dear teaher:

a just writin to say thank you.thank you for teahin us thins we need to learn, thank you for bein there for us when we have any probles, thanks for your devotion and willinness to help us, thank you for the love you've shown to us.

I a luky to have a teaher like you. and no atter what kind of person i will beoe, you will always have your influene on e. You tauht e how to study, how to live and even how to be a an. Fro you I learned what kind of person i want to be and what should i et fro life. this eans everythin to e.

y dear teaher, no atter what you will always have a speial plae in y heart and i will reeber what i have learned fro you and arry the knowlees throuh y life! 亲爱的老师:

我写信感谢你教了我们需要的东西,感谢你为我们在我们有困难的时候,感谢你的奉献和愿意帮助我们,谢谢您给我们的爱。 我很幸运有你这样的老师。无论我会成为什么样的人,你将永远影响着我。你教我如何学习,如何生活,如何成为一个男人。从你那里我学会了什么样的人,我想我应该从生活中得到什么。这意味着我的一切。


Dear Teaher:

I like studyin Enlish very uh.


But I think y readin ability is not ood.


All the tie, I' lookin for ethods to iprove y readin ability.


There's still no ood result now.


I need your help on y readin urently.


Wish you ood health!


Your sinerely,




Ler e tell you about y life. In weekdays I have to o to shool.I usually et up at o`lok.And I o to shool by bus.In the shool.I study hinese ath Enlish history and so on. I like PE best,beause I think it is interestin.And on weekends I help y other do housework. Then I o to park and play with y friend. In the afternoon I ust do y hoe work.y life is fun. Please write to e sonn and tell e about yourself.写给英语老師的一封信.

亲爱的……,让我告诉你关于我的生活。在平日,我要上学。我通常点起床` lok.and我乘公共汽车去学校。在学校。我学习语文数学英语历史等等。我最喜欢体育,因为我觉得它很有趣。在周末,我帮助我的妈妈做家务。然后我去公园和我的朋友玩。在下午,我必须做我的家庭工作。我的生活是有趣的。请尽快给我写信并告诉我关于你自己。

第六篇:《专业英语 给老师的一封信》

Dear teaher han :

first of all, I a land to have the hane to attend your lass in this ter. I ot a lot of havest in your lass. The ost thin that let e have a feelin is your riorous teahin attitude. It will be a preious intelletual treasure to e and y future life.

I believe Professional Enlish is a very neessary and useful subjet in university.sine in the fatory, a lot of prodution ahine naeplate are written by Enlish, Professional Enlish Let us better understand soe probles we will fae durin our work in the future and Let us better failiar with our future workin environent.

In this lass, We will learn a lot of professional words and it will be reat help to us. Throuh the professional Enlish learnin, we will not feel very strane when see soe speial nouns In the fatory or in other jobs, whih akes us looks very professional.写给英语老師的一封信.

As it is said, No pains, no ains. Every Pay will have harvest. The ore knowlede we learn today , the ore harvest we will et toorrow . So the only thin we need to do is study hard for our toorrow.写给英语老師的一封信.

Best Wishes

your student hanhenlei


Dear rs. Shi, hello. ust first thank you to be willin very uh to arrive at our shool, teahes us business Enlish this urriulu. To your first ipression is hildish, very kind feelin. After knowin your study experiene, inreased to your sentient of worship.Beause Fudan University's world eonois speialty is y drea, even if forever possibly ould not realie. In fat,I really want to see your study life at ordinary ties, I want to know what kind of habits aoplished thus exellent of you.

This seester, we ot the subjet of 《ffer&ounter-ffer》 , I also reeber until now our roup oes on stae perforane's sene, I an only use two words to desribe: bad and awkward. Beause we do not have well the preparation, ause then the situation of the ess. n the PPT ontent is diretly fro on-line dupliation and lue. But takes e who letures not to have well the preparation, is siply is on site to display. At that tie stood on the stae feelin is really very bad, I only wanted a bit faster to finish leture, hurry to leave stae. That experiene told e “the full preparation” iportane.

In your lass, I also have another unforettable experiene, is soe tie roll-all. You didn’t all everybody,when you seleted Wan Kaiya, I helped her to all, whih knew that you alled e to raise hand to look to you. Afterward you seleted unexpetedly to ine nae. I a really suspeted very uh that you thouht I a not Wan Kaiya, therefore has turned head selets the Han Xue nae aain, beause of ine student nuber in the front of Wan Kaiya. Afterward one tie, you were alled eah roup of roup leader's nae, I helped Wan Kaiya to all one ore, therefore I thouht that perhaps you rearded e Wan Kaiya.Ha-ha, this erely is y uess!

n your lass we feel relaxed, we don’t have the tedious knowlede spot and heavy hoework. Soe are only your speakin with onfidene with eah kind of sall story, you used your personal experiene to teah our soe truths.

