










Take ood are of the environent is everyone's responsibility, everyone has the duty to are for the environent. The ries of the earth, is ade by huan; The foration of natural disasters and huan theselves. We an't let suh thins happen aain, beause of this our hoe will fae disappear.

With the ontinuous destrution of forest, ake the air fresh, no loner in life ake people breathin "not sooth". So, we should protet trees, protet the nature. Let our the earth other to restore the oriinal appearane.

You every ood are environent of sall ation, will be your eories. Bent down to pik up a piee of waste paper, a word to stop people daae the environent. Will be a thin of the past.

We now do dribs and drabs, not just for the sake of our own, also is a iportant foundation for our future enerations. Let the no loner fae the disaster, let they no loner lose faily. Take ood are of the environent, starts fro e!




today is tree-plantin day. we went to plant trees in danin reenland. as soon as we arrived, we bean to work.soe were diin holes, soe were plantin and others were waterin.

we all know trees are very useful to an. rowin trees eans savin an hiself. we all worked very hard. when the sun went down, we ae bak hoe. althouh we were very tired, we felt very happy.


Every year, on arh 12th, our shool will have the speial ativity. We need to plant trees in the apus. We are so exited to see trees rowin every day. The tree I planted last year now is very tall.

I a so proud to see its rowth. I have ade a ontribution to brinin the world reen and protetin the environent.


It‘s been a lon tie sine I‘ve done soethin positive to the environent. Feelin uilty-ridden and deterined to do soethin that I know would definitely please y parents and teahers,I deided to plant several trees on the hill in the rural area of the ity on tree plantin day with a few friends.

Feelin breey and liht-hearted, we ae to the foot of the hill and seleted a plae that looked suitable and settled down. We spent a few hours diin holes and plain the youn seedlins. We took nuerous pitures of the beautiful plae. We also wrote our wishes and buried it deep down the roots of the trees. I felt tired quikly and thouh I didn‘t realise it, it was tie to o. I aed up at the sky and took in all the wonderful features of other Nature. I felt really lad that we ade it for this trip and sweared that I would do y part on protetin the environent.




ne day, I walked around the apus and found that there was a lot of arbae. Soe students ripped off the paper, soe students ate the ie rea bas they left, and soe plasti bas that daaed the environent. These aroused y refletion.


We live in nature every day, in everythin beautiful. The earth other enerously provides infinite resoures for us, lets us have plenty of food and lothin, but also destroys the earth other.


Now, beause a lare nuber of an's tree uttin deserts are pushin nature, devourin the whole earth, should we be willin to see the Earth destroyed? Soe plasti bas are hard to rot and beoe white pollution. Every tie I think about it, a sall plasti ba an do so uh har.


I appeal: don't destroy our hoes any ore. Everyone is responsible for protetin the environent. We should start fro e and start fro now on.













ne an did not have to think about the protetion of his environent. There were few people on the earth, and natural resoures seeed to be unliited.

Today thins are different. The world has beoe too rowded. We are usin up our natural resoures,and pollutin our environent with danerous heials. If we ontinue to do this, huan life on earth will not survive.

We realie that if too any fish are taken fro the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet,with odern fishin ethods, ore and ore fish are auht.We know that if too any trees are ut down, forests will disappear. Yet, we ontinue to use powerful ahines to ut down ore and ore trees. We see that if rivers are polluted with waste produts, we will die. Yet, waste produts are

still put into rivers.

We know that if the population ontinues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won't be enouh food.What an we do to solve these probles?

If we eat ore veetables and less eat, there will be ore food available. Land for rops feeds five ties ore people than land where anials are kept.

ur natural resoures will last loner if we learn to reyie the.

The world population will not rise so quikly if people use odern ethods of birth ontrol.

Finally, if we eduate people to think about the probles we shall have a better and leaner planet in the future.


It is enerally aepted that water pollution is a serious publi haard today. Rivers all over the world are beoin polluted with arbae and danerous heials. Ships ontribute to the proble beause they rely on rivers for disposin of wastes. il and other heials an kill fish and ake water unsafe for drinkin. Beause they rely on rivers for disposin of wastes. il and other heials an kill fish and ake water unsafe for drinkin. In a word, polluted water is a bi proble to everyone.

