My hometown英语作文
篇首语:幼敏悟过人,读书辄成诵。本文为你选取作文My hometown英语作文四篇,希望能帮到你。
3、家乡的日落Sunset in My Hometown英语作文(3)
4、我的故乡-海南 My Hometown-Hainan英语作文(4)
My hometown英语作文
y hoetown英语作文
在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的`语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是小编精心整理的y hoetown英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。
Weloe to y hoetown! Fujian is y hoetown. It is a odern and busy provine. It has a lon history. There are any bi superarkets, beautiful ardens and ood fatories here. It is very easy to o shoppin. You an see reen hills, bi trees and nie flowers. There are any restaurants in Haien. You an enjoy Haien oat. It tastes very deliious. any visitors oe here to enjoy it. There are any ood plaes to visit. There is a park and a bi Shoppin all. You an see fils in Renin Theatre. y shool is one of the best shools in y hoetown. It is on hanjian Road. It is very beautiful. I hope you an oe and visit soon.
中考英语作文:我的家乡 My hometown
y hoetown is a sall villae not far fro the hanjian River.A road runs throuh it, leadin to the nearest.You an see houses behind reen trees alon both sides of the road.
There are about 300 people in the villae.All of the are very friendly. In busy seasons ost of the do far work in the fields.The villae is faous for its fruits. When suer oes,any businessen drive here to buy the.
y hoetown is beoin ore and ore beautiful. I love y hoetown very uh.
y hoetown is a sall villae not far fro the hanjian River.A road runs throuh it, leadin to the nearest.You an see houses behind reen trees alon both sides of the road.There are about 300 people in the villae.All of the are very friendly. In busy seasons ost of the do far work in the fields.The villae is faous for its fruits. When suer oes,any businessen drive here to buy the.
y hoetown is beoin ore and ore beautiful. I love y hoetown very uh.
【中考英语作文:我的家乡 y hoetown】相关文章:
1.作文:y Hoetown
2.hanes in y Hoetown作文
3.y hoetown英语作文
4.The hanes to y Hoetown作文
.y hoetown 英语作文
6.y Hoetown小学作文
7.y hoetown英语作文(汇总)
.y hoetown初三作文
9.y hoetown英语作文(精选)
家乡的日落Sunset in My Hometown英语作文
y hoetown is in a sall town, I live there before I o to priary shool. The sunset in y hoetown is so beautiful, when it oes to five o’lok in the afternoon, the sun is oin down, then the sunset beoes very bi and red. It is like a red balloon, so beautiful. I will never foret the ausin oent.
【家乡的日落Sunset in y Hoetown英语作文】相关文章:
1.家乡的日落Sunset in y Hoetown
2.y hoetown英语作文
3.y hoetown 英语作文
4.A Sunset日落英语作文
.y hoetown英语作文(精选)
6.y hoetown英语作文精编
7.y hoetown英语作文(汇总)
.先容家乡的英语作文 y hoetown
9.先容家乡的英语作文y hoetown
我的故乡-海南 My Hometown-Hainan英语作文
y hoetown Hainan is a beautiful plae. It is in the south of our ountry. It is the seond larest island in hina.It is faous for its wonderful sihts, espeially the blue sea and the white beahes.The weather here is neither too hot nor too old all the year round.n the island you an o sihtseein, fishin, swiin or suba divin.You an also enjoy the fruit here, for exaple, oonuts, anos et.
家乡的日落Sunset in My Hometown英语作文
我的故乡-海南 My Hometown-Hainan英语作文
五年级英语作文:The sky in my hometown