Related enterprises:
To proote the industrialiation of ariulture, oerial onstrution,proote the nae speial new ariultural and sideline produts prodution,proessin and arketin dokin, ariultural enterprises projet developentand soial institutions and finanin dokin, harateristis exploitation ofariultural resoures and hih-teh researh results into the butt.
The purpose of praati, effiient, onvenient thrift, hinese businessenterprise anaeent Assoiation of Rural Business Developent oittee(hereinafter referred to as "hina's Rural oerial oission") 20__ issheduled for early Septeber 2007 in Beijin held 20__. Beijin speial newariultural and sideline produts prodution, sale and developent ofooperation Fair.
Fair fittin in the seletion of a ertain strenth of a speial newariultural and sideline produts prodution enterprises (Reional IndustryAssoiation), in Beijin seletion about 10 lare-sale wholesale arkets,superarket hains, also invited soe institutions buy units, and benefit offinanial institutions, Aadey of Ariultural Sienes and the news edia topartiipate in, and invited the inistry of ariulture, inistry of oere,all hina Federation of supply and arketin ooperatives, inistries andleaders to attend. Sinerely weloe the willinness of partiipation andsupport of business reistration, the title sponsor of this event. The relevantatters are as follows:
The oranier: hinese oerial oission
Support unit: Inforation enter of the inistry of Ariulture
Tie and plae:
Tie: 20__ in early Septeber (2 days), the speifi tie to be reisteredafter the notifiation of the partiipatin units,
Loation: seven Beijin Road, No. 22 Fentai Distrit huan Yinxianhotel.
Dear Li Hua,
I had a birthday party at y hoe last onth .I invited soe of ylassates to the party . The party bean at a. .on Sunday . All y lassateswere not be late. I was very happy. We ate soe western food.They were verynie.Soe of y lassates brouht their own food. They shared their food withus. Beause they are very friendly.
We also played aes. It was very interestin. All y lassates were veryhappy. I daned with y best friends. And all y lassates daned verybeautifully! They san a son 'Happy Birthday' to e. And then they ave e alot of presents. I was very thankful. All of us had a ood tie on that day!
Do you have free tie? I want to visit you next year?
Distinuished ebers and related enterprises:
To help the enterprises in Shenhen to explore the international arket,understand forein industry prodution and arket uttin-ede inforation,strenthen international eonoi and trade exhanes and ooperation, ShenhenBaoan Distrit reative Industry Federation by Sri Lanka National inistry ofoere invited, in Deeber 20__ the oraniation went to Sri Lanka to studybusiness and eonoi and trade neotiation ativities.
The visit will be arraned to listen to Sri Lanka National inistry ofoere offiials to introdue Sri Lanka, the use of forein investent poliyand investent ooperation projets, a oprehensive understandin of SriLanka's investent environent, but also visit Sri Lanka's fatories,enterprises and interated trade arket, the field of Sri Lanka's hane andeonoi operation. Durin the visit will also visit Sri Lanka ulturalattrations, ore abundant ontent and travel itinerary.
We sinerely invite the industry assoiations, enterprises and relatedunits to atively partiipate.
Due to the liited nuber of ativities, please pay lose attention toreistration!
Reistration deadline: Noveber 20, 2020.
Dear Linda,
We haven’t seen eah other for six years after raduation.
I a so lad to hear that you have raduated fro ULA and oe bak towork in Suhou.
If you are free this Saturday, please oe to Shanhai and have a ood tiewith e.
We an first o to the entury Park, where the flowers are all inblosso.
Let’s o boatin on the lake —isn’t it pleasant in the ool breee? Then Iwill treat you to dinner at a western restaurant on Huaihai Road—it is sall butreally nie—I’ sure you will enjoy it.
After dinner, let’s o to a onert—you are a usi lover, aren’t you?
If you ouldn’t oe, please notify e before Friday.
If you an, please tell e whih train you will take and I will eet you atthe railway station.
I a lookin forward to eetin you.
Sinerely yours,
Li in
Dear Blake,
rs. White will soon leave for the United States and we will held afarewell party for her whih takes plae fro 6:00 p.. to 7:30 p.. on Friday,ay 20, 2012 at the Shool lub. I a very pleased to invite you topartiipateinthe farewell party. Another two forein teahers you know, r. Fraer and issree are also invited. Please join us to say oodbye to rs. White. You arehoped to arrive at :0 p.. I look forward to see you on ay 20.
