Everyone should take ation with a drea and be stron with a reason . If the heart has no plae to perh on, you will always be a drifter no atter where you are.一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。想了解相关精彩内容请参考小编为大家精心准备的文章:
Dear Sir or ada,
I' Li Hua, a iddle shool student fro hina. I read the announeent of the suer ap that you have posted on the Internet and I a interested in it.
I know that you weloe students fro different ountries and I'd like to take part in it. I've been learnin Enlish for 10 years, and I speak fluent Enlish. What is ore, I'll be able to tell students fro other ountries about hina and learn about their ountries as well. I hope I will be aepted as a eber of your suer ap.
Lookin forward to your reply!
Li Hua
Dear Sir or ada,
I’ Li Hua fro lass ne, Senior Two. As far as I a onerned, I believe to teah Enlish for pupils fro hen Xi Hope Shool will be ood for both the priary-shool students and hih-shool student tutor, whih thus will result in substantial soial benefits.
I think I a qualified for bein the pupils’ Enlish oah, beause I have ood harater, bein independent in life and profiient in Enlish. That’s why I apply for the position; I hope I an join the instrutive ativity.
y plan for oahin the pupils is to teah the by listenin, speakin, readin and writin. What’s ore iportant is to stiulate their interests in learnin Enlish as a forein lanuae, reatin a ood learnin environent. I hope you an offer the opportunity.
Yours sinerely,
Li Hua
Dear Editor-in-hief,
onratulations on the th anniversary of lobal irror!
I’ a reular reader of your newspaper. I like it so uh that I hardly iss any opy.
There are any advantaes of lobal irror. Firstly, lobal irror overs both national and international news. By siply turnin the paes, I an know all iportant thins that have happened both hoe and abroad. Besides, the suess stories of world-faous people are also attrative to e, whih help e learn a lot fro the. In a word, thanks to lobal irror, we are well-infored and keep up with the hanin world.
As a youn student, I wish that I an be a aster of Enlish lanuae. Therefore, I suest that lobal irror provide artiles about Enlish learnin for us.
Finally, I hope that lobal irror will beoe ore and ore popular. Thank you for your tie!
Sinerely yours,
Li Hua
Dear To,
How is it oin these days? I keep wonderin how you feel about your shool life in Beijin. Have you ot used to the life in hina? Are you enjoyin your life? I hope you are.
Let e tell you a piee of ood news: I’ oin to take part in an Enlish speeh ontest of iddle shool students in July in the oin suer vaation. So I’ busy preparin for it. But now I have soe diffiulty in olletin useful inforation and usin proper Enlish word to express y thouhts. Besides, I really want to iprove y spoken Enlish, espeially the pronuniation and intonation(语调). f ourse, as a native Enlish speaker, you an ive e soe suestions.
In addition, I’ oin to visit you after the ontest. I’ sure we will have a wonderful tie toether in Beijin! I an hardly wait to see you! I a lookin forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
Dear Sue,
I’ Li Hua, one of your students in hina. It’s alost a onth sine you left us. We all iss you and are very rateful for what you did for us.
We are busy as usual. We had an Enlish speeh ontest the other day. I won the first prie! This aain reinds e of all your kind help. Do you still reeber the trees we planted toether on the hill behind the shool? Yesterday, we went there and watered the. The tree you planted yourself is rowin well, and the whole lass deided to nae it Sue Wood. Will you oe bak to see Sue Wood?
How is everythin with you lately? We hope to know ore about you and your Aerian students. Hope to keep in lose touh.
All the best.
Li Hua
Dear li hua ,
It’s tie to say oodbye . It’s tie to reall those beautiful days we spent toether . You are the very person who ives e a hand when neessary . You are the ost onsiderate person who knows exatly what I need.
Still reeber that niht two years ao? When I suddenly fell ill, it was you who arried e on your bak to a nearby hospital . You took are of e while I was havin an injetion. Later, you helped e with y lessons. Without your help, I would have failed in the exaination.
I still have hundreds of stories to share with you. I still have thousands of blessins for you. ay all your dreas oe true ! ay our friendship last till the end of the universe !
Yours wan pin
rs Wilson ,
I’ oin out shoppin , and won’t be bak until about :00 p. I have taken with e the two books you asked e to return to the ity library . At about 1 o’lok this afternoon , Tray alled ,sayin that she ouldn’t eet you at Bolton offee toorrow ornin as she has soethin iportant to attend to . She felt very sorry about that , but said that you ould set soe other tie for the eetin . She wanted you to all her bak as soon as you are hoe . She has already told Susan about this hane.
LI Hua
Dear s. Sith ,
I’ Li Hua , the hairan of the Students’ Union of Yuai iddle Shool ,whih is lose to your university . I’ writin to invite you to be a jude at our Enlish speeh ontest whih will be held in our shool on June 1. It will start at 2:00 p and last for about three hours . Ten students will deliver their speehes on the iven topi “an and Nature”. We hope that you will aept our invitation if it is onvenient for you. Please all e at 44766 if you have any questions.
I’ lookin forward to your reply .
With best wishes
Li Hua