This seester, y ipression quite deep is “transportation” this hapter. I have learned the transport expense oputin ode, and in the transportation proess the risk undertakes the way. The different transport ode and the ethod of settlin aounts, will have the dissiilar transport expense and the risk. Atually in “the international trade”, I has also studied soe international shippin's knowlede, but in yours lass, I studied eah tehnial expression in Enlish. For exaple:aro freiht,diret vessel,entir voyae and so on.

h, h, I a really ould not write aain about this seester’s studies and thouht, beause spoke the truth, I very few listened earnestly, espeially in the university. Therefore teaher I’ sorry very uh, this seester's work I stopped. Wishes you and your faily eber has the happiness ontent life!

0723143 韩雪



题目:作为教师,我们很关心我们的学生是否在健健康康的成长;作为英语老师,我们也很希望我们的课高效而且令人快乐,从而让我们的学生在上少走弯路. 教学本就应相长 ,在开学之际,坦诚地写写英语老师及英语课吧,提点建议,给点儿鼓励,只因为大家都不容易.

动笔写一篇以To y Enlish Teaher为题的作文。


To y Enlish Teaher

I a a new student here.I haven't et you yet.I don't know if you teahes well.But I an iaine that you are a kind person.I a sure that you will not ake us disappointed.y Enlish is not very exellent.I always ake stupid istakes.I an't do well in Enlish exaination.There are a lot of reasons in it.aybe I spent too little tie on Enlish.aybe I was not interested in it.I hope that you will hane that.aybe you an help e to et interest on Enlish.any people,espeially any boys thinks that Enlish is a borin subjet.Soe people even thinks that boys ouldn't do well in it forever.I will prove that is wron.Bein a boy,I will ake reat proress in Enlish.


y Beloved Teaher

Suddenly, I was a junior student. There are lots of teahers, who one tauht e, like stars shinin on y way. As the sayin oes, "a day for the teaher, lifelon for the father." I an't

hoose the favorite and the ost respet teaher, but in y heart, she is always in the forefront. She tauht e Enlish in y senior shool. We students always all her Lisa. Lisa looks ordinary, but she has a unique way in teahin. She advoated the autonoous learnin in order to enhane our ability. In the lass, she was found to raise us ore questions, let us think the peradventures, solve the probles.

I reeber when an Enlish lesson, the students were thinkin positively in the teaher's uidane. n the ontrary, I was week in Enlish and always ouldn’t answer Lisa’s question. aybe she obviously felt y lax attitude and asked a question aain: “let us suarie the ain ontent of the text.” After thouht for a oent, there were quite a few students raised their hands. I silently bowed y head, and said in y heart: “Not e! Not e!” Just then, Lis




Dear huanhua ,

It’s three onths sine I heard fro you last tie . Now I want to tell you an ipressive story happenin on y first lesson .

n hearin the bell students ran into the lassroo as quikly as they ould. But a boy ,LIin , whose father died a onth ao , was late for the lass. He stood outside the lassroo silently . I siled to hi and let hi oe in. After a while ,he ried on his desk . Then I walked to hi and asked what had happened . He told e that his other was ill and he had to take soe ediine for her . At the sae tie ,he apoloied to e for his lateness . oved by his words , I praised hi for his deeds and deided to sin a son naed “other” for the students . How tie flies ! lass was over before I realied it .

Fro the story I felt we should respet our parents and do our best to help the . Do you think so ? I’ lookin forward to your reply .

Yours truly ,

Li Hon


Dear Sir/ada ,

I’ lihua fro lass one ,senior two . I a wrin to apply for the opportunity to help the students in henxin Hope Shool with their Enlish. Thus they an iprove their Enlish durin the suer vaation . eanwhile , I an learn how to et alon well the students and benefit the whole shool.

I’ kind , easy-oin and always ready to help others . I wash lothes and ake beds by yself to develop independene . Enlish is y favorite subjet and I have won several pries in Enlish ontests . So I think that I a qualified for the position.

I plan to ouniate with students first to know what they need . Besides ,I ‘ll try to et the ore interested in Enlish by tellin stories , sinin sons ,playin aes and so on .

I’d appreiate it if you ould ive e the opportunity .

Yours Sinerely ,

Li hua


Dear r. Sith ,

I a Lihua ,hairan of the student union , fro henuan hih shoo. I a very pleased to learn that you are oin to visit our shool on June 26. I a writin to tell you what we have arraned for you.

