










Dear s. Reinhart,

I a terribly sorry that I failed to arrive at BLU last Friday. I hopethat this did not ess you up opletely, althouh I know that you had alreadyade soe speial arraneents for y visit with you parents and friends. I avery sorry about all that. I a sure you will be sypatheti, however, when Itell you that y father is danerously ill in hospital, and that I found itipossible to leave for the visit when he is in this state.

y father was workin very hard on his projet on protetin theenvironent. I know the projet has oe to a very iportant stae. He and hisassistants did not take reular rest for three weeks. Last niht, y father hada heart attak and was soon sent to the hospital. The dotor said y father wasin a very serious situation, and, he iht need an operation.

24 hours have passed. Nothin has haned. I have to stay at the hospital.I will let you know if there is any ood news.

I a sorry aain and look forward to seein you soon.

Yours sinerely,

To Willias


Dear Friends,

Please aept y sinere apoloy for the inonveniene that I aused you byaddin the extra visitin without your perission.

I had no intention of intrudin on your personal life. In hina, arranininterestin leisure ativities for visitors is a oon way to show weloe.However, as your reeptionist, I should have realied that you are inlined toreard your private tie as an inviolable treasure and hate to be harassed byunplanned atters.

I really sorry that I didnt hek with you before akin suhinosiderate arraneent .All I an say is that it wont happen aain.




Dear John,

I a eaerly lookin forward to your visit to our ity. After all theseyears of writin to eah other, I an not wait to see you. However, I reret toinfor you that I will not be able to eet you at the airport on tie.

The reason is that your fliht will arrive early in the ornin, and theearliest I an reah the airport will be about an hour after you land. Will youplease wait for e in the arrival loune? You an have breakfast while youwait.

By the way, as we have never et I ust tell you hoe to identify e: I aof 16 tall and have a lon hair. In addition, I will wear a white skirt andarry a hina Daily at hand.

Hope we an eet soon.

Sinerely yours,



Dear David:

I a afraid that you will think e unpardonably nelient in not havinanswered your letter dated 7, Deeber sooner, but when I have told you thereason, I trust you will be onvined that the nelet was exusable. When yourletter arrived, I was just in Hon Kon. As y faily ould not forward it to edurin y absene, it has been, therefore, lyin on y desk until the oentwhen I took it up. Now the first thin I have to hasten to do is to write to youthese few lines to express y deep reret.

I enjoyed any pleasant sihts durin y trip. I shall be pleased to iveyou an aount to of the when I see you next.

Sinerely yours,


Dear Anne,

Thank you for your invitation to dinner at your hoe toorrow evenin.Unfortunately, it is uh to y reret that I annot join you and your faily,beause I will be fully oupied then for an iportant exa oin the day aftertoorrow. I feel terribly sorry for issin the hane of suh a happyet-toether, and I hope that all of you enjoy a ood tie. Is it possible foryou and e to have a private eetin afterward? If so, please dont hesitate todrop e a line about your preferable date. I do lon for a pleasant hat withyou.

Please allow e to say sorry aain.


Li in


Dear Kate:

Exuse e for y lon delayin in returnin to you your “Robinson rusoe”whih I read throuh with reat interest. I had finished readin the book andwas about to return it when y ousin ae to see e. Never havin seen thebook, She was so interested in it that I had to retain it loner. However, Ihope that in view of the additional deliht thus afforded by your book, you willoverlook y neliene in not returnin it sooner. Thankin you aain for theloan.

Sinerely yours,


Dear r. Sith,

I a indeed very sorry that I issed the exaination on InternationalBusiness Enlish Writin you ave last Friday. I feel awful about it and wantyou to know what happened that day. I suddenly fell sik early that ornin andy parents had to send e to the hospital. Please find enlosed a opy of theedial bill. I sinerely hope you an understand y situation and aept yapoloy. I would appreiate your allowin e to take a ake-up exaination. Iwill oe to your offie durin your offie hour on onday to disuss thispossibility with you. ne aain, I apoloie for any inonveniene aused.Sinerely yours, Wan Hua 范文 4 Diretions: ne of your pen friends, John, willbe visitin your ity. However, for soe reasons, you an not eet hi at theairport on tie. Write a letter askin to wait for you at the airport and tellhi how to reonie you. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. Youdon’t need to write the address. Don’t sin your own nae at the end of theletter, use Alie instead.

