





3、关于文艺汇演的作文600字 元旦文艺汇演作文600(3)





Dear parents and friends,

Happy New Year, everyone! Flikin and wavin, we also toether with the hildren throuh a seester. Thank you all the way!

First, thank you for your stron support!

Every lass ativity, always have your support. Fun aes, Yuan Yuan other, en idon other, Jian Yuton father and other people to ive us a lot of ood ideas for ativities; When buyin a prop hula hoop, Yin hanyi's other left her iportant work and went around to help, and sent it to the shool. Qiu ihen's other, in order to buy the for e, sent the to e in person...

In the New Year's Day show, in order to let the hildren perfor when the better stae effet, en ihan's other speially to the beauty salon invited a hairdresser, akeup artist for free for the hildren dressed; AI Xinyi's other also left her beauty shop and brouht a full set of osetis to ake up her hildren. Lin Yutin other early in the ornin for the hildren to the arket to buy all kinds of headdress flower, but not a penny to, hou li other and take the initiative to help us to purhase the fan, et., other, aunt Liu Jinwen Yin Han Iraq, hen paid feather hou li o and dad, randa yuan yuan parental help hildren hane lothes, suh as lothes, sene is very touhin.

The lass needs to set up an oraniation that ats as a bride between teahers and parents -- the faily oittee. Hear is to serve for the lass, serve for the hildren, en ihan other, Lin Tian yu other, Lin Yutin other, Du Yixian other, Jian Yuton father, han Lin father, han Wenhao father and other several parents will atively sin up to join the faily oittee. They bean to think of ways to ake their hildren row up happier. Just after the establishent of the faily oittee was announed, they held a sall eetin under the support of en ihan's other, to disuss how to divide the labor, how to hold soe parent-hild ativities, how to let parents atively partiipate in... Beause I was too busy to attend the shool eetin that day, I did not have tie to say to the: Hard!

Seond, thank you for your sinere understandin!

So far, when the shool, the lass enountered thins, you are always so sensible. Interestin sports eetin beause of the needs of ativities, only a few plaes, you are huble to eah other, to partiipate in, are so ative and serious, beause you said: we are on behalf of the seven olor lass of all parents! It's really ovin! New Year's Day perforane, but also only a few parents have the opportunity to enter, you take the initiative to ive the opportunity to the paper to partiipate in the perforane of the hildren's parents, beause you said: "the hildren o to win honor for the lass, the hildren are the ost iportant, do not let the old. an't o to the sene, we an also pay attention to the hildren! ..." How touhin words, parents and friends, you are so reat, have the responsibility to take the initiative to take the initiative, have the opportunity but always huble others, you ive the hildren to ake the best exaple, the hildren feel honored beause of you!

Third, thank you for your best ooperation.

ooperation in eduational onepts.

The hildren of our seven olor lass are really very lever and lovely, but soe take are of theselves ability is poor, soe study habit is bad, ost hildren lak self-onfidene, part of the hildren's study foundation is poor, individual hildren are partiularly apriious... In order to ahieve a ore oprehensive understandin of the hild, when I pointed out the shortoins of the hild, no parents have the idea of favoritis of the hild's shortoins, but very sinerely said: "Teaher u, we believe you! Kids have probles before, but we don't know how to uide the. It's in your hands now. We'll do whatever you need us to do. The hild has obviously haned under your hands, our hoie is not wron, the hoie of Borite is the riht one! ..." Lookin at your trustin eyes and listenin to your sinere words, I just want to say, parents, I will do y best to live up to your trust in e.

ooperation in study.

In order to let the hildren a week's study, the habit has been onsolidated, in order to let us better understand the perforane of the hildren at hoe in the shool, I will be on every Friday request sent to a roup, the parents don't et to the Internet, I will also send text essaes to obile phones, and we are lookin forward to reeivin inforation, parents see essae reply, this I have learned that failitate the hild's behavior is out on parents or hildren. Up to now, any parents are able to insist on sinin hoework for their hildren, so that their hildren feel the iportane of their parents to hi. I also ot a better understandin of the reasons for y hild's shortoins fro the replies and sinatures.

The power of the exaple of the reat, the transission of positive enery, we need to hand in hand! ost parents do it, and ost hildren do it. Therefore, the hane of hildren is also obvious.

In the habit of ooperation.

