2、关于詹姆斯的英文文章800字 关于詹姆斯的英文文章(2)
The new ter bean with ilitary trainin in Auust.It‘s popular that ost of hinese ollees and hih shools hold ilitary trainin for several days or ore. Why was ilitary trainin held by all kinds of shools in hina? I didn‘t understand exatly , but it‘s said the honor and lory ulture passed fro eneration to eneration .
Last onth, I took part into ilitary trainin also. h, y od! It‘s rather a painful and unforettable eory. The stron sunshine ,and be ontroledfor a lon tie . Durin ilitary, I were fored to stand up ,walk and run. Never worse, I alost have no enouh tie to have a rest ,it‘s really inhuanity .
aybe soe students would protest , if they were fored to take part in ilitary trainin . In y opinion, ilitary trainin arraned by ollee is not only a lesson that students in ollee ust deal with, but also a hane for students in ollee who ae for different itys to et know eah other and help eah other. In spite of I didn‘t like it!
Durin the Days of ilitary Trainin The day we were lookin forward to ae at last----a weeks ilitary trainin bean. Durin the trainin, eah of us did his part in earnest. We drilled ore than six hours a day, thouh it was very hot at the tie. In the blain sun, we always tried to easure up to the hih standards whih were deanded . Sweat streaed down and we wouldnt wipe it off.
lny three days later our faes were tanned.We felt happy and proud of it . ur platoon offier was a youn PLA an, about twenty years old. He was very strit with us durin the trainin and very kind to us afterwards. By talkin with hi, we ae to know not only ore inforation about ary life, but also about ilitary affairs. The ilitary trainin ave us ood disipline. It brouht us reat happiness, too. Well never foret it.
I reeber when I was very youn, I will look forward to, look forward to and, like the Peoples Liberation Ary, dressed in aouflae unifors, reeived ilitary trainin. Fortunately, I finally look forward to this day.
Just enter the door to hih shool, ilitary trainin is a Prior to that, how happy I a beause I an finally experiene the taste when the Peoples Liberation Ary! I have dreaed ore than one: I was wearin aouflae fatiues, standin on the playround, listenin to loud sloans instrutors and students, toether with the sloan of his forward refuelin breee for us, for our sun louds, enjoy the sound and lauhter fro the playround into a vast blue sky ... ... However, this is not true!
When to wear aouflae unifors, set foot on the playround, the waves on the head-up heaters, althouh very hot, however, I feel very war. I finally et the instrutors, who, like us, also dressed in aouflae unifors, the spirit an see ore than we had. We have just total instrutors on hand, he blew a whistle, said: "The followin five inutes to arry out ilitary trainin!" h, only five inutes, I will ertainly be able to insist on livin! "I hiself." Attention! "Instrutor of instrutors to hear the total order, then we have issued orders," bean the followin points "Therefore, I have to instrutors to odel the ation of our stand. The burnin sun, sun, I sweat. Sweat rolled down fro the forehead, down the heek drip down also hard for e tryin to athin, instrutors has prevented e, let e aain point Stand straiht! I was very anry, thinkin: he added that instrutors an ah! is not even a little huan touh! Fortunately, as lon as five inutes, let e take a look at a few point of! instrutors take advantae of attention, I looked at the table, ah! all eiht, and do not tell us how to rest, ah, instrutors ust have forotten that you wait another oent. a inute later, two inutes later three inutes have passed ... ... wath instrutors alost "wron tie" 1 inutes, I was very anxious. At this tie, y feet have beun to insist not, and pain, faster Station Station the instability. Finally, when a full 3 inutes have passed, the instrutors areed with us the rest, tryin to et water to drink up, and he stopped, he said: "The oent you insist, o to shool drink plenty of water. "After listenin to this, I feel the instrutors really like the trainin round like a real hell ah!
Probably have been for a lon tie, I a tired of drain the body bak to the hostel, tryin to lie down in bed later, but the instrutors walked in, pointed at our hostel, said: "what a ess, oe lean up the look!" Helpless, relutantly lib up fro leanin to health. A lean-up after an instrutor ae to the bedside, said: "oe see, and I teah you !" Alas! Folded blankets folded stak is not it? Studies also attahed? Finished, the instrutors ade up of our odel, only skill he oves, a folded blanket. After I have aed look, wow, nie, quilts ade in the hands of instrutors suh as "ankiw", we staked the "haburer" Its ore oparable! It sees also quite lovely instrutors.
Finally, the five-day "ordeal" is over, I reall that the five-day ilitary life. I a filled with eotion. I slowly oe to understand, althouh the ilitary trainin very hard, but it is not only y physial trainin, but also y stron willpower. Let e understand it to be a hard, a hinese Stand straiht. At the sae tie, ilitary trainin, I also learned how to do noral thins instead of by their parents, I learned self-reliane, but also interated into the olletive.
