








The sin of aturity is not when you start speakin bi thins, But, atually it is, When you start understandin Sall thins. 成熟的标志不是会说大道理;而是你开始去理解,身边的小事情。想了解相关精彩内容请参考小编为大家精心准备的文章:


Dear Liu Qi,

I, the undersined, a a senior in Pekin University. The 200 Beijin lypi aes is oin in four years. After wathin the 2004 Athens lypi aes, I an not help writin to you.

First of all, here is y suestion for the preparation work of the 200 Beijin lypi aes. The onstrution work of the sports buildin ust be opleted in tie aordin to the ontrat. In Athens, the swiin stadiu was not aoplished in tie so that the event had to be held in the open air, whih has brouht neative effet on the perforane of athletes. In one word, to protet the international iae of hina and ensure the lypi opetition, we ust finish our preparation work well and in tie.

Last but not least iportant, I want to express y wish to be a volunteer. In the first plae, it is the duty of every hinese to do his bit for the 200 lypi aes. In the seond plae, I have a ood oand of forein lanuaes. I an speak Enlish, Russian, and Japanese. Therefore I an be a qualified volunteer.

I a lookin forward to your reply

Sinerely Yours


Dear Freshen,

I, the undersined, a a senior in the oputer Siene Departent of Tsinhua University. I would like to say a few words to you, whih I hope would be helpful to you.

To bein with, the hane of ideas is of ost iportane for freshen to adapt theselves to apus life. Durin the iddle shool days, we usually depend upon our teahers at shool and parents at hoe.

However, the life and study on university apus features independene, whih is essential to our psyholoial developent. In y view, we had better always bear in ind the idea of independene.

What’s ore, Enlish learnin is a ust. n one hand, without ET 4 ertifiate, we an not et our deree when we raduate fro university. n the other hand, when we hunt for job, Enlish level is a deidin fator. Therefore, I do hope that all of you will have a ood understandin of the neessity of learnin Enlish well.

ood Luk to you!

Sinerely Yours


Dear Sales anaer,

I, the undersined, a a senior in the oputer Siene Departent of Tsinhua University. I ordered a book whih is entitled Pratial Writin and Readin for NETE by Wan Li on Deeber 20th, 2004.

However after readin the book on January 10th, 200, I found that it is a pirated one so that I write to you for oplaint.

The book has brouht e soe neative effets. To bein with, uh of y valuable tie and enery have been wasted in readin the book sine it is quite hard to identify any words in the book. What’s ore, I have not benefited fro readin the book sine soe of keys to the exerises are isprinted.

I would like to be infored whether you an refund e the oney or hane another book for e. I a lookin forward to your early reply.

Sinerely Yours


20 June 2006

Dear r. Seaton,

Thank you very uh for takin e with you on that splendid outin to London. It was the first tie that I had seen the Tower or any of the other faous sihts. If I'd one alone, I ouldn't have seen nearly as uh, beause I wouldn't have known y way about.

The weather was splendid on that day, whih I thouht was rare. I still reeber soe people told e that in Britain there was weather and no liate. Durin the sae day, it iht snow in the ornin, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the niht falls. So I think I was luky.

I think the river trip was the best thin of all. London really ae alive for e as we saw it fro the Thaes durin that wonderful journey down to reenwih. It was all treendously exitin - a day that I shall never foret.

Thank you for ivin e suh a reat birthday treat.

Yours sinerely,

Linda hen


Dear ary,

Thanks for your last letter. I' so lad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrane a holiday in Australia. As I fear I won't be able to eet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be hoe until later in the afternoon, so here are soe instrutions and suestions.

There is a bus fro the airport to the ity. It is uh heaper than a ab. Take the bus to the ity and ask to et off at Town Hall railway station.

To et to y plae in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You an either take a ab, a bus or the train. I suest you take the train, sine the airport bus will leave you riht at the station. et off at liff Station. Fro there you an either walk to y plae (about ten inutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luae.

When you arrive at y flat, rin the intero for Flat 2. y friend Lillian will be at hoe and she will open the front door for you and let you into y flat.

Presuably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like soe exerise after that lon fliht, you ould stroll down to ooper Park, whih is only ten inutes away ? you an see it fro the window.

heers and lookin forward to seein you.

Yours sinerely,






Dear r. Sith ,

I a Lihua ,hairan of the student union , fro henuan hih shoo. I a very pleased to learn that you are oin to visit our shool on June 26. I a writin to tell you what we have arraned for you.

In the ornin , there will be a foru in the shool auditoriu , where visitors and students fro our shool ouniate with eah other ,talkin about shool life and ultural differenes . At noon, you are invited to have lunh in our shool afeteria with students fro our shool. You an taste duplins ,noodles and other hinese foods .In the afternoon, the students in our shool will show you around the HaiHe river .

How do you like the arraneents ? I hope you will have a nie tie in Tian jin

Yours sinerely ,

Li Hua


Dear Sir/ada ,

I’ lihua fro lass one ,senior two . I a wrin to apply for the opportunity to help the students in henxin Hope Shool with their Enlish. Thus they an iprove their Enlish durin the suer vaation . eanwhile , I an learn how to et alon well the students and benefit the whole shool.

I’ kind , easy-oin and always ready to help others . I wash lothes and ake beds by yself to develop independene . Enlish is y favorite subjet and I have won several pries in Enlish ontests . So I think that I a qualified for the position.

I plan to ouniate with students first to know what they need . Besides ,I ‘ll try to et the ore interested in Enlish by tellin stories , sinin sons ,playin aes and so on .

