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Dear r. Seaton,

Thank you very uh for takin e with you on that splendid outin toLondon. It was the first tie that I had seen the Tower or any of the otherfaous sihts. If I'd one alone, I ouldn't have seen nearly as uh, beause Iwouldn't have known y way about.

The weather was splendid on that day, whih I thouht was rare. I stillreeber soe people told e that in Britain there was weather and no liate.Durin the sae day, it iht snow in the ornin, rain at noon, shine in theafternoon and be windy before the niht falls. So I think I was luky.

I think the river trip was the best thin of all. London really ae alivefor e as we saw it fro the Thaes durin that wonderful journey down toreenwih. It was all treendously exitin - a day that I shall neverforet.

Thank you for ivin e suh a reat birthday treat.

Yours sinerely,

Linda hen


Dear Editor-in-hief,

onratulations on the th anniversary of lobal irror!

I’ a reular reader of your newspaper. I like it so uh that I hardlyiss any opy.

There are any advantaes of lobal irror. Firstly, lobal irror oversboth national and international news. By siply turnin the paes, I an knowall iportant thins that have happened both hoe and abroad. Besides, thesuess stories of world-faous people are also attrative to e, whih help elearn a lot fro the. In a word, thanks to lobal irror, we are well-inforedand keep up with the hanin world.

As a youn student, I wish that I an be a aster of Enlish lanuae.Therefore, I suest that lobal irror provide artiles about Enlish learninfor us.

Finally, I hope that lobal irror will beoe ore and ore popular. Thankyou for your tie!

Sinerely yours,

Li Hua


Dear To,

How is it oin these days? I keep wonderin how you feel about your shoollife in Beijin. Have you ot used to the life in hina? Are you enjoyin yourlife? I hope you are.

Let e tell you a piee of ood news: I’ oin to take part in an Enlishspeeh ontest of iddle shool students in July in the oin suer vaation.So I’ busy preparin for it. But now I have soe diffiulty in olletinuseful inforation and usin proper Enlish word to express y thouhts.Besides, I really want to iprove y spoken Enlish, espeially thepronuniation and intonation(语调). f ourse, as a native Enlish speaker, youan ive e soe suestions.

In addition, I’ oin to visit you after the ontest. I’ sure we willhave a wonderful tie toether in Beijin! I an hardly wait to see you! I alookin forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


Dear r. Wan,

Thank you for takin the tie to write your wonderful letter in support ofEA (aywood hinese Eduation Assoiation). Your letter learly artiulatesall the ajor reasons hildren in aywood will benefit fro studyin the hineselanuae as part of their eleentary shool eduation. It provides invaluablesupport that will help akin bilinual hinese eduation a reality in aywoodpubli shools.

Althouh EA would like to see Palo Alto publi shools ipleent thefirst bilinual hinese kinderarten lass in Septeber of 2006, we have learnedthat the shool distrit ust take the tie to understand how a new prora willaffet existin eduational offerins, and to validate ounity interest.Nevertheless, EA, with ore than 70 ebers, will ontinue to atively prootebilinual hinese eduation in the Palo Alto publi shools and will keep youapprised of the proress we ake.

Thanks aain for sendin a letter in support of EA. We' will ontinue todo all we an to realie this prora both for failies of hinese desent andthose with a eneral interest in partiipatin in the rowin eonoi power ofhina.

Yours sinerely,

eore hen


Dear Sue,

I’ Li Hua, one of your students in hina. It’s alost a onth sine youleft us. We all iss you and are very rateful for what you did for us.

We are busy as usual. We had an Enlish speeh ontest the other day. I wonthe first prie! This aain reinds e of all your kind help. Do you stillreeber the trees we planted toether on the hill behind the shool? Yesterday,we went there and watered the. The tree you planted yourself is rowin well,and the whole lass deided to nae it Sue Wood. Will you oe bak to see SueWood?

How is everythin with you lately? We hope to know ore about you and yourAerian students. Hope to keep in lose touh.

All the best.


Li Hua



Dec. 7th

Dear mother,

I have been good at school. I often think of you when I go to bed because we always go for a walk before go to bed at home. So I miss you everyday. Do you miss me? Why don’t you call me? I’ve got a lot of things to tell you. One of the things is about foreign teacher’s daughter. Her name’s Skyler. She lives in Canada. She comes to our class to learn Chinese and English with me in my class. This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium. And she did it with us too. So I usually talk to her when she doesn’t know what to do? But when the class is over, I always haven’t got enough time to talk to her. And I usually can’t find her. So we don’t have time to introduce to each other. But it is the first time that I have a foreign student. So I’m very happy! Mum, you often tell me, “If you are happy, I’ll be happy, too.” So you have to be happy, because I’m happy! I like you when you are happy!

In the end I wish you everything is just fine!














A letter to Santa laus

Dear Santa laus:

Hello. I a a very the one who likes you!

Do you know? I a very very lookin forward to hristas, beause the hristas, ute, you will oe. any people say that the world is not you, that is just a trik to deeive people, hildren will row up to know in fat did not you, but .. I believe!! Ha ha! Why what don't believe you people? Do you want to know? Ha ha, in fat, those people are too old! Adults don't believe, they are not true, they are not only old people, the heart is old; as lon as it is to believe in Santa laus adults, althouh the old people, the heart is always youn. hildren who don't believe, huh, "said little, their preoious!! Beause the hild is innoent, they are supposed t o believe in Santa laus, then lose to hristas tie every day lookin forward to hristas, this, is very beautiful, but now, soe hildren don't believe, also on other believe that hildren, ruel to break these beautiful drea. The old people should be to believe, beause ost elderly people have a hildlike innoene! Ha-ha.

In short, I very very love you, erry hristas!

Anyway, I will bless you, and will always believe you!

Finally, erry hristas to you, ood luk in everythin, happy, happy every day, forever youn!

Love you * * *


Dear Santa laus:

Howdy!Arrive the hristas festival soon aain,did you want to" o to work" aain?Would you still ride the floret deer trailer to oe this tie?

an you arrive at y bed front?Do you put previous lists to line up the dry skates in the soks,like?I liked it too,puttin on it any ool!

an you arrive at the kid sister youner sister's bed front?Sin a lullaby for her at the tie of she ry,oax her to enter the beautiful drea ountry quikly and quikly.

You an stop in the sky,to a peaeful seed?The people of now needed it too,for the sake of these the innoent peoples,lettin the feel the sweet.

Santa laus,you whih the ift that oe?You are how an anyone know the hildren deand what?

Wish you:

Happy every day!Healthy lonevity!



Dear Santa,

Last-last year I wanted a puppy. I didn’t et one. Last year I wanted a puppy. I still didn’t et one. This year I want a puppy. But I won’t et one. I will never hane y wish of wantin a olden Retriever puppy. At least before I et one. This year I want an ido. It is kind of like a robot do. ay I have the white one with a pink ollar and ears please? Hasy would like a little house. He would like the kind ade of flavored wood. Turdy would like a ba of pebbles. y dad wants a fishin book I believe. I will also order hi a box of fake fish bait. I don’t know what o wants. So I will order her a neklae.

Thanks For Every ift,






