Althouh ilitary trainin very tired, let e benefit, I bean to live like this.
lass 7. WFLS. A I too late to say it’s just like a drea oe true?
Quite frankly, ilitary trainin is tirin. I’ve been told a illion ties about how exhausted I would be as soon as I finished this ruelin trainin, and I don’t have any objetion about that. However, now, I’ve ot an Yes and No! I ean, physially,Yes, I have sun-tanned skin riht now and for the first tie I loathe bein under the sun. Not to ention y sore les and bak. But this is just the heads of the oin. Tails, whih eans entally, No! y inability to find proper words to express y feelins sees ore and ore overwhelin. Inredible? Unbelievable? arvellous? Extreely ipeable aybe? These words are pale in oparison to the bi piture of y future life. It’s like unwittinly, you fall in love with a new roup of people, you feel for everythin, you fall for everythin.
I don’t know if I a bein sensitive here. I reeber us sprint out the door to asseble beause we are runnin late. I reeber us oplainin about the iserable food when it’s tie for lunh. I reeber us sittin weirdly ofortable in a ool dark plae when other lasses were sweatin. I reeber us sharin jaw-droppin details about our lives and feel onneted to others. I reeber all those oents of rapture and estasy, all those senses of déjà vu, all those siles of enuine happiness.
It’s like suddenly, I a no loner a prosai irl livin a plain life. It’s been a lon tie sine the last tie I didn’t reard yself as a atastrophe. As a lonely hihway.The stron hope for the future ade e the irl on fire. As I spoke with soe friends of y pasties and passions, words of suh silky texture poured out fro y soul with unparalleled andor and adene. The voie that issued fro y lips was at one riher, deeper, stroner than I had ever produed. It was as thouh an inner self, a ore essene, had broken free and taken ontrol. I broke out of y nihe!
Anyway, I shouldn’t be too exited beause it’s just five days. Even thouh I have already found soe friends with extraordinarily siilar interests as I do. Even thouh this is breakin news for e beause I enjoyed be in this toether finally. Even thouh the words of enouraeents faded, I still reall the fro tie to tie to taste it all over aain. I swear I’ not severed fro reality. oentarily, it’s just ipossible to desribe all the details that happened durin days. I just need to speak all these thins about how delihted I a to be in this lass and try to be in tranquility…
I a a relatively total straner to y new shool. But it’s suh a sensory bobardent for e even to think about it. I wanna be a part of soethin I don’t know. A fledin draonfly is ready. I believe that the onarh will be rowned. ay the best an win! You are onna hear lass 7 RAR!
A few days when we stay away fro the beautiful ity, we ae to a reote ilitary trainin base .. no war bed. No rih ornin.ore parents without areful are, Fain us is a touh ilitary trainin.
Seven days of ilitary trainin, ontains our ups and downs. Station Juni, startin to o, runnin, is to o, squat. We have tears, we have a lauh, we have tears, we have love.
Diiness, to ontinue trainin, foot pain, and ontinue to ove forward, the body did not fore, and ontinue our ission, whih is the ilitary ust be done here we are like a sall soldier.
Seven days that slow is very slow, but that is just a oent .. we have to leave.
Not any, any of our instrutors, althouh outside the fiere, in fat, the heart is like tofu, will worry for us, for us to refuel ...
I would like to thank the instrutors for their hard work and thanks for the arraneent of the shool, I will fae the future life with a new attitude.
We know that the instrutor is atually bitter, no atter what we are required to do their own first to do, we have a half-way break when he stood in the sun, beause he said the real soldiers are not afraid of the sun. ne the trainin was very tired, we instrutors take the initiative to propose with the lass instrutor to show the skills of artial arts, the results when the next lass instrutor deputy "taret", was "fell" very ebarrassed, but stand up or sile Xiaohe We say that in fat his fihtin skills than the next lass instrutor is ood, instrutors really trainin is stern, but the rest and relaxation tie is ood for our students, has always reinded us to drink plenty of water, wearin a hat, so instrutors, let us A better understandin of the eanin of the ilitary trainin.
关于詹姆斯的英文文章800字 关于詹姆斯的英文文章
第一张:开头可以简单说一下,互动一下,I believe ost of the you uys like the NBA,so you ust know hi,yes,lebron jaes !People all hi "Kin Jaes", the "hosen ne" and opare hi to his idol ihael Jordan..
What's the ean of BAT? Reently,jaes won the award of the best athletes of 2012 ,and has reonition fro Riley(莱利)as Best of all tie.关于詹姆斯的英文文章00字.
第三张:these are soe Personal files of lebron jaes.关于詹姆斯的英文文章00字.