Yours sinerely,
Yan Yan
Dear ike,
This Saturday is y birthday and y parents will hold a siple elebratinparty for e. I a lad to invite you to oe to the party. Blair, Ea and Roanwill also be invited. I a sure we will have a ood tie. We will have dinner at1:30 so that you are wished to oe at 1:1. y other is a ood ook and youwill enjoy the dishes. After the dinner, we will play soe sall aes and theneat the ake. y parents and I sinerely expet you to oe and hope to see youthen.
True yours,
Dear sir / ada:
We are very pleased to invite you to partiipate in the twenty-eihthsession of the Asia Paifi Reional onferene on food and Ariultureraniation of the Asia Paifi reion, whih will be held in Beijin ontwenty-first entury 1-16, held by the United Nations Food and ariultureoraniation". The thee of this eetin is: fro the aenda to the ation -followin the "non overnental oraniation for food sovereinty foru".
The onsultation eetin was oranied by the Asian Assoiation of theUnited Nations Food and Ariulture raniation (FA) and the internationalfood sovereinty oission (IP-Asia), and the ooperation of the hinaInternational ivil oraniation. By then, ore than 0 private oraniationsfro the Asia Paifi reion ore than 100 representatives will attend theeetin. The onferene delaration will be held in the 27 session of the UnitedNations Food and Ariulture raniation Asia Paifi onferene on ay17-21.
The ain topis of this eetin inlude:
1 the reional and national levels of the non overnental oraniations inthe food and ariulture setor in the Asia Paifi reion to ipleent thelobal ation aenda / ivil soiety stratey".
2 non overnental oraniations in the areas of food and ariulture inthe Asia Paifi reion to deterine the future of the partiipants in theurrent situation.
3 partiipatin aenies to draft the proposal subitted to thetwenty-seventh United Nations Food and Ariulture raniation Asia Paifionferene, ontinue to all for the aintenane of the interests offarers.
Sinerely look forward to your ative support and partiipation!
20XX年12月30日(周六)—20XX年1月1日(周一) 共3天;
dear s. a
i a sorry to tell you that i an't o to shool today last niht yother had a hih fever and a bad ouh perhaps she has auht flu i will takey other to tiantan hospital and then look after her at hoe so i ouldn't oto shool today so i would like to ask for one day's leave i will be veryrateful if you rant y leave
li li
I a ______. I was born in______ . I raduate fro senior hih shool and ajor in Enlish. I started learnin Enlish sine I was ___years old. y parents have a lot of Aerian friends. That’s why I have no proble ouniatin with Aerians or others by speakin Enlish.
In y spare tie, I like to do anythin relatin to Enlish suh as listenin to Enlish sons, wathin Enlish ovies or TV proras, or even attendin the ativities held by soe Enlish lubs or institutes. I used to o abroad for a short- ter Enlish study. Durin that tie, I learned a lot of daily life Enlish and saw a lot of different thins.
I think lanuae is very interestin. I ould express one substane by usin different sounds. So I wish I ould study and read ore Enlish literatures and enlare y knowlede.
Self Introdution
ood ornin dear teahers, I feel lad to be a andidate standin here for applyin the position of Enlish Teaher in your shool. I think It is a pleasure for e to present yself. y nae is …., and I a 23 years old. I was born in Kunin, and it is y hoetown that I have lived for ore than 20 years. I love this ity, espeially the nie people that I know and the reat ulture that I love. So workin in here was a deision that I ade lon tie ao.
In 20xx I was aditted by Yunnan University, ajored in International Trade. The four-year underraduate eduation provided e a wide rane of aadei knowlede and pratial apabilities in any aspets. By studyin this ajor, I passed ET-6 exa in 20xx and et a deree in eonois. I ained an international perspetive, not only in y own field, but any other aspets as well. I prefer to fous on the latest lobal inforation everyday and I a interested in soial event, ulture and huanity. oreover, the ollee eduation experiene offered e a reat opportunity to ive full play to y reativity and intelliene, in partiular I was been trained to be a ood ouniator durin all sorts of ollee ativities, for instane, I have learned how to ooperate with others sine I partiipated in student union, I was aware of how to deeply understand others and how to obine different opinions by doin various soial ativates.
After raduation, I et an opportunity to have an internship in an eleentary shool. I was assined to be an Enlish teaher for alost one year and had a reat tie in there. Durin this year, I obtained the qualifiation ertifiate for teaher in an exellent sore, and I have pratied y professional expertise in teahin within two seesters. Now I realied that I want to be a ood teaher and prefer to ontinue y eduational areer in order to perfeted y teahin abilities and deonstrate y personal abitions in the doain of eduation.
