感恩节的作文100字 篇1
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感恩节的作文100字 篇
Thanksivin, or Thanksivin Day, is a holiday elebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in Noveber.
It has offiially been an annual tradition sine 163, when, durin the ivil War, President Abraha Linoln prolaied a national day of thanksivin to be elebrated on Thursday, Noveber 26.[1] As a federal and popular holiday in the U.S., Thanksivin is one of the ajor holidays of the year.
Toether with hristas and the New Year, Thanksivin is a part of the broader holiday season.
There are any kinds of thanksivin days in the world. aerian thanksivin day is another iportant holiday related to hristianity. it is on the fourth thursday of eah noveber. thanksivin day in aeria is onsidered as a tie to offer thanks, of faily atherins and holiday eals, suh as turkeys, pupkin pie, indian orn and so on. there are always holiday parades and hot balloons on that day.
Thanksivin oriinated fro the United States, whih is the forth Thursday of Noveber, but in anada its the seond onday of tober. It started out as a holiday elebratin the aboriinals, but now it extended to be the elebration of others around you.
n that day, people would have a 2-day break, whih they would eet up with faily and friends and elebrate with joy and ratitude.
The deliious turkey is the ain ourse at every Thanksivin dinner.
The oriin of thanksivin to the United States of Aeria history has been traed bak to the beinnin. In 1620, the faous “ ay flower” ship loaded with unbearable the Britain doesti reliious perseution Puritan arrived in Aeria 102. 1620 and 1621 at the turn of the winter, they et uniainable diffiulties, in suffer huner and old, winter, iirants survived the only 0 people. Based on the“ uest” beliefs and ustos, the Indians ave these iirants brouht the neessaries of life, and teah the to hunt, fish and orn, pupkin and so on survival ethod. With the help of the Aerian Indians, fro European iirants beae austoed to the loal way of life. To elebrate the harvest date, European iirants invited the Indians to thank od for ivin. In the urrent version known as Thanksivin, often ephasie the friendly relations between the two sides and joy elebrate atosphere; but there are also any people point out, just blindly ephasies a happy and friendly to the Indians did not fair.
Beause it is easy to ake people tend to foret the follow-up of Indian exploitation and enoide in history. any people believe that the United States, the first Thanksivin Day was Indians and the new iirants first olioeriation thank od for that day. However, for any Indians, this isn‘t the fir...
Halloween always falls on 31 tober. It's a holiday for hildren. n that day, hildren always wear fany lothes and asks. And then, they o fro house to house to say "Trik or Treat", so that people will treat the with andies. If they don’t reeive any andies, they'll play a trik on people. But soeties if the people are oin out, when the hildren oe, they'll put the andies in a arved pupkin lanterns. hildren will take the andies theselves. All of the hildren enjoy this holiday very uh.
The power of love
Love is the parents is the world‘s larest love, is in their inds share of faily support the, let the e in the heart of the disaster sons and dauhters。
Kitaawa, ay 14, 200, the parents who strule with death ore than 40 hours after the three-year-old irl Son Xin Yi finally resued, resue workers to feed her ilk。 Her parents live in the tie, desperate to protet the fraile body of her, until both passin away, also aintained that posture。 Parents touhed by the love of od, let the hildren saved, sall Xinyi aitianhilin parents an fort!
感恩节英语作文:Thanksivin Day
Thanksivin Day
In the United States, the fourth Thursday in Noveber is alled Thanksivin Day。 n that day, Aerians ive thanks for the blessins they have enjoyed durin the year。Thanksivin Day is usually a faily day。 People always elebrate with bi dinners and happy reunions。 Pupkin pie and Indian puddin are traditional Thanksivin desserts。 Relatives fro other ities, students who have been away at shool, and any other Aerians travel a lon distane to spend the holiday at hoe。
Live with thankfulness
Do you know Thanksivin Day? Do you know why huan thankod?
Thanksivinfalls on the fourth Thursday of Noveber, a different date everyyear。 The President ust prolai that date as the offiialelebration。
Thanksivinis a tie for tradition and sharin。 Even if they live far away,faily ebers ather for a reunion at the house of an olderrelative。 All ive thanks toether for the ood thins that theyhave。
In thisspirit of sharin, ivi roups and haritable oraniations offera traditional eal to those in need, partiularly the hoeless。 nost tables throuhout the United States, foods eaten at the firstthanksivin have bee traditional。
What shouldwe thank?
The thankfulreat universe provides the environent of existene for us andive us sunliht, air, water and everythin in keepin with weexistene of spae, brin stor to let us aept to touhen for us,brin to us ysterious let us look for。
The thankfulparents ive us the life, ake us feel the errient of the huanlife, feel the enuine feelin of the huan life, feel the ityof the huan life, feel happiness of the huan life, also feelhardships and pain and sufferins of the huan life!
The thankfulteaher works with diliene and without fatiue everyday of teah,ive us knowlede ability, put on the win whih flies toward theideal for us。
The thankfullassate and friend rows up road of, let I no loner standinalone in the itinerary of life; The with ratitude is frustratedand let us bee in a tie the failure stroner。
Dear Dad:
You have worked hard!
