英文书信一般由六部分组成。即:信头(Headin)、信内地址(Inside Address),称呼(Salutation),正文(Body ofLetter)、结束语(oplientarylose)、署名(Sinature),有时在书信后面还有附言(Postsript)、附件(Enlosure),这得视具体情况而定。了解相关精彩内容请参考小编为大家精心准备的文章:
Dear ary,
Thanks for your last letter. I' so lad that you have been able (at last!) to arrane a holiday in Australia. As I fear I won't be able to eet you atthe airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be hoe until later in theafternoon, so here are soe instrutions and suestions. There is a bus frothe airport to the ity. It is uh heaper than a ab. Take the bus to the ityand ask to et off at Town Hall railway station. To et to y plae in theeastern suburbs you have three options. You an either take a ab, a bus or thetrain. I suest you take the train, sine the airport bus will leave you rihtat the station. et off at liff Station. Fro there you an either walk to yplae (about ten inutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as youwill have luae.
When you arrive at y flat, rin the intero for Flat 2. y friend Lillianwill be at hoe and she will open the front door for you and let you into yflat. Presuably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like soeexerise after that lon fliht, you ould stroll down to ooper Park, whih isonly ten inutes away ? you an see it fro the window. heers and lookinforward to seein you.
Yours sinerely,
Dear Sir,
I was very interested in your advertiseent in today's edition of TheEvenin Post and I should like to apply to be a eber of the Aaon Expeditiontea.
I a twenty-three years old and have an honors deree in Botany fro BathUniversity. Sine leavin university I have been workin in a researhlaboratory but y ontrat oes to an end in six weeks. I would partiularlylike to join the expedition for the opportunity it would ive e to study theplant life of the area.
I enjoy several outdoor ativities inludin rowin and rok libin and Ionsider yself to be both fit and healthy enouh to undertake suh anexpedition.
If you would like e to attend an interview, I would be able to oe at anytie onvenient to you, (J1) y eployers have areed to ive e tie off forthe purpose. I look forward to hearin fro you.
Yours faithfully,
Lily a
y Darlin eore
You said that thins seeed learer when they were written down. Well, herewith a very borin letter in whih I will try to put everythin down so that youay read and re-read it at a horror at your folly in ettin involved withe.
Deep breath. To bein with ,I love you. With a depth and passion and I havefelt for no one else in this life. And if it is astonishes you, it astonished eas well. Not, I hasten to say, beause you are not worth lovin. Far fro it.It's just that, first of all,I swore I would not et involved with anotherwoan. Seondly, I have never had suh a feelin before and it is alostfrihtenin. Thirdly, I would never have thouht it possible that another huanbein ould oupy y wakin and sleepin thouhts to the exlusion of alosteverythin else. Fourthly, I never thouht that even if one was in love oneould et so opletely besotted with another person so that a inute away frothe felt like a thousand years. Fifthly, I never hoped,aspired, dreaed thatone an find everythin one wanted in one person.
I was not suh an idiot as to believe this was possible. Yet in you I havefound everythin I want: you're beautiful, ay, ivin, entle, idiotially anddeliiously feinine, sexy, wonderfully intellient and wonderfully silly aswell. I want nothin else in this life than to be with you, to listen and wathyou, your beautiful voie, your beauty, to arue with you, to lauh with you, toshow you thins, to share thins with you, to explore your anifient ind, toexplore your wonderful body, to help you, protet you, serve you ,and...bash youon the head when I think you are wron...
Not to put too fine a point on it, I onsider that I a the only anoutside ytholoy to have found rok of old at the rainbow's end. But, havinsaid all that, let us onsider thins in details. Don't let this beoe publi,but, well...I have one or two faults. inor ones,I hasten to say. For exaple Ia inlined to be overbearin. I do it for the best possible otives, alltyrants say that, but I do tend, without thinkin, to treat people underfoot.You ust tell e when I' doin it to you, y sweet, beause it an be a verybad thin in a arriae.
Riht, the seond bleish. This atually is not so uh a bleish ofharater as a bleish of irustane. Darlin, I want you to be you on yourown riht, and I will do everythin I an to help you in this. But you ust takeinto onsideration that I a also e in y own riht. And that I have a headstart on you. What I' tryin to say is that you ust not feel offended if youare soeties treated siply as y wife. Always reeber that what you lose onthe swins you ain on the roundabouts. But i a an established ‘reature’ inthe world, and so on oasions you will have to live in y shadow. Nothin ivese less pressure than this. But it is a fat of life that has to be faed.
