








y dear:

This is the first tie I've ever sat at y oputer and written to you solate. I ust have a reason for doin this.

Now I will tell you y feelins hubly, beause I don't want toisunderstand you easily. Today, I ade our photo in y dor roo and set it asa sreensaver. I iss you, I want to tell you y happiness. But the answer youave e was truly astonishin.

Text essaes don't oe bak, you an do that. I an't believe it. I darenot onnet you who are indifferent to e with you who are oitted to e.

Who was the an lyin beside e who ae to see e the day beforeyesterday?

Who left e yesterday and kissed e at the station?

an you tell e?

I a anry. Why should I be anry? I a so happy. Waitin for your textessae, waitin for your all. I wait for you.

However, I ae to a deep silene and your indifferene.

Now the sisters in the bedroo are all asleep. But I' writin a letter.Even if I hadn't written, I ouldn't sleep. Beause I' ryin.

A I sad? I don't know.

You know what? I think you lied to e.

aybe you don't love e as uh as you say.

To you, y existene is just the iin on the ake. You are ore suessfuland satisfied with e. Without e, your life will still be so wonderful. So, youan be so ool, so ool.

When I' with you, treat e well. When I' not, treat e as if I don'texist.

aybe you should say you're busy. Busyness is relative. You're busy durinthe day. You're busy at niht, too. ay I ask what you are doin? !

an be busy to a essae also relutant to send it?

Look in your inbox and your outbox for yourself. You et the idea.

Darlin, I want to love you well. Beause I think you love e.

However, I a a selfish person.

If your love for e ontinues like this. That's what you're oin to end upwith.

Then you will know how I feel. Sine anient ties is lost just know how toherish.

I' not onna send you a text bak. I' not takin a all fro you. Idisappeared. You'll never find e aain.

Please don't ake e sad any ore. y feelins for you are liited, and soare y tears. I proised you I wouldn't break up with you aain. So I won'tsay.

Two days ao, I was very sad, but you ae, I was diy with happiness, Ia happy, I a blindly happy.

But I didn't think this was just the beinnin.

I' so tired!

I learly feel your speehless and indifferent to e.

Do you love e? Do you love e? Do you spoil e?

I don't know.

If you love e, please prove it with your ations.

If you love e, please don't think one and for all.

If you spoil e, please don't keep your hih profile.

Finally, I'll tell you. I a fraile, but I be for your love. Althouh,you say firly, I leave you, I an't find, you love e so uh.

But I'll tell you soethin. Even if later no one loves e, I do not wantto love you so huble.

Is love so heap to you as entertainent in your spare tie? Do you talkwith you when you are lonely?

I also have y business, however, I would like to separate out to iss you.While you're busy. You a student so busy, I dare to expet you to work in thefuture, will ive e a phone all, a text essae?

Are you lookin for a wife? What do you think your wife does? Is it the toyin your hand? In a ood ood to tease! Busy just throw aside, do not ask.

What you have done and what you have proised is entwined in y heart,akin y heart ahe. I bean to ask yself, "Does he love e?"

If this is love, if this is love, if this is his odel of love.

So, what do I do?

In y heart of hearts, I learly know that people an not hane forsoeone, hane is not this person.

So, I don't have any requireents, fro then on, you an do whatever youwant, you an talk to e whenever you want.

Write here, you send e a essae to say, we noral point love it!

I think it's noral. But is our relationship noral?

What boyfriend an have you so arroant, so hih profile! Did you ive ethe old shoulder? You're thinkin, just leave it here and you'll be fine.You'll be your wife.

I love you?

Now I want to say, I hate you.

I hate your proises to e. I hate your love for e.

Honey, I tell you, I' anry, disappointed, sad, upset, and hate you.

You drive e ray. adness is followed by lon apathy.

The opposite of love is indifferene, not ruthlessness.

You're one, you're in your own ity, you're opletely different.

If there is any rievane in your heart, you say! If you think you don'twant to talk to e, o ahead! If you want to leave e, you say!

If you don't love e, you are brave to tell e. You have to trust in yresiliene. You say you do not love e, say a few ore ties I believe. Justlike you say you love e, say it ore ties and I'll believe it. I believeyou.

