After the outbreak of the epidei in Wuhan, all reions supported Wuhan and bravely went to the front to ontain the epidei!
In these days when the virus appears, there are any ovin pitures every day. Those soldiers who are fihtin in the front line are workin silently in their posts to protet the health of patients. They ive up rest and ive up the tie to be reunited with their failies to fiht with the virus! Althouh they are fain daner and diffiulty, they are still retrorade. Soe dotors and nurses fall asleep when they lean on the door for 24 hours. They wear white isolation lothes for several hours. Their lothes are wet. There are traes on their faes beside their eyes. Every tie I see these, I a oved to ry!
Pay hoae to the edial staff on the front line! You have worked hard! It is your selfless dediation that brins ountless people s health! We are onfident to defeat the epidei situation! hina refuelin Wuhan refuelin!
oe on, anel in white!
This years Sprin Festival is the ost worryin Sprin Festival I have ever had. As novel oronavirus broke out in Wuhan and spread rapidly to hina, with the inreasin nuber of onfired ases and the inreasin nuber of deaths, with the news onstantly rollin, ost areas were in a prediaent of lak of aterials, lak of edial are and lak of beds. All the pitures ake e sad! I fell into the ie hole like a sudden, the strule, the helplessness, the pani, there is no plae to put!
There is suh a piture that I ant help ryin and thinkin.
A nurse in Henan has been fihtin at the forefront of the epidei sine the beinnin of the new year, and has not returned hoe for ore than ten days. The 9-year-old dauhter brouht duplins to her other, and she ried "o! o... " , and his other in the hospital ate air hu, lon tie did not leave.
As a hild of the sae ae, if y other has been workin in a danerous plae, if I dont see her for ten and a half days, I ant iaine how uh issin and sufferin I will have in y heart. Its infinite worry and onern for y other.
There are tens of thousands of white lad anels who, like this nurse, ive up their reunion with their failies and fiht day and niht in the front line durin the Sprin Festival. They are all worthy of our praise and eory.
I salute the anels in white. In the fae of diffiulties, reardless of their own safety, they arh forward bravely and sarifie their lives to save people. We an at least hide at hoe to isolate the virus, but they have no way out. They are reat rebels!
I salute the anels in white. They are not ods. They are just ordinary people. They are also the hildren of their parents, the parents of their hildren. any of the have fallen, even died. They are supported by their inner soial responsibility. They are the real heroes in y heart.
I salute the anels in white, their fearlessness, their soiety
"Brilliant starry sky, who is the real hero, ordinary people touhed e the ost." whenever I hear the lyris, it reinds e of those lovely and beautiful anels, who are the edial workers fihtin in the front line.
This Sprin Festival, a different sprin festival, a virus with "orolla" broke into our life and beae our eney. A war without unpowder started like this.
In this battle, the ost beautiful people are those anels in white. When the battle trupet sounded, they ave up their vaation and went all out to do well in the treatent of patients. Reardless of their own life safety, they resolutely hose to o to the battlefield. Did they have any onerns?
Yes, they have failies, lovin parents and lovely hildren, but they have iven up their sall faily for everyone. What a noble spirit it is! When there was a shortae of edial staff in Wuhan, they sined up to o straiht to the front line. I heard fro y other that soe of the had already one to Wuhan for help. These heroes rushed to the battlefield, day and niht, fihtin with the persistent killer of peoples health, oronavirus pneuonia, in a bi fiht of life and death. How an we not be oved. oe on, Wuhan! With the help of edial workers, you will be able to overoe the disease and reain your health.
The darkness will pass, and we will usher in the dawn. When we wait for the sprin to bloo, it is our tie to win. We salute the anels who are fihtin in the front line. Please protet yourself and oe bak safely!
After the outbreak of the epidei in Wuhan, all reions supported Wuhan and bravely went to the front to ontain the epidei!
In these days when the virus appears, there are any ovin pitures every day. Those soldiers who are fihtin in the front line are workin silently in their posts to protet the health of patients. They ive up rest and ive up the tie to be reunited with their failies to fiht with the virus! Althouh they are fain daner and diffiulty, they are still retrorade. Soe dotors and nurses fall asleep when they lean on the door for 24 hours. They wear white isolation lothes for several hours. Their lothes are wet. There are traes on their faes beside their eyes. Every tie I see these, I a oved to ry!
Pay hoae to the edial staff on the front line! You have worked hard! It is your selfless dediation that brins ountless people 's health! We are onfident to defeat the epidei situation! hina refuelin Wuhan refuelin!
oe on, anel in white!
