




2、关于家庭的英语作文100字 英语作文100字带翻译(2)







The artoon reveals a very thouht-provokin sene. The artist purposefully exaerates . This piture reveals the in-depth proble of .

In fat. There are two reasons for this. The first and perhaps ost iportant is that . The other reason is ore serious fro a pratial point of view。 It owes to.

In y point of view, the trend oes quite aainst the enuine and oriinal purpose of our. What I want to ephasie by the above analysis is that,Therefore, I stronly ontend that.


As an be seen fro the piture, the departent in a store whih sells nutritive produts for hildren is surrounded by rowds of parents, akin the salespeople extreely busy. In ontrast, the neihborin departent that sells siilar produts for the elderly sees rather deserted by ustoers. Its saleswoan feels so bored that she an not resist fallin asleep.

The piture irrors a oon soial phenoenon fro a unique anle — people tend to are ore for the next eneration than the previous one. n the one hand, youn ouplesdote on hildren, ost of who are the “only hildren”. Parents endeavor to prepare their kids for a briht future by raisin the healthily. n the other hand, youn ouples fail to spend tie with their old parents, and soe of the are even too ean to provide the old with at least a deent livin environent.

I think suh a trend is quite abnoral and distressin. Filial duty used to be the ost hihly pried virtue aon the hinese for over two thousand years. Busy as people are, the duty should not be easily shirked. Supplyin our old parents with aterial and eotional supports is not only a repayent to the, but an also set a ood exaple to eduate the youth.


y hoe is a total of five people, y randa, randpa, father, other and e.

y randa and randpa had retired, they are overed with wrinkles on his forehead, and randas eyes is not ood, alost ant see without his lasses, randpas ears bak, spoke to soeties ake a joke, but they always hard at hoe, they often do the housework at hoe, as lon as they live in our hoe, the hoe is very lean. The table is wiped lean, the window is wiped to wipe aain...

Dad workin in the labor bureau, work hard, but soe lay at hoe, for exaple, when you et up in the ornin, he alost every tie is late, sleepy.

other in the teleouniation bureau work, not very lay is not very hard-workin, as lon as randa and randpa here, she is not very love to do thins, but randa and randpa out that she is very hard-workin.

I, is a student of rade three, rades an also, in the hoe work done just have a look at the books, o and dad old said I, but Ive haned a lot. o and dad soeties also praised e.

This is y hoe, a happy faily!


Hoe is a war words, people hear it will be a kind of war feelin welled up in y ind, but what is hoe?

Hoe is the plae that the faily life. The happiness of the faily want to rely on eah faily eber toether, work toether. And y house is by the busy dad, aiable other and lively of I.

Look, y fat father will oe bak. He that yuan yuan and kind fae, always see a sile, as if never loses his teper; Thik eyebrows, below a pair of intense bi eyes,; Hih above the bride of the nose is also wearin a pair of eyes, what do you think how to let a person feel kind, anyway. When he ot hoe late, no also drink inebriate soked soked, but he will never foret every tie oe visitin e, let e feel thik love.

At noon at hoe, an see other bustlin about in the kithen. ne look, her like a willow eyebrows firly enraved in her oval fae, lear and briht eyes, let a person feel everythin is ood in the world, no foul. other to do housework, not only had to take are of e. Every tie when I failed to ive e to enourae and onfidene, let e have the ourae to fae the future.

I, under the are of o and dad rew up; While o and dad beause I old a lot. Takes ood are of the to e, let e feel very happy, I will live up to their expetations of I, will study hard repay the.

This is y hoe. If people drinkin water, affair. Hoe in y heart is like the wind on a suit, just riht, but how also only you know.


I have a bi faily . There are five people in y faily.They are y father y other y randparents and I. y father is very strit with e and y other is very kind . I love the and they love e too. If I ake proress, y father will say to e:"thats ood! you are very well!" if I ake no proress , y father will say to e:"Dont ive up! ,we believe you!” and y father is a headaster and y other is a anaer.

y randparents were all teahers any years ao. I love the very uh .

I a a student , I’ studyin in Wuxi hiway International shool. I’ eleven years old now. I like playin oputer aes、readin Enlish and wathin TV .

Do you like y faily?

关于家庭的英语作文100字 英语作文100字带翻译


y hoe

y hoe is on the first floor. There are two bedroos, a kithen and a livin roo. I' a hild. I have a nie bedroo. In y bedroo, there is a bed, a loset, a dresser and so on. y loset is reen. y bed is blue. I love y bedroo veryuh.

y hoe

y hoe is on the first floor. There are two bedroos, a kithen and a livin roo. I' a hild. I have a nie bedroo. In y bedroo, there is a bed, a loset, a dresser and so on. y loset is reen. y bed is blue. I love y bedroo veryuh.关于家庭的英语作文100字.

y hoe

y hoe is on the first floor. There are two bedroos, a kithen and a livin roo. I' a hild. I have a nie bedroo. In y bedroo, there is a bed, a loset, a dresser and so on. y loset is reen. y bed is blue. I love y bedroo veryuh.

y hoe

y hoe is on the first floor. There are two bedroos, a kithen and a livin roo. I' a hild. I have a nie bedroo. In y bedroo, there is a bed, a loset, a dresser and so on. y loset is reen. y bed is blue. I love y bedroo veryuh.

y hoe

y hoe is on the first floor. There are two bedroos, a kithen and a livin roo. I' a hild. I have a nie bedroo. In y bedroo, there is a bed, a loset, a dresser and so on. y loset is reen. y bed is blue. I love y bedroo veryuh.

y hoe

y hoe is on the first floor. There are two bedroos, a kithen and a livin roo. I' a hild. I have a nie bedroo. In y bedroo, there is a bed, a loset, a dresser and so on. y loset is reen. y bed is blue. I love y bedroo veryuh.



