




2、写给妈妈的一封信英语作文50字 写一封信的作文300字(2)




Respet leadership and olleaues:You are ood!

I due to personal reasons, quit A developent enineer position, leavinour __ roup。

Thanks to the __ roup I brin opportunities and hallenes!

Thanks to all the leaders of y onern and trust!

Thanks to all y olleaues on the work support and help!

To __ this hue enterprise, I think I was luky, here to learn a lot,feelin a lot, and last year riht out of hih shool, has atured a lot 。。。。。。

In __ year, for e is the ost iportant thin in y life experiene。 HereI have experiened the defeat, also ahieved suess, there have been depressed,there have been happy。 Failure is the iprint is enraved on y heart。, it willbee an alar, a ornerstone to oad e uneasinly enterprisin; ahieveent isanother person happy, they will bees a new taret, show e the way。

As a tehniian, I yearned to see their inreasinly adept, also understand__ suh environent will ertainly be able to provide experiene their ownopportunities, just as we an not pletely predit natural disasters, soeobjetive ontradition I don't know how to solve, how to avoid, a sinleseleted topi, one of two, will be hoes。

There is no all feast, Kuwata sea, between transfor is natural, forolleaues only bleand expetation, bley olleaues all the best, and we lookforward to __ everythin is oin soothly!

A letter of resination letter of thanks


Dear Dad,

Today is father’s day, for so any years I’ve been seeki a way to expressy heartfelt thanks for all you have done for e. Here oes it!Thank you foralways bein there sharin y life when I need you ost. Whenever I enounterdiffiulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, beause you will keep e on theriht path. I’ blessed to have you.Thank you for offerin e eduation andteahin e how to be a an. You always inspire e not by words, but by what youhave done! Your efforts in the work, your loyalty to your friends, yourresponsibility for the faily and your persistene in the life have already sete ood exaples in y own life.Thank you for always appreiatin y work, noatter how tiny it is! You have ade e realie that it’s apaity not soresthat really ounts.

Dad, I love you and I will love you forever!

Yours beloved,


Dear Xiaoqian:

I a writin to express y heartfelt ratitude. I a referrin to thatunfortunate aident the other day, when I was knoked off y bike by ataxi.

If it had not been for your tiely assistane in ivin e first aid, Ifear that the onsequenes iht have been uh serious. Everyone arees that itwas your quik-witted response in that eereny that has led to thissatisfatory outoe.

Althouh nowadays people in ountin nubers talk about the need to beunselfish, we see very few people pratie what they preah. If there were orepeople like you, this world would be a uh nier plae.

Yours sinerely,

Li in


dear head aster of f & b departent:

first of all, we thank you for the perfet servie and providin deliiousfoods, whih ive us a deep ipression for everythin you done. here, ouropany speially thanks you and your tea, and sends the best reards and theost sinere ratitude to all of you. at the sae tie, we speially thank anoutstandin eployee ------ __xwho ave the ost ooperation durin theevents.

at the end, we sinerely thank for the all supports fro you and yourolleaues.

illions of thanks!

your sinerely

beijin __x o., ltd.

date: __-__-____


dear teaher ,

i a writin to you to express y thanks for your help in learnin enlishand speakin enlish.

durin these days in your lass, i have learned uh fro you and it isvery helpful to e. firstly, you let e know what is the west thinkinpattern—straiht thinkin pattern. and, i think, it is very iportant tounderstand the west’s thouhts. as you know, this an help e with yexaination and interation with foreiners. seondly, i have ot enouhonfidene in speakin in enlish fro your lass and it took e a lon tie toain this onfidene. now, i always express y ideas in enlish as possible as ian. it’s reat to do that. the last not the least, i find that learnin enlishis not an borin thin as before and i’ interested in studyin enlish whihwas just a neessary task to pass exainations. readin, listenin or speakinall beoe interestin and i really enjoy it.

above all, i want to say thanks aain to you. and thank you for yourtie.

ood luk!


Dear ustoers:

__ bank sine it was founded in 93, has been to et your reat support andhelp, on the oasion of the hristas and New Year's day holiday isapproahin, in order to thank you for this for ore than ten years of __ banksupport and the deep affetion, __X bank staff would like to express yheartfelt thanks to you and ood wishes!

In __X bank in the past ore than ten years developent ourse, with you,we respet the ustoer, ives us enorous strenth, in your stron onern andsupport, as well as __X under the hard work of the staff, we with the hihquality servie, ood reputation, has ade brilliant ahieveents one afteranother.

Drinkin water soure, we know that __X bank every bit of proress andsuess, annot leave your attention, trust, support and partiipation. Yourunderstandin and trust is our stron drivin fore for proress, your onernand support is our inexhaustible soure of rowth. Every tie you partiipatein, every suestion, let us exited, we onstantly fore ahead. The journeywith you, our proress is endless onfidene and strenth; With you, our ausean be iortal, prosperity and developent.