Sinerely yours,





Dear r. Sith ,

I a Lihua ,hairan of the student union , fro henuan hih shoo. I a very pleased to learn that you are oin to visit our shool on June 26. I a writin to tell you what we have arraned for you.

In the ornin , there will be a foru in the shool auditoriu , where visitors and students fro our shool ouniate with eah other ,talkin about shool life and ultural differenes . At noon, you are invited to have lunh in our shool afeteria with students fro our shool. You an taste duplins ,noodles and other hinese foods .In the afternoon, the students in our shool will show you around the HaiHe river .

How do you like the arraneents ? I hope you will have a nie tie in Tian jin

Yours sinerely ,

Li Hua


Dear Sir/ada ,

I’ lihua fro lass one ,senior two . I a wrin to apply for the opportunity to help the students in henxin Hope Shool with their Enlish. Thus they an iprove their Enlish durin the suer vaation . eanwhile , I an learn how to et alon well the students and benefit the whole shool.

I’ kind , easy-oin and always ready to help others . I wash lothes and ake beds by yself to develop independene . Enlish is y favorite subjet and I have won several pries in Enlish ontests . So I think that I a qualified for the position.

I plan to ouniate with students first to know what they need . Besides ,I ‘ll try to et the ore interested in Enlish by tellin stories , sinin sons ,playin aes and so on .

I’d appreiate it if you ould ive e the opportunity .

Yours Sinerely ,

Li hua


Dear sir /ada ,

y nae is Li in , a student urrently studyin at Qi in hih shool. I a writin, on behalf of y lassates ,to apply for the 2000 yuan worth of fund in a bid to initiate a prora aied at helpin those students who are finanially disadvantaed.

Bein raised in failies that don’t have to worry about puttin food on the table need not ean oblivion to our less fortunate peers. n this aount , we would appreiate it if you ould sponsor our poverty –relief endeavor . The followin is how we would o about usin the oney. We would spend 100yuan purhasin soe stationery for the needy students in our shool .We would infor the to pik up the shool supplies theselves instead of us handin the supplies out so that we wouldn’t ebarrass those who we want to help . The reainder of the fund would be used to invite a otivational speaker who was to talk about how to lift oneself out of poverty by akin riht aadei and professional deisions .

odest as our efforts ay sound, we believe they will war soe hearts . We would be uh oblied if you ould reply at your earliest onveniene .

Yours sinerely ,

Li in










Dear Kate,


This ter I oved to a new house and studied in a new shool. But I always issed y friend. y old house was ove ofortable than this new house. I wanted to o bak to y old house.


Everythin was strane for e,so I ouldn't study better. I felt nervous in the first test. And I ot bad sores,I felt very sad. The teaher shouted at e. And then,I felt under too uh pressure and very tired. y parents were also sad with e. When y lassates knew this thin,she helped e,and ave e soe advie. Later,I thouht I an be better next tie.


I hope to et on well with everyone and et a ood ark soon.



Dear Yu:

Is it surprisin that I write the letter for you ? Not one tie had I wanted to express y heartfelt ratitude for you fae to fae . But I’ so shy that I an’t do that .Thus , I deide to say thank you in this way .

eetin you is the ost fortunate thin in the world . Your eerene brihtens y life deeply . You know ,I used to be suh a shy ,a quiet irl . I was afraid of ontatin with others so that I erely had pretty few friends . All days I stayed at hoe , and y life was dull . It was not until you volunteered to assist e that y life set out hanin . You took e to wander the streets to observe the world whih reatly broadened y eyes . You enouraed e to take part in kinds of ativities that prooted y ourae and onfidene . You were always enthusiasti to introduin e to your friends when I was fear of expressin yself in publi . The wonderful haraters you own deserve e to learnin .Your optiis and viour ipress e so uh .