Briefly, based on y four years university eduation and two seester’s internship, I have opetene to be an Enlish teaher. I a failiar with ost affairs in eleentary shool not only in teahin but also other adinistrations. What’s ore, I have any hobbies and strenths, for exaple, I like sinin and danin, whih an be benefit to y teahin proess. Besides, I have hihly otivated by a stron sense of teawork, espeially a stron sense of responsibility. I would like to help others and with an attitude of workin hard. Therefore, I have onfidene that with y extensive experiene and professional abilities. I an be a ood Enlish teaher and a worthy eployee of your shool. Thank you very uh.
ood ornin everyone!
I' Nikole. I' 24. I raduated fro Hunan Noral Universaty on Shuda apus. y ajor is Enlish Eduation. After raduation, I have worked for one year in Li
Yan听Kid's Enish. y students are between and 12 years old.
I' outoin and open-inded. In y spare tie, I have broad interests. Suh as readin, surfin the internet, listenin to usi and even hattin with forein friends online if possible. I like hildren very uh. I think hildren are ative, innoent and pure. With the, I feel very relaxed, plesant and youner. Therefore, I learned a lot
fro y one year workin experene.
Teahin hildren Enlish is very interested but it is also hallein. Beause hildren are always ative, even soeties very nauhty. So teahers need a lot of patiene to deal with hildren. The ost iportant that I have learned fro y one year teain experene is that a teaher should have the kind of听the ind that always wants to o on learnin. Teahin is a job at whih one will never be perfet. If I have the hane, I
will try y best to be a ood priary Enlish teaher.
ood ornin, y nae is xx, it is really a reat honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you ay raise, and i hope i an ake a ood perforane today, eventually eoll in this priary shool.
I a a third year aster ajor in autoation at Shanhai Jiao Ton University, P. R. hina. With treendous interest in Industrial Enineerin, I a writin to apply for aeptane into your Ph.D. raduate prora. In 199, I entered the Nanjin University of Siene & Tehnoloy (NUST) -- widely onsidered one of the hina’s best enineerin shools. Durin the followin underraduate study, y aadei reords kept distinuished aon the whole departent. I was ranted First lass Prie every seester, and y overall PA(9./100) ranked No.1 aon 113 students. In 1999, I ot the privilee to enter the raduate prora waived of the adission test. I seleted the Shanhai Jiao Ton University to ontinue y study for its best reputation on obinatorial ptiiation and Network Shedulin where y researh interest lies.
At the period of y raduate study, y overall PA
now i will introdue yself briefly,i a xx years old,born in xx provine ,and i a urruently a xxxx.y ajor is xxx..in the past 4 years,i spend ost of y tie on study,i have passed ET4/6 with a ease. and i have aquired basi knowlede of pakain and publishin both in theory and in pratie. besides, i have attend.
i will have Patiene on all of the hildren, and y hard work will be iproved if you eoll e
英语口试时,我们会面对形形色色的问题,最令人哑口无言的,通常是一些最简朴和最常见的标题问题,所以口试英语需要留意如何自我先容。好比"请你自我先容一下"。大多数应征者的反应是--我应该如何作答呢?实在要懂得应对此问题,就要先做好预备You'll have a better hane of ipressin the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview. The first thin to realie is that the question, "Tell e about yourself," provides you with a reat hane to proote your stron points. This is partiularly iportant when applyin for a job that is different fro what you have done in the past. You need to show the interviewer that your previous jobs provide you with skills that an be used in the new job.
WHAT T TALK ABUT 如何先容?你可以选择三个重点来先容自己,但避免重复履历中曾提及的资料。Around this skeleton should be the eat of your answer; your less obvious, but iportant skills. Here are soe of the skills that you iht want to ention. 你可以先容自己是:Proble solver 解决问题能手、
reative thinker 布满创意、Aurate 小心谨严、People person 与人相处融洽、Tea player 合群、ranied 组织力高。This doesn't ean that you just say, "I' a reat proble solver." Instead, explain how you used your proble-solvin skills at your previous job. 事例比自我炫耀更能说明问题。
自我先容的时间不要过长,最好是一至三分钟。最初你可能会觉得时间太长,但当你真正要先容自己三项特质时,你就会发现时间不够用了。WHAT T SAY 应说什么? What you atually say, in ters of the words you use, is soethin that you have to deide. You need to reate an answer that sounds natural and, at the sae tie, interestin. 背谜底估计没有人愿意听。The way to deterine whether your answer is natural is siply by writin a first draft of the answer and then read it out loud. When you do this, you'll probably spot thins that you have to hane.