All of our hildren live in a very ood environent, whih leads to the poor self-are ability of any hildren. Their desks, bookases lean up, the lassroo will not lean. Instead of spoilin your hild, you say, "You ae here to train hi! If there is anythin to do, just arrane hi to do it. I reeber hanyu Hao's other on the phone often told e: "u teaher, sall han is very stron, there is any work in the lass need hi to do, you arrane it! If the hild isbehaves, you ust punish hi severely. ur parents will never protet us." Althouh I a not one to punish hildren, but to hear suh words, how ovin. I still reeber hen Shuhan's other said, "Teaher ou, Book han is ative, you let the lass be ative, let hi lean or do soethin after lass..." There are any parents who love their hildren very uh, but there is no abiuity in the uidane of habits, they know that "habits deterine harater, habits ahieve life" truth.

Beause of your ooperation, hildren do not do hoework alost no! Beause of your ooperation, hildren's desks, bookases neat uh ore! Beause of your ooperation, the hild knows that rules are ore iportant than relationships and that harater is ore iportant than oney. Beause of your ooperation, the hildren are less and less bad habits, in exhane for is tolerane, self-onfidene, opetition, sunshine, happy! I a very happy beause of your ooperation, the hildren olorful hildhood ore beautiful!

Therefore, I would like to offer y parents and friends the followin hope:

First, I hope you will herish the holiday and spend ore tie with your hildren.

Play outdoor sports with your hild, read books with your hild, ollet aterials for akin hinese tabloids, and enjoy the Sprin Festival with your hild.

Seondly, I hope you an read the safety notie arefully and have a peaeful and happy New Year.

Third, I hope you an set a ood exaple for your hildren.

1. Take your hoework and weekends seriously. Please sin it.

2. Please reply when you reeive text essaes or roup essaes (not inludin blessins fro teahers). (Note: Sine it is ipossible to infor every hild's shool status by phone every week, we publish it in the roup. I hope you an hek it in your busy shedule.)

3. Keep the sae attitude with the teaher, and the transfer of positive enery is benefiial to the rowth of hildren.

4. Help your hild develop a sense of "oparin yourself first, then opetin with others".

opare yourself first. Is first to see their own and shool when they have proress, there is proress on the hard work, is worth elebratin!

Then opete with others. Everyone's basis is different (knowlede, ability, intelliene, psyholoy, et., are different, we should first reonie the ap between theselves and others) but beause there is a ap, so, we should hoose the taret to ath up, opetition, and should not be blindly oplainin. This will only disourae hildren's abition and enterprisin initiative!

Fourth, I hope you an tell us the ood suestion, or tell the FAILY oittee.

Thanks aain for your understandin, support and ooperation with e, the shool and the lass! Thank you, respeted parents and friends! Beause of you, our work is done. Beause of you, the hildren of olorful lass have added a stroke of happiness and joy to their hildhood life!


I haven't been so oved for a lon tie. Just four or five hours before the party bean, I was afraid that the prora would not be ood and the sene would be old. However, this period of tie really oved e a lot.

First of all, I would like to express y appreiation to the partiipants of toniht's party for their outstandin perforane, arranin the venue and tunin the sound equipent, althouh everythin was prepared in a hurry. However, you ave the audiene a perfet New Year's Party.

Seondly, I would like to thank our host for his exellent perforane, whih ade the atosphere of the whole eetin very hih.

Another is our tuner and aeraan, fro the beinnin to the end of the evenin, kept busy, oordinatin with the host, fro the beinnin to the end of the tension, there is no istake.

I would also like to thank __, __ and others, who have been busy hoosin proras, akin proedures, plannin aes and buyin ifts fro the very beinnin. I would like to express y thanks to you for your painstakin efforts for this party.

Thank you to the ators and atresses for the wonderful evenin. I would like to express y deep appreiation for your efforts.

Thanks to all the staff, it is you that let e realie that our tea is so exellent, and it is your every work that ensures the sooth runnin of the whole party.

Thank You to Hinoqin roup, Jinhai Support and Xinyin Support roup, Thank you to hina obile, thank you to hina Teleo, thank you to ensiei, thank you to bu iae, thank you... Thank you so uh. I would like to express y deep ratitude to you aain for your efforts. Wish you all the best in 20__ and the spirit of Lona.

Thank you to all the audiene for your partiipation and support. Thank you for your interest and support in our ativities.


Dear parents of students: Hello!

First of all, thank you for your ontinuous support and understandin of the shool work! Wish you a happy and prosperous New Year for your faily! Now I would like to infor you of the New Year holiday in 2014. I hope you an arrane your hildren to study and live and o to shool on tie.

