








New Year's Day, happy, and the United States, safe; New Year, happy New Year, sweet every day, forever and ever. Wish you a happy New Year! Happiness and health! Please refer to the artile prepared for you:


Dear Parents,


Aordin to The eneral ffie of the State ounil's Notie on The Arraneent of Soe Holidays in 2019 (No. 1 [201] of The State ounil) and the requireents of Lonhua Eduation Bureau's Notie on the Arraneent of The New Year's Day Holiday in 2019, the arraneent of the "New Year's Day" holiday in our shool is as follows:

ne, the overall arraneent of the holiday

New Year's Day: Deeber 30 - January 1 holiday, a total of three days. Teahers will return to work on Deeber 29, 201, and students will return to lass on Wednesday, January 2, 201.

(Note: lass on Tuesday, Week 1, on Deeber 2; lasses will be held on Friday of the 17th week on Deeber 29th. adres and teahers on duty will be arraned aordin to the orrespondin weekly shedule. Evenin self-study will be held on January 1st and Sunday.

Ii. atters needin attention durin holidays for students and parents

1. Parents should uide their hildren to ake reasonable holiday plans and spend tie with the wathin TV proras and news reports about New Year's Day, so as to know about folk ustos and et failiar with traditional ulture; To understand national ahieveents and enhane patrioti feelins; We should expand our ultural horion and ultivate our national feelins.

2. Parents should uide their hildren to read ore benefiial extra-urriular readin aterials. While enjoyin the holidays, they should also ure their hildren to finish their hoework on tie and take part in ore labor and pratial ativities. Have a fulfillin, happy and eaninful vaation.

Parents should teah their hildren to obey the law and stritly observe soial ethis. Please the students to onsiously resist the allure of the soial bad oleular, do not partiipate in the feudal superstition, not wathin, not all, pay attention to lanuae iviliation, not to take part in illeal ativities, aintain the noral soial order, do a love life, have ideal and faith, ood "world outlook, the outlook on life, values," the beauty of youth.

4. Parents should teah their hildren to pay attention to safety and pay attention to reasonable diet. Safety eduation should be onduted "year after year, onth after onth and day after day" to ensure the safety of students. Students should be failiar with the prevention of drownin, eletri shok, fire, typhoon, traffi aidents, danerous ation at heiht and other safety knowlede, prevention of overeatin and food poisonin and other har to health, with knowlede to enrih their own, with the ability to protet theselves, safely spend the holiday.

. Please eduate the hildren to do a ood job in epidei prevention and ontrol. Students should avoid oin to rowded plaes or stayin in stuffy roos for a lon tie. In partiular, do not o to dane halls, bars, Internet afes and other entertainent plaes, learn to love and protet their physial and ental health, to be an exellent little itien to let teahers rest assured, parents happy.

6. To live a happy life, start fro safe work. Dear parents, we firly believe that as lon as we work toether, the hild will row up safely and healthily. Dear students, a better life needs your partiipation and reation, so that your efforts an lihten your beautiful life.


Dear baby,

How tie flies, three years of junior hih shool has oe a nearly five 6, ore want to let tie stop, so we an eah other with soe ore, but this is ipossible, tie will pass, you will row bi, I' luky fro Septeber 1, 2012 to June 26, 2014, are there your opany in the period of tie, whether your sores are ood or ediu or soe unsatisfatory, teahers believe that the future you will be able to harvest your own future.

Baby, we toether of the tie, beause the teaher soeties bad teper, also beause of the hih expetations of teahers for you, to you hair teper, soeties ay say bad words, perhaps you still don't understand to the teaher at the tie, but I believe that our heart is always lose to eah other, beause you are the teaher heart the ood hild. Thank you for your understandin of the teaher!

Baby, every tie toether tie is so unforettable, foret y birthday when the son full of affetion "father", and a full fae of rea; I an't foret sinin all the way to Beijin, and sinin with shae on the platfor after shool; Foret when runnin total also an't run, and turn a neat pae. The teaher's happy eories haunt e little by little.

aybe you are not very expressive soeties, but you an read your trust in your teaher fro your attentive eyes. If you're havin a hard tie aadeially and you're not doin well aadeially, reeber that "nothin will ake e ive up" is enouh! If you are not outstandin enouh, than insuffiient, than the next surplus, the teaher ave you suh a sentene: "try your best, irale will be reated by you." If your study is better, the teaher also send you a sentene: "the day will be down on the an also, ust first suffer its spirit, labor its bones and usles, starve its body skin, epty its body, line brush its work". These wise words of enius have quite a warnin and enourain effet to everyone. As exellent students in study, you arry ore pressure than others, fro parents and friends, fro teahers and lassates, ore fro theselves, you have a stron self-ontrol, quik thinkin, stron will, positive and aspirant, have hiher requireents for theselves, the results in the lass is also ood. But I would like to reind you that there are people outside the ountain. any students are akin use of holidays to iprove their knowlede struture and oprehensive quality in order to keep iprovin. Strive hard, in order to be invinible in the exa war, oe out on top. There is a ood sayin "you are not outstandin is not terrible, terrible is outstandin people ore dilient than you!"