In the ornin , there will be a foru in the shool auditoriu , where visitors and students fro our shool ouniate with eah other ,talkin about shool life and ultural differenes . At noon, you are invited to have lunh in our shool afeteria with students fro our shool. You an taste duplins ,noodles and other hinese foods .In the afternoon, the students in our shool will show you around the HaiHe river .

How do you like the arraneents ? I hope you will have a nie tie in Tian jin

Yours sinerely ,

Li Hua







写给妈妈的一封信英语作文50字 写一封信的作文300字



溯源学习法,中小学智能学习平台 sd.bannei.o


Dear other,

how are you in Beijin? It has been ten days sine you went to Beijin. I iss you very uh. I know it is danerous to take are of sars patients, so I' very worried about you. but I' very- proud of you.

Don' t worry about e and y study. Every ornin I et up early and do ornin exerises for half an hour, and then I read Enlish for twenty inutes. After breakfast at about eiht I turn on TV and et ready for lessons on it. In the afternoon, I usually do y hoework. Every day the teaher akes a all to e and asks e about y teperature. I think all the people around e are takin ood are of e. I' thankful.

Now the people in the ountry are fihtin aainst sars toether. I believe we an win the war.

I wish you healthy! I' expetin you to oe bak soon.






y dearest other,

the other‘s day is oin and i would like to say “happy

other’s day” in this letter. i love you and thank you so uh for everythin you did for e. this day,i will stay away and an‘t ive you y appreiation at hoe. i know i will wath yself,so don’t worry about e. i a doin very well on y study. y

shoolates and teahers are all very nie. thouh i an‘t be at hoe, i hope you have a wonderful other’s day.love,

your son


Dear o and Dad,

Althouh we an only keep in touh with eah other by the telephone or the Internet, I wish I ould let you know how uh I love you and how uh I’ve appreiated the thins you’ve done for e. It is never too uh to say thank you to you, y dear parents.

First and the ost iportant is that thank you for brinin e to this world. Durin the 20 years, you have done a lot for e, but I haven’t realied how uh I love you until I left hoe to the university. I understand how uh effort you have ost to brin e up. Now, I have rown up, I an look after you.

Seond, I want to thank you that you ive e a ood environent to row up. There is an old sayin “Parents are the first teaher to their hildren”. In y life, you are the typial ones. Beause of your ood exaples I fored the ood habit of learnin at an early ae whih benefits y life.

At last, I want to say “thank you” is that you always support y hoie. You never fored e to do anythin I was not interested in. You told e to pursuit y own dreas without hesitation and you would support e forever. You also told e to how to be a huan. Now I beoe an optiisti and heerful irl and I feel happy every day.

I really iss you when I a writin this thank you letter. I an’t wait to o hoe to share ore tie toether with you.You are y ost iportant people in the world and I will love you forever.




Thank-you Letter

Dear o and Dad,

Althouh we an keep in virtual touh every day by eans of SN or e-ails, I

still feel it not enouh to let you know how uh I love you and how uh I’ve

appreiated the thins you’ve done for e. I find that it will never be too uh to say

Thank You to you, y beloved parents.

First, I want to thank you for akin all your efforts to brin e up. I was told that

you were short of oney when I was born and it beae even ore diffiult for a

youn ouple to raise a hild without any help fro elder eneration. So I appreiate

your areful nursin very uh for ivin e a ood health and the feelin of bein


Seond, I want to thank you for your ood eduation on e. There is an old sayin

oes like this “Parents are the first teaher to their hildren”. Yes, you are the typial

ones. You were so strit with e that I told y kinderarten teaher of y wonder

about whether I was the hild of yours, not the one piked up fro street. Touhin on

this soft spot deeply in y heart, vivid eories ae floodin bak. I won’t foret

the sene of y first and also the last lie found out by you. I ouldn’t stop treblin

all over. I was ashaed to ry when you beat e. I thouht I deserved this punishent

and told yself to keep away fro tellin lies fro then on.

I won’t foret how uh you’ve ipressed on e to love books and readin. Even in

the ost diffiult tie, you still spared e soe oney for the books I was fond of.

y love of books never diinished and later led e toward writin artiles yself.

So any ties, I have felt a sense of ontent when I saw your silin faes on

readin y artiles, ood or bad. In fat, this raduated into one of y habits of

sharin everythin I ahieved with you and feelin ontent with your siles I’ so

foolish to try to write all the thins you’ve done in y favor. If it is possible, this

letter ust be endless.

