Advantaes and Disadvantaes of advertisin
With the developent of advertisin, ads have been onneted with people’s life. Is it ood or bad? We had a disussion. Soe people think advertiseents don’t tell the fat about the produts advertised. Also, they take up too uh tie on TV and the radio, and over too uh spae in newspapers and aaines, whih waste a lot of paper. What’s worse, there are soe false advertiseents that heat people into buyin their thins. Therefore, they believe advertiseents should be stopped.
Soe other people think advertiseents an help us ake better hoies about what to buy by offerin us the latest inforation about various oods. oreover, any well-done advertiseents are popular and entertainin, whih appeal to the onsuers. However, too any advertiseents an be annoyin. So we should develop advertisin properly.
In y opinion, ads is like a two-side sword. Anyway, we an be wise if we are able to distinuish between fition and fat.
智能手机的利与弊作文 手机的利与弊英语作文
第 1 页 共 1 页 手机的利与弊
20 × 20 = 400
Sartphone Addition
As the developent of odern tehnoloy, Sartphone has beoe quite popular all over the world with its outstandin funtions. People an use phones to surf the Internet, update their personal iro blo, and upload their latest pitures at any plae, anytie. It sees that sart phones have already beoe an indispensable part in people’s daily lives. However, soe people are indulin in sart phones, whih already have side-effet on their noral life.
Soe people, espeially teenaers, are easily fall for Sartphone for these reasons. First of all, nowadays, people are under reat pressure, while ell phone provides a platfor for people to relax theselves. By playin ini-aes, voal hattin with friends, wathin ovies and listenin to usi, people an easily foret their probles teporary. Seond, there are always soethin new on the phone. It is an be interestin, ysterious and various. So people are eaer to turn on their phones, want to know what is happenin around the. When people spend too uh tie on the phones, they don’t have enouh hane to ouniate with their friends or parents. Their attentions have been drawn away by the virtual world. Lak of ood self-ontrol, they are fraile to the sart phone addition, while they supposed to fous on their study and work.
I think people should take sart phone addition seriously. Quittin addition needs tie and patiene. People should turn off their phones, o outside and ouniate with others fae to fae. Do ore exerise and for optiisti attitude towards life! 我认为人们应重视把智能手机成瘾症。戒掉它需要时间和耐心。人们应该关掉手机,走出家门与他人面对面的沟通交流。多做运动,培养乐观积极的心态!
相关范文:Nowadays ore and ore students played their ell phone durin the lass . and i think there are several key reasons for this oasion ours. the first is that they think the teahers lass are borin and this is a beautiful ause . the seond is that there is not a strit rule .the third one is that the students don’t have a oal of their life .And we all know that not only the phone has radioative but also ruined the orale in studyin .you just want to kill the tie durin the
lass...we should take an ation to inase its deteriorate .first we teahers should be vividly and huorous and know soe basi skills of teahin students instead of readin the books for students in the lass..the seond
we need to ake a strit rule about phone and the punishent will be needed too. the third students should be enlihtened about akin their plan of their future . we all know that if we don’t have plan we ant ake a differene ..we should be fast , aurate, and without ery the situation will be haned and everythin will fine.
Diretions:Study the followin raph arefully and write an essay in whih you should
1) analye the raph, and
2) ive your oents on the trend.
In reent years there has been a draati rise in the ell phones, whih are now essential to illions of people as a onvenient for of ouniation. In 2004 the nuber reahed 31,000,000, with an averae annual inrease at 7,00,000. Soe people an now no loner iaine life without their ell phones. The fat that they are so popular proves that they are useful and onvenient. ell phones enable people to easily and quikly ouniate with one another; wherever you are, you an instantly reah soebody. ell phones eliinate the trouble of not bein able to eet soeone in person, and therefore inrease business's effiieny. obile phones neessarily also harbor disadvantaes. The radiation suh phones eit is haardous to one's health. Furtherore, if people beoe too reliant on the use of ell phones, our fae to fae skills ay deline. Any new invention has its drawbaks, and suh neative aspets annot always diinish its popularity. Despite the neative effets of television, for exaple, the nuber of people who own televisions ontinues to row at a treendous rate. This is also the ase with obile phones. People won't stop eatin just beause of the risk ofhokin. In addition, the swift developent of siene and tehnoloy will likely eliinate the haards ell phones ay ause. ne an safely predit, therefore, that with the introdution of new tehniques, obile phones will have ore appliations and beoe even ore appealin to ustoers.