As you know, people depend on water to live on. They should be involved in findin a solution to this proble. I think, ertain ounter easures need to be taken as soon as possible. To bein with, the overnents of all ountries are supposed to forulate rules and reulations to deal with the pollution proble. In addition, fatories in towns and ities ust be prohibited fro drainin waste liquids into rivers before they are totally treated and purified. I feel if they violate relevant rules or laws, they should be fined heavily. ertainly, there are soe other ures whih are worth adoptin.

As far as future prospet is onerned, I a sure that ood results will be ahieved in this respet. Rivers whih used to be ontainated by industrial wastes will be leaned and fish whih ould not live there a few years ao will be aain. To onlude, it sees obvious that toorrow will be better and brihter only if everyone does his part and tries hard to seek solutions for its ontrol.


The area of desert in the world is rowin every year. any parts of the world whih one had lare populations and produed plenty of rops, have beoe deserts. Dunhuan in hina, deep in the heart of the ebi Desert, was one a reat ity.

attle are one ause of the proble. In ood years, faers inrease the nubers of their attle. Then one year, the rains fail to oe. The farers do not want to kill any of their attle, so the attle eat ail the rass and anythin that rows on poorer land. If this ontinues for several years, the rass never rows aain and the land beoes a desert. ne suested answer is for farers to liit the nubers of their attle.

Another proble is that ood soil is radually lost. When trees are ut down, there is nothin to hold the soil in plae on the hillside. So when if rains, the soil is washed down the hills and into the rivers. Stron winds an also blow away the valuable soil that lies on the top of the fields.


Throuhout history an has haned his physial environent in order to iprove his way of life. With the tools of tehnoloy he has altered any physial features of the earth. He has transfored woodlands and prairies into fars and ade lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irriation purposes or hydroeletri power. an has also odified the fae of the earth by drainin arshes and uttin throuh ountains to build roads and railways.

However, an's hanes to the physial environent have not always had benefiial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is an inreasin daner to the health of the planet. Eah day thousands of tons of ases oe out of the exhausts of otor vehiles. Soke fro fatories pollutes the air of industrialied areas and the surroundin areas of the ountryside. The pollution of water is equally harful. The whole eoloial balane of the sea is bein haned and industrial wastes have already ade any rivers lifeless.

Now environental protetion is ore pressin than ever before. As we know, assive destrution of environent has brouht about neative effets and even poses a reat threat to an's existene. Indifferene to these probles will ean oittin suiide. Therefore, effetive easures should be taken and laws passed to onserve environent. therwise,an is ertain to suffer fro the serious onsequenes aused by this lak of are for his livin surroundins.


ver 70% of the Earth’s surfae is water; water is obviously the ost preious natural resoure that exists on our planet. Without water, life on Earth would be non-existent. Water is the lifeblood of the environent, essential to the survival of all livin thins-plants, anials, and huan. Althouh we reonie this fat, we disreard it by pollutin our rivers, lakes, and streas. Afterward, we are slowly but surely harin our planet to the point where oraniss are dyin at a very alarin rate, and our drinkin water has beoe reatly affeted. In order to fiht aainst water pollution, we ust understand the probles and beoe part of the solution; we also need to do everythin possible to aintain its quality for today and the future.The overnent alone annot solve the entire proble; it’s up to us when it oes to the probles we fae with our water. In your hoe, orretly dispose danerous household produts. Keep paints, used oil, leanin solvents, pool heials, and other danerous household heials out of drains, sinks, and toilets beause any of these produts ontain harful substanes. In your yard, reyle used otor oil. Avoid pourin waste oil and resist the teptation to dup wastes onto the round.These are just a few of the any ways in whih we, as huan have the ability to obat water pollution. If these easures are not taken and water pollution ontinues, life on Earth will suffer severely.



Environental probles are as bi as not for individual ountry or individual people to address. In other word, we have reahed the stae that environental probles be solved for international view. To what extent do you aree or disaree?

In reent years, any nations have beoe ore aware of the environental issues eah nation faes, suh as air and water pollution. The question is, are the environental issues a national proble or an international proble? It is y belief that the environental issues have rown to the point of beoin an international proble needin international ooperation to resolve.