To thank you for any years to our support, trust and help, to thebeinnin of the end, we will arry out exellent servie ativities, to returnyou with love, when you oe to our bank to handle the business, will let youet a bi surprise!

In the next years, hope to be able to ontinue to et your are andsupport, weloe to our bank to handle savins deposits, eduation, notiedeposit, forein exhane savins deposit, personal reittane, bank ARDS,online bankin, telephone bankin, buyin bonds the olletin phone and allkinds of business. ustoer satisfation is our eternal pursuit, we willontinue to provide the ost sinere servie for you.

ne aain, thank you for your help and support, to wish you ood health! Ahappy faily! Prosperity! All the best!









写给妈妈的一封信英语作文50字 写一封信的作文300字



溯源学习法,中小学智能学习平台 sd.bannei.o


Dear other,

how are you in Beijin? It has been ten days sine you went to Beijin. I iss you very uh. I know it is danerous to take are of sars patients, so I' very worried about you. but I' very- proud of you.

Don' t worry about e and y study. Every ornin I et up early and do ornin exerises for half an hour, and then I read Enlish for twenty inutes. After breakfast at about eiht I turn on TV and et ready for lessons on it. In the afternoon, I usually do y hoework. Every day the teaher akes a all to e and asks e about y teperature. I think all the people around e are takin ood are of e. I' thankful.

Now the people in the ountry are fihtin aainst sars toether. I believe we an win the war.

I wish you healthy! I' expetin you to oe bak soon.






y dearest other,

the other‘s day is oin and i would like to say “happy

other’s day” in this letter. i love you and thank you so uh for everythin you did for e. this day,i will stay away and an‘t ive you y appreiation at hoe. i know i will wath yself,so don’t worry about e. i a doin very well on y study. y

shoolates and teahers are all very nie. thouh i an‘t be at hoe, i hope you have a wonderful other’s day.love,

your son


Dear o and Dad,

Althouh we an only keep in touh with eah other by the telephone or the Internet, I wish I ould let you know how uh I love you and how uh I’ve appreiated the thins you’ve done for e. It is never too uh to say thank you to you, y dear parents.

First and the ost iportant is that thank you for brinin e to this world. Durin the 20 years, you have done a lot for e, but I haven’t realied how uh I love you until I left hoe to the university. I understand how uh effort you have ost to brin e up. Now, I have rown up, I an look after you.

Seond, I want to thank you that you ive e a ood environent to row up. There is an old sayin “Parents are the first teaher to their hildren”. In y life, you are the typial ones. Beause of your ood exaples I fored the ood habit of learnin at an early ae whih benefits y life.

At last, I want to say “thank you” is that you always support y hoie. You never fored e to do anythin I was not interested in. You told e to pursuit y own dreas without hesitation and you would support e forever. You also told e to how to be a huan. Now I beoe an optiisti and heerful irl and I feel happy every day.

I really iss you when I a writin this thank you letter. I an’t wait to o hoe to share ore tie toether with you.You are y ost iportant people in the world and I will love you forever.




Thank-you Letter

Dear o and Dad,

Althouh we an keep in virtual touh every day by eans of SN or e-ails, I

still feel it not enouh to let you know how uh I love you and how uh I’ve

appreiated the thins you’ve done for e. I find that it will never be too uh to say

Thank You to you, y beloved parents.

First, I want to thank you for akin all your efforts to brin e up. I was told that

you were short of oney when I was born and it beae even ore diffiult for a

youn ouple to raise a hild without any help fro elder eneration. So I appreiate

your areful nursin very uh for ivin e a ood health and the feelin of bein


Seond, I want to thank you for your ood eduation on e. There is an old sayin

oes like this “Parents are the first teaher to their hildren”. Yes, you are the typial

ones. You were so strit with e that I told y kinderarten teaher of y wonder

about whether I was the hild of yours, not the one piked up fro street. Touhin on

this soft spot deeply in y heart, vivid eories ae floodin bak. I won’t foret

the sene of y first and also the last lie found out by you. I ouldn’t stop treblin

all over. I was ashaed to ry when you beat e. I thouht I deserved this punishent

and told yself to keep away fro tellin lies fro then on.

I won’t foret how uh you’ve ipressed on e to love books and readin. Even in

the ost diffiult tie, you still spared e soe oney for the books I was fond of.

y love of books never diinished and later led e toward writin artiles yself.

So any ties, I have felt a sense of ontent when I saw your silin faes on

readin y artiles, ood or bad. In fat, this raduated into one of y habits of

sharin everythin I ahieved with you and feelin ontent with your siles I’ so

foolish to try to write all the thins you’ve done in y favor. If it is possible, this

letter ust be endless.