Baby, 2014 in our look forward, will be here soon, this year I is very iportant for you, perhaps you already had enouh, aybe you have soe hesitation, in fat, no atter how your past, these are not iportant, it is iportant for the rest of the 10 days, what should we do, I always believe that a pay a harvest, I also believe that you are an bear hildren, you are willin to pay a hild, in June 2014, will ake you satisfied!

Finally, the teaher wants to ive you said: the hild you will always be the teaher's are, for your anxiety, worry about you, for your proress and very happy, but also for your slak and worried. ne, you put so trust in y eyes. Today, toorrow, I will use all of their own knowlede, love and responsibility to protet your rowth. Soe people say that food is the ost beautiful when you are hunry, health is the ost beautiful when you are sik, friends are the ost beautiful when you are helpless, and teahers are the ost beautiful when you are onfused. The teaher's heart will always be open to you, a little lap of hope for you. I a willin to fiht toether with you, ridin horses to whip, sail to the other shore of vitory!

Always love your friend: Liu Berkeliu


Dear Parents of students:


New Year's Day is approahin, the shool staff to your way: "Happy New Year!" Aordin to the provisions of the superior douents, our shool New Year's Day holiday date: January 1-3, 20__ (Sunday - Tuesday). In order to ensure the health and safety of students on New Year's Day holiday, and in order to ake students spend a eaninful short holiday, here, we hope you an ooperate with us to do the followin work:

1. Students have entered the oprehensive final review stae this ter. Please ure your hildren to do their hoework and prepare for the final exa.

2. Please strenthen your hildren's safety eduation. First of all, pay attention to fire safety. Now the teperature drops, the wind hih dry winter, is the hih inidene of fire, arbon onoxide poisonin aidents season, please strenthen the hildren's fire safety eduation, do not play with fire, do not start fires, in ase of fire and other inidents to learn to save theselves, to ensure their own safety, and tiely dial 119 fire alar; Seondly, pay attention to traffi safety. To onsiously abide by the traffi laws and reulations, do not ride otoryles, under 12 years old students are not allowed to ride biyles, do not take no liense, no liense, illeal transport of vehiles, et. In addition, it is neessary to pay attention to the safety and reasonable diet of household as and eletriity, so as to prevent the ourrene of overeatin, food poisonin and other harful events.

3. Please ask the hildren to stritly enfore prohibition of drus, alohol and sokin, prohibit to play aes in the ae hall, prohibit readin and wathin pornoraphy, violene and other books, fils and TV proras, prohibit to o to pornoraphi websites and do not play aes for teenaers, prohibit to o to bars, karaoke bars and other ae plaes. Parents, please strenthen supervision, nip in the bud.

4. Eduate hildren to learn self-ontrol, iprove the ability of self-anaeent and self-protetion. uide hildren to learn various safety skills, deal with illeal infrineent, in order to tiely arry out self-protetion.

. Durin the holidays, please enourae and support hildren to partiipate in ounity publi welfare ativities and iprove their soial pratie ability. Should arrane the hild attends rereational and sports ativity appropriately and other quality eduation ativity, instrut the hild to deal with the relation of ood rereation and study.

6. Durin the festival, our shool leaders are on duty. Parents an ontat us at any tie if they need. In ase of any speial irustanes, please ontat the shool iediately.

The safety eduation of students' holidays annot be separated fro the support and ooperation of failies. Let's work toether to ensure that hildren have a healthy, ivilied, safe and fulfillin New Year's Day holiday.

ay your hildren ake proress in their studies! ay the whole faily be happy and healthy!


Dear Parents,

The New Year of 20__ is approahin. First of all, thank you for your understandin and support of our shool.

n the oasion of the oin New Year, I would like to extend y warest reetins to you and yours. Durin the holidays, shool leaders and teahers are very onerned about your hildren's learnin and safety durin the holidays. Therefore, the shool hopes that parents will work losely with the shool on students' learnin and safety issues to spend a safe and eaninful New Year's Day toether. Therefore, the shool puts forward the followin instrutions and requireents to you, I hope you will atively ooperate and fulfill the responsibility of uardianship.