1. The New Year holiday will be on January 1, 2021 (Wednesday). lasses will bein on Thursday, January 2, 2021.

2. Plan your vaation well. Let students wath TV news and read extra-urriular books; To take part in housework within one's power and iprove self-are ability; Arrane your tie to review your lessons and finish your hoework arefully.

3. Ride safely. Strenthen safety supervision, eduate hildren to pay attention to traffi safety and obey traffi rules. hildren are prohibited fro takin the "three noes" (i.e., no driver's liense, no liense plate, no operatin ertifiate) vehile; Do not use srapped vehiles, assebly vehiles, otoryles and other illeal operatin vehiles and vehiles in poor ondition and other non-standard vehiles; Do not ride in vehiles that are overloaded, overloaded or not qualified to pik up students.

4. Fire prevention in winter. Eduate hildren to fully understand the iportane of fire prevention and iprove fire prevention awareness. Strit fire soure anaeent to effetively eliinate fire haards. aster fire self - resue ethods and oon sense. all 119 in ase of fire.

. Eat safely. Firly establish food hyiene and safety awareness and self-protetion awareness, do not eat unliensed food vendors; Do not buy food with inoplete labels suh as no tradeark, no date of prodution, no anufaturer, no shelf life, et.; Don't eat food that has expired or one bad.

6, prevent drownin, prevent eletriity, prevent as poisonin. Eduate hildren to understand fire, eletriity, as related knowlede, pay attention to eliinate water, fire, as, eletriity and other aspets of safety haards in life. Use eletrial applianes orretly and do not allow hildren to ove, unplu wires, sokets and applianes. Parents and friends, I hope you pay ore attention to hildren, let us join hands to reate a safe and haronious rowth environent for hildren.

Ruixian Experiental Shool。


Dear baby,

How tie flies, three years of junior hih shool has oe a nearly five 6, ore want to let tie stop, so we an eah other with soe ore, but this is ipossible, tie will pass, you will row bi, I' luky fro Septeber 1, 2012 to June 26, 2014, are there your opany in the period of tie, whether your sores are ood or ediu or soe unsatisfatory, teahers believe that the future you will be able to harvest your own future.

Baby, we toether of the tie, beause the teaher soeties bad teper, also beause of the hih expetations of teahers for you, to you hair teper, soeties ay say bad words, perhaps you still don't understand to the teaher at the tie, but I believe that our heart is always lose to eah other, beause you are the teaher heart the ood hild. Thank you for your understandin of the teaher!

Baby, every tie toether tie is so unforettable, foret y birthday when the son full of affetion "father", and a full fae of rea; I an't foret sinin all the way to Beijin, and sinin with shae on the platfor after shool; Foret when runnin total also an't run, and turn a neat pae. The teaher's happy eories haunt e little by little.

aybe you are not very expressive soeties, but you an read your trust in your teaher fro your attentive eyes. If you're havin a hard tie aadeially and you're not doin well aadeially, reeber that "nothin will ake e ive up" is enouh! If you are not outstandin enouh, than insuffiient, than the next surplus, the teaher ave you suh a sentene: "try your best, irale will be reated by you." If your study is better, the teaher also send you a sentene: "the day will be down on the an also, ust first suffer its spirit, labor its bones and usles, starve its body skin, epty its body, line brush its work". These wise words of enius have quite a warnin and enourain effet to everyone. As exellent students in study, you arry ore pressure than others, fro parents and friends, fro teahers and lassates, ore fro theselves, you have a stron self-ontrol, quik thinkin, stron will, positive and aspirant, have hiher requireents for theselves, the results in the lass is also ood. But I would like to reind you that there are people outside the ountain. any students are akin use of holidays to iprove their knowlede struture and oprehensive quality in order to keep iprovin. Strive hard, in order to be invinible in the exa war, oe out on top. There is a ood sayin "you are not outstandin is not terrible, terrible is outstandin people ore dilient than you!"

Baby, 2021 in our look forward, will be here soon, this year I is very iportant for you, perhaps you already had enouh, aybe you have soe hesitation, in fat, no atter how your past, these are not iportant, it is iportant for the rest of the 10 days, what should we do, I always believe that a pay a harvest, I also believe that you are an bear hildren, you are willin to pay a hild, in June 2014, will ake you satisfied!