当你构思谜底时,你要想想应该如何说出,内收留要令人感爱好,不烦闷,避免滔滔不绝地只说自己的强项。Here are soe final thins to think about when answerin the question "Tell e about yourself." ention ajor awards or aoplishents that relate to your areer;阐述工作上的重要成就或奖项、Proote your strenths, but do not ention any of your weaknesses;倾销自己的优点,但不要提及自己的弱点、Try to be funny if you an, but don't fore it;可以的话,尽量说得幽默有趣、Suarie your areer and eduation, but don't reite a list;概括说出你的工作经验和学历,但切勿背诵、Don't start with your date of birth;不用提及你的出生日期、Avoid inforation that is not areer-related. The fat that you own a do won't et you a job避免说一些与职业无关的事,例如:你有一只狗,这并不能为你争取到工作、Always answer this question常常思索和解答这条问题、Try to sound natural对答要天然、Relax and enjoy yourself!放松心情,尽力而为。但愿以上的口试英语先容能给你带来匡助,祝你口试成功!
你教了几年书? How lon have you been teahin?
I have been teahin for...
有教小学的经验吗?Did you have any experienes teahin in eleentary
shool/priary shool?
Yes, I did. or No, I didn't.
你打算怎么样给小朋友上课?How are you oin to ive lessons to little kids? I think I a oin to use all kinds of aterials that are available like D player, pitures, word ards, TV, aaines, aes ets in y lessons. I a oin to use different teahin eathods to help hildren with different learnin styles.
能否示范一下? an you deonstrate one lesson?
Sure. If I teah days of the week, I will teah hildren a son: Sunday, onday...(用twinkle twinkle little star 的tune)
你觉得教小学生跟教中学生有什么不同?What is the differene between teahin eleentary shool hildren and the junior hih shool hildren?
well, when teahin little kids a teaher has to be ore patient.He/she has to use lots of sons, aes, body lanuae to help student learn Enlish.The fors of eah lesson should be different.
Teahin junior hih shool kids is a little bit different. I an introdue soe raer. I an ive the ore written work and I an have ore disussions with the hildren. 如何让小学生对英文感爱好? How are you oin to keep the students interested in learnin Enlish?
How are you oin to keep your lessons interestin?
I will try y best to use all the teahin ethodoloies I learned at shool to reah eah hild. Stories, poes, riddles, jokes sons are all ood for little kids. I will have the pratie Enlish as a whole lass, roup work, pair work or independent work.Whatever works out for the hildren I will do it. There is never one way to suess.
eneral Introdution
I a a third year aster ajor in autoation at Shanhai Jiao Ton University, P. R. hina. With treendous interest in Industrial Enineerin, I a writin to apply for aeptane into your Ph.D. raduate prora.
Eduation bakround
In 199, I entered the Nanjin University of Siene & Tehnoloy (NUST) -- widely onsidered one of the hina’s best enineerin shools. Durin the followin underraduate study, y aadei reords kept distinuished aon the whole departent. I was ranted First lass Prie every seester, and y overall
PA(9./100) ranked No.1 aon 113 students. In 1999, I ot the privilee to enter the raduate prora waived of the adission test. I seleted the Shanhai Jiao Ton University to ontinue y study for its best reputation on obinatorial ptiiation and Network Shedulin where y researh interest lies.
At the period of y raduate study, y overall PA(3.77/4.0) ranked top % in the departent. In the seond seester, I beae teaher assistant that is iven to talented and atured students only. This year, I won the Aer Sholarship as the one and only andidate in y departent, whih is the ultiate aolade for distinuished students endowed by y university. Presently, I a preparin y raduation thesis and tryin for the honor of Exellent raduation Thesis.
Researh experiene and aadei ativity
When a sophoore, I joined the Assoiation of AI Enthusiast and bean to narrow down y interest for y future researh. In 1997, I partiipated in siulation tool developent for the shedulin syste in Prof. Wan’s lab. With the tool of penL and atlab, I desined a siulation prora for transportation shedulin syste. It is now widely used by different researh roups in NUST. In 199, I assued and fulfilled a sewae analysis & dispose projet for Nanjin sewae treatent plant. This was y first pratie to onvert a laboratory idea to a oerial produt.