Third, a very iportant and nasty, bleish. Jealousy. I don't think youknow what jealousy is, thank od, in the real sense of the word. I know that youhave felt jealousy over Linoln's wife and hild, but this is what I all noraljealousy, and this to y reret, is not what I've ot. What I have ot is ablak onster and any oodness that I have in y ake-up. It is really a Jekylland Hyde situation... y Hyde is stroner than y ood sense and defeats e,hard thouh I try. As I told you, I have always known that this lurks within e,but I ould ontrol it, and y onster slubered and nothin happened to awakeit. Then I et you and I felt y onster stir and beoe half-awake when youtold e of Linoln and others you have known, would you like to end with yourletter y onster ae out of its lair, blak, irrational, bioted, stupid,evil, alevolent. You never know how terribly orrosive jealousy is; It is aphysial pain as thouh you have swallowed aid or red hot oals. It is the ostterrible of feelins. But you an't help it at least I an't and od knows I'vetried. I don't want any ex-boyfriends sittin in hurh when I arry you. n ourweddin day I want nothin but happiness both for you and e, but I know I won'tbe happy if there is a hurh full of your ex-onquests. When I arry you I willhave no past, only a future. I don't want to dra y past into our future and Idon't want you to do it, either. Reeber I a jealous of you beause I loveyou. You are never jealous of soethin you don't are about.
kay enouh about jealousy. Now let e tell you soethin. I have seen athousand sunsets and sunrises, in a thousand sunsets and sunrises on land whereit floods forest ountains with honey-oloured liht, at sea where it rises andsets like a blood orane in a ulti-oloured nest of loud, slippin in and outof the vast oean. I have seen thousand oons. Harvest oon is like old oins,winter oons as white as ie hips, new oons like baby swans' feathers. I haveseen seas as sooth as if painted, oloured like shot silk or blues as akinfisher or transparent as lass or blak and rupled with foa, ovinponderously and urderously. I have felt winds straiht fro the south pole,bleak and wailin like a lost hild; Winds as tender and war as a lover'sbreath; Winds that arried the astrinent sell of salt and the death ofseaweeds; Winds durin the oist rih sell of a forest floor, the sell of aillion flowers. Fiere winds that hurned and oved the sea like yeast, orwinds that ade the waters lap at the shore like a kitten. I've known silene:the old, earthy silene at the botto of a newly du well; The iplaable stonysilene of a deep ave; The hot, drued idday silene when everythin iseverythin is hypnotied and still oved into silene by the eye of the sun. Thesilene when reat usi ends. I've heard that suer iadas ry so that thesound sees stithed into your bones. I've heard a tree fros in anorhestration as opliated as Bah sinin in a forest lit by a illioneerald fireflies. I've heard the Keas allin over the rey laiers thatroaned to theselves like old people as they inhed. Their way to the sea. I'veheard the hoarse street vendor ries of the atin Fur seals as they san totheir sleek olden wives, the risp staato adonishent of the rattlesnake,ake the obweb squeak of the Bat and the bellin roar of the red deer knee-deepin purple heather. I've heard wolves bayin at a winter's oon, read howlersakin the forest vibrate with their roarin ries. I've heard the squeak, purrand runt of a hundred ulti-oloured reef fishes. I’ve seen hain birdsflashin like opals round a tree of sarlets bloos, huin like a top. I haveseen flyin fish skitterin like quiksilver aross the blue waves, drawinsilver lines on the surfae with their tails. I've seen Spoonbills flyin hoeto roost like a sarlet banner rossed the sky. I've seen Whales, blak as tar,ushioned on a ornflower blue sea,reatin a Versailles of fountain with theirbreath. I have wathed butterflies eere and sit, treblin, while the sunirons their wins sooth. I wath tiers, like flaes, atin in the lon rass.I have been dive -bobed by an anry Raven, blak and lossy as the Devil'shoof. I've lain in water war as ilk, soft as silk, while around e played ahost of Dolphins. I have et a thousand anials and see a thousand wonderfulthins.
