











reen represents hope. n the reen balloons a reen olive branh, a white dove. Let o, let o, wath it slowly rise into the sky, with the wind, with our hope, float and float...

Behold! The sky is ryin. riinally lear and transparent sky overed a layer of ray, the sky ried, the red tears drip down, deeply, deeply into people's heart.

War, it represents the heavy, hard, editation, it is a fire, interonneted with blood way, in a photoraph aainst the way of soke, ry and shout, exists in the for of sinin and farewell.

There are thousands of ways to ake war disappear, but it all boils down to one. Let the world be filled with love.

Take ation! Fill the balloon with peae and write hope on the kite. Let fly peae, let fly hope. Let the world?? Full of love!

The sun hooses to rise before dawn, the eteor hooses to shine in the niht, we hoose to row in peae!

We love peae, we wish peae doves freedo to soar in the sky, let the olive branh over every orner of the earth!


This year arks the 60th anniversary of the vitory of the anti-fasist war, and we ourn the loss of those who died for anti-fasis.

Tie an ake one foret the isery of life. Tie an ake a an foret his troubles. Tie an opletely hane your destiny... But it an never foret the unforettable history.

War brins only disaster and disrae. War brins disaster: how any people are killed, and how any are hoeless; War brins shae:

But, I would say, any ountry that is enaed in a war of aression will fail. Justie will always triuph over evil, and no ountry will sueed in plottin aainst it. What is the end of a fasist state that is rapant? Still not surrender to us, raise the white fla? Peae and developent is the ainstrea of huan history. The riht to health? The freedo of the spirit is the ultiate pursuit of everyone.

Finally, let us wish the fasist ountries not to enae in the war of aression, let us lead a peaeful life and follow the path of developent.

Let us rin the bell of hope, how any prayers are in our ♥ Let the world find no darkness, let the flower of happiness often open...


Students, when you o to shool with your ba on your bak, have you seen the ebra rossin that instruted pedestrians to walk? When you et to the intersetion, do you see the traffi lihts for seurity? When you travel by train or ar, you hear "please don't put your head out of the window for your safety"? As lon as I an reeber, I listen to y parents and say, "whatever you do, pay attention to safety." Enterin the apus, the teaher also tauht us to pay attention to safety. After I an read, I will see "please be safe" in danerous areas suh as onstrution sites and intersetions. "Safety first" warnin sin. Is safety really iportant? B: yes. Beause huan life is liited.

Did you realie the iportane of safety in hearin this story? aybe soe of you said that you were talkin about aidents, and I notied soethin when I was rossin the street. In fat, speakin of seurity is not just rossin the road, any thins are a bit areless, the unfortunate aident will befall you. I have seen soe students liht the straw and play happily; Soe students squeee in when they open the water; Soe students slide down the arrests when they o downstairs. Soe students skateboard, skate and so on on the road. All this, in the eyes of soe students, sees to be a sall thin, but it hides the terrible daner, is the fall, sald, bruises the lesson still few? Students, we o out every day, we have to o throuh a lot of thins every day, aidentally, there will be aidents. So learn to protet yourself, to be safe, to keep the seurity in our hearts, to keep e safe.


But there is still a lot of fihtin in the world, where people are sufferin fro the war. Like Iraq today. See in Iraq fro TV, like ruins, any houses ollapsed, the streets are epty, oasionally see people wearin and torn, skinny, aordin to reports, any of the only a little food, all day in the ity without lean water and adequate food supplies. In front of the TV aeras, we an also see that hildren often appear in the trash. Beause of the war, the environent was destroyed, the water was polluted, the food was not enouh, there was a plaue in Iraq, any innoent vitis were not treated, any people died in pain... It's all about the onsequenes of war. Whatever the reason for the war, the war will brin any asualties, whih will ause the loss of state property and personal property, and the people will be displaed, and life will be diffiult. Whenever I see these senes, y heart beoes heavy.

War is dark, eriless, ruel, huan, wake up!

Look! ur world is so beautiful, the sky is blue, the flowers are briht, the birds are lively. If we do not know how to herish, we will ontinue to kill eah other, the onsequenes will be uniainable.

Let us love peae and take responsibility for protetin the world and protetin other earth. Let peae be in our hearts forever, let peae in the world forever!


As you all know, war is terrible and hateful. In the history of hina, there has been a history that has never been forotten by hinese people, whih is the nine-year war of resistane aainst Japan.