第四张:when he is a kid,Jaes has extreely ood basketball talent ,he was a three-tie "r. Basketball" of his hih shool.
第五张、第六张:At just 1, he was seleted with the nuber one pik in the2003 NBA Draft by the avaliers and has been playin for the avaliers in the next seven seasons, Sine he joined the leaue ,he has broken any reords,however ,he aways failed to et his NBA hapionship.
第七张:Beijin tie 2010 July 9, Lebron Jaes in peoples attention under, finally in loal tie 9 p.. in ESPN and announed he would join the iai heat。.关于詹姆斯的英文文章00字.
In this tea,Jaes is a leader.He an hane the ae.He and his brothers have a very ood tea work.So,they are very danerous .They have the best three player in the NBA.Heat is just like a tank.关于詹姆斯的英文文章00字.
第八张、第九张:but, in the NBA Finals of 2010~2011season,they failed...
第十张、第十一张:after losin the NBA hapionship in 2010~2011season,in the next season,,lebron and his teaates ae bak.Don't ever underestiate the heart of a hapion, As last season,Jaes has led his tea to the NBA finals aain,but this tie,There is no suspense for the to win the final hapionship.In addition, lebron Jaes has been naed ost Valuable Players (VP) titles both in this season and the finals.关于詹姆斯的英文文章00字.
第十二张:In the new season,Lebron Jaes and his teaates are takin their efforts to pursue their seond NBA hapionship,This is a new hallene for Jaes.I wish Jaes an take Heat to et another hapion!Let the iai Heat fire!
第十三张:We are all witnesses!Thank you !
Dear r. Li
It has been brouht to y attention that upon hekin in at hina World Hotel on Jun 2, 1999
Your experiene was one of diffiulty.
I would like to express y sinere apoloies for the poor attitude of our reeptionist when she advised you of the error in your reservation. there is siply no exuse in her behavior as I assure you that the neessary ation as been taken to retify the lak of servie you should have reeive.
Unfortunately there was an error in your reservation reardin your arrival date. I a unable to identify where the oversiht oriinated throuh y investiation however I reret that you were inonveniened.
r. Li, I do hope that I an assure you that your neative experiene was an isolated inident, I look forward to weloin you bak in very near future so that we an restore your onfidene in the produt and servie of Shanri-La hina World Hotel. Please do not hesitate to ontat e diretly in business or pleasure brin you bak to Beijin.
Alfred huan
Front ffie anaer
Dear Sir or ada:
The anaeent of hina World Hotel wish to extend its sinerest apoloies for the inonveniene you were aused as we were unable top aoodate you on your arrival. This is not the noral anner in whih we handle our uest's reservation and we reret any undue inonveniene you were aused as result.
We hope you found the aoodation at Beijin international hotel on Auust 19 to be satisfatory. We reret that owin to your shedule of this visit, you were unable to return to our hotel on the next day. Kindly rest assured that we will endeavor to ensure that your future visit to us will be ofortable one.
Thank you for your kind understandin and we look forward to the opportunity to redee ourselves y weloin you bak to hina World Hotel soon.
With renewed apoloies.
Yours Sinerely
Alfred huan
Front ffie anaer
r. Ulrih Nieann.
People-People Exhane o.
Dear Sir or ada: Friday 22nd Septeber
any thanks for your fax dated 7th Septeber address to eneral anaer onernin the probles you experiened durin your last visit fro 29th-30th Auust. r. Ford, our eneral anaer is away on leave at present and therefore I have taken the liberty of replyin to you on his behalf.
r. Nieann, please aept our sinere apoloies for the probles you have experiened - our poliy, whih you were unfortunately wronly infored as a newnpoliy, stands that those olden irle ebers who are eliible for uprades ay book throuh any hannel, subjet of ourse to roo availability. I have subsequently taken appropriate steps to ensure that none of our other eliible olden irle uests are siilarly inonveniened in future.
I have also noted your oents onernin our housekeepin Staff and their lak of Enlish and basi ourtesy and I assure you that we will be intensifyin our trainin efforts in both those areas in an effort to iprove our standards.
It is only throuh feedbak suh as your own that we an jude ourselves honestly and enhane the overall experiene for you, our valued uest and therefore I thank you for takin the tie to put pen top paper.
We are norally very proud of the servie whih we offer at hina World, and thus, in an effort to redee ourselves, we would like to offer you one niht's oplientary aoodation when next you visit Beijin. To this end, I would be rateful if would ontat e personally and I will ladly ake the neessary arraneents on your behalf alon with any speifi requireents you ay have.
y apoloies one aain and I look forward to weloin you bak to hina world Hotel in the near future.
Alfred huan
Front ffie anaer
3-16-6-04, HIASHISUNA
TKY, 136-0074
Dear s. Iwasaki,
Thank you for your positive oents reardin your experiene while stayin with the Westin Shanhai.