All this I did without you. This was y loss. All this I want to do withyou. This will be y ain. All this I would ladly have forone for the sake ofone inute of your opany, for your love, your voie, your eyes, hair, lips,body, and above all for your sweet, ever surprisin ind whih is an enhantinquarry, in whih it is y privilee to delve.
erald Durrell
Dear Sir or ada,
I' Li Hua, a iddle shool student fro hina. I read the announeent ofthe suer ap that you have posted on the Internet and I a interested init.
I know that you weloe students fro different ountries and I'd like totake part in it. I've been learnin Enlish for 10 years, and I speak fluentEnlish. What is ore, I'll be able to tell students fro other ountries abouthina and learn about their ountries as well. I hope I will be aepted as aeber of your suer ap.
Lookin forward to your reply!
Li Hua
Dear Sir or ada,
I’ Li Hua fro lass ne, Senior Two. As far as I a onerned, I believeto teah Enlish for pupils fro hen Xi Hope Shool will be ood for both thepriary-shool students and hih-shool student tutor, whih thus will result insubstantial soial benefits.
I think I a qualified for bein the pupils’ Enlish oah, beause I haveood harater, bein independent in life and profiient in Enlish. That’s whyI apply for the position; I hope I an join the instrutive ativity.
y plan for oahin the pupils is to teah the by listenin, speakin,readin and writin. What’s ore iportant is to stiulate their interests inlearnin Enlish as a forein lanuae, reatin a ood learnin environent. Ihope you an offer the opportunity.
Yours sinerely,
Li Hua
身体健康 天天快乐
写信是现实生活、工作中常见的交际手段 ,也是夫妻之间情感交流的很好的一个表达方式。那么你知道用英语给老公的一封信怎么写吗?下面是学习啦小编为大家整理的用英语给老公的一封信,供大家分享。
ne I thouht I well-written, the feelin of the writin is ood, just write to help you write, suddenly see the followin a reatly words, think a lot. So stop writin, opy paste for you, hope you an aware.. 情书这玩意还是不要别人教得好。Love letter this stuff or don't teah others well. 为什么呢?因为相爱的人一看就知道不是自己写的。Why? Beause people who love eah other a look that is not write your own. 如果你真的很爱一个人,就应该告诉她自己想说的话,这就是情书的本意。If you really love a person, you should tell her you want to say, this is the oriinal idea of the love letter. 你的文笔不一定好,但一封真挚的情书肯定能打动人。Your writin is not ood, but a sinere love letter is sure to ove the person. 比如我曾经就写过这样朴实无华的句子:For exaple, I had written so siple and unadorned sentene
Dear ____ (your friend's nae),
How is everythin oin?
I've just ot into sixth for and y life has opletely been haned. First of all, y tietable is paked with lessons, fro 7:00a until 1:00 in the evenin. That is suh a lon period oparin to y old hih shool. oreover, there are a lot of opetitions oin on aonst us students as this is a partiularly prestiious and loally renowned sixth for.Soe people easily et jealous over the others who have ahieved hiher rades than the. This is a bit of nuisane but understandable at the sae tie, but I uess we just have to (不得不)row up (成长)and try to et alon with eah other well (与.和睦相处). Besides,the sixth for I attend now is a boardin shool. All the students have their own roos in the shool's doritory, whih eans that, fro now on (今后), we should look after ourselves and ore iportantly, look after (关心)eah other as well, in order to prevent any series of (一系列)unfortunate events fro happenin. To be honest, I think that y sixth for is atually (实际上)a useful environent in whih we an build up interpersonal relationships ---- soethin that we annot learn just fro the shool's teahin syste. I'll reord (记下)what's oin on in y sixth for in the for of writin a diary. Think about how interestin it will be to read it after a few years tie when I raduate!
Best wishes,
_______ (your nae)
Hey dear,it has been suh a lon tie sine we et eah other and it is unbelievable that we have one throuh so uh durin the tie. I want to thank you. Thank you for your lovin kiss, arin hus and all you thouhtfulness. Thank you for endeavourin to ake our lives and hoe better. I love you ore and ore day by day. The lukiest thin is that you are the first one i see after i wake up every ornin and the last one i see before i o into sleep at niht. I do wish nothin ould tear us apart.
Dear Susan: We are oin to have a bi denner.We went to the superarket to buy soe hikens and rie.The hikens are on the first floor.The rie are on the first floor too.We prepared the dinner between 2:30 and 4:30.Now it's :00 and we are ready for the dinner.We'll enjoy it and have a ood tie. Your Lihua