Finally, the teaher wants to ive you said: the hild you will always be the teaher's are, for your anxiety, worry about you, for your proress and very happy, but also for your slak and worried. ne, you put so trust in y eyes. Today, toorrow, I will use all of their own knowlede, love and responsibility to protet your rowth. Soe people say that food is the ost beautiful when you are hunry, health is the ost beautiful when you are sik, friends are the ost beautiful when you are helpless, and teahers are the ost beautiful when you are onfused. The teaher's heart will always be open to you, a little lap of hope for you. I a willin to fiht toether with you, ridin horses to whip, sail to the other shore of vitory!

Always love your friend: Liu Berkeliu


Dear other,

Hello, u, I a writin you a letter the day before New Year's Day. Today, I want to talk to you about what I want to say.

o, I've iven you a lot of trouble in the past six years, and today I' oin to tell you about 13 years of rowin up. I know, in y sall 'tie, I ust let you worry a lot of heart, you hand a urine round to pull e up, I know you are very not easy, in y shool tie, you take are of e etiulously, in the learnin proess, If I have what diffiult plae, you always enourae e around e. When I ake a istake, you just all e a few words, but not to hit e. I also know that you are the best o in the world. aybe a lot of people have said this, but everyone says it fro the heart.

Sine last tie, y foot injured, you are very worried, every day to send e to shool, but also at niht to pik e up, in the proess of injury, you reind e every day to apply ediine, but also tiely take e to the hospital. I have what requireents, you always satisfied with e, I like a "applause priness", you have been holdin e in the heart, you always say "you have what wish, I will be satisfied with you, and you, you an study in return for e? This sentene is always ehoed in y ind, and I feel very sorry that I did not ive you a return in y study.

Soeties I spend oney reklessly, do not listen to your words, always do soethin harful to yself, I really reret not to listen to your words, and soeties, under your eduation, I also learned a lot of knowlede. I' so proud to have you as a wonderful other. I have added a lot of troubles to your rowth in the past, I a very sorry. In the future rowth proess, I believe in yself, I believe I will be brave to ove forward. I' here today to say "thank you".

o, I love you, thank you for takin are of e these years.





就在这时,老师拿着板子敲了敲讲台,示意同学们安静下来。“袁一鸣,你声音喊的最大,不如你上来给我们唱一首呗?”同学们整理时就乐了,又开始起哄起袁一鸣来。袁一鸣挠挠头,走上讲台去,说:“我给大家唱一首歌,不怎么好听,大家可别取笑我。”说完便唱:“A——B————D……:含糊的口音和不正确的调子从他嗓子里蹦出来,立即使同学们哄堂大笑。这小子唱的竟然是《字母歌》!同学们笑得直打跌,有的还”咿咿呀呀“的起哄着。老师也笑的眼睛眯成了月牙。曲终,同学们爆发出强烈热闹的掌声。袁一鸣也笑了。这下,同学们又把矛头指向高伊玲,不知谁说:”高伊玲,你也来唱一首!“其他同学纷纷符合:就是就是!高伊玲在大家的`”盛情邀请下“站了起来,”我给大家唱《新年好》的英文版。Happy new year……“刚唱了一句,他便憋着唱不出来了。恰好这时下课铃声起,接了他的燃眉之急。这场闹剧也跟着同学们失望的叹息声结束了。