So, the ost iportant thin that I want to say “Thank you” for is your reat

adiration on y own freedo. You never fored e to do anythin I was not

interested in, even you had already known that I would reret not doin it. You never

forbade e to do anythin I was truly interested in and supported e finanially and

entally. You told e to look over the horions and to pursuit y own dreas

without hesitation. You also told e to onsider everythin arefully before ettin

start. h, wherever I o, I an see your eaer eyes ; whenever I a, I an touh your

enuine hearts. You’ve been lovin e heart and soul, how an I repay your

arvelous love to e?

I really feel that y pen fails e when I a writin this thank you letter. Lukily,

ay holiday is oin. It will ive e the ost exellent opportunity to express y

heartfelt ratitude to you----oin hoe and share ore tie toether with you.


Wan inyuan写给妈妈的一封信英语作文0字.

Dear u,

Thank you for brinin e to this world! Durin the 20 years, you have

done a lot for e, but suddenly I find that I have never stopped and said

to you how uh I feel the need to thank you! Now, Thanksivin Day is

on the way, I wish to express y thanks to you.

First of all, thank you for ivin y life! You have not had e! You

let e know how preious life is! You let e see the beautiful world! You

ive the hane to e know the people who love e and loved by e! Thank

you, u! You are the reatest person in the world! I want to say, I love


Seondly, thank you for brinin e up! With your reat are, I row

healthily and stron! When I was ill, you always took tie off work to

look after e! How worried you were! I know, that’s your love for e!

But when you were ill, I find that I never looked after you! When I think

about this, I feel very ashaed! Sorry, u, I should take are of you

as your son, but! Besides, u, do you know, you are suh a terrifi ook!

I thank you for the years of eatin your ood ookin, the equal of whih

I hadn’t found sine! u, I want to say, I love you!

Lastly, thank you for teahin e how to be a huan! I learned to tell

the truth, to share, and to be forivin and onsiderate of others. So

I have a lot of friends and have a happy life! Thank you, u! I love you!

Love fro,



Dear o,

Thank you for brinin e to this world! Durin the 20 years,you have done

a lot for e,but suddenly I find that I have never stopped and said to

you how uh I feel the need to thank you!Now, other's Day is on the way,I

wish to express y thanks to you.

First of all ,thank you for ivin e y life!If You have not had e, I won't be able to see the beautiful world! You let e know how preious life is!You ive the hane for e to know the people who love e and loved by e! Thank you, o!You are the best person in the world!I want to say,I love you!

Seondly,thank you for brinin e up!With your reat are,I row healthly and stron!When I was ill,you always took tie off fro work to look after e!How worried you were!I know,that's your love for e!But when you were ill,I find that I never looked after you!When I think about this,I feel very ashaed!Sorry,o,I should take are of you like a son shoule be doin!Besides,u,do you know that you are suh a terrifi ook!I enjoy the years of eatin your ood ookin,the equal of whih I had not found ever. o,I want to say,I love you!

Lastly,thank you for teahin e how to be a huan!I learned to tell the truth,to share,and to be forivin and onsiderate of others.So I have a lot of friends and have a happy life!Thank you,o!I love you!

Love fro,





金城学校七(1)班 张梦圆











金城学校七(1)班 杨锦

















妈妈在节日的梦里,收到一只小小的纸船,打开船舱,(本文出自范.文先生网 )满满一舱浓浓的爱意,扑入妈妈的眼帘,涌入妈妈的心房,令妈妈感慨万千,激动不已。这是一个女儿对母亲的爱,也是一个女儿对母亲所付出的的肯定。妈妈在这里,谢谢你了,女儿。





2013年3月日晚 )


金城学校七(1)班 查凡






还记得第一次英语考试,由于小学没学过英语,一点基础都没有,学习英语十分吃力。我至今都不知道在下课铃声响起时,我是怎么稀里糊涂地把自己仅写了一半的英语试卷平静地交上去的。反正在交上去之后,我的心里一阵空荡荡的失落与无助。那一次的英语考试对别人而言只能用“So easy”来形容,而我心里知道自己考得很差——史无前例的奇耻大辱:我将会迎来平生第一次不及格的结果。次日的英语课,我没有辜负自己的猜测考了一个神奇而可笑的分数:67分。及格了?当然没及格——120分的试卷呢!我很伤心——当然伤心的!就如爱因斯坦考100分的物理试卷得了3分一样。回到家后,我把一肚子的苦恼全向你倾诉了,心情一下大好。你没有生气,更没有责备,有的只是对我的安慰与鼓励。之后,我终于振作起来,英语成绩突飞猛进,这都得益于你的支持及鼓励!







金城学校七(2)班 李玉佩














金城学校七(1)班 但绍丽






垦利县永安胜利希望小学 卢曼如


















