Durin the war of resistane aainst Japanese aression, the Japanese invaders produed the nanjin assare that shoked the world. In the nanjin assare, the Japanese aressor slauhtered three hundred thousand hinese people. What a shokin nuber! That's the total nuber of sall ountries in Afria.

For deades, althouh hina is now in peae, there are still any ountries in the world still in the idst of war. In the 200 lypi aes in hina, only one athlete was in Iraq, and the other ountry, even one athlete, did not oe to hina. Why is that? This is beause any of the athletes' ountries are still in the iddle of the war, soe are out of the eney's blokade, and ae to hina to partiipate in the lypi aes unfortunately died; Soe are restrited by the state and annot oe to hina. This is the hateful thin about war. The war broke up the faily and separated the faily. War akes people poorer and diseases ore frequent; The war ade it ipossible for the students to study in the spaious and briht lassroo and spend their hildhood happily and arefree.

Althouh we an not stop the war, but we an herish the present ood ties, study hard, row up to be a brave and stron peaekeepers, o all over the world? Peae, let all nations of the world have no ore war; Let the nations of the world unite and love and live toether in this beautiful hoe of the earth.

Therefore, we ust love peae and oppose war!


We love peae, we don't like war, but in this world, uns, uns and explosions are uh ore than firerakers and fireworks. Just in the 20th entury, there were no ore than 400 wars in the world. In the two world wars, ankind paid a heavy prie. In hina, the sound of the uns, the unshots in luou bride and the ries of 300,000 hinese opatriots in the nanjin assare kept us alert.

In the fire of the United States and the United States, a pair of eaer eyes, eaer to stop the war and return to their peaeful hoeland. They are anry, and their aner burns with fire; They hated those who waed war, and fear darkened the eyes of those who were pure.

randpa den xiaopin said that peae and developent are the ain thees of the day, but the situation is not optiisti, and the soke still burnin in the world is still not one.

The blood shed the wind and the wind should be short, and the plouh should be the day!


Today I read an artile about the war in Iraq. The war in Iraq has brouht reat har to both peoples.

Aordin to this artile, the United States sent 120,000 people, Britain sent 4,000, ore than 2,000 australians, ore than 200 poles, and fored a oalition to attak Iraq. The war lasted ore than a onth and the buildins in Iraq were destroyed, leavin two and three illion people hoeless! The people of Iraq have done a lot of daae. Wherever the two aries fouht, there would be a bloody river of dead bodies. After the battle, aerians have lost ountless lives. Every day, we have to pay the faily expenses of the deeased. We have to spend two or three hundred illion dollars a day, whih is ore than a onth or so. This war did not ive the United States the finanial resoures to ause a reat loss, but also aused a reat ipat on the people.

World peae day is approahin and the US President is the first, the power tyranny barbari! People like hi should have stepped down lon ao. Let us love peae! For the war has taken ountless lives; Let us love peae! It was the war that turned the fields into bare plains; Let us love life! Stay away fro war and let people live and work.


n Friday, y lassates and I wathed a ovie, "the war of the earth", whih benefited e a lot, and ade e ore aware of the war of resistane aainst Japan.

"The war of the land" ainly tells a story like this, in ay 1942, when we were lose to the eney, it was the ost brutal stae. The Japanese devil has arried out a lare-sale sweep of hina's jihon plain, usin the "three liht" poliy -- "burn the liht", "kill the liht" and "steal the liht". The safety of life and property of the loal people has been reatly threatened. The loal ared fores iediately athered the people to di tunnels, and ade the tunnels aessible to every household, so that the eney ould be swept away and the eney ould be destroyed in the tunnel. In the onstant battle, our tunnel is onstantly iproved, not afraid of poisonin, not afraid of water, fire. It an also effetively attak the eney and protet the safety of the people. Adopt the flexible tatis of "fiht, fiht, and hide", and eliinate the eney one by one, and arry out uerrilla and round obat.

I was also deeply touhed by the fake ilitary tea. Althouh they are very uh alike in their lothes and work, their iae of eatin is revealin. Their usual waste of habits led the aptain to see everythin. They only ate the bi fish and the eat, and they threw it away. How ould the ared fores, the people's ary, waste food so ioderately?

Fro this fil, the eney is a hih-teh weapon, and we are the power of the asses. War eduation the people, the people want to win the war. But people do not need to war, we should be far away fro the war, love peae, allin for peae, earnestly study and onstrution of the otherland, no loner by the forein eney invasion, let our ountry always full of peae!














河南省焦作市解东一小五年级: 蒋泽宇



