Ha ha...

I don't know why, I' heartbroken. This doesn't feel ood. Beause I'afraid of heartahe. In order not to heartahe, I will run. Will hoose habitswithout you. Why, you ake y heart ahe? I' afraid of pain. What shall I do?Is it true that only do not fall in love will not hurt?

Don't I have any other hoie?

Your tone of voie to e, is I ood for nothin, and then you pain, youspeehless. Is that hard for you when you're with e? y dear? ! Do you find itso hard?

Do you feel so tired? Is it so hard to heer e up? Is that what'sbotherin you? r a I too touh? Ha ha...

This is y letter to you. What shall I do in the future? I don't know.

But, I know, It hurts. I don't want to do anythin. Don't ive e any orelessons. Too any people in the world are too self-rihteous. Too any peopleare poor teahers. I want a husband who loves e, not a university professor ora overnent worker!

Even if you are Son Shiin, I a Seaweed. Son Shiin is not oin totalk about the finanial risis to Seaweed! And you're not really suessfulyet!

Finally, I want to ask you, who a I to you, are you in the rihtplae?

Where do you o fro here? !

Also: Happy hristas Eve to you!


ood brother,

It has been soe tie sine I read your letter. Have seen any ties, inthe ind also has a lot of words to say, but... I never knew where to start. nthis hristas Eve niht, let e start with eories.

Dude, I' not a pushy irl. In your eyes, I a the little sister in youreory. I a the sinle woan who was alone in a forein ountry, weak in heartbut stron to fae life. At that tie, I was alone in the fae of diffiultiesin other ountries, alone for life, siply for survival and strule. At thattie, I had to be stron. Sine y hildhood, I have been a happy, arefree irlaround y parents. Durin those years in a forein ountry, stress andloneliness ade e row up. However, I a still not stron.

Eldest brother, I have benefited a lot fro the four years' sufferinabroad. I have learned a lot and rown up a lot. aybe it is od's reward fore. After oin bak to hina, y areer, life, sooth and peaeful for a fewyears. However, I a still lonely, any ties, the heart is very bitter verybitter, as when writin this letter, alone. The tears would flow when Ireebered the thins I had buried in y heart.

Brother, I, too, want opany. Want to take a person's hand, walk toetherafter the day, fae this oplex world toether. Just want to be a little woan,an take a person's hand, a person an be heart to heart, fro now on, no atterwhat thins, all to fae toether.

These years, and brother has been out of touh. Always reeber you onesaid a sentene. Friends, is in the heart, no atter how no ontat, no eetin.But in y heart, I always reeber havin suh a friend. Your love and are hasalways been in y heart. I haven't talked to you in depth for a lon tie, soI'll o on.

The reason I have reained alone all these years is not beause of theonditions I set for y partner. I want a person, atually very siple. Ha ha,bi brother, don't lauh at e. I just want a little love.

In this day and ae, all people will tell e that nothin is ore illusorythan love. But I, still stubbornly lookin forward to, there is a war, realperson an appear.

I, however, is an ordinary woan, but also just want to live an ordinaryday. Fall in love with soeone, then fae life with hi, work hard for thefuture toether, raise a hild toether.

Several ties durin the blind date, the plain an sittin opposite askede, what do you want fro the an. A house? Inoe? r a ar. an fae suh aproble, I always an't speak, only sile, the heart of despair and pain beanto spread...

Brother, I a just a woan with a stron exterior and a soft heart. So,now, what kind of person do you think I should aept at the tie of blind date?I' not askin for a stron an, as you say. I just want a entle, understandlife, know love, know how to herish people.

Life is short. You an let yourself, and live for yourself is even shorter.But soeties also want to do not ooperate with their parents so unfilial, willalso think, perhaps, arriae is a an not be so selfish thin, even if it is toofort their parents, also should let their arriae as soon as possible.

Xi 'an, the ity we live in now. ld and eleant. Is the hoe that has beenon y ind when I was a vaabond. In the next year, I will ontinue to live inthis ity in a down-to-earth way. I hope that there will be one person who anfall in love with eah other in a down-to-earth way. This is a Wish ade onhristas Eve.

iss ~ ~



erry hristas!