As is shown in the hart, ell phones are beoin ore and ore popular within hina. In 2000, the nuber of ell phones in use was ,260,000; in 2001, the nuber was 10,000,000; in 2002 206,600,000; in 2003 269,000,000. In 2004, the nuber is
31,000,000. Fro these statistis, we an see the inreasin use of ell phones.
Why have ell phones ained so uh doinane in our lives? There are any fators ontributin to this developent. Firstly, a ell phone has no wires and an be arried everywhere easily. It is sart. If you need to rin soeone, you an just dial a nuber and the phone will onnet you to the riht person. It an be a reat help for you to be onneted with the world. Seondly, a ell phone is soethin wonderful that we an have fun with: news, aes, usi and hat throuh sendin short essaes. Thirdly, the drop in prie and the siultaneous iproveent in the
funtions have ade it possible for an averae person to ake use of a ell phone.
The wide use of ell phones has ade the ore and ore indispensable in people's daily life. The any funtions of the ell phone have ade ertain people relutant to separate theselves fro their ell phone.智能手机的利与弊作文.
这个图表向我们展示了手机在中国变得越来越普遍。在2000年,全中国的手机使用量为26万部;2001年为1.亿;2002年为2.066亿;2003年为2.69亿; 2004年的手机使用量迅速增加到
Fro the artoon iven above, we an observe that there are any people rossin the street. Instead of lookin at the way, they are starin at their ell phones and usin walkin stiks to see. It is obvious that they are fasinated with ell phones while even inore their seurity.
We learn fro the artoon that ell phones have been inreasinly widespread in people's life. ell phones are of reat benefit to all of us. ne of the ost obvious advantaes is that we an ontat with our friends and relatives ore onveniently than ever before. However, it is obile-phones' advantaes that lead soe people to overuse or be addited to the, whih tends to exert a neative ipat on our life. For exaple, overusin ell phones will redue fae-to-fae ouniation aon people. It sees that ost of us enjoy the onveniene of ontat at the expense of interpersonal relationships. oreover,entertainin eletroni aes, ananious inforation and a bewilderin variety of soial networkin tools in obile phones have oupied uh of our tie. Inforation distribution tools and soial networkin tools, in partiular, have attrated all of our attention, whih tepts us to keep our eyes on the sreen around the orner of every seond. Then, do not expet us to talk with the people around us, we don't have tie! This, has resulted in a phenoenon of "alienation between aquaintanes and failiarity between straners".
Siene and tehnoloy and odern tools should be served as an "anel" to iprove our livin standard, rather than a devil to disturb our noral life and ouniation. Just iaine, live one day without obile phone, will you be relaxed? r anxious? (279words)
y pinion on ell Phones
ell phones do play an iportant role in people’s daily life, but every oin has its two sides.
To start with, as a wireless obile phone, it’s onvenient for the user at any tie to ontat others. Seondly, it’s a helpful opanion. With a ultifuntional ell phone in hand, one an easily surf the net, downloadin what he needs.
However, the ell phone has any disadvantaes. For one thin, the ahine itself is very expensive and its loal servie is very ostly, not to ention its lobal servie. For another, the radiation transitted fro the obile phones iht do har to the user’s health.
In y opinion, with its expenses bein redued sharply, its developent will have a brihter future. Therefore its advantaes will far outweih its disadvantaes.
Nowadays, with the rapid developent of IT, ell phones play a ore and ore iportant role in people’s life. But, like everythin else, they have both favorable and unfavorable aspets.
First ,it’s useful. As a wireless obile telephone ,it’s easy and handy to arry it wherever one oes and all the allee however far away he is. Therefore, it reatly failitates people’s life. Seond, it’s onvenient. Whenever one eets trouble or soethin urent, one an ake a all iediately. ost iportant of all, it’s a very helpful opanion. With a ultifuntion ell phone in hand, one an
easily et on the net, browsin the useful inforation, ondutin e-oere and doin whatever one an do via Internet.