So, the ost iportant thin that I want to say “Thank you” for is your reat

adiration on y own freedo. You never fored e to do anythin I was not

interested in, even you had already known that I would reret not doin it. You never

forbade e to do anythin I was truly interested in and supported e finanially and

entally. You told e to look over the horions and to pursuit y own dreas

without hesitation. You also told e to onsider everythin arefully before ettin

start. h, wherever I o, I an see your eaer eyes ; whenever I a, I an touh your

enuine hearts. You’ve been lovin e heart and soul, how an I repay your

arvelous love to e?

I really feel that y pen fails e when I a writin this thank you letter. Lukily,

ay holiday is oin. It will ive e the ost exellent opportunity to express y

heartfelt ratitude to you----oin hoe and share ore tie toether with you.


Wan inyuan写给妈妈的一封信英语作文0字.

Dear u,

Thank you for brinin e to this world! Durin the 20 years, you have

done a lot for e, but suddenly I find that I have never stopped and said

to you how uh I feel the need to thank you! Now, Thanksivin Day is

on the way, I wish to express y thanks to you.

First of all, thank you for ivin y life! You have not had e! You

let e know how preious life is! You let e see the beautiful world! You

ive the hane to e know the people who love e and loved by e! Thank

you, u! You are the reatest person in the world! I want to say, I love


Seondly, thank you for brinin e up! With your reat are, I row

healthily and stron! When I was ill, you always took tie off work to

look after e! How worried you were! I know, that’s your love for e!

But when you were ill, I find that I never looked after you! When I think

about this, I feel very ashaed! Sorry, u, I should take are of you

as your son, but! Besides, u, do you know, you are suh a terrifi ook!

I thank you for the years of eatin your ood ookin, the equal of whih

I hadn’t found sine! u, I want to say, I love you!

Lastly, thank you for teahin e how to be a huan! I learned to tell

the truth, to share, and to be forivin and onsiderate of others. So

I have a lot of friends and have a happy life! Thank you, u! I love you!

Love fro,



Dear o,

Thank you for brinin e to this world! Durin the 20 years,you have done

a lot for e,but suddenly I find that I have never stopped and said to

you how uh I feel the need to thank you!Now, other's Day is on the way,I

wish to express y thanks to you.

First of all ,thank you for ivin e y life!If You have not had e, I won't be able to see the beautiful world! You let e know how preious life is!You ive the hane for e to know the people who love e and loved by e! Thank you, o!You are the best person in the world!I want to say,I love you!

Seondly,thank you for brinin e up!With your reat are,I row healthly and stron!When I was ill,you always took tie off fro work to look after e!How worried you were!I know,that's your love for e!But when you were ill,I find that I never looked after you!When I think about this,I feel very ashaed!Sorry,o,I should take are of you like a son shoule be doin!Besides,u,do you know that you are suh a terrifi ook!I enjoy the years of eatin your ood ookin,the equal of whih I had not found ever. o,I want to say,I love you!

Lastly,thank you for teahin e how to be a huan!I learned to tell the truth,to share,and to be forivin and onsiderate of others.So I have a lot of friends and have a happy life!Thank you,o!I love you!

Love fro,





金城学校七(1)班 张梦圆











金城学校七(1)班 杨锦

















妈妈在节日的梦里,收到一只小小的纸船,打开船舱,(本文出自范.文先生网 )满满一舱浓浓的爱意,扑入妈妈的眼帘,涌入妈妈的心房,令妈妈感慨万千,激动不已。这是一个女儿对母亲的爱,也是一个女儿对母亲所付出的的肯定。妈妈在这里,谢谢你了,女儿。





2013年3月日晚 )


金城学校七(1)班 查凡






还记得第一次英语考试,由于小学没学过英语,一点基础都没有,学习英语十分吃力。我至今都不知道在下课铃声响起时,我是怎么稀里糊涂地把自己仅写了一半的英语试卷平静地交上去的。反正在交上去之后,我的心里一阵空荡荡的失落与无助。那一次的英语考试对别人而言只能用“So easy”来形容,而我心里知道自己考得很差——史无前例的奇耻大辱:我将会迎来平生第一次不及格的结果。次日的英语课,我没有辜负自己的猜测考了一个神奇而可笑的分数:67分。及格了?当然没及格——120分的试卷呢!我很伤心——当然伤心的!就如爱因斯坦考100分的物理试卷得了3分一样。回到家后,我把一肚子的苦恼全向你倾诉了,心情一下大好。你没有生气,更没有责备,有的只是对我的安慰与鼓励。之后,我终于振作起来,英语成绩突飞猛进,这都得益于你的支持及鼓励!







金城学校七(2)班 李玉佩














金城学校七(1)班 但绍丽






垦利县永安胜利希望小学 卢曼如
























































