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老师说等下烤熟了再给我们吃。接下来,我们是制作面具,我挑了一个自己喜欢的面具,然后开始上色,我把橘*和绿色涂在了面具上面,这样我的面具就做好了。这个时候,老师们说:披萨烤好了,快来吃呀!原来是我们自己亲手做的披萨烤熟了,我和“安娜”津津有味的吃起来了,今天的的披萨饼比“毕胜客”卖的还好吃。 这样我和我的小伙伴们渡过了一个既惊险又有趣的万圣节!
今天妈妈问我知道“万圣节”吗,我不知道。妈妈给我说带我去一个地方就知道了,地方很近走路很快就到了,一进门我就下了一跳,好多的吓人的东西,有南瓜灯、骷髅面具、蝙蝠等等。 妈妈告诉我“万圣节”是外国人的一个节日,有点像我们中国的“鬼节”,但是“万圣节”已经是一个国际性的节日,到了这天当晚小孩会穿上化妆服,戴上面具,挨家挨户收集榶果,真的很有意思。
在店里我还见到了jaky,一只好大好大的白狗,好漂亮,非常的乖,我叫它jaky时,它就会摇着尾巴到我的身边,我感觉很它像一只可爱的大北极熊,妈妈的朋友还送我了很多的礼物,我头上带着南瓜帽、脸上带着面具、就连嘴上也装了可怕的假牙,我感觉我也做了一回万圣节要糖果的小孩,只是我得到的不是糖果而是一大堆礼物! 很喜欢万圣节,明年我还想让妈妈带我来jaky bar,因为有礼物拿呀!
when we think of halloween, we think of "trik or treat", pupkins, jak o' lanterns, vapires and haunted houses.
but do you know the oriin of halloween? why does it fall on 31 otober? what kind of festival is it? why is it so reepy?
halloween dates bak to a elti festival alled sahain. noveber 1 is the new year of the elts, who lived in europe ore than a thousand years ao. this is the day whih arked the end of suer and harvest.
the elts believed that on the niht of otober 31, hosts of the dead would return to earth. the elts elebrated sahain by dressin up in ostues with anial heads and havin bonfires.
any elts settled in britain and ireland, where the festival beae popular. those who oved to aeria took the tradition with the.
nowadays, ost people elebrate halloween but only for fun. they are not worried about hosts.
kids in aeria will dress up as devils or anels and will o fro house to house allin "trik or treat", playin ishievous triks and ettin sweets.
aerians spend ore oney on halloween than hristas! in xx, ore than hk$4 billion was spent on halloween. and hk$1 billion of that was spent on andy alone!!!
kids in britain also dress up at halloween. they visit houses, sin sons or tell a joke to et sweets. any o to halloween parties and play aes like "dukin for apples". you ust pik up an apple in water but you an only use your outh. try it!
one story about jak, an irishan, who was not allowed into heaven beause he was stiny with his oney. so he was sent to hell.
but down there he played triks on the devil (satan), so he was kiked out of hell and ade to walk the earth forever arryin a lantern.
well, irish hildren ade jak's lanterns on otober 31st fro a lare potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides havin holes and lit by little andles inside.
and irish hildren would arry the as they went fro house to house bein for food for the villae halloween festival that honored the druid od uk olla.
the irish nae for these lanterns was "jak with the lantern" or "jak of the lantern," abbreviated as " jak-o'-lantern" and now spelled "jak-o-lantern."
the traditional halloween you an read about in ost books was just hildren's fun niht. halloween elebrations would start in otober in every eleentary shool.
halloween is a western festival. it’s on ot.31th. it’s a happy tie for hildren beause at niht they put on the asks to attend the party.
after the party, they knok at soeone’s door and say: “trik or tread”. it eans if you don’t ive e the andies, i will play trik on you! at last kids an et enouh andies for one year
It is hit by in the hildren eye , is is a festival bein full of the ysterious olor.
The veil of niht oes , olourful puttin on akeup of the hildren field put on just too ipatient to wait is austoed to , puts on the exeedinly strane ask, ention previous "Jak liht " runnin o out to play.
And then "Jak liht " appearane is very lovable , ethod of work is that Spanish ourd is hollowed out, outside enrave be all siles the eye and bi ouths, havin inserted a andle , it is inited in elon, people just an see this harinly naive silin fae in very distant plae.