However, just as everythin has two sides, the ell phone also has any
disadvantaes,. To bein with, it’s expensive to buy and ostly to pay the bills, esp. that of lobal servie. To ake atter worse, it’s also easy to lose and ostly to et it repaired. Worst of all, it’s not as lear as a faily telephone and soeties the nuber dialed is often not available. Last but not least, it’s alleed the iro-waves in it iht do har to people’s health.
In y opinion, with its expenses reatly redued after hina’s entry into the WT,. Soeday ost of the will be developed into new Internet-enabled obile phones, whih will be as useful as poket oputers. And I believe its advantaes will not only offset its disadvantaes, but also far outweih the.
There are alars that obile-phone use is 'killin' hildren, althouh ‘very slowly’. The question is that, if ell phones are not safe to use, then why adults should be allowed to use the and why kids should be otherwise? Now that an inreasin nuber of edial experts are pointin their finers at the effets of radiation, parents have to weih the obvious benefits aainst the potential health risks reardin their kids arryin handsets.
any parents think that hildren should be allowed to use obile phones as well, if only when absolutely neessary. So, disissed are lais that obile phones are entirely harful. To bein with, harful or not, it is not diffiult to reonie several advantaes. n the one hand, workin or travellin parents ould find it easier to keep in touh with their hildren. n the other hand, hildren ould ouniate with their failies, espeially in eerenies. Besides, a sart phone has atually beoe a popular toy featurin a variety of fun ranin fro P3 to aera to the Internet. In addition, these days a obile phone is not expensive to buy while allin plans have beoe ore affordable.
Nevertheless, warnins about the effets of radiation are ettin ever louder. ritis bein to arue that possible unknown health risks related to the phone onsuption ould appear in uh later life aon hildren. Aordin to reent reports, suh radiation is likely to ause DNA daae beause youn hildren are supposed to be less defensive. For that atter, it is probable that radiation ould penetrate hildren's thinner and softer skulls with ore faility. Speifially, onstant exposure ould affet ental funtion and inrease hanes of brain aner and ear tuor. In short, believe it or not, youn hildren now bein addited to this odern ouniation devie iht fall vitis to danerous diseases in 30 years or less.
Eventually, the debate sees to fous on the iportane of parental ontrol reardin to what extent youn hildren should be allowed to use obile phones for their own benefits and at their own risks. At this point, everybody iht know that obile phones ould be 'killin slowly' and ausin death in the lon run, and so what? It sees, however, that nobody is in suh a hurry to that fate.
As is shown in the artoon iven above, thouh sittin toether for dinner, people do not hat with eah other but use their obile phones to do various kinds of thins, suh as allin, textin, takin pitures and playin aes. It sees that people depend on their obile phones so uh that their faetofae ouniation with eah other is ettin less and less, whih has beoe a proble that should not be inored.
Every oin has two sides. While we affir and enjoy the onveniene and auseent that obile phones brin us, we annot deny that dependene on the also result in soe inonveniene. n one hand, dependin on obiles akes people ore indifferent. n the other hand, if we beoe too reliant on ell phones, our faetofae ouniative skills ay deline. oreover, ell phone dependene harbors other disadvantaes. For exaple, the radiation phones eit is haardous to our health if we use the too uh.
To solve the proble, I wont suest that we disard obile phones as ivin up eatin for fear of hokin. Nevertheless, we should keep a ertain distane for obiles lest we should suffer fro obile phone dependene, and exhane words fae to fae with our relatives and friends as possible as we an. nly in this way, an we not be driven by aterial thins but aintain our physial and ental health as well as our independene.
Different people have different views on opportunity. Soe people think that there are few opportunities in the world, while others arue that everybody will have soe kind of opportunity alon his life route.
As far as I a onerned, I aree with the latter opinion. For one thin, I firly believe opportunities are everywhere around us. No person will be unluky enouh to have no opportunities all the tie, beause “every do has his day.” For another, sine opportunities are transient, we have to ake ood preparations and iprove ourselves. Just think ofNewton, who disovered the Law of ravity when any people had wathed an apple fallin ahead of hi.智能手机的利与弊作文.
Takin all these fators into onsideration, we ay safely oe to the onlusion that there are quite a few opportunities in our soiety. nly if we et prepared an we seie the opportunities instead of lettin the slip by, just as the sayin oes, “pportunities are only for the prepared inds.”