War tips:

1. Vaation tie: January 1 -- January 3, 20__. Students will o bak to shool at 4:1 P on Deeber 31, and all students will return to shool before 7:30 a on January 4 (Sunday).

2. Durin the holiday, please ure your hildren to et enouh sleep, take exerise, redue pressure and have enouh nutrition; bserve ood personal hyiene and wash hands frequently with soap and water; Avoid oin to rowded or dirty plaes; Keep the roo well ventilated to ensure ood ventilation.

3. Durin holidays, when you take your hildren to visit relatives and friends, play your own role as an exaple, eduate your hildren, observe etiquette, and strive to be "ivilied itiens". At the sae tie pay attention to traffi safety, espeially travel safety, eduation hildren not to o out at niht party drinkin, fihtin, lihtin fires, play with fire, to prevent the ourrene of aidental injuries; In addition, we should pay attention to the safety and reasonable diet of as and eletriity at hoe, so as to prevent the ourrene of overeatin, food poisonin and other events harful to health.

4. Eduate hildren to wath TV at hoe in oderation, do not enter Internet afes and other entertainent plaes, warned the hildren not to et aquainted with the soiety at will bad youth.

. Life is full of eduation, entertainent and learnin. While havin a pleasant holiday, let the hildren help their parents to do soethin within their power and ultivate workin habits. Ure hildren to oplete the holiday hoework assined by teahers, arrane tie reasonably, and atively prepare and review lessons.

6. ouniate ore with your hildren durin holidays, pay ore attention to their physial and ental health, and ure the to strenthen their review work so that they an ahieve exellent results in the final exaination.

7. In the iddle of winter, when the weather is old, please reind your hildren to add lothes in tie to prevent olds and infetious diseases.

The year 20__ is spent in our full of joy and harvest, and the year 20__ is a year full of hope. All the staff of Huanlin iddle Shool sinerely wish you and your faily ore happiness and happiness.

I hope you have a ost happy and prosperous New Year.


Dear teaher:

Hello, tie flies, tie Rusuo, ipereptibly, and to weloe the new year's day. Lookin throuh the day, in your are and teahin, I rew up a one year old. The little thins bit by bit,  show in y ind. We have lasses, read, do you always, always with us in the toether. No atter what the weather is like,  you are always early in the lassroo waitin for us to o to lass. How any day and niht, you also for orretin our hoework a liht. Whenever I see a book on the red ark,  you also ratified sile. I desperately erination, you have white hair. The teaher for we pay too uh, sayin ood-bye to a bath after bath of students,  his hair beae infeted with wind and frost. The new year is approahin, the students to ive you deep blessin: I wish the teahers ood health, ood luk in everythin.

Your students -





Dear r. Sith ,

I a Lihua ,hairan of the student union , fro henuan hih shoo. I a very pleased to learn that you are oin to visit our shool on June 26. I a writin to tell you what we have arraned for you.

In the ornin , there will be a foru in the shool auditoriu , where visitors and students fro our shool ouniate with eah other ,talkin about shool life and ultural differenes . At noon, you are invited to have lunh in our shool afeteria with students fro our shool. You an taste duplins ,noodles and other hinese foods .In the afternoon, the students in our shool will show you around the HaiHe river .

How do you like the arraneents ? I hope you will have a nie tie in Tian jin

Yours sinerely ,

Li Hua


Dear Sir/ada ,

I’ lihua fro lass one ,senior two . I a wrin to apply for the opportunity to help the students in henxin Hope Shool with their Enlish. Thus they an iprove their Enlish durin the suer vaation . eanwhile , I an learn how to et alon well the students and benefit the whole shool.

I’ kind , easy-oin and always ready to help others . I wash lothes and ake beds by yself to develop independene . Enlish is y favorite subjet and I have won several pries in Enlish ontests . So I think that I a qualified for the position.

I plan to ouniate with students first to know what they need . Besides ,I ‘ll try to et the ore interested in Enlish by tellin stories , sinin sons ,playin aes and so on .

I’d appreiate it if you ould ive e the opportunity .

Yours Sinerely ,

Li hua


Dear sir /ada ,

y nae is Li in , a student urrently studyin at Qi in hih shool. I a writin, on behalf of y lassates ,to apply for the 2000 yuan worth of fund in a bid to initiate a prora aied at helpin those students who are finanially disadvantaed.

Bein raised in failies that don’t have to worry about puttin food on the table need not ean oblivion to our less fortunate peers. n this aount , we would appreiate it if you ould sponsor our poverty –relief endeavor . The followin is how we would o about usin the oney. We would spend 100yuan purhasin soe stationery for the needy students in our shool .We would infor the to pik up the shool supplies theselves instead of us handin the supplies out so that we wouldn’t ebarrass those who we want to help . The reainder of the fund would be used to invite a otivational speaker who was to talk about how to lift oneself out of poverty by akin riht aadei and professional deisions .

odest as our efforts ay sound, we believe they will war soe hearts . We would be uh oblied if you ould reply at your earliest onveniene .