Now , I have beoe onfident and outoin . I an firly onfront the diffiulties ,never shrink . y dear friend ,thanks for leadin e to a new world , thanks for lettin e feel shiny warth and never akin e lonely . oparin to what you have don for e , siple thanks see to be inor , but it’s y sinere appreiation and ratefulness .

Blessin you happy forever .

Yours Qin


Dear John,


Lon tie no see, how is your suer vaation? I’ really sorry for writin so late. I have been too busy at this oent. I a happy to hear that you have traveled to Tibet at this suer holiday. How I wish I ould o there with you!


Let e tell you soethin about y suer holiday. y suer holiday is rih and olorful. y parents take e to Hon Kon. That’s a beautiful plae. I buy a lot of funny thins at there. Suh as pretty dresses, ute dolls and the snaks I never eat before. I really want to stay there and never oe bak! In a word, I really appreiate the life there.


I’ really lookin forward to your reply!


Truly yours,













dear david:

i a afraid that you will think e unpardonably nelient in nothavin answered your letter dated 7, deeber sooner, but when i have told you the reason, i trust you will be onvined that the nelet was exusable. when your letter arrived, i was just in hon kon. as y faily ould not forward it to e durin y absene, it has been, therefore, lyin on y desk until the oent when i took it up. now the first thin i have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to express y deep reret.i enjoyed any pleasant sihts durin y trip. i shall be pleased to ive you an aount to of the when i see you next.

sinerely yours,



i a writin this letter to express y apoloy that ______________.i feel terribly sorry about this. one aain, i a very sorry for any inonveniene aused. i will be really appreiated if you an aept y apoloies and understand y situation.

yours sinerely

_________ 亲爱的_____,(对方姓名)我写这封信以表达我的道歉 ______________(道歉原因)。对此我深感抱歉。我再次对给您造成的任何不便深感歉意,希望您能理解我的处境并接受我的道歉。 谨启 _________(自己姓名)


dear to,

how is everythin oin with you? i terribly sorry that i’ not able to o to your birthday party this saturday afternoon. i’ in beijin now beause y other is seriously ill and will have an operation here. she is in bad need of y are these days, so i? stayin here to take are of her in the hospital. i wish you a happy birthday and hope everythin will o well with the party. by the way, i have sent you the latest d of han jie. i hope you?ll like this birthday i? lookin forward to seein you soon.


wan tao


Dear harlie,

Kindly exuse e for y not bein able to see you off at the airport this Saturday as I have proised.

A ajor business partner of our opany will be attendin an iportant onferene in Xiaen this weekend, and y boss finally hooses e to aopany hi there to neotiate about a new transation. I have just been infored of this plan and a happy about the deision—this is an opportunity to both display and enhane y abilities, so I a afraid I annot be present at the airport.

Pursuin study overseas is an essential step in the aoplishent of your drea.

How I wish I ould have the hane to share with you y personal feelins and suestions before you are away! I hereby send you a ift to wish you ood luk. Please forive e.


Li in


Dear John,

I a eaerly lookin forward to your visit to our ity。 After all these years of writin to eah other, I an not wait to see you。 However, I reret to infor you that I will not be able to eet you at the airport on tie。

The reason is that your fliht will arrive early in the ornin, and the earliest I an reah the airport will be about an hour after you land。 Will you please wait for e in the arrival loune You an have breakfast while you wait。

By the way, as we have never et I ust tell you hoe to identify e: I a of 16 tall and have a lon hair。 In addition, I will wear a white skirt and arry a hina Daily at hand。

Hope we an eet soon。

Sinerely yours, Alie




















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