A Happy Faily

Last year y father lost his job. At that tie y parents felt a bit sad. I enouraed y father and said I was old enouh and ould do soethin to help. In order to help y parents, I took a part tie job on weekends in the KF near y hoe.

Lukily, it didn't take lon tie for y father to find a new job in a opany. With the oney I earned throuh workin I bouht a pair of new shoes for y father to elebrate the ood news. y parents were deeply oved.

I said, "We are a happy faily whether we are rih or poor.






A Happy Faily

Last year y father lost his job. At that tie y parents felt a bit sad. I enouraed y father and said I was old enouh and ould do soethin to help. In order to help y parents, I took a part tie job on weekends in the KF near y hoe.关于家庭的英语作文100字.

Lukily, it didn't take lon tie for y father to find a new job in a opany. With the oney I earned throuh workin I bouht a pair of new shoes for y father to elebrate the ood news. y parents were deeply oved.

I said, "We are a happy faily whether we are rih or poor.



A Happy Faily

Last year y father lost his job. At that tie y parents felt a bit sad. I enouraed y father and said I was old enouh and ould do soethin to help. In order to help y parents, I took a part tie job on weekends in the KF near y hoe.

Lukily, it didn't take lon tie for y father to find a new job in a opany. With the oney I earned throuh workin I bouht a pair of new shoes for y father to elebrate the ood news. y parents were deeply oved.关于家庭的英语作文100字.

I said, "We are a happy faily whether we are rih or poor.



Hi!I a a hinese irl。y hinese nae is XXX,y Enlish nae is XXX。 I a very pleased in this ontributor。I a 14 years old,y birthday is in Septeber 2.y favorite sport is basketball。y favorite food is veetables and I like liht purple and liht blue best.There three people in y faily,y father.y other and I 。 字串6

y father is a dotor, He oes to work by ar every day; He likes to eat ie rea, His favorite sport is basketball。 y other is a teaher, she oes to work by ar every day, too and she likes to eat pia, Her favorite sport is volleyball. We have a very happy life, I love y hoe!

篇七:《英语作文 中国家庭4.2.1》

hinese failies 4.2.1

With the rapid of soial and eonoi developent, the hinese people's livin standard has been reatly iproved, whih for the sandwih eneration of youn people in onteporary hina aused soe probles.

First, ore and ore hinese failies have only one hild, however, there are four elderly people who are the youn ouple's parents, whih fored ore hinese failies 4.2.1. Thus, the sandwih eneration of hinese youn ouple not only to take are of hildren, but also to take are of four elderly people. Faed with this proble, any ouples feel a lot of pressure, whih often have to holdin down a job as well. This situation will ake the feel tired any ties.

Aain, with the inreasin ae of the elderly, they inreasinly need to be ore editative are, and their body will oasionally point out soe probles whih requires the elderly and youn ouples who live toether better, at least not too far away. However, any of the youn ouples who do not live and work plae with the old people in the sae ity, it also ives the a reat deal of distress.

Finally, the hild is a bi proble whih troubled the youn ouples. In the hearts of the hinese people have a traditional thouht that they preferrin their own hardships and do not let their hildren suffer.ouples always hope their hildren havin a ood tie, livin

happyly,and reievin a ood eduation. it akes the faily to pay ore effort to solve this proble,and the pressure on reater.




With the advane of siene television has played a vital part in the day-to- day life of the people in developed or developin ountries and its influene is siply astoundin when I was youn y faily did not own a television set; so whenever we were free y youner sister and I would slip to a neihbor's where to wath their TV awhile Al thouh TV proras in those days were enerally inferior we still had a ood tie for as youn and indisriinate hildren we were interested only in novelty and exiteent Not until y faily had bouht a television set did I quit the habit of foolin around with y youner sister then this wonder of sientifi wonders did do us a reat servie we now had ore hanes to hat with eah other in front of the box I hope our television opanies will keep on upradin their proras so that the viewers an be benefited both orally and intelletually I t is our onvition hat television in addition its entertainin aspet should be eduational as well.




Dear Peter,

I' Li Hua. Learnin that you want to learn andarin and are in searh of a teaher, I'd like to reoend y friend Li in to you.

Li in is a 20-year-old youn an who studies in hejian University, ajorin in hinese. Not only an he speak Standard andarin, but also he is able to speak fluent Enlish. Havin been the winner of both Enlish and hinese speeh ontests several ties, he was awarded the Iae Abassador of his university. So with a ood oand of Enlish, he surely has no diffiulty in ouniatin with you.And when knowin that you want soeone to help you with andarin, he is quite willin to offer help.

I would appreiate it if you ould take y reoendation into onsideration.

Yours truly,

Li Hua












轮到我了。妈妈问:“‘鱼’用英语怎么说?”我脱口而出:“‘Fish’!”“蓝方回答正确,加一分。”“‘Bun’是什么意思?”我不假思索地说:“馒头。”“蓝方回答正确,再加一分。”看我对答如流,爸爸可是孙悟空大闹天宫——慌了神。到最后一题了,妈妈问:“‘垃圾箱’怎么说?”我歪着脑袋想了想,装作想不出来的样子,说:“垃圾箱……垃圾箱……”爸爸在旁边得意地笑,好象是幸灾乐祸。妈妈急得直跺脚,不停地向我使眼色。我冲妈妈笑了笑,大声地说:“‘Rubbish bin’!”“完全正确,蓝方再加一分!”妈妈高兴得满面红光,一边拍手一边说。“看来我是输定了。”爸爸一脸沮丧地说。














关于家庭的英语作文100字 英语作文100字带翻译




