Beause of the differenes in environental poliies, resoures and tehnoloy, international ooperation ould provide quiker results and have a reater ipat on brinin resolution to environental probles for nations of differin environental poliies and of lesser resoures and tehnoloy. By poolin international resoures and tehnoloy to address the environental probles, the disadvantaed nations are provided the assistane needed. therwise their environental onditions deteriorate ultiately affetin the resoures and environent of the world as a whole.

ne of the diffiulities to an international resolution to environental issues is the differene in individual nations view and poliies toward environental protetion. In order for international ooperation to our and sueed, the nations of the world ust subit theselved to international standards and supervision by an international oission eleted by the partiipatin nations of the world. All ebers ust aree to abide by the standards established.

The environental issues fain eah ountry are not unrelated to the well bein of the rest of the world. The ipat is lon ter and international in sope. Without international ooperation and areeent to address suh environental issues as laial eltin at the South Pole, depletion of the oone layer, water pollution, air polution, et., the environental onditions of the world will deteriorate to the detrient of every nation, not just those that inore or lak the resoures and tehnoloy to resolve their individual environental probles.

As part of the sae planet, it is the responsibility of eah individual and nation to protet the lobal environent. nly international ooperation will provide the tiely solutions and the effetiveness needed to stop the deterioratin lobal environent.


Soe people believe that the Earth is beinhared(daaed) by huan ativity. thers feel that huan ativityakesthe Earth a better plae to live. What is your opinion?Usespeifi reasons and exaples to supportyouranswer.

People have been livin on the Earth for thousands of years.Huanativity influenes the Earth. Soe people believe that theEarth isbein hared by huan ativity. thers feel that huanativityakes the Earth a better plae to live. In y opinion, theearth isbein daaed by huan ativity. There are anystateentssupportin y opinion.

Huan ativity has daaed natural environent and alostexaustednatural resoures. odern industry needs ore and oreresoures,inludin inerals, fuels and water. So we onfront ofthe seriousprobles suh as the lak of fuels and water.Eoloial balane isdaaed beause fatories oupy any plaeswhere anials andplants live. ore and ore buildins areonstruted and forestsbeoe less and less. If we annotreonie these probles andsolve the soon, we would finally losethe environent suitable forour livin.

An other serious proble is the reen-house effet.Huanativity dereases forests and inreases the usae of fuels sothatthe as of arbon dioxide is output ore and ore and there arenotenouh plants to absorb it. The reen-house effet is oreobviousand ore sensible these years. Due to the effet, iebersin thesouth polar and north polar elt and the sea level beoeshiherthan before. I a worried about the ities nearby the sea andhopesientists find an effetive ethod to eliinate thereen-houseeffet.

Althouh we have advaned ahines and our life seesoreofortable than before, we have less hanes to approahnaturesand less spaes to at. The ities beoe bier and if wewant tohave a pini with our friends, we have to drive a londistane tofind a natural plae. In fat, the spaes of huanativity arebein daaed by the skysrapers and fatories.

Fro the above stateents, we an onlude that huanativitybrins the Earth any daaes. Fortunately people havereoniedthe point and I believe that the Earth will beoe abetter plaeto live with our easeless efforts.


White pollution persists

WE'VE been hearin and talkin about it for a fairly lon tie: urbin what has beoe known as “white" pollution. But still we are usin the white polystyrene (PS) foa food ontainers and other disposable plasti produts, whih larely ake up this for of litterin.

iandianwan, a well-known loal fast-food hain, is still handin out takeout food in these PS foa ontainers, even thouh they should been phased out before Deeber 31, 2000, under a entral overnent deree. ne of the waiters said in its outlet on Honli Road on onday that they are oin to swith to environentally friendly ontainers “soe tie in the future".

However, the iandianwan outlet in Sa's lub, whih is affiliated with Wal-art, is offerin take-out food in liht brown ontainers whih are bioderadable. Lian, a lerk with Sa's lub, told Shenhen Daily yesterday that the lub required the iandianwan outlet to do so in its ontrat.