With the iprovin of our livin standard, nowadays ,alost everyone an afford a ell phone. Every ion has two sides. When we are enjoyin the benefits that ell phones have brouht us ,we are now faed any probles.
To start with , obiles phones have brouht us any onvenienes. With a usin of a phone ,we an surfin on the Internet whenever we like without openin a oputer.What's ore, we are ifored of everythin iportant when we arry our ell phone all the tie. Futerore, it an also help us with soe learnin,beause we an look up the word in the diital ditionary.
Seondly, our ell phones still auses any serious probles. n one hand,the ost proble is eletri wave radiation ,whih is bad for our health. n the other hand, it will affet our learnin and workin. For exaple,When we are at an iportant eetin with an iportant partner ,if your ell phone rins, it will interrupt the whole environent and the partner will think you don't respet hi. Another exaple is when you are havin a borin lass or eetin,then you will take out your phone readin novels,surfin on the Internet ,playin aes ,all thest will distrat you fro ood workin.
Nowadays,with the rapid developent of IT and inforation industry, ell phones play a doinant role in towns people's life. But, like everythin else, they have both favorable and ffavorahle aspets.
First, it's useful. As a wireless obile telephone, it's easy and handy to early to wherever one oes and all the allee however far away he is. Therefore, it reatly failitates people's life. Seond, it's onvenient. Whenever one eets trouble or soethin urent, one an nke a all iediately. ost iportant of all, it's a very helpful opanion. With a ultirfuntion ell phone in hand, one an easily et on the Net, browsin the useful inforation, ondutin e-oere and doin whatever one an do via Internet.
However, just as everythin has two sides, the ell phone also has any
disadvantaes. To bein with, it's expensive to buy and ostly to pay the hills, esp. that of lobal servie. To ake atters worse, it's also easy to lose and ostly to et it repaired. Worst of all,it's not as lear as a faily telephone and soeties the nuber dialed is often not available. Last but not least, it's alleed the irowaves in it iht do har to people's health.
In y opinion,with its expenses reatly redued after hina's entry into the WT, it will fae an ever brihter future in its developent. Soeday ost of the will be developed into new Inteet-enabled obile phones, whih will be as useful
Advantaes and Disadvantaes of the obile Phone
Wherever you are, you an see any people equipped with obile phones. It sees that the world beoes saller nowadays. You ould be found wherever you are so lon as you take the obile phone with you. Soe people wonsider the obile phone neessary and useful to the, while others ay dislike it.
People who like the obile phone are uh ore onerned about its advantaes. It is onvenient, for you an onnet others easily and quikly. You don' t have to wait for an iportant all at hoe all day lon. The youth of today send essaes, surf on the net, listen to usi and even take photos by usin the obile phone. People find it advaned for its attrative funtions. In soe ountries, it even stands for a person' s status.
However, soe people don' t like it. Iaine that you o to spend your holiday with your faily after days of busy and tiresoe work. When you lay on the beah ofortably, your phone rins. Then you have to o bak to your offie only to find an uniportant ustoer waitin for you. At that oent, you ay even want to throw your phone away, for you just want to relax and et rid of your work.
However, whether you like the obile phone or not, it has alresdy affeted our lives and played an iportant role in the history of huan beins.
喜欢使用手机的人比较注重手机的好处。它非常便利,因为它让你与别人的联系既简单又快捷,你再也不用为了等一个重要电话成天守在家里了。现在的年青人喜欢用手机发短信、上因特网、听音乐、甚至照像。手机拥有非常吸引人的各种功能,是非常先进的科技产物。在某些国家。它甚至象征着使用者的地位。 当然,有些人不喜欢它。想像一下,在接连几天的繁重工作后,你好不容易可以与家人去度假。当你舒舒服服地躺在沙滩上时,手机响了。你不得不赶回办公室,却发现只是一位无关紧要的客户在等你。那时你或许想把手机扔了,因为你只想远离工作、彻底放松。
云南 晨林
第一,利用手机可以查找相关的学习资料,帮助中学生解决学习上的疑难困惑。现在的手机,配置齐全,功能先进。用手机听音乐、看新闻、拍照片、玩游戏、浏览文档等,已不再是什么新鲜事。例如,我们要查找某篇文章的作者及其简历,把该文章的题目和作者名字输入百度搜索引擎,点击“搜索”,马上就可以了解到文章作者的生平情况了。 第二,手机可以充当我们的闹钟。为了能让自己按时起床,我们可以选择手机设置程序里的“时钟”菜单,调整好第二天起床的闹铃时间,等到了起床的时候,手机这个“小管家”会主动叫你起床的。到时候,你想偷懒都偷不成。 第三,手机可以方便学生与家长或老师的联系。学生通过手机,可以让家长知道自己在学校的学习生活情况,避免家长对孩子的过分担心。同时,家长也可以通过手机,及时地与孩子进行交流沟通,了解孩子在校的表现。除此以外,
互联网的利与弊作文300字 互联网利与弊英语作文
The internet--a double-eded sword
Internet is an international oputer network onnetin other networks and oputers fro opanies, universities, et. At present, Internet beoe a useful assistant for us. However, every oin has two sides , the Internet also has its own advantaes and disadvantaes.