In 1999, I joined the distinuished Professor Yu-en Xis researh roup aiin at Network flow proble solvin and Heuristi alorith researh. Soon I was enaed in the FuDan ene Database Desin. y duty was to pik up the useful inforation aon different kinds of ene athin forat. Throuh the oparison and analysis for any heuristi aloriths, I introdued an iproved evolutionary alorith -- ulti-population eneti Alorith. By dividin a whole population into several sub-populations, this iproved alorith an effetively prevent A fro loal
onverene and proote various evolutionary orientations. It proved ore effiiently than SA in experients, too. In the seond seester, I joined the
workshop-shedulin researh in Shanhai Heavy Duty Tyre plant. The shedulin was desined for the rubber-akin proess that overed not only disrete but also ontinuous irustanes. To ake a balane point between optiiation quality and tie ost, I proposed a Dynai Layered Shedulin ethod based on hybrid Petri Nets. The pratial appliation showed that the averae akespan was shortened by a lare sale. I also publiied two papers in ore journals with this idea. Reently, I a doin researh in the oposite Predit of the Eletrial Power syste assisted with the tehnoloy of Data inin for Bao Steel. I try to obine the Deision Tree with Reedin ptiiation to provide a new solution for the oposite Preditive Proble. This projet is now under onstrution.
Besides, In July 20xx, I ot the opportunity to ive a leture in Enlish in Asia ontrol onferene (AS) whih is one of the top-level onferenes aon the world in the area of ontrol and autoation. In y senior year, I et Prof. Xiao-Son Lin, a visitin professor of atheatis fro University of alifornia-Riverside, I learned raph theory fro hi for y network researh. These experienes all rapidly expanded y knowlede of Enlish and the understandin of western ulture. I hope to study in depth
In retrospet, I find yself standin on a solid basis in both theory and experiene, whih has prepared e for the Ph.D. prora. y future researh interests inlude: Network Shedulin Proble, Heuristi Alorith researh (espeially in A and Neural network), Supply hain network researh, Hybrid syste perforane analysis with Petri nets and Data inin.
Please ive y appliation aterials a serious onsideration. Thank you very uh.
1、 ood ornin, y nae is xx, it is really a reat honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you ay raise, and i hope i an ake a ood perforane today, eventually eoll in this priary shool.
2、 now i will introdue yself briefly,i a xx years old,born in xx provine ,and i a urruently a xxxx.y ajor is xxx..in the past 4 years,i spend ost of y tie on study,i have passed ET4/6 with a ease. and i have aquired basi knowlede of pakain and publishin both in theory and in pratie. besides, i have attend
3.i will have Patiene on all of the hildren, and y hard work will be iproved if you eoll e.
ood ornin.I a lad to be here for this interview.First let e introdue yself.y nae is*,24.I oe fro*,the apital of*Provine.I raduated fro the*departent of*University in July,20xx.y ajor is Enlish.And Ilike street-danin and sinin.f ourse,I love teahin.I like the feelin when Istand at the stae and ive all y knowlede to y students.Now all y hard work has ot aresult sine Ihave ahane to be interview by you.I a open-inded,quik in thouht and very fond of history.In y spare tie,I have broad interests like any other youners.I like readin books,espeially those about*.I really hope you an ive e this hane to work here.Thank you.里面假如有些不符合的情况你可以删去,好比And Ilike street-danin and sinin,还有very fond of history.其他一些未填写的,如姓名,春秋,毕业学校等,你可以根据自己的实际情况填写I a atually anative of this ity and entered xxx university after Ipassed the hiher eduational entrane test.That is why Ilove this piee of land and want to ake ontribution for y hoetown.
I have been workin hard as astudent and apart-tie teaher.Soeties friends ask e whether I'' atireless person.f ourse Ia not.But Ijust like that sense of fulfillent and aoplishent.I enjoy the alternative roles:bein an Enlish teaher and astudent at the sae tie.
In y lass,I enourae students to voie their opinions and to approah Enlish study in their unique ways,beause Ibelieve study is apersonalied proess.Last week when Iave the the first lass of this seester,I said,"everyone should beoe aritial thinker in y lass,and Iwant to be aood teaher in its real sense".I'' not the traditional teaher.I try to refor the Enlish teahin in y lasses.Hope Ian do soethin to hane the present situation of Enlish teahin.