The portable hild "Jak liht " punishin the ready queen , disuisin self as all sorts of evil-doers roup, runs before the neihbour door of a house , intiidates as the field is shoutin: "Ask a pratial joke to still be to bein entertained " ", iven oney to still bein eaten".
Do you know Halloween? I think with the inreasin of international ouniation, ost people ust be failiar with it. It has beoe one of the ost popular festivals inEurope. It falls on the last day of tober. People will elebrate it fro the idniht of tober, 31 to Noveber first.
At first, it is elebrated to praise autun. So it falls on the late autun. It also has another leend. Sine a lon tie ao, Halloween has been onneted with the hosts. People onsider that the hosts who have no hoe to o will o out for food on the niht of tober, 31. No atter this story is true or not, people will feel afraid only hearin it. So they deide to have elebration on that day. They will liht up lihts to frihten the hosts.
However, after a lon tie, Halloween beoe the day ainly for kids. Every Halloween hildren will put on strane asks and frihtenin ostues. ost hildren will ake theselves beoe the onster or hero in the ovie or leend that they like. When they finish the ake up, they will arry bas fro house to house to play the ae, “Trik or treat”. The adults will put the treat andy into their bas. Thus, Halloween is the ost favorable festival for hildren.
Not only the kids like the festival, but also soe rown-ups love it. They will join parties after akin up. This brins the the satisfation of bein youn. How about you? Do you love it?
Halloween is an observane elebrated on the niht of tober 31,ost notably by hildren dressin in ostues and oin door-to-door olletin andy.It is elebrated in uh of the Western world,thouh ost oon in the United States,ost other Western ountries have ebraed Halloween as a part of Aerian pop ulture in the late 20th entury.
So,althouh soe ults ay have adopted Halloween as their favorite "holiday," the day itself did not row out of evil praties.It rew out of the rituals of elts elebratin a new year,and out of edieval prayer rituals of Europeans.And today,even any hurhes have Halloween parties or pupkin arvin events for the kids.After all,the day itself is only as evil as one ares to ake it.
The other day was a forein holiday -- Halloween. y Enlish extraurriular interest lass arried out a "Halloween niht elf party" ativity, I also attended with reat interest.
Attendin the event required a biarre ostue, and I thouht, "what are you wearin?" , areful other has already prepared for e, a horrible vapire ask, a ai hat, and a blak robe, onstitute Halloween "I". To the ativity site, where the sea of people, there is a lassate "hane", into a inserted wins, lovely "little anel"; Another student dressed up as a "blak wiard" and soe even ade Halloween pupkins.
When the ation bean, I heard soethin sreain in front of e. I stood on tiptoe and looked ahead. , look! What's in front? Is a frihtenin white-faed "obie"; He was wearin a white ask and a blak ape, and he was walkin toward us like a robot, step by step... We quikly ot out of the way for fear of ettin ourselves into trouble. "Bad"! "obie" toward e, I staered, repeatedly bak, but bak to the bak, is a wall in y way, I "ah - ah" to srea! At this tie, even if I shouted throat is no one to save, y heart sees to be about to jup out, only to see it ade a forward posture, I hurried to the side of the wron body, juped aside, it juped into the air, I seie this od-iven opportunity, iediately walked, I was only a lon sih of relief!
ther aes are very interestin, aon the, "apple bite" belons to y favorite ae, requires e to kneel on the round, head pressure into the buket, to bite the floatin apple, when the outh just touhed the apple, the apple sank into the water, tried any ties, but, to the last apple also did not bite.
This ativity ade y extraurriular life ore olorful, and let e know the ustos of foreiners to elebrate Halloween.
The lon-awaited Halloween has finally arrived. The shool oranies eah lass to ake a jak-o '-lantern, the jak-o' -lantern of y lass looks sall and exquisite, aon the also takin soe ri terror. Its eyes were stranely shaped and its outh was wide open, as if it wanted to eat us. Soon niht ae, and we put the shinin jak-o '-lanterns in the enter to liht us.
Then we started a thrillin ae of hostathers. I put on the bloody ask and started sreain like a host. I and a soil potato person abush behind a irl, I patted the irl's shoulder, and soil potato person but learn host sneer. The irl shivered to turn to fae, we all sreaed, the irl was sared fae white, ah over fae to fly away, but we are happy to lauh in the old, lad that they suessfully frihten away a irl ah.