n one hand, we benefit a lot fro oputers. We live in a essae explosion ties, we only need to sit in front of a oputer or any other network terinal, to konw the latest thins or to hek any thin you don't know. The internet also help us save a lot of tie. The essae was transfered so fast and so vivid that we don't have to walk out or have a fae to fae eet to resolve soe business. We an also ake friends by internet.
n the other hand, the explosion essaes were pushed to us whether you need it or not. So we have to spend a lot of tie to fiure out whih one is a useful. We don't have to have a fae to fae talk ost tie, so we feel lonely and soeties. ore and ore teenaers are addited to virtual world and they all play oputer aes everyday they want, leadin to a terrible result. The worst respet is that it rudually eat our health. We sit ore and walk less, that aused bakbone disease. The oputer radiation affet our body, and so any disease are aused by it.
Even thouh the usae of Internet has both positive and neative effet to e, I still onsider Internet is a sybol of tehnoloy developent. I believe I an use the Internet very well as lon as I know how to ontrol yself.
篇二:《网络的利与弊 教案》
过程与方法:能够从多角度广泛地交流和讨论“上网利与弊”,养成良好的上网习惯。 情感态度与价值观:遵守文明公约,养成文明上网的习惯。
教学难点:分析、整理和归纳各种观点,学会健康上网,养成良好的上网习惯。 教学方法:演示法、对话法、讨论法
师:是啊,它就是电脑网络。人们可以通过电脑网络做好多好多的事,通过它上网发邮件,上网聊天,还可以查资料??网络这张神奇的蜘蛛网真是给我们的生活带来了极大的便利。 你时尚吗?
同学们都说得很好,发表了各自的观点,那么为什么有些人认为网络是他们的朋友,利用网络来进行学习、娱乐,为什么又有些人因沉迷于网络而放弃了学业、精神失常? ??
与网络对青少年的正面影响相比较,其负面影响显得更加突出而尖锐。要解决这些问题,发挥互联网对青少年的积极作用,摒弃和遏制互联网对青少年的负面影响 ,应该做到什么? ??
精选作文:我的估缺点(300字)作文 我,是一个乐观的女孩儿,内心很脆弱,但不爱
哭。 当别人伤心时,我针对尽自己所能,让他(她)去忘记悲伤难过。 每个人不可
的,没有最好,只有更好。 每个人都有优缺点,我也是。先说缺点吧。我这个女孩儿坐
都能背过,就是有时忘记的快。 优点是:我比较喜欢做题,爱抄一些自然段来打发时间。
1.择优讲评法 所谓择优讲评法,就是在讲评中选择差生中好的地方进行讲评的方法。这方法可运用于讲评中的每一步。
3.互评式讲评法 所谓互评式讲评法,就是充分调动学生的主观能性,让差生和好生一起参与互评作文。可以是两两互评,也可一人讲众人评。做到人人参与评讲,个个分享劳动成果。这个方法可以用于个修改后的评价过程中。
1.“三结合”估分法 所谓“三结合”即学生本人,其他学生,老师三方面各自打分,结合起来的一种打分方法。它分别安排在作文讲评的各个阶段中,对提高差生的修改兴趣,写作兴趣有重大作用。
2.个体标准估分法 所谓个体标准估分法,就是以差生本人的作文为打分基础,给予打分,而不是以全班同学的作文水平为打分标准,以高分数激励差生。这种方法一般运用于修改后老师的打分中。
下页 余下全文篇二:作文评语集锦
三、促进反思 ?中心还欠突出,成语用得多一点就更好了。??这里还可以更具体一点。?看到这样的评语,仿佛看到了自己的身影。
四、增加梯度 学生改完了作文,我总会去美美地欣赏,再来几笔画龙点睛,感觉真的挺妙!学生作文:?我把结打住,又按照原来的方法飞了起来。放了一会儿,我觉得没有意思就回家了?学生点评:?没意思?吗?放风筝很有趣的呀,怎么会这样写呢?师点评:对呀,你把整篇文章都否定了,小傻瓜!
