










Sports do us ood in any respets.It oes without sayin that takinexerises an build up our physial strenth. In olletive sports likebasketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the iportane ofooperation. While takin part in sports ae, we will try our best to win andarouse ourselves the opetitive spirit. Sports an also help us relax after aperiod of exhaustin work. However, as the sayin oes, "there are two sides toeverythin", and sports is without exeption. We ay hurt other players orourselves if we are not areful enouh when partiipatin in sports ativities.What's ore, exessive or severe trainin an do har to our health.

y partiipation in sports tells e that sports an ake us healthy bothphysially and psyholoially. It is also a ood way for people to know eahother and an proote friendship between people. So lon as we are arefullyenouh, sports an do us nothin but ood.


Future trends in oputer siene is one of the artifiial intelliene,Itis the researh and artifiial siulation of huan thouht and eventually beable to ake a huan like to think the sae ahine.For huan servies and tohelp people solve probles.

After all, people thouht it was unique, there are feelins, there are avariety of harATer, this will be very diffiult to ahieve in the ahine.InfAT, to do the sae as the huan thinkin ahine, the only one of theartifiial intelliene, is by no eans all. Throuh the study of artifiialintelliene, an resolve all kinds of sientifi probles, and proote thedevelopent of other siene, the artifiial intelliene is the best!

I believe that the siene of artifiial intelliene is waitin forhuanity to explore it step by step the real onnotation.


Like any other Enlish learner, I et a lot of diffiulties in learninEnlish.

First, I found it diffiult to understand what I read beause ost Enlishwords have ore than one eanin. Besides, I found it diffiult to write inidioati Enlish or put hinese into idioati Enlish. Finally, I ouldn'texpress in Enlish orally beause I had no opportunity to ouniate withnative Enlish speakers. Althouh I often read aloud, this didn't prove to be aneffetive way to iprove y spoken Enlish.

But I didn't lose heart in reovin these obstales. I takled Enlishvoabulary in two ways. First,I tried to understand and eorie the speifieanin of a word that appears in the ontext. Seond, I enlare y voabularyby learnin the ditionary by heart. To overoe hinese Enlish, I tried tothink in Enlish diretly. Althouh I still had no opportunity to ouniatewith native speakers, I iproved spoken Enlish by listenin to the Enlishbroadast and writin Enlish oposition. This expedient turned out to beeffhtive.


How to keep a ood relationship with parents

In y opinion, I have too any rules at hoe. y parents never allow e too out with y friends at niht. They don’t allow e to hoose y own lothes,either. And they pay too uh attention to y exa results. I think y parentsdon’t quite understand e.

However, I try y best to understand the. Althouh they don’t allow e toake y own deisions and ive e too uh pressure, I know that it is beausethey really love e and want e to have a briht future.

In order to keep a ood relationship with y parents, I study hard, listento the, talk to the as friends, tell the y troubles, and help the do orehousework


any years ao, when students went hoe after shool, they had less tie toplay, beause the teahers ave the a lot of hoework. I reebered at thattie, y sister worked so hard to finish the hoework, she wrote it quikly whenshe arrived hoe. After supper, she ontinued to finish her hoework. I felt sheworked too hard, she deserved to have soe tie to play, but she didn’t. Notlon after that tie, the overnent had ade soe refor, the students don’thave to burden so uh hoework, they an have tie to play. Now students anenjoy playin aes with friends after shool, I think play and study should beontained.


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Dear Tom,

I'm glad to know you will come to China. In winter, the sky is azure here. I believed you will meet the amazing vista in China. Probably because of the Nino Phenomenon, it's not so cold as years before.

You had better visit Tian'an Men Square. It's exceptionally great! Your country has the Yellow Stone Park whereas mine has the Great Walls as wonderful as yours. Therefore I suggest you to have a look.

Don't miss the Spring Festival! You can do alot of things interesting during it. Nevertheless, do not eat too much, Otherwise you can't enjoy the Beijing Duck! It's sure that the Beijing Duck will beyond your imagination. Thus keep your expection.

Have a good time! I think you'll always cherish the memory of this trip when you come back home.


Li Lei


Dear Tom :

It's my pleasure to introduce somewhere enjoyable. In my mind, my hometown Qingdao is a great place where you can have a brilliant experience.

To begin with, the climate there is comfortable, especially in summer and winter. In addition, There are a large number of beaches where you can enjoy yourself. For example, you can relax on the seashore, swim in the sea, or dive in water.

What's more, eating in Qingdao is aslo wonderful. You can enjoy both delicious Chinese food and tasty seafood. Also, dessert is unique because of the European flavor.

Generally speaking, Qingdao is a great place to take a vacation, take it easy and have a good time!


Li lei













When we were about to leave shool, we held a farewell party in junior hih shool. Every lass has arefully prepared proras for us, inludin sinin, danin, perforin ross talk, and perforin skits But the students are not in the ood to enjoy the perforane, soe are just about to separate sad and sad.


Lookin at the bi words of the farewell party on the third day of junior hih shool, I feel that the sene of ilitary trainin sees to have happened yesterday, and all kinds of thins in the past three years appear in front of us. Durin ilitary trainin, we insisted in the hot sun, sweated in the playround in physial eduation lass, listened to lessons toether in the lassroo, rehearsed toether for the apus art festival, ried toether, lauhed toether, rieved toether, and worked toether , we will prepare for the exa toether, enourae and support eah other.


We used to think that raduation is so far away fro us, and unonsiously we have beoe the ai last session of teahers.


As y dear onitor said, next suer, there will still be full of people here, but it is not us anyore.


ay we oe bak after a thousand sails, still youn.


ay we all reeive the ideal notie.








