4.关于元旦的作文400字 快乐的元旦-三年级作文






关于文艺汇演的作文600字 元旦文艺汇演作文600


《文艺汇演》文艺汇演 今天是星期五,我的英语补习班里有一个文艺汇演,我和哥哥,戴嘉诚、妈妈和爸爸一起去看了,我不能不参加,因为我要走T台呢。 接好哥哥和戴嘉诚,我们就出发了。 到了酒店后,我换了一下衣服,准备走T台。因为我们是第一个表演的,所以我们先排练了一遍,后来就正式开始了。主持人宣布:“尚学文艺汇演正式开始!掌声有请T台表演的同学上场!”即将上场,我特别紧张,还好和我一起走的是肖雅馨,我们两个还好。走一圈半,到了台上需要用名言介绍自己。轮到我和肖雅馨了,我们拉着手一起走,到了台上,我先说肖雅馨说说完后,我们靠边,第一个节目也就表演完了。 第二个节目时《小苹果》有很多家长在台上边唱边跳:“你是我的小呀小苹果,就像天边最美的云朵,春天又来到了花开满山坡,种下希望就会收获……”舞蹈表演结束后,一阵排山倒海的掌声在台下爆发出来。 “现在开始抢椅子游戏,想玩的朋友可以上来。”主持人说。有四位小朋友上去了,又有两位家长上去了,六位刚刚好,音乐响起,又停止了,一位小朋友淘汰了。音乐再次响起,这次我猜可能又是小朋友,果然,停止后,一位小朋友淘汰了。接着又是一次淘汰,两位家长没被淘汰,但是淘汰了三位小朋友。响起,停止,这次是一位家长淘汰了,那位姐姐很开心,因为输赢不重要,重要得是在过程中玩的开心。最后得冠的是另一位姐姐,那个姐姐赢得了一个水杯作为奖品,满脸笑容的下台了。 又来到抽奖环节,这次抽的是三等奖,主持人报名字:“刘欣,王森涛……”居然报到我哥哥,哥哥简直不敢相信自己的耳朵,但也上去拿了玻璃水杯作为奖励,还是挺不错的。 接下来的是二等奖,一等奖没有抽到我们。 文艺汇演结束,回家可以看电视了。


《文艺汇演》“哇!好帅的帽子!”“太漂亮了!”同学们兴致勃勃地摆弄着手中的圣诞帽,忽然不知谁大喊一声:“冲啊!红军们!为革命而进军!”顿时,队伍中充满了笑声,大家不由得加快脚步,走在前往“文艺汇演”的路上。 因为坐在后排的缘故,我努力的想从一片片黑压压的人群中找到一丝空隙,但是,我眼前只有一大片辉煌的鲜红色!我拼命拉长脖子,身子微微向后倾,企图能盖过人群,“坐下。”老师无情的警告声打破了我美妙的幻想,我只得无奈地俯下身子,无聊地望着屋顶。 一阵激动人心的歌声及时得挽救了濒临绝望的我,全程立即沸腾起来,跟着节拍轻轻哼唱着。 表演开始了! 突然,从台下冒出一个身穿红袍,满脸白胡子的圣诞老人!他费力地拖着两个鼓鼓的红袋子,用高昂的声音向我们问好,我们都直直地盯着袋子,不禁浮想联翩。“你挑着担,我牵着马,迎来日出送走晚霞……”一句句熟悉动听的歌词钻入我耳中,全场整齐得顺着节奏拍起了手,大家都陶醉了! 随着一阵优美柔和的旋律响起,终于轮到我班上场了!舞台上,全部矜持的同学们一个个都像打了强心针,落落大方得跳起了舞。婀娜的舞姿与优美的音乐浑然一体,一个个同学贯穿在舞台上,如同蜻蜓点水。一个又一个优美的造型定格在舞台上,给观众留下一幅幅挥之不去的画面!音乐骤然结束,一整套舞蹈一气呵成,顿时,掌声如夏雷般震耳欲聋,如春雨般连绵不断! 演出结束,回想起表演,任然记忆犹新,我不禁吸了口气,轻声说:“真好!”


《文艺汇演》记得三年级我上过一个培训班最后的文艺汇演令我记忆最深 那天下午,妈妈把我送去那,还没到我们表演,就待在化装室乖乖坐着。可因为实在太紧张了,那些朗诵的台词差不多忘得一干二净。怎么办?我心理想着。我可是这次表演的的龙头呀,要是我失败,可就拖累了大家呀。 一小时,二小时过去了,离我们上台的时间越来越近了。当主持人说:现在请中国舞二班上台表演,小主持人班做好准备。 接着,大家上后台准备,我的心跳得更快了。我反复对自己说:镇定,镇定。可就是镇定不下来,心里像揣着小兔似的怦怦乱跳。 下一个表演,小主持人班朗诵节目《共创新时代》! 妈呀,怎么这么快啊!就要上台了。刚要问老师要扩音器,却带来了一个不幸的消息:扩音器坏了,要用递话筒的方式。我更慌了,要是没传到,怎么办? 上台了,我的心就像是十八吊桶水—七上八下。第一句是我说:为了祖国,为了人民,我们共创新时代。“接着就传给了下一个人…… 没想到我的担心变成了事实,果然筐瓢了!因为我们采取的是递话筒方式,话筒没传到,音乐就已经过了。下面传来了一阵阵议论,这声音像一盆冷水将我泼醒了,我更加镇定了。 换队形了,我排在了最前面。几百双眼睛望着我,但我却不感到害怕,还更加镇定起来。这次表演终于以一句“我们共创新时代!”画上了一个句号。 这次表演使我明白了一个道理:自信是成功的第一秘诀。应该相信自己,才能成功。