As we all know, the 21st entury of the Internet. With the developent of the Internet, ore and ore people bein to use it to enjoy theselves or do soethin speial. However, every oin has two sides , the Internet also has its own advantaes and disadvantaes.
ur life has a reat hane sine we use the Internet. We benefit a lot fro the Internet. As for e, I a austoed to oin shoppin on the Internet, whih is a ood way to save y tie and oney. any people do the sae as e. What’s ore, the Internet akes it onvenient for us to ake friends and et people losed . We an also o throuh the news all over the world. The Internet not only broaden our view but also assist us to know ore about the world . n the other hand , ore and ore teenaers are addited to virtual world and they all play oputer aes everyday they want, leadin to a terrible result.
In onlusion, we should have seletive usin the Internet and keep away fro the virtual world. Don’t always use the Internet to hew the fat and do soethin eaninful.
网店: n Students Runnin an nline Shop
Reently, it is frequently reported that a student an earn 60 ’000 a onth by runnin an online shop. His business idea has inspired any students to set up their own online shops.
Soe people hold that doin that, students an ain not only soe oney to redue finanial burden for their faily but also the
preious experiene of settin up a business. ost iportant of all, the opetition in the job arket is very fiere urrently. If students annot find a satisfatory job after raduation, an online shop an help the earn their livin. While others hold that the duty of a student is to study. Runnin an online shop will definitely distrat students fro their priary tasks. It equals to puttin the art before the horse.
Fro y perspetive,I a in favor of the forer opinion. I aree that in ollee aquirin knowlede is of ritial iportane. However, aquirin pratial skills and the ability to survive is even ore
iportant. In a word,as lon as a student an balane the two sides
well, runnin a business in the shool years should not be
Shool is not only a plae we an learn soethin,but also is a sall soiety.
"Shool videnen"is a popular word in the shool durin this years.And shool videnen have any influene for us too.any of us suffer for bully of shool-bullies nowadays.
So,boyott shool videnen is what everyone in shool should do.Teahers should have a sense of responsibility and arefully found the thins whih happened in your students and then tiely eduate and protet the.As we should have a sense of justive and also have a heart of fihtin aainst with evil.Don't be feared,it just like a sprin,you weak it will stron,you stron it will weak. I think if we unite toether to fiht aainst with evil.The shool will peae and haronious aain!
Reservin a Seat
Nowadays, it is oon to see a textbook, a notebook or even apiee of paperon the desk in the lassroo or library, indiatin that the seat has been taken. And stranely enouh, ost students see to take this for ranted.
Althouh for ost students, reservin seats is for the sake of study, it still has brouht soe neative effets. n the one hand, reservin seats violates the rule of fairness. Soe students an not find a seat, even if they oe to the lassroo early. As a result, they tend to feel disappointed at ollee study. n the other hand, reservin seats is a selfish behavior. With a reserved seat, no atter how late one oesto lass, the seat is still kept hi.Therefore, students who are used to reservin seats ay beoe insensitive, never onernin about others feelins.
onsiderin what has been entioned above, I think it is hih tie that we ollee students reonsidered our behavior. As lon as all of us iprove our onsiousness, it will not be diffiult to et rid of the habit of reservin seats.
Soe people ay believe that oin to lasses should be optional, but I disaree. I don't understand how university students an expet to learn anythin if they don't attend lasses. Personal experiene an help people learn about theselves and the world outside the lassroo, but when it oes to learnin about aadei subjets, students need to be in lass.
In lass they reeive the benefit of the teaher's knowlede. The best teahers do ore than just o over the aterial in than lass textbook. They draw their students into disussion of the aterial. They present opposin points of view. They shedule uest speakers to oe, ive the students additional inforation, or show douentary fils on the subjet.