At the outset, please aept our ost sinere apoloies for the inonveniene aused. Kindly rest assures that your onern has been well taken and ouniated to all onerned for iediate iproveent. s. Iwasaki, as we’ve onduted a thorouh investiation about all pinpointed issues you bouht out. Please allow us to explain the outoe for your referene.
Upon your arrival, our aent failed to loate your reservation. We sinerely apoloy as our assoiate obviously istakenly ipleented the standard hekin in proedure. The reservation for you and s. Hinako uto were ade early Noveber, and never been deleted. We understand that you ay requested the Kin Sie roo but atually we ould not satisfy your
r. heun, Thank you aain for ivin us your feedbak for it is only throuh suh input fro our value ustoers that we are able ontinuously iprove our standards of servie. We hope you will indule us on this oasion and allow us to redee ourselves by weloe you bak in the near future.
ay the year of the Rabbit brin you joy and prosperity.
Yours Sinerely,
Alfred huan
Front ffie anaer
Dear r. Shu
I would like to thank you for hoosin the hina World Hotel for your reently stay.
n behalf of anaeent and staff, please aept y sinere apoloies for the failed to extend your olden irle benefits of the Kin Sie bed, olden irle appropriate floor and newspaper.
durin your stay with us on 01- 0th Nov.
As our valued uest, your oents and feedbak are of utost iportane to us. r. Shu, should you hoose to return to our hotel, please let e know and I will ensure that your stay will restore you onfidene in the quality servie upon whih the olden irle stands.
y apoloie one aain and thank you for takin tie to brin this atter to our attention.
We are lookin forward to weloe you bak to hotel aain if you would like to ive us hane to orret our istake.
Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to ontat e.
Kind and best reards.
Alfred huan
Front ffie anaer.
Dear ustoer,
I a the of the hotel.I a sorry to hear you are not pleased with us.First let e thank you for your oin to our hotel.You are a friendly and polite ustoer.Seond,I would like to ake an apoloy to you for our bad servie. A few days ao you went to our hotel.When you ot there,our waiters didn't help you with the baae quikly,whih you had oplained about for any ties.
As soon as I knew about that,I felt very anry.How an we do that for ustoers?Now I a lad to tell you that soethin has been done . The waiters who were on duty that day have been ritiied.They have ade a proise that would not happen fro now on.So I hope you an forive us and oe to our hotel aain. As we know,ustoer is the od.If you have any questions or suestions,please all us anytie anywhere. Thank you aain.
Dear XXX:
We felt very sorry to say that we ould not provide the tiely and iruspet servie for you as Household Eletri Appliane aintain opany .We sinerely hope you an understand us , beause soe of our aintaiers went to train , and soe of the walked to the other plae for servies .
Now , we really have no aintainer to be sent to your hoe .For this , we said we were sorry aain .And kindly please you ay rest assure that we will send our aintainers to o to your hoe for aintain servies next onday . Best reards! Wan Hao anaer
dear xxx:
i a terribly sorry to tell you that i have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend e last week. i read it everyday and intended to finish it next onth. last niht when i ae to y roo, it was nowhere to be found. i will try to reover it as soon as possible. if i fail to find it, i will et a new book for you.
but i a afraid it an never take the plae of the old one. old books are like old friends. one lost, they an never be replaed. they are onneted with herished assoiations whih the new ones an never have. and for this irreoverable loss, i a to blae. i was so areless with y thins. this is a warnin to e to be ore areful in the future.
yours truly,
Dear ustoer,
I a the of the hotel.I a sorry to hear you are not pleased with us.First let e thank you for your oin to our hotel.You are a friendly and polite ustoer.Seond,I would like to ake an apoloy to you for our bad servie. A few days ao you went to our hotel.
When you ot there,our waiters didn't help you with the baae quikly,whih you had oplained about for any ties.As soon as I knew about that,I felt very anry.How an we do that for ustoers?
Now I a lad to tell you that soethin has been done . The waiters who were on duty that day have been ritiied.They have ade a proise that would not happen fro now on.So I hope you an forive us and oe to our hotel aain. As we know,ustoer is the od.If you have any questions or suestions,please all us anytie anywhere. Thank you aain.
Dear r. Sith,
I a indeed very sorry that I issed the exaination on International Business Enlish Writin you ave last Friday. I feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day. I suddenly fell sik early that ornin and y parents had to send e to the hospital. Please find enlosed a opy of the edial bill.
I sinerely hope you an understand y situation and aept y apoloy. I would appreiate your allowin e to take a ake-up exaination. I will oe to your offie durin your offie hour on onday to disuss this possibility with you. ne aain, I apoloie for any inonveniene aused.
Sinerely yours,
Wan Hua