自信(Self-onfidene)There are any fators that an ontribute to a person’s suess in life. Whether he is at shool or at work, a person is ore likely to sueed if he is hard-workin, honest, intellient, responsible, and so on. But of all the possible harateristis that an affet one’s suess, I believe self-onfidene to be the ost iportant for the followin reasons. The first reason is that when a person has self-onfidene he believes in hiself. He believes that he an and will sueed, and this ives hi the ourae to try new thins. In order to be suessful we ust be willin to take soe risks, so havin self-onfidene is very iportant. Another reason is that a onfident person rarely ives up. When he fails he tries aain and aain until he wins. A final reason is that onfident people are not afraid to show off their ahieveents. This is not to say that they should bra, but that they should raefully and onfidently aept the oplients of others. When their ahieveents are notied ore by others at shool or work, they are ore likely to sueed. In short, I believe self-onfidene to be the ost iportant fator in suess. It enables people to take risks, try aain when they fail, and enjoy their aoplishents when they win. With these abilities, a onfident person an sueed easily at shool or work.
自信 促成一个人成功的因素有很多。不论是念书或工作,如果可以努力、诚实、聪明、负责任等,就比较有可能成功。但在所有可能影响成功与否的特点中,基于下列理由,我认为自信最重要。 第一个理由就是,当一个人有自信的.时候,就会相信自己的能力。他会相信自己可以而且一定会成功,这一点让他有勇气尝试新事物。想要成功,我们必须愿意冒险,所以有自信是很重要的。另一个理由是,有信心的人很少放弃,即使失败了,还是会不断尝试,直到成功。最后一个理由是,有信心的人不怕炫耀自己的成就,这并不表示他们应该自夸,而是应该优雅、有信心地接受别人的赞美。当他们在学业或工作上的成就更受人注目时,成功的可能性就更高了。 简言之,我认为自信是成功最重要的因素。自信使人勇于冒险,失败了会再接再厉,成功时能享受自己的成就。有了这些能力,有信心的人就能够轻易地在学业或工作上获得成功。
1.关于自信的英语 -英语作文
自信 Confidence英语作文
It is true that no one an oes on well all the tie. We will eet soe diffiulties now and then. The one who runs away fro the test ay be a loser and the one who has the ourae to fae the hallene ay ake breakthrouh. It is iportant to have onfidene, and never to be afraid of eetin diffiulty. When it oes, we should not run away. Reardless of the result, we will ain preious experiene and beoe stroner. y parents stand by y side all the tie, and they ive e the onfidene to fiht. I a so thankful for the. They ive e the onfidene, whih is the very iportant thin in y life.?
Self-onfidene is one very iportant fator for suess, but there are two other equally iportant fators: knowlede and sensitivity. All three are required for suess in any area.
ne needs to feel one an aoplish a task. If one thinks he or she is inapable of doin soethin, he or she will not sueed. For exaple, if you think you are oin to do poorly on an exa, you will probably do poorly. It is iportant to tell yourself that you an do well. If you have onfidene in yourself, you will probably do well.
Even if you have a reat deal of self-onfidene, you won’t be able to well on the exa without knowlede. You have to understand your subjet very well. With knowlede and self-onfidene you have a better hane of suess.
In areas other than exas, you will need to be sensitive to your surroundins in order to sueed. You will need to know whether to boast about yourself or be odest; you will need to know whether you should take the lead or let others. This is a diffiult skill to learn, but an iportant one for suess.
To be suessful in shool or work, you need three qualities: self-onfidene, knowlede, and sensitivity. Alon, none of these fators will help you sueed. But toether, they ensure suess.Self-onfidene is one very iportant fator for suess, but there are two other equally iportant fators: knowlede and sensitivity. All three are required for suess in any area.
ne needs to feel one an aoplish a task. If one thinks he or she is inapable of doin soethin, he or she will not sueed. For exaple, if you think you are oin to do poorly on an exa, you will probably do poorly. It is iportant to tell yourself that you an do well. If you have onfidene in yourself, you will probably do well.
Even if you have a reat deal of self-onfidene, you won’t be able to well on the exa without knowlede. You have to understand your subjet very well. With knowlede and self-onfidene you have a better hane of suess.
In areas other than exas, you will need to be sensitive to your surroundins in order to sueed. You will need to know whether to boast about yourself or be odest; you will need to know whether you should take the lead or let others. This is a diffiult skill to learn, but an iportant one for suess.
To be suessful in shool or work, you need three qualities: self-onfidene, knowlede, and sensitivity. Alon, none of these fators will help you sueed. But toether, they ensure suess.
Self-onfidene eans the fir belief thatyou an do thins well. If you want to sueed in doin anythin, you ust have onfidene in your ability. therwise, you ay hardly ahieve anythin. Soepeople always oplain about how diffiult their tasks would be and how inapable they are. They often refuse to have a try, and therefore have no opportunity to overoe diffiulties in order to et theselves iproved.Apparently, this shows their lak of self-onfidene.
There are several reasons why people feel frustrated or disouraed in fae of diffiulties. Firstly, they underestiate theselves. Seond, they tend to overestiate the diffiulties. Third, they areafraid of akin istakes or ettin failures.
It is iportant for youn people to buildup self-onfidene. As a proverb oes,” onfidene in yourself is the firststep on the road to suess.” we should ake suffiient preparations and enourae ourselves before settin about doin anythin in order to ahievesuess, whih ay help us ain self-onfidene. We should have a riht attitude toward our ability and should never look down upon ourselves. Inaddition, we don’t have to be afraid of istakes or failures, for we an learn fro istakes and “failure is the other of suess”.