Playin, I do not know where out of a suar tea, speifially to teahers or students for andy, and the lineup is ettin bier, in the priary shool yle. I asked all of y lassates to join in, and said we should try to be andy fro others. The tea led the devil with us this roup of sall devil erilessly into a lassroo, led the devil shouted: sloan! The little deons then shouted loudly toether: ive e suar! ive e the suar! To this sene is really spetaular: the teaher threw a handful of andy in the iddle of the lassroo, all the little devil a rowd, squeee, push, rob rob. Finally I rabbed a ilk andy, did not rab had to leave in disrae. Bak in lass, I ounted the harvest for the niht. Well, it was very ood.
Unfortunately, happy tie is always so short, happy Halloween is over.
It's a festival of arnival, it's a festival of terror, it's a traditional festival in the west. n this day, hildren in the west will put on speial ostues and asks, ather toether and play a ae alled "trik or treat". They would knok on their neihbors' doors and shout "trik or treat". The neihbors will treat the with deliious andy. If the hildren don't et the andy, they ay play a trik on the neihbor until they et it. n this day, people use lare orane pupkins to ake lanterns and arve out different shapes of eyes, nose and outh showin fans. When niht falls, the little jak-o '-lanterns will ive out a hint of loo. This day is Halloween.
When I heard that yonia shool was oin to hold a Halloween asquerade party on Halloween, y friends and I juped for joy and went straiht to the Halloween party after shool. I wore a host ask, dressed as a obie, and sared y father when he ae to pik e up.
Enter by two "bi onster" the deon hole that uards, disover inside already "beyond reonition" : orner top everywhere lib full of olourful bi spider, have blak, red, reen, purple, in the set off of spider web speial terror; n the wall of the head is bi and sall bat, still have those expression weird jak-o '-lantern to sile to you fro tie to tie two ties, faint and faint, sendin out or blak or purple or blue faint liht, aain listen to as if to oe fro the distane have the enery of the usi...... Even the usually affable teahers were dressed up as evil elves or deons. And we, sine enterin the hole also dressed as the lowest level of the little deon. If you want to et prooted, you have to et up the ourae, stik toether with your teaates, and o throuh it toether. In the end, only the best elves et andy and rewards. When I was still in the waitin area, I told yself: "this tie ust arry a bi prie bak!"
Liht says not to do an not, this, enter a level to bein. The first ai ave I entered was the "ai skeleton", where we walked lokwise in a irle for a liited aount of tie. When the hole aster shouted stop, we ust in aordane with the hole aster teporary than draw the nuber, find soeone to hold toether, ore than a little one is not ood. Look, the ai wheel drives. "Four!" "Quik! oe on! oe with e!" I ould not help Shoutin out, fortunately we reated quikly, or we were eliinated. In this way, I suessfully throuh the first level, and then throuh the seond level brilliantly, and throuh the final area of the devil. In fat, the bi devil looks uly, but the heart is the ost kind-hearted person, not only to teah us the fast way to reeber Enlish words, but also to send us a beautiful ift.
This kind of party is not only new and unique, but also iproves our Enlish.
Every autun, when the veetables are ready to eat, hildren pik lare orane pupkins. Then they ut faes in the pupkins and put a burnin andle inside. It looks as if there were a person lookin out of the pupkin! These lihts are alled jak-o'-lanterns, whih eans "Jak of the lantern".
The hildren also put on strane asks and frihtenin ostues every Halloween. Soe hildren paint their faes to look like onsters. Then they arry boxes or bas fro house to house. Every tie they oe to a new house, they say,"Trik or treat! oney or eat!" The rown-ups put treat-oney or andy in their bas.
ne story about Jak, an Irishan, who was not allowed into Heaven beause he was stiny with his oney. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played triks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kiked out of Hell and ade to walk the earth forever arryin a lantern.
Well, Irish hildren ade Jak's lanterns on tober 31st fro a lare potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides havin holes and lit by little andles inside. And Irish hildren would arry the as they went fro house to house bein for food for the villae Halloween festival that honored the Druid od uk lla. The Irish nae for these lanterns was "Jak with the lantern" or "Jak of the lantern," abbreviated a...