This year's Sprin Festival is the ost worryin Sprin Festival I have ever had. As novel oronavirus broke out in Wuhan and spread rapidly to hina, with the inreasin nuber of onfired ases and the inreasin nuber of deaths, with the news onstantly rollin, ost areas were in a prediaent of lak of aterials, lak of edial are and lak of beds. All the pitures ake e sad! I fell into the ie hole like a sudden, the strule, the helplessness, the pani, there is no plae to put!
There is suh a piture that I an't help ryin and thinkin.
A nurse in Henan has been fihtin at the forefront of the epidei sine the beinnin of the new year, and has not returned hoe for ore than ten days. The 9-year-old dauhter brouht duplins to her other, and she ried "o! o... " , and his other in the hospital ate air hu, lon tie did not leave.
As a hild of the sae ae, if y other has been workin in a danerous plae, if I don't see her for ten and a half days, I an't iaine how uh issin and sufferin I will have in y heart. It's infinite worry and onern for y other.
There are tens of thousands of white lad anels who, like this nurse, ive up their reunion with their failies and fiht day and niht in the front line durin the Sprin Festival. They are all worthy of our praise and eory.
I salute the anels in white. In the fae of diffiulties, reardless of their own safety, they arh forward bravely and sarifie their lives to save people. We an at least hide at hoe to isolate the virus, but they have no way out. They are reat rebels!
I salute the anels in white. They are not ods. They are just ordinary people. They are also the hildren of their parents, the parents of their hildren. any of the have fallen, even died. They are supported by their inner soial responsibility. They are the real heroes in y heart.
I salute the anels in white, their fearlessness, their soiety
2020, novel oronavirus pneuonia has been rain aross the ountry on the eve of the Sprin Festival. People are tryin to stay away fro the virus, but you are oin in the opposite diretion, fihtin day and niht in the front line of the epidei. For the sake of people's health, we should brin the hope of life to others and leave the daner to ourselves.
You walk in the opposite diretion, leavin ountless people in tears. I saw your ountless touhin deeds throuh the TV news, and shed tears for any ties. In y heart, you are the ost beautiful anel in white, the killer of disease.
Aordin to the news, Professor Don onqi, 6 years old, althouh you are supposed to live in your old ae at hoe, you are still at the forefront in ase of illness. any people are worried about your body, but you say, "what a I doin for y whole life, not just to save people?"? I a in ood physial and ental ondition. I an bear it. No proble! "
y father and other are also edial workers. They didn't have a holiday durin the Sprin Festival, but I was "plaed" in y randfather's house. I haven't seen the for nearly 10 days. I think they'll all the and wehat videos when they do, but they're always busy and han up when they an't say a few words. However, I don't blae the, beause y father told e that the virus won't have a holiday beause of the Sprin Festival. They don't have a rest just to et rid of the disease as soon as possible and let us live a noral and happy life!
So, I ade an areeent with y randparents: listen to y father, other and teaher, stay at hoe as uh as possible, don't o outside, don't visit, study hard, have a rest, and don't ause trouble to the ountry.
Father, other and all anels in white, please protet yourself and take ood are of yourself!
Wuhan, oe on! hina, oe on!
"Brilliant starry sky, who is the real hero, ordinary people touhed e the ost." whenever I hear the lyris, it reinds e of those lovely and beautiful anels, who are the edial workers fihtin in the front line.
This Sprin Festival, a different sprin festival, a virus with "orolla" broke into our life and beae our eney. A war without unpowder started like this.
In this battle, the ost beautiful people are those anels in white. When the battle trupet sounded, they ave up their vaation and went all out to do well in the treatent of patients. Reardless of their own life safety, they resolutely hose to o to the battlefield. Did they have any onerns? Yes, they have failies, lovin parents and lovely hildren, but they have iven up their sall faily for everyone. What a noble spirit it is! When there was a shortae of edial staff in Wuhan, they sined up to o straiht to the front line. I heard fro y other that soe of the had already one to Wuhan for help. These heroes rushed to the battlefield, day and niht, fihtin with the persistent killer of people's health, oronavirus pneuonia, in a bi fiht of life and death. How an we not be oved. oe on, Wuhan! With the help of edial workers, you will be able to overoe the disease and reain your health.
The darkness will pass, and we will usher in the dawn. When we wait for the sprin to bloo, it is our tie to win. We salute the anels who are fihtin in the front line. Please protet yourself and oe bak safely!
After the outbreak of the epidei in Wuhan, all reions supported Wuhan and bravely went to the front to ontain the epidei!
