











Today I read "the voie of a hinese hild" for a lon tie. I think how uh he loved peae beause of the lorious sarifie of peae. "Daddy" at the last bury, the outh read "peae", "peae"! How he loved peae! "Father" sarifie is lorious, "father" spirit is lofty.

The flower of peae, thouh beautiful, is easily destroyed. Therefore, peae requires the oon defense of all the people of the world.

"Peae is better than war," baon said. It's beause peae is when hildren bury their fathers and their fathers bury their hildren in war. Yeah! When peae is ood, everyone loves it, no war, no war, no blak hair. How ruel the war was, the soke filled the air, and the reat rief of the loss of a loved one. Diffuse war battlefield, the youn soldier was hit by a ruthless shells, fall one by one, they don't know but the soldiers behind their loved ones will work......, ruelty.

The white dove, with her body overed with wounds, fled the all of death. Flyin in the soke of the sky, overlookin the land of reed and desire. y hoetown died in the war. Blood osoti win, tears ushed out the eye soket, briin with injury, broke throuh the blok of the stor, the distane the santity of the olive branh is y hope, I want to stop the spread of the evil, let peae sky bloos.

Ah! Peae! Ah! Peae!


I have seen a piture taken by a forein journalist, whih learly shows how the Japanese were doin their work on our land.

It was Auust 2, 1937, when the Japanese ary was in Shanhai, and ost of the buildins in the ity had been bobed out. A youn ouple brouht their hildren to take the train to take refue in the ountry, and then a bi ban, doens of shells fro the sky, or hoe a few inutes ao in the waitin roo was raed to the round, in a twinklin of an eye is full of bloody orpses. The ruins were stained with blood. The overpass was blown away. n the shell struk, over the ouple without thinkin of the hild in the body, after the end of uns, the boy didn't know what happened, he was sared to ry to shout o and dad, he did not understand his o and dad don't hear hi ry, he does not understand that he ould no loner see o and dad sile, he an no loner at in o and dad's ars, he beae an orphan.

I was so sad that I ried when I saw the sene. War has not only brouht disaster to the people, but also the nuber of failies who have been displaed and displaed by the war. The nanjin assare, the reat bobin of honqin and the livin experient of bateria weapons, the Japanese invaders oitted heinous ries in our ountry.

War has always been with the history of ankind, and no atter what it is, it annot be avoided. Think of the poor hildren who lost their parents in the war. I rew up to be a peaeaker, to unite people all over the world, so that all hildren in the world an have a happy hoe. The desire for peae and the eliination of war is the drea of all ankind.


aintain peae and stop war.

War is a terrible thin, uns, bobs, tanks, warplanes, torpedoes, landines are a reat deal of har, we ust aintain peae and stop war.

I read a story about huan jiuan. At this tie, a soldier fell down, another soldier was injured, roll over, huan jiuan self body also bullets in huan jiuan tried ultiple injuries, tenaious lib to shelters, fro shelters for less than 10 eters, our hero bravely stood up I saw hi like a steel iant, at shelters for feroiously for, with self hest bloked the ule of the eney... The vitory of the battle, our hero sarifies huan jiuan for the safety of the people of the otherland, for the liberation of the Korean people and heroi dediation; His shinin iae is always in our hearts.

I read this one, I deeply oved, there are any people like huan jiuan, who ave their youn life, and the life of the self forever.

I often wonder how any people have lost their lives beause of the war, and how any have broken up beause of the war. We should at in onert to preserve peae. Stop "urderers" - war.