Also, attendin lasses on any subjet teahes ore than just fats. It teahes students how to learn, how to absorb inforation and then apply what they've learned to other situations. Their teaher is the best one to help the with these skills. They an't learn the just by readin the textbook.
oin to lass also teahes students how to work with the other ebers of the lass. any ties students will be iven roup assinents. This is different fro what they did in seondary shool. Here they're with people fro different bakrounds and experienes. In this situation, they learn how to handle workin with people different fro theselves to ahieve a oon oal.
oin to lass also teahes students responsibility and disipline. Havin to be at a partiular plae at a partiular tie prepares the for ettin a job. Bein at a plae on tie with an assinent opleted prepares the for a areer.
In short, by oin to lass students learn ore than just inforation fro the teaher. They also learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work responsibly. These are not optional skills in life, so attendin lasses should not be optional in ollee
我嘛就不用多说了,大大的眼睛,长长的头发,白皙的皮肤,超真宗的万人迷咳咳,好吧,我就不自夸了。总之我最大的一个特点就是活泼,文静。 在大厅广众面前,我是一个活跃分子,但在自己的自由王国里,我又安静的可以坐上几个钟头。大年十三夜,全家人尽情欢乐一天,便睡了,我就一个人独自躺在床上。在这宁静的晚上,我可以静静的思考过去一年自己走过的路,回忆那些可以称得上留下一段美好回忆的时光,展望新一年自己即将踏上的征途。在周末或星期天,我总爱一个人坐在书房里静静地看书,让自己沉浸在书的海洋里。但看完书后我又开始自娱自乐了。 这样的我是不是很可爱呢?可爱中又带一点小俏皮,你们是不是很想和我做朋友呢?是的话就让我们一起来说友谊万岁吧!!六年级:iki菲菲
夸夸自己实在太难为情了,可这是老师的命令,只好硬着头皮夸夸了。 我是一个爱运动的人,平时就喜欢跑步,这几年学校举行运动会,我都参加了赛跑,而且每次都得了
我乐于助人。一次美术课上,徐昊正在用水溶性彩色铅笔画画。突然,他的彩色铅笔的铅断了,只剩下一个秃头。正当他抓耳挠腮的时候,我发现他的笔坏了,于是我从美术包里掏出我的小青蛙刨笔刀说:“徐昊,我帮你把笔刨一下吧。”我拿起笔,把头子刨尖了,然后还给徐昊。“谢谢。”徐昊说。 听了我的介绍,大家更喜欢我了吗?
我是一个懂事的好孩子。在日常生活中,自己没事干的时候,就帮助妈妈打扫卫生,收拾家务。比如:妈妈扫地的时候,我帮妈妈拿来簸箕;妈妈擦地的时候,我帮妈妈端来擦地水;妈妈洗厨房磁砖上的油渍的时候,我就帮妈妈拿来洗油王;妈妈叠床的时候,我就帮妈妈准备好笤帚,妈妈要洗碗了,我就先把碗收拾到厨房去?? 我还是一个知错就改的好孩子。有时候,我作业写得马虎,爸爸检查一看,我的字写
得很乱,就让我重写一遍。我就认真重新写,直到我和爸爸都满意为止。 我还是一个乐于助人的好孩子。我们班有一位同学,是我的好朋友,虽然他学习成绩差一些,但是我还是把他当好朋友一样对待。他的妈妈在饭馆里打工,爸爸没有工作,他每天吃的饭基本上都是面条,有时我就会把他接到我家吃上一两顿,
ore and ore students would like to o to art ollee to realie their drea of beoin a star. But I think they spend too uh oney. Usually, a student spends ,000 yuan every year for an averae ollee, while 10,000 or even 1,000 yuan for an art ollee. Besides, soe of the have to pay for equipent and private teahin. The ost of tuition has beoe a heavy burden for those fro low-inoe failies.What’s worse, with ore and ore students raduatin fro art ollees, it’s ore diffiult for the to et a job. A raduate has to earn at least 0,000 yuan every year to balane the previous ost, Personally, the art ajor isn’t only what we an hoose. We should hoose one suitable for ourselves. It is eye-athin but the payent is heartbreakin.