In these days when the virus appears, there are any ovin pitures every day. Those soldiers who are fihtin in the front line are workin silently in their posts to protet the health of patients. They ive up rest and ive up the tie to be reunited with their failies to fiht with the virus! Althouh they are fain daner and diffiulty, they are still retrorade. Soe dotors and nurses fall asleep when they lean on the door for 24 hours. They wear white isolation lothes for several hours. Their lothes are wet. There are traes on their faes beside their eyes. Every tie I see these, I a oved to ry!
Pay hoae to the edial staff on the front line! You have worked hard! It is your selfless dediation that brins ountless people 's health! We are onfident to defeat the epidei situation! hina refuelin Wuhan refuelin!
oe on, anel in white!
Dear anel in white:
How do you do!
Novel oronavirus is a oon five rade priary shool student. I saw on TV that the new oronavirus was a disaster to Wuhan. In order to prevent the further spread of the virus, and to ure those who have been attaked by the virus in Wuhan, you fiht day and niht in the ost danerous front line, fiht aainst the disease and rob people in the hands of death.
Dear anel in white, I salute you! You ive up your faily for everyone. In this oriinally happy festival, in the atosphere of faily reunion, you ive up your iediate happiness and resolutely support Wuhan. Whenever I see you on TV wearin thik protetive lothin and arin for the patients who are sufferin fro the disease, y reverene for you is aopanied by y tears. For the sake of the physial and ental health of the people of the whole ountry, you are willin to sarifie your life. You are dealin with hosts and ods every day and experienin the test of life and death.
Dear anel in white, I salute you! Do you reret when asked? You always answer without hesitation: "never reretted." You are dressed in snow like lothes and have a snow like pure heart. You are ore holy than lotus, you are hotter than fire, you are brihter than oon. You are like petrels, flyin in the rainstor; you are like andles, lihtin in the niht!
Dear anel in white, I salute you! This is a war without soke or fire. an't see the unsoke rollin, you also have the daner of bein swallowed by unsoke; an't hear the ruble of artillery, you also have the daner of bein injured by shrapnel! In the fae of diffiulties, you fae the; in the fae of death, you are awe inspirin. www.uowenla.n
Dear anel in white, I salute you! Soe of you are ood fathers and others of our hildren. In the fae of your underae hildren, you hoose to live and die. When the hild holds your thih and doesn't let you leave, you touh the hild's forehead and say firly, "when I drive away the devil, I will oe bak to aopany you to see the sprin flowers bloo."
Dear anel in white, I salute you! Soe of you are sweet lovers who are oin to have a weddin. In the fae of the epidei, you have no hesitation. When you leave your lover, you just leave a sentene: "when I defeat the devil, I will oe bak to arry you!" It's true that "life is preious, love is ore expensive". The national risis is at the forefront, both of the an be thrown away! Dear anel in white, I salute you! Soe of you are oin to take advantae of this holiday to travel. Plane tikets have been bouht, in the fae of the epidei, you resolutely deided to refund! Soe people want to spend their holidays with their parents; soe people are ready to spend their holidays with their hildren. Althouh you fail to live up to your proises to your relatives, you an live up to the world!
Dear anel in white, I salute you! Soe of you are breastfeedin others who are deterined to wean their hildren in order to join the epidei. I see to hear you say in tears, "I want to be a qualified anel in white, but I an't be a qualified other. I just want the patient to et better soon... " https://.uowenla.n
Dear anel in white, I salute you! Soe of you have a wife who is prenant and needs her husband's are. Soe parents wait for hi to o bak for the new year's eal. Before he left, he told the leader of the unit: "don't let y other know that I a oin to support Wuhan. Just say that I a workin overtie in the unit." Soe people are still ollee students who have not raduated fro respiratory speialty
Dear anel in white, I salute you! I stopped writin in tears any ties. I an't o on writin. It's ovin, it's adiration, it's worryin, it's worryin Proise e, you ust oe bak safely!
This brins
After the outbreak of the epidei in Wuhan, all reions supported Wuhan and bravely went to the front to ontain the epidei!
In these days when the virus appears, there are any ovin pitures every day. Those soldiers who are fihtin in the front line are workin silently in their posts to protet the health of patients. They ive up rest and ive up the tie to be reunited with their failies to fiht with the virus! Althouh they are fain daner and diffiulty, they are still retrorade. Soe dotors and nurses fall asleep when they lean on the door for 24 hours. They wear white isolation lothes for several hours. Their lothes are wet. There are traes on their faes beside their eyes. Every tie I see these, I a oved to ry!