Hello, y nae is_______. I a_______ years old. Now I a studyin in_______Priary Shool. I a in rade _______, lass_______.
I live in_______. There are _______ ebers in y faily—father, other and e. y father is a_______ but y other is workin in _______. I love both of the.
In y spare tie, I like _______, and y favorite olour is_______. Also I love__________very uh, suh as ________________.
I hope I an learn Enlish well, beause I think it very iportant. But_______ is favorite subjet, beause it is very interestin.
I wish I an beoe a_______in the future.
eneral Introdution
I a a third year aster ajor in autoation at Shanhai Jiao Ton University, P. R. hina. With treendous interest in Industrial Enineerin, I a writin to apply for aeptane into your Ph.D. raduate prora.
Eduation bakround
In 199, I entered the Nanjin University of Siene &
Tehnoloy (NUST) -- widely onsidered one of the hina’s best enineerin shools. Durin the followin underraduate study, y aadei reords kept distinuished aon the whole departent. I was ranted First lass Prie every seester, and y overall
PA(9./100) ranked No.1 aon 113 students. In 1999, I ot the privilee to enter the raduate prora waived of the adission test. I seleted the Shanhai Jiao Ton University to ontinue y study for its best reputation on obinatorial ptiiation and Network Shedulin where y researh interest lies.
At the period of y raduate study, y overall PA(3.77/4.0) ranked top % in the departent. In the seond seester, I beae teaher assistant that is iven to talented and atured students only. This year, I won the Aer Sholarship as the one and only andidate in y departent, whih is the ultiate aolade for distinuished students endowed by y university. Presently, I a preparin y raduation thesis and tryin for the honor of Exellent raduation Thesis.
Researh experiene and aadei ativity
When a sophoore, I joined the Assoiation of AI Enthusiast and bean to narrow down y interest for y future researh. In 1997, I partiipated in siulation tool developent for the shedulin syste in Prof. Wan’s lab. With the tool of penL and atlab, I desined a siulation prora for transportation shedulin syste. It is now widely used by different researh roups in NUST. In 199, I
assued and fulfilled a sewae analysis & dispose projet for Nanjin sewae treatent plant. This was y first pratie to onvert a laboratory idea to a oerial produt.
In 1999, I joined the distinuished Professor Yu-en Xis
researh roup aiin at Network flow proble solvin and Heuristi alorith researh. Soon I was enaed in the FuDan ene
Database Desin. y duty was to pik up the useful inforation aon different kinds of ene athin forat. Throuh the
oparison and analysis for any heuristi aloriths, I introdued an iproved evolutionary alorith -- ulti-population eneti
Alorith. By dividin a whole population into several sub-populations, this iproved alorith an effetively prevent A fro loal
onverene and proote various evolutionary orientations. It proved ore effiiently than SA in experients, too. In the seond seester, I joined the workshop-shedulin researh in Shanhai Heavy Duty Tyre plant. The shedulin was desined for the rubber-akin proess that overed not only disrete but also ontinuous
irustanes. To ake a balane point between optiiation quality and tie ost, I proposed a Dynai Layered Shedulin ethod based on hybrid Petri Nets. The pratial appliation showed that the averae akespan was shortened by a lare sale. I also publiied two papers in ore journals with this idea. Reently, I a doin researh in the oposite Predit of the Eletrial Power syste assisted with the tehnoloy of Data inin for Bao Steel. I try to obine the Deision Tree with Reedin ptiiation to provide a new solution for the oposite Preditive Proble. This projet is now under onstrution.
Besides, In July 20xx, I ot the opportunity to ive a leture in Enlish in Asia ontrol onferene (AS) whih is one of the top-level onferenes aon the world in the area of ontrol and autoation. In y senior year, I et Prof. Xiao-Son Lin, a visitin professor of atheatis fro University of alifornia-Riverside, I learned raph theory fro hi for y network researh. These
experienes all rapidly expanded y knowlede of Enlish and the understandin of western ulture.
I hope to study in depth
In retrospet, I find yself standin on a solid basis in both theory and experiene, whih has prepared e for the Ph.D. prora. y future researh interests inlude: Network Shedulin Proble,
Heuristi Alorith researh (espeially in A and Neural network), Supply hain network researh, Hybrid syste perforane analysis with Petri nets and Data inin.
Please ive y appliation aterials a serious onsideration. Thank you very uh.