九江开发区成功举办 6月20日,由市安委办主办,区管委会承办、赛得利(江西)化纤有限公司和市老干部艺术团协办的安全生产文艺巡演进园区活动在巨石集团举行。演出开始前区党委副书记、管委会副主任卢友华代表管委会发表了热情洋溢的致辞。

舞蹈《亲吻祖国》拉开了演出的序幕, 配乐诗朗诵《安全是天》、小品《安全帽》等节目紧扣 “强化红线意识,促进安全发展”的主题。整场演出即突显了“安全、平安”主旋律,又达到了寓教于乐目的,以轻松愉快的方式向一线工人普及安全生产知识,进一步提高了企业员工的安全生产意识,营造出一个“科学发展、安全发展、安全生产、平安生活”的良好社会生产和生活氛围。


(区安委办 刘均安)









在节目快要结束的时候,由两位同学带领一位小朋友唱的今年最流行的歌曲,《爸爸,我们去哪里》,再次掀起了一阵热潮,特别是哪位小朋友,唱的十分动听,成为了整个文艺汇演的焦点。 文艺汇演结束了,留下的是久久挥之不去的回味。整个文艺汇演高-潮迭起,观众掌声不断。这是一场视觉上的享受,一场听觉上的抚摸,一场心灵上的震撼。 .



《精彩的文艺汇演》“啦啦啦……”阵阵美妙的歌声从我们的学校飘出。这是发生了什么事呢?请随我一同去看看吧。 啊,原来是我们学校在举行文艺汇演!天空晴朗,明媚的阳光照射着大地,就算天气再热,也“热”不过同学们的热情。下午,同学们一早就来到了教室里等候。在老师和班长的安排下,同学们纷纷搬着椅子,排着整齐的队伍,来到了操场等待。 在热烈的掌声中,文艺汇演开始了。我印象最深刻的,也是我最期待的就是我们班的节目了。 伴随着同学们的欢呼声,我们班表演的同学登场了。首先是由杨柳风演唱the只见他身穿白色礼服,鼻梁上架着一副眼镜,丝毫没有紧张的神情。他用那灵活的手拿着话筒,微微张开嘴,美妙的歌声就像泉水一般喷放出来,让我们坐在台下的同学听得如痴如醉:我们仿佛在一个暮春的早晨,站在一片田野中,霏霏的小雨洒在脸上,只觉得一阵清凉。微微的风吹拂这路旁的小草,让我们觉得是那么的清新。那歌声忽又变得嘹亮起来,当我们还沉浸在那美妙的歌声中的时候,音乐停止了,杨柳风的表演也结束了。 下一曲是王一啸带来的《破晓》。那动听的歌声又把我们带到了凌晨时分的海边。海平面上的太阳如同一条狭窄的暗红长带,带子的上面高悬着一颗明亮的启明星。慢慢的,太阳出来了,她晶光耀眼,火一般鲜红,火一般强烈,给了我们青春的活力。 最后一曲是由兰晓演唱的她那清脆、柔和而又铿锵的声音在我们耳边回荡,好像有一阵清风吹来了缕缕花香,夹杂着潮湿的草丛气息。她的歌声虽非甜美,却能让我们有一种愉快的感受。在她的歌声里,我忘记了烦恼与忧愁,全身都沉浸在她的歌声中。掌声和欢呼声告诉我,我们班的表演结束了,可我却还沉浸其中。 文艺汇演谢幕了,我们依依不舍地搬着椅子回到教室。



错误分析:通常是由有问题的驱动程序引起的(比如罗技鼠标的Loiteh ouseWare 9,10和9,24版驱动程序会引发这个故障), 同时,有缺陷的内存、损坏的虚拟内存文件、 某些软件(比如多媒体软件、杀毒软件、备份软件、DVD播放软件)等也会导致这个错误。 解决方案:检查最新安装或升级的驱动程序(如果蓝屏中出现"api,sys"等类似文件名,可以非常肯定是驱动程序问题)和软件; 测试内存是否存在问题; 进入"故障恢复控制台",转到虚拟内存页面文件Pa


The New Year’s Day is on January 1st, in this year, people will have one day’s off, and it is different fro before. n that day, I a oin to travel to Nannin, I haven’t been to Nannin for two years, I iss the days there, I will visit y friends. I will have a ood tie.