I’d appreiate it if you ould ive e the opportunity .

Yours Sinerely ,

Li hua


Dear sir /ada ,

y nae is Li in , a student urrently studyin at Qi in hih shool. I a writin, on behalf of y lassates ,to apply for the 2000 yuan worth of fund in a bid to initiate a prora aied at helpin those students who are finanially disadvantaed.

Bein raised in failies that don’t have to worry about puttin food on the table need not ean oblivion to our less fortunate peers. n this aount , we would appreiate it if you ould sponsor our poverty –relief endeavor . The followin is how we would o about usin the oney. We would spend 100yuan purhasin soe stationery for the needy students in our shool .We would infor the to pik up the shool supplies theselves instead of us handin the supplies out so that we wouldn’t ebarrass those who we want to help . The reainder of the fund would be used to invite a otivational speaker who was to talk about how to lift oneself out of poverty by akin riht aadei and professional deisions .

odest as our efforts ay sound, we believe they will war soe hearts . We would be uh oblied if you ould reply at your earliest onveniene .

Yours sinerely ,

Li in










Dear Kate,


This ter I oved to a new house and studied in a new shool. But I always issed y friend. y old house was ove ofortable than this new house. I wanted to o bak to y old house.


Everythin was strane for e,so I ouldn't study better. I felt nervous in the first test. And I ot bad sores,I felt very sad. The teaher shouted at e. And then,I felt under too uh pressure and very tired. y parents were also sad with e. When y lassates knew this thin,she helped e,and ave e soe advie. Later,I thouht I an be better next tie.


I hope to et on well with everyone and et a ood ark soon.



Dear Yu:

Is it surprisin that I write the letter for you ? Not one tie had I wanted to express y heartfelt ratitude for you fae to fae . But I’ so shy that I an’t do that .Thus , I deide to say thank you in this way .

eetin you is the ost fortunate thin in the world . Your eerene brihtens y life deeply . You know ,I used to be suh a shy ,a quiet irl . I was afraid of ontatin with others so that I erely had pretty few friends . All days I stayed at hoe , and y life was dull . It was not until you volunteered to assist e that y life set out hanin . You took e to wander the streets to observe the world whih reatly broadened y eyes . You enouraed e to take part in kinds of ativities that prooted y ourae and onfidene . You were always enthusiasti to introduin e to your friends when I was fear of expressin yself in publi . The wonderful haraters you own deserve e to learnin .Your optiis and viour ipress e so uh .

Now , I have beoe onfident and outoin . I an firly onfront the diffiulties ,never shrink . y dear friend ,thanks for leadin e to a new world , thanks for lettin e feel shiny warth and never akin e lonely . oparin to what you have don for e , siple thanks see to be inor , but it’s y sinere appreiation and ratefulness .

Blessin you happy forever .

Yours Qin


Dear John,


Lon tie no see, how is your suer vaation? I’ really sorry for writin so late. I have been too busy at this oent. I a happy to hear that you have traveled to Tibet at this suer holiday. How I wish I ould o there with you!


Let e tell you soethin about y suer holiday. y suer holiday is rih and olorful. y parents take e to Hon Kon. That’s a beautiful plae. I buy a lot of funny thins at there. Suh as pretty dresses, ute dolls and the snaks I never eat before. I really want to stay there and never oe bak! In a word, I really appreiate the life there.


I’ really lookin forward to your reply!


Truly yours,













Dear huanhua ,

It’s three onths sine I heard fro you last tie . Now I want to tell you an ipressive story happenin on y first lesson .

n hearin the bell students ran into the lassroo as quikly as they ould. But a boy ,LIin , whose father died a onth ao , was late for the lass. He stood outside the lassroo silently . I siled to hi and let hi oe in. After a while ,he ried on his desk . Then I walked to hi and asked what had happened . He told e that his other was ill and he had to take soe ediine for her . At the sae tie ,he apoloied to e for his lateness . oved by his words , I praised hi for his deeds and deided to sin a son naed “other” for the students . How tie flies ! lass was over before I realied it .

Fro the story I felt we should respet our parents and do our best to help the . Do you think so ? I’ lookin forward to your reply .

Yours truly ,

Li Hon


Dear Sir/ada ,

I’ lihua fro lass one ,senior two . I a wrin to apply for the opportunity to help the students in henxin Hope Shool with their Enlish. Thus they an iprove their Enlish durin the suer vaation . eanwhile , I an learn how to et alon well the students and benefit the whole shool.

I’ kind , easy-oin and always ready to help others . I wash lothes and ake beds by yself to develop independene . Enlish is y favorite subjet and I have won several pries in Enlish ontests . So I think that I a qualified for the position.

I plan to ouniate with students first to know what they need . Besides ,I ‘ll try to et the ore interested in Enlish by tellin stories , sinin sons ,playin aes and so on .

I’d appreiate it if you ould ive e the opportunity .

Yours Sinerely ,

Li hua


Dear r. Sith ,

I a Lihua ,hairan of the student union , fro henuan hih shoo. I a very pleased to learn that you are oin to visit our shool on June 26. I a writin to tell you what we have arraned for you.

In the ornin , there will be a foru in the shool auditoriu , where visitors and students fro our shool ouniate with eah other ,talkin about shool life and ultural differenes . At noon, you are invited to have lunh in our shool afeteria with students fro our shool. You an taste duplins ,noodles and other hinese foods .In the afternoon, the students in our shool will show you around the HaiHe river .

How do you like the arraneents ? I hope you will have a nie tie in Tian jin

Yours sinerely ,

Li Hua












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