Today is hristas Eve, we have already ade an appointent toniht youwant to aopany e to o shoppin all, to see a ovie, but you ut one aainstood e up.

I was the first one to rush out of the offie after work today. n the way,I was wonderin whether you would have another task today. I will not be alonely hristas Eve aain! all and ask, "Do you have an assinent?" Just sayyou won't stand e up. When I ot hoe, I was surprised to find that you werestill at hoe, ookin dinner. I was so happy that I didn't know what y naewas. Lookin at your busy fiure, I a happy, bean to fantasie about tonihtwe o to the all shoppin, do not stop to all the all in the ativity. I hady eye on a windbreaker for a lon tie, but I was relutant to buy it beausethe prie was too expensive. n the way bak today, I saw that there was a salein the shoppin all, so I deided to ove it bak to y wardrobe. We bean todisuss our shedule for toniht. I' also lad of y ood luk today. However,the truth is ruel, one aain proved that I still have to spend hristas Evealone. When we were about to have dinner, your phone ran, and by theseriousness on your fae, I knew that our date would never happen aain. Youvery uiltily say with e: "wife: we aain toorrow o to the all ok? It's hardto say you'll et ore disounts, ore ativities and ore ifts toorrow. Wehave to o out for a while toniht. If it's old, o to bed early, so don't waitfor e. You eat first, and I'll wash the dishes when I oe bak." When I askedyou what it was, you proised to keep it a seret. The husband! I' a op, too.I have a sense of serey. I asked you what? Just to see how danerous you are.Why don't you understand? You! What a stupid pi. I' lad you had your head inthe riht plae, or I don't know how you ended up in the polie fore.

Husband, to tell the truth, both of us are polieen. I think y workinattitude is not as ood as yours, y enthusias is not as hih as yours, and ywork is not as serious as yours. However, sine the seond year after y work, Ihave been an exellent ivil servant every year. Last year, I was also rated asone of the top ten polieen. But you, don't say an exellent ivil servant, youhaven't even rated a reward. I don't even know why? In your squadron, you didore work than anyone else, did the ost work (and of ourse, you were theyounest), did everythin that was danerous, but at the end of the year you hadnothin. If I were you, I'd have a lot of oplaints, or I'd be like everyoneelse, and you wouldn't, you'd still be workin. Soeties I have been wonderinwhether you are really ore "stupid" than others?

Honey, you ust reeber, you owe e another date. You stood e up aaintoday, I a very anry, but I hope you are safe. I hope I an see you tonihtbefore twelve o 'lok.

What an auspiious word "Silent Niht" is! I wish all the polieen a safelife on hristas Eve.

The wife book


y dear:

Please allow e to all you darlin for the last tie, as I have alwaysliked to do before. Surprise! Yeah, it was e. It was e writin to you, yourex-irlfriend. Perhaps you feel very ebarrassed or very indifferent, no othereanin, I just want to write a letter to you, break up half a year to allow ethis trivial selfishness.

I know you are very happy now, but y sudden letter ade you feelunexpeted. Last niht, y sister and I saw you on the way hoe, as before theskin is very white and lean wearin lasses, aybe love en will pay attentionto their own iae, you are ore neat and lean than before. Ridin a bike, yousit behind a irl. You are very happy, I want to all you, but I dare not, I howbashful shout, stunned in, so all the way to see you fro y line of siht oreand ore far. I know, this ounty is too sall, the rowd is too rowded and wealways eet by hane, dear, I love you very uh but an't hane the reality,I love you too deep or your love is too shallow love is not fir. Now, onlywish, wish you happy. She, very siple, suitable for your other half. I knowwe'll never be the sae aain. All I know is that a lot of ouples don't ake itand then never et bak in touh. But, y dear, if we an't be husband and wife,an't we even be friends? I reeber the first tie I saw you, you are verysunny, and I happened to be depressed at that tie. Suh e, even friends do notwant to do with you, with a depressed ood love inore you. But you run everyday after runnin with e, even if I anry to say you only sad for a while andthen bean to take a sile at e. Later in our life, we auht fish, auhtrabbits, visited the beauty of lare rape, herry blosso in the park in fullbloo and fell, I sat in the bak of the ar and spread y ars and said to fly,you like to eat sesae ball and I hate it to death, the first tie you kissed ewas I severely slap... Honey, I ry every tie we turn around. Until the lasttie beause of the parents of both sides, I know is, you will relentlessly willinsist, but I was too onfident, you did not. And I still silly in situ waitinfor you, you left e, ive up this relationship, you o, you never lookbak.