Aordin to Lian, all the departents in the lub swithed to bioderadable ontainers durin the Sprin Festival holiday.

hao Hua, with the enery division of the Shenhen uniipal Eonoi Developent Bureau, one of the five uniipal overnent departents involved in the urbin of white pollution in the ity, said on onday that lare opanies and retailers like Wal-art and Vanuard have responded to the deree by swithin to bioderadable ontainers. But she aditted that is just the tip of the ieber in the seeinly endless war on white pollution in the ity.

hao's bureau has et with four other relevant departents on several oasions. What they produed is not a feasible solution but an eho or rewordin of the entral overnent deree, aordin to Luo Wei fro Shenhen uniipal Leal Affairs Bureau, who is responsible for reviewin this “eho". The ”eho" has now been passed on to the uniipal overnent whih is expeted to announe it forally in the near future. But Luo said she's not sure if this rewordin an play a sinifiant role in eliinatin white pollution in the ity. “We don't lak laws, reulations or derees. The real onern is the effetive enforeent of these laws or reulations," said Luo.

hao Hua aditted that ities like Shanhai and other oastal ities whih are sensitive about their iae as tourist destinations are doin a better job in this reard. “Shanhai is said to have produed a very detailed handbook on how to arry out the urbin work and Hainan has even banned disposable foa slippers in hotels," hao said.

Liu uanqin, president of Shenhen Xunbao Investent Developent o Ltd, a loal anufaturer of bioderadable food ontainers was very eaer to hear the uniipal overnent's deision on the atter. “Sine early this year, I've seen orders fly in. I'll expand prodution one the overnent announes its stane on the issue."


ars and Air Pollution

Too any ars have reated a lot of serious probles in our world. Besides onestion, aidents and fast fuel onsuption, ars are responsible for a ood part of air pollution in bi ities. All the tie, they are pupin hue aounts of waste ases into the atosphere. These ases are very harful, ausin disease and even death.

ne possible solution is to desin and develop lean ars and lean fuels. In Shanhai, soe of the publi buses bein to run on natural as, whih does not ive off as uh arbon dioxide as the petrol. But it ay take deades for the new odels of lean ars opletely replae the traditional ones. Another solution is to develop odern publi transportation systes and restrit the use of private ars. If the prie of petrol rises onstantly and the publi vehiles are effiient and onvenient enouh, ost people will not buy private ars. And the total nuber of ars in bi ities will redue reatly.

n the whole, the eliination of air pollution needs the olletive efforts fro the overnent, the publi and the environentalists.


Iportant to save water

Water is a kind of liquid. It has no taste or sell. It is transparent, too. Water is useful and is iportant to us. Why? For exaple, we use water to water the plants. We use water to wash our fae or to have a bath. We drink water or we will die…Water is also very iportant for hina. There are 2. hundred illions of steres of water in hina, but everyone an only use 2300 steres. It is only twenty–five per sent in the world.

Not too lon ao, there was a an alled Jaques ousteau. He loved the beautiful olors, and the beautiful fish in the sea. However, when he returned soe years later, the olorful oral reefs were dead and rey beause the fatory near the sea poured waste water into the sea. Jaques ousteau deided to tell people how iportant it was to save the environent under the sea. He started the“ ousteau Soiety ” to help protet life in the sea. Now there are over 30000 ebers all over the world. Sine water overs ost of the earth, ousteau knew that we should keep the sea lean. We should not litter the sea, and should lean up the dirty parts. As water is very iportant to our environent, he enouraed everyone to take part in protetin our lakes, rivers, sea and oean.

There are still a few people who are not protetin the water now in the world. For exaple, soe fatories pour waste thins into the rivers, lakes or into the sea near by. The water there has beoe very dirty and we an’t use the at all. Althouh there are seventy–five per sent of water in the world, we an only use fresh water, that there is only a little. So we should use little water when we need to use it. For exaple, I do not use too uh water when I a washin y fae or havin a bath… It is iportant for us to keep the water lean. You ay ask yourself, have I ever poured or thrown dirty thins into the water? If your answer is “No”, that eans you have already helped to protet the environent. It is our duty to protet the environent. You ay ask yourself aain, have I ever helped to lean up the water? If your answer is “Yes”, that eans that you have already done soethin useful to iprove the water. If we use up all the water, it is diffiult for us to et it fro anywhere, inludin the universe. It is terrible to think that people are too thirsty to live! I believe, that if everyone helps to protet the water, the water ust be proteted. You do not want to “kill” your son or your randson, do you? So now let us to protet the water! Please don’t let the last drop of water on the earth is we huan’s tear!






保护环境英文作文 关于保护环境的作文



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