The war brouht heavy sufferin to people and destroyed haronious failies. To tear up the perfet drea; The buildins were bobed.

n Auust 2, 1937, a other was arryin a hild who was under three years old to Shanhai south station. The hild was in her other's ars, and she said, "o, where are we oin?" "We're oin soewhere to avoid the war." "Said the other, touhin the hild's head." is that plae funny?" Yi? Why doesn't father o with us? The other sihed and said, "dad's in the war." At that oent, a bob went down, and the thousands of people in the station paniked, fled, ried, ried, broke into piees. Suddenly, the soke billowed and the flesh flew. other holdin a hild hurriedly walked into the roo next to esape, but unfortunately, the bob to the house down, at the last oent of life, other to hild into a safe plae, but nature itself, was hit by a bob, in this way, had a happy faily, beause the Japanese bobin, has been destroyed. All of a sudden, the tall buildins turned into ruins, and the rowded and bustlin platfor suddenly beae rare and deserted, and the reains were everywhere. The bone was thin and thin, and the raed hild sat on the bloody round and ried out, "other, other, where are you? Dad, dad, where have you been? His eyes were so frihtened and helpless that his little heart seeed to be torn to piees. The instant liht, his fate has haned, no love his father and other, no brothers and sisters, no war faily, only left helpless hi.

Althouh we live in a peaeful environent, the od of peae has no peranent presene, and any areas are filled with the soke of war, and the evil bullets threaten the deliate "flower of peae". I an't help but alled for "save the hildren, for peae not war" to people no loner lose a happy and haronious faily, the world should aree to at, to aintain peae, to prevent war, rin the bell for the war, let us live in a world full of sunshine, flowers, and love!


Peae is the life any people desire. But there are people who want to ake war and destroy peae.

"Boo! How any happy and happy failies were destroyed by the bobs; How any hildren have lost their father; How any wives have lost their husbands, and how any others have lost their sons...

The battlefield of the soke, the loss of any lives, the personality is the reent Iraq war. That day, I turn on the TV, eleantly heart-poundin eat juped piture iediately refleted in the sreen: in a hospital, a hild lyin on the bed and ried, fro their bi eyes an see despair; At a ertain station, there was a bi explosion, whih killed any people. There was a pile of dead bodies, and soe blew their hands; Soe of the have blown their feet, and soe of the have broken their heads... At that tie, I thouht: if there is no war, there will be no aident.

The bullet of sin. Don't show up aain! You will disappear forever! You ake people all over the world hate, beause you are so ruthless, you let a youn life disappear in this world!

Peae! oe down to earth! People on earth are eaer to et your oisture. If every day of earth is filled with peae and love; How perfet the world will be! Look! n the rass, friends were frolikin happily; The old an talked in the shade. The blind an ould not ross the road. The pupil ae to help hi aross the road. The teaher teahes the seeds of knowlede to the students in the spaious lassroo. And... and... People understand love, know how to help eah other, and understand a lot. A lot of...

Peae, how lon will it last? I' dyin for peae!


Do you understand? It's probably about to start riht now, riht! It's none of our business, but it's all about other lives! Why war? All beause of huan reed and abition! The "flower of peae" has fallen, overshadowed, and is a harred flower. This flower is the life of huan beins all over the world. Without it, it is like a baby without ilk, without water, without food. If it is you, will you feel better?

As the soldiers attaked the ity, the thrillin sene resounded in y ind. The anti-fasist old soldiers who fouht in the past are also the world's. ore should belon to the world, is the eternal all to peae. The anti-fasist war, whih had ost ankind a reat deal in the past, was a return to huanity in the absene of world war 60 after the war. However, in these 60 years, loal wars have not been interrupted, reional onflits have beoe oon, power politis, heeonis and various terrorist ativities have beoe new threats to huan seurity. n this day, Japan, the war riinals of that year are still bein honored, the riht win is tryin to be the draa of the fasist, still in the at of...

Let the world join hands and all for peae. Let the soke of the war disappear forever! "Flower of peae" you know how ruel it is.


I like peae doves very uh, beause I see the as if they see peae. They brouht the hope of peae to the hearts of every hild, and ade y heart row briht, and opened a window of soul in the perfet heart.

Throuh that window, I saw the broad blue sky, the sky full of the love doves, the are and the thouhts of the ountry, so that the heart of the other party like a war, ofortable. Everywhere there are flowers syboliin peae, and everythin in the world alls for the perfetion of peae.