Dear, I hear that there are five hundred people suitable for e in one'slife. Aon the, I a no loner the only one for you. I know, I often say toyself that it will be ok, as tie oes by, our relationship will slowly fadeaway. aybe one day I will be as happy as you are now, dear, but this tie isvery lon, lon trane in y life I think I will never eet the person I loveaain, like love you. Durin the half year of separation, I learned to be usedto loneliness, to look at louds and louds, to look at the stars in the sky onthe windowsill at niht, and in y spare tie, I would hold y friend's pet andwalk in the bi teple behind your house... Darlin, I' lookin forward toeetin you, but I' afraid. I a afraid that your happiness will ake y eyesblindfolded and an not see the world learly, dear, I know you are very happy,love a person is to ake eah other happy, you hoose, I respet.

Happy hristas Eve!

Bless you!


Dear Santa laus,

Hello! I' Yoyo. Do you reeber? You have on hristas Eve, ive e a lotof rayons, olored paper, penil ase. As a thank-you, I put ookies in yhristas stokin. Thank you for so any years of hard work, so that every oneof our hildren an reeive ifts. I was very happy when I reeived your iftlast year. I went to y shool to tell y lassates that I reeived your ift.But It never ourred to e that y lassates would not believe it. But I' notpayin attention to the! Beause aa said, "As lon as you have soethinbeautiful to look forward to, soethin beautiful will always be around you."For our hildren, you are the ost aiable and respetable person in the world,you ave us eah of the hildren ost hope of the ift.

I have a wish to let the onstrution enineers build the house up thehiney in the future, so that your work will be ore onvenient andlabor-savin. If you are too busy next hristas Eve, you an take e with youand help you send ifts toether. I want to thank you fae to fae for your arein these years.

Finally, I also want to say to you: Dear Santa laus, this Year's hristasEve, I want to learn a skill, I hope I an talk with sall anials, so I anknow what they are thinkin, also know what they need, in this beautifulhristas Eve, I also want to ive the a ift!

It's ettin late. That's all. ood niht and a ood drea.

I like your youyou





Dear father、other:

Nie to eet you!

Dad,u,you ive e everythin,ive e the world.You told e:“Nothin is epossible .”I reeber it.Dad,u,you are the best people in y world,I an'tleave with you.

u,I think you are the best hinese teaher.You teah e hinese,let e know that what is hina.You work in y old hoe,that's a pretty ity.aybe I will work in y old hoe one day,too!I think,you will be a ood writer one day!

And,dad,you are a ood enjineer!!You teah e eninsh and ath.Thank you!

Dad,u,you teah e any thins,thank you ,and ,Ilove you!


Dear parents,

How is everythin these days? I iss you very uh.

I a very happy at y new shool. y teahers and students are very friendly to e .They ofen help e with y study.Now I a not worried about y Enlish beause I ake a lot of proress in it anb I beoe ore and ore intrested in it. y shool life here is also wonderful. I take part in any part-tie ativities . I ake any friends there and learn lots of learnin ethods.

Now final exa is oin. I a busy preparin it . I will try y best to do well in it.

I a lad that the suer holiday is oin. I want to take part in a REEN ITY RUP.I think I should ake a ontribution to protetin our environent.

It's hot these days but I an take ood are of yself.You should pay ore attention to your health.

Best wishes to you.

Love you,




Dear parents:

How are you?I haven't seen your for a lon tie.I iss your very uh.Don't worry about e,I' fine.I like studin very uh,I' work hard.I' very busy ,so I an't o hoe now.But when I have a lon holiday,I will o hoe and visit your.Look after yourself and happy every day.

Love fro.

your dauhter




