Yours sinerely ,

Li in










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亲爱的山区小朋友: 你们好!

我是江苏省南京市栖霞区实验小学分校四一班的虞雪纯。我会弹钢琴和古筝,夏天喜欢泡在游泳馆游泳,爱好打羽毛球、溜冰。经常参加各类比赛,获得好多奖项。怎么样?就说这一点点就会让你们羡慕吧! 我不光成绩优异,心地善良,还乐于助人。这次南京大学和我们学校联合发起一次捐书活动。活动中,我了解到你们的一些困难。我自己向你们捐了三十五本作文书,希望你们在这些作文书中获取一些外面世界的信息,提高自己的作文水平。

一篇篇作文是一个个小作者的经历,五湖四海的小作者汇集到一起,你们就能从中了解他们的生活,学习情况。这是不是一个好主意呢? 生活在山区,生活上的困难,学习条件的艰苦是可想而知的。当看到你们在光线昏暗的地方看书时,我的心不禁疼了,这能看书吗?这不把眼睛看坏了吗?要知道眼睛坏了是任何事也做不成的。我建议你们,既然无法改变现状,那就让我们克服困难吧!在天亮之前快速完成老师的作业,在学校挤时间看课外书。你们认为我的这个建议怎样? 我们经常光顾肯德基,麦当劳,必胜客等等。这些可能你们一次也没去过,不过别伤心,别羡慕。

我想利用放假时间,请你们到我们这儿来,由我请客,保管你们吃个够。怎么样?期待吧! 看到你们穿得也不好,说实话,我真想把我的衣服送给你们。我满橱的衣服,有时为了穿什么衣服而挑花了眼。有机会我把我的衣服打包给你们邮过去。保证你们见了会激动一番,因为我的衣服都是时髦的。 还有一个建议,我建议我们之间建立一个手拉手活动。我们这边条件好的同学 ,一个人可以牵手你们中的几个人,在平时的生活,学习中向你们提供必要的帮助。

你们认为我的这个建议怎样? 我祝你们天天开心,健健康康!期待你们的回信,好想知道你们的想法,你们如有更好的建议请尽早回信!我会天天盼哦!

虞雪纯 XX年6月日

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Dear huanhua ,

It’s three onths sine I heard fro you last tie . Now I want to tell you an ipressive story happenin on y first lesson .

n hearin the bell students ran into the lassroo as quikly as they ould. But a boy ,LIin , whose father died a onth ao , was late for the lass. He stood outside the lassroo silently . I siled to hi and let hi oe in. After a while ,he ried on his desk . Then I walked to hi and asked what had happened . He told e that his other was ill and he had to take soe ediine for her . At the sae tie ,he apoloied to e for his lateness . oved by his words , I praised hi for his deeds and deided to sin a son naed “other” for the students . How tie flies ! lass was over before I realied it .

Fro the story I felt we should respet our parents and do our best to help the . Do you think so ? I’ lookin forward to your reply .

Yours truly ,

Li Hon


Dear Sir/ada ,

I’ lihua fro lass one ,senior two . I a wrin to apply for the opportunity to help the students in henxin Hope Shool with their Enlish. Thus they an iprove their Enlish durin the suer vaation . eanwhile , I an learn how to et alon well the students and benefit the whole shool.

I’ kind , easy-oin and always ready to help others . I wash lothes and ake beds by yself to develop independene . Enlish is y favorite subjet and I have won several pries in Enlish ontests . So I think that I a qualified for the position.

I plan to ouniate with students first to know what they need . Besides ,I ‘ll try to et the ore interested in Enlish by tellin stories , sinin sons ,playin aes and so on .

I’d appreiate it if you ould ive e the opportunity .

Yours Sinerely ,

Li hua


Dear r. Sith ,

I a Lihua ,hairan of the student union , fro henuan hih shoo. I a very pleased to learn that you are oin to visit our shool on June 26. I a writin to tell you what we have arraned for you.

In the ornin , there will be a foru in the shool auditoriu , where visitors and students fro our shool ouniate with eah other ,talkin about shool life and ultural differenes . At noon, you are invited to have lunh in our shool afeteria with students fro our shool. You an taste duplins ,noodles and other hinese foods .In the afternoon, the students in our shool will show you around the HaiHe river .

How do you like the arraneents ? I hope you will have a nie tie in Tian jin

Yours sinerely ,

Li Hua




























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