What pules you is atually a pule for any parents in hina . y ideais that it is quite riht for you to do so .
Althouh hih rades are an iportant fator in evaluatin students and fortheir future university adission , developent in wisdo eotion ,health andlife attitude should never be inored . There are any exaples around us . Soeall—A students in shool have turned out not to be as suessful in soiety asthey were expeted. The reason is often that the pressure fro their parentsallows the alost no tie for other ativities . Furtherore , punishent is byno eans a wise hoie to help the row up entally and physially .
So I suest that you take your friends’ advie . ore iportantly, let herlive like a lovely irl ; let her have ore friends and soial ativities ; andlet her ake istakes of her own as we teenaers often do .
With the developent of advertisin, ads have been onneted with people’slife. Is it ood or bad? We had a disussion. Soe people think advertiseentsdon’t tell the fat about the produts advertised. Also, they take up too uhtie on TV and the radio, and over too uh spae in newspapers and aaines,whih waste a lot of paper. What’s worse, there are soe false advertiseentsthat heat people into buyin their thins. Therefore, they believeadvertiseents should be stopped.
Soe other people think advertiseents an help us ake better hoiesabout what to buy by offerin us the latest inforation about various oods.oreover, any well-done advertiseents are popular and entertainin, whihappeal to the onsuers. However, too any advertiseents an be annoyin. So weshould develop advertisin properly.
In y opinion, ads is like a two-side sword. Anyway, we an be wise if weare able to distinuish between fition and fat.
In reent years, studyin abroad has been popular. Tens of thousands ofhinese students have one to forein ountries to study. any people are tryintheir best to apply to o abroad.
There are any advantaes in attendin shools abroad. First, students whohave studied abroad an at as ediators between people of different ultures.Seond, we an learn uh ore advaned knowlede of siene and tehnoloy froforein ountries. Third, we an learn forein lanuaes ore quikly.
However, there are soe disadvantaes. ost of the students are too younto live by theselves without any livin experiene. Besides, bein far awayfro their hoe ountry, they ay feel lonely and hoesik. f ourse the ostsare uh.
Dear Sir/ada,
I learned fro the newspaper that your opany needs an Enlish seretary.I’ really interested in this position so I a writin to apply for it.
I’ 1 years old and will raduate fro Xinxin Forein Lanuaes Shoolthis July. I’ an exellent student, aon the top in y lass of 0 students.I’ ood at Enlish, espeially spoken Enlish. I often use the oputer and Itype very fast. In y spare tie, I read a lot. Poes are y favorite. I enjoyusi very uh too. Bein an ative youn person, I like sports and outdoorativities. Besides, I’ easy to et alon with and I like to ake friends.
I hope I ay be ranted an interview, and then I an explain yqualifiations ore fully. I a lookin forward to your reply.
Dear editor,
I’ writin to tell you about the disussion we have had about whether anentrane fee should be hared for parks. 60% of us shoolates think that anentrane fee do not eet people’s expetations, for a park is onsidered to be aplae where the publi an have a ood tie when they are not busy either athoe or at work. If an entrane fee ust be paid by the visitors for a park, itwill be neessary to build a ate and surroundin walls. In the end a ity willtake on a bad look. 40% of us shoolates think that an entrane fee an beaepted, but it ust not be too expensive. The oney fro tiket sellin an beused for payin the ardeners in the park and buyin soe other kinds of flowersand trees.
With reard to yself, I think an entrane fee is useful, for it an beused to protet a park. Do we share the sae opinion, dear editor?
Yours truly,
Li Hua
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Today, I was thinkin: "what is y future areer? To be a worker or a boss?" I a full of the ideal areer, I want to be enaed in the job should be a ar wash.
Why? I like the ar, so we want to ontat every day when the ar wash workers, ar. This job is very interestin to e, and I want to have a ar wash experiene to do the job.
However, the early niht, overtie does not atter, I still work. No atter how hard, tired and danerous, I oin to do a ood job in the ar wash.
ars apart. I sweat flow out behind the work, first hek the ars heart and arteries, enine and enine, then the feet -- hane the tire down, then paint, paint is dry, and then wipe the window, the oil replaed, aain to the ar drink asoline, finally rinse and perfet, returned to the owner, and then waitin for a ustoer.
In a few onths, enouh oney, you an buy a ar. By then, Ill take are of yself. Slowly, the boss retired, and I an take over his post (if I luky), the lowest prie, the ar wash shop to buy. I want to ake y ar wash shop to beoe the ost prosperous shop, and then reruit soe people, started!
ar wash this job is very interestin, I want to row up quikly, ood to do a happy ar wash oh!
Reently we did a survey in our lass in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about y roup ebers’ ideas。
ary wants to be a fashion desiner beause she likes beautiful lothes and is ood at drawin. Kate wants to be a ardener, she lives plants, and she wants to ake the ities better. ike would like to be a writer. He’d like to share his wonderful stories with others. To would like to be a ook. He’d like to ook deliious food for others. I would like to be a poliean. I want to protet the people safe。
Hopefully everyone an realie their dreas in the future。
When y teaher asks e what do I want to be in the future, I have nothin to tell her, beause I don’t know what I want to do. But when I see a ood ovie about a teaher, I know the answer, y drea job is to be a teaher. Just like y dear teaher, she inspires e all the tie and ives e the ourae to ove on.