Suddenly, a shot ran out, breakin the peae of peae. The war bean, and suddenly there were louds in the sky, and a loud and loud noise threatened the deliate flower of peae. The birds were sothered by fireworks and beaten by eriless bullets. At that oent, the ries of the hildren, the ries of the people and the sounds of all souls are ixed into one. They want peae!

But bullets and uns are relentless, and they keep killin innoent people. "Why o to war and restore peae to the world?

"All the people beed. But the leaders of those ountries are still fihtin for self-interest. When the fihtin stopped, I saw a sad piture of the beautiful ity that had beoe so iserable. Soe were ryin over their dead relatives, others prayin that the war would end soon. In this way, a perfet plae beoes a urderous hell.

The dove flew away, and there was a wound in y heart that ould not heal. The people of the world need peae, stop war, and let peae reain in the world.


What do people want ost? Peae, eternal peae, not annihilated peae! n the battlefield, we an only be a life, we an be brutally killed at any tie, left to relatives only pani and sad, that is what a painful thin ah!

Althouh we are livin in a peaeful environent at the oent, who has thouht that people in other parts of the world are still sufferin fro war. Reeber not lon ao I saw on TV Syria is still at war, there was a hild, unfortunately been bobs killed, her other tearfully witnessed it all, but ould do nothin, in the world the ost painful thin is this. Seein this, I an't help but shed tears, hildren in the soke of war, they always live in pani, beause the oent will be the daner of life. hildren who live in huner only live to be satisfied. ur hildhood is arefree, every day is play, is the happiest tie in our life.




artin Luther Kin, who is known to the world as the abassador of peae, has been reebered all the tie, thouh he has died for a few deades. I have learned an artile about hi lately, his reat speeh I Have a Drea ipressed e so uh. artin desribed his reat wish of all the people ould be treated equal, no atter what olor they were. He appealled people to join his tea and ade the world a peaeful plae. His speeh inspired so any people at that tie and still affets the world today. There is no doubt that artin is a reat person, what he brins to the world will never fade away.

马丁路德金,一位众所周知的世界和平大使,一直都被人们记住,固然他已经死了几十年。我最近学了一篇关于他的文章,他伟大的演讲《我有一个梦想》让我印象深刻。马丁描述了他伟大愿望,他但愿所有的人可以得到同等对待,不管他们是什么肤色。他呼吁人们加入他的团队,让世界变成一个和平的地方。他的演讲鼓舞了良多人,今天仍旧影响着世界。毫无疑问,马丁是一个伟大的人,他给世界带来影响 永远不会消失。


When I was very sall, y randpa liked to tell e his touh year and I liked to listen to hi. At that tie, wars were everywhere, people ran away for keepin alive. y randpa was so hunry all the tie beause he had no food to eat. People had the very hard life before the found of new hina. Today, hinese eonoy develops so fast, we live the ood life, we are no loner strule for the huner. Thanks to our reat predeessors, they build the road for us. We enjoy the peaeful life and I know it is not easy to ahieve. y randpa eduates e not to waste the food and I keep his words in y ind. Peae is the ain thee of today’s world, we an hase our dreas and enjoy our life, but we ust reeber the ontribution whih is fro our predeessors.

在我很小的时候,爷爷很喜欢给我讲他的艰难岁月,我也喜欢听他讲。那个时候,战役无处不在,人们为了活命而逃亡。爷爷老是很饿,由于他没有东西吃。人们在 新中国成立前过着艰难的糊口。今天,中国的经济发展快速,我们过上了好糊口,不再为饥饿挣扎。多亏了我们伟大的先辈们,他们为了开拓了道路。我们享受这和 平的.糊口,我知道这来之不易。爷爷教育我不要铺张食品,我一直记着他的话。和平是世界现在的主题,我们可以追求梦想,快乐糊口,但是我们必需记得先辈们的贡献。

















