In the past, I a always afraid to you and positive dialoue。 Every tie soethin was always afraid to tell you。 Beause when you fae the total serious。 Today to take this opportunity to say soethin to you whisperin。 Xiao network position
Dad, every weekend, I was always the tie you have to lose the arraneent。 atheatial lypiad ornin position lass in the afternoon there are Enlish lasses in abride。 I would like to be able to doinate his tie, eaer to reonie friends, unity awareness。
In addition, the father, you will reall that I a sik of it? That, when they travel to swi beause a lot of ties, the sublinual land, where a nuber of issues, the dotors said an operation to be ured。
After the surery, you work hard day and niht for e, I' hunry, you always ive e to brin food fro hoe; in y sleep, you always wath y side, I fear what Thin; in y heart the ried, you always fort and unle alon with e, enouraed e; at a tie when I eat, you always looked at e quietly aside。 But I know where you are busy at the tie that I look at the ah! You an even to e, but ave up in the hands of a lare business! I do, when the test of tie is not atively ooperate so that you are onerned, here, an son tell you I a sorry。
Heart of Thanksivin, thanks to his father。 Dad, this tie in the id-ter exa, I did not enter the top ten。 Well, I love you: I have to eat what you do to e; stationery to what you told e to buy。 No atter what I want, as lon as you an buy it, it would definitely be available, and then I ave。
This is what the world an pay off, in addition to Parents。
ood health
Your son: Yi Xin-yuan
y other
y other isa kind and entle woan。 She is always very entle。 She takes ood are of her hildren and keeps the all at shool。 I have one brother and two sistets。 So she ets four hildren in all。 She ives us every fort。 We all love her and she loves us also。
y other has too uh to do in brinin us up。 As our faily is too poor to keep a servant, y other has always to do very uh work。 She ets up very early and sleeps very late every day。 She works hard, yet without plainin。
She is also a thrifty, and industrious woan。 She saves every ent that she an and keeps everythin in order。 As she has been busy eversine she was youn, she looks older than she really is。 Her fae is wrinkled, her hair bees silver white, but she works as hard as ever。
ften she says to us, work while you work, play while you play。 If you do not work, you will bee lay and of no use to soiety。 What piee of ood advie this is! We ust worth it well and always keep it in our ind。
Thanksivin, or Thanksivin Day, is oin. It's a traditional North Aerian holiday,and is a for of harvest festival.
In the United States, the fourth Thursday in Noveber is alled Thanksivin Day.
Thanksivin was about the Pilris, the first settlers in Aeria. They shared the first harvest with the Indians and ave thanks. Thanksivin Day is usually a faily day.
People always elebrate with bi dinners and happy reunions.
Pupkin pie and Indian puddin are traditional Thanksivin desserts.
Relatives fro other ities, students who have been away at shool, and any other Aerians travel a lon distane to spend the holiday at hoe.
n that day, Aerians ive thanks for the blessins they have enjoyed durin the year. And I a sure that we all ust have a lot to be thankful for.
aybe you would like to ive thanks for bein here with your faily and for bein well,or ive thanks for a healthy year, a ood job,or thank your friends for enourain you when you are in disay,et.
We are supposed to express our ratitude to others on Thanksivin Day. However, we should feel ratitude every day.
od has two dwellins, one in heaven, and the other in a eek and thankful heart.
Be rateful to others is a way to show your love. In our daily life, we often reeive help fro our parents, friends, olleaues and straners. Perhaps it is a little thin, pik up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus.
We should be thankful to the for whatever they have done.
The ore love you ive, the ore love you reeive.
A sense of ratitude an aknowledin our interdependent existene. You will be ready to help others if you have a thankful heart. Therefore, a thankful heart is like a anet.
Not only will we attrat ore thins to be rateful for, but also we will attrat ratitude fro others. “ive thanks a little and you will find a lot.”
ratitude is heaven itself. A sense of ratitude and indebtedness to others is and iportant wellsprin of a enerous and virtuous life.
We now fall into a busy life, neletin to be rateful for details, the beauty of nature, the oforts of odern livin ,the love of parents and so on. People an notie these details and realie the friendship, love and happiness in our life with a rateful heart.
ratitude is the fairest blosso whih sprins fro the soul. Be thankful for whatever you have, ive and reeive.
Happy Thanksivin today and every day!
The thankful reat universe provides the environent of existene for us and ive us sunliht, air, water and everythin in keepin with we existene of spae, brin stor to let us aept to touhen for us, brin to us ysterious let us look for.
The thankful parents ive us the life, ake us feel the errient of the huan life, feel the enuine feelin of the huan life, feel the oity of the huan life, feel happiness of the huan life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferins of the huan life!
The thankful teaher works with diliene and without fatiue everyday of teah, ive us knowlede ability, put on the win whih flies toward the ideal for us.
The thankful lassate and friend rows up road of, let I no loner standin alone in the itinerary of life; The with ratitude is frustrated and let us beoe in a tie the failure stroner.
Dear o and Dad,
Thanksivin is oin,I want to show y thanks to you.
I proise,I will be your ood dauhter(女儿).I will study enlish harder.
o,Dad,i will do the best,you wait and see.
Thank you,o and Dad.
Happy thanksivin,o an Dad.
you dear dauhter
Thanksivin Day is oin soon, it is on the fourth Thursday in Deeber. Thanksivin Day is very popular in western ountry, on that day, people will ake a bi turkey to eat. The day is to in honor of Indian people’s reat kindness. A lon tie ao, soe puritans took the boat ay Flower to Aeriafor freedo, but they suffered fro starvation and illness, the Indian people helped the, ave the food and treat the. The puritan planted soethin, they were eaer to have ood harvest, at last, they ot it and felt very rateful to od and the Indian people, so they deided to ake a day to reeber this and show ratitude.