Pay hoae to the edial staff on the front line! You have worked hard! It is your selfless dediation that brins ountless people 's health! We are onfident to defeat the epidei situation! hina refuelin Wuhan refuelin!
oe on, anel in white!
This year's Sprin Festival is the ost worryin Sprin Festival I have ever had. As novel oronavirus broke out in Wuhan and spread rapidly to hina, with the inreasin nuber of onfired ases and the inreasin nuber of deaths, with the news onstantly rollin, ost areas were in a prediaent of lak of aterials, lak of edial are and lak of beds. All the pitures ake e sad! I fell into the ie hole like a sudden, the strule, the helplessness, the pani, there is no plae to put!
There is suh a piture that I an't help ryin and thinkin.
A nurse in Henan has been fihtin at the forefront of the epidei sine the beinnin of the new year, and has not returned hoe for ore than ten days. The 9-year-old dauhter brouht duplins to her other, and she ried "o! o... " , and his other in the hospital ate air hu, lon tie did not leave.
As a hild of the sae ae, if y other has been workin in a danerous plae, if I don't see her for ten and a half days, I an't iaine how uh issin and sufferin I will have in y heart. It's infinite worry and onern for y other.
There are tens of thousands of white lad anels who, like this nurse, ive up their reunion with their failies and fiht day and niht in the front line durin the Sprin Festival. They are all worthy of our praise and eory.
I salute the anels in white. In the fae of diffiulties, reardless of their own safety, they arh forward bravely and sarifie their lives to save people. We an at least hide at hoe to isolate the virus, but they have no way out. They are reat rebels!
I salute the anels in white. They are not ods. They are just ordinary people. They are also the hildren of their parents, the parents of their hildren. any of the have fallen, even died. They are supported by their inner soial responsibility. They are the real heroes in y heart.
I salute the anels in white, their fearlessness, their soiety
Dear anels in white:
2020, novel oronavirus pneuonia has been rain aross the ountry on the eve of the Sprin Festival. People are tryin to stay away fro the virus, but you are oin in the opposite diretion, fihtin day and niht in the front line of the epidei. For the sake of people's health, we should brin the hope of life to others and leave the daner to ourselves.
You walk in the opposite diretion, leavin ountless people in tears. I saw your ountless touhin deeds throuh the TV news, and shed tears for any ties. In y heart, you are the ost beautiful anel in white, the killer of disease.
Aordin to the news, Professor Don onqi, 6 years old, althouh you are supposed to live in your old ae at hoe, you are still at the forefront in ase of illness. any people are worried about your body, but you say, "what a I doin for y whole life, not just to save people?"? I a in ood physial and ental ondition. I an bear it. No proble! "
y father and other are also edial workers. They didn't have a holiday durin the Sprin Festival, but I was "plaed" in y randfather's house. I haven't seen the for nearly 10 days. I think they'll all the and wehat videos when they do, but they're always busy and han up when they an't say a few words. However, I don't blae the, beause y father told e that the virus won't have a holiday beause of the Sprin Festival. They don't have a rest just to et rid of the disease as soon as possible and let us live a noral and happy life!
So, I ade an areeent with y randparents: listen to y father, other and teaher, stay at hoe as uh as possible, don't o outside, don't visit, study hard, have a rest, and don't ause trouble to the ountry.
Father, other and all anels in white, please protet yourself and take ood are of yourself!
Wuhan, oe on! hina, oe on!
oe bak healthy and safe
"Brilliant starry sky, who is the real hero, ordinary people touhed e the ost." whenever I hear the lyris, it reinds e of those lovely and beautiful anels, who are the edial workers fihtin in the front line.
This Sprin Festival, a different sprin festival, a virus with "orolla" broke into our life and beae our eney. A war without unpowder started like this.
In this battle, the ost beautiful people are those anels in white. When the battle trupet sounded, they ave up their vaation and went all out to do well in the treatent of patients. Reardless of their own life safety, they resolutely hose to o to the battlefield. Did they have any onerns? Yes, they have failies, lovin parents and lovely hildren, but they have iven up their sall faily for everyone. What a noble spirit it is! When there was a shortae of edial staff in Wuhan, they sined up to o straiht to the front line. I heard fro y other that soe of the had already one to Wuhan for help. These heroes rushed to the battlefield, day and niht, fihtin with the persistent killer of people's health, oronavirus pneuonia, in a bi fiht of life and death. How an we not be oved. oe on, Wuhan! With the help of edial workers, you will be able to overoe the disease and reain your health.
The darkness will pass, and we will usher in the dawn. When we wait for the sprin to bloo, it is our tie to win. We salute the anels who are fihtin in the front line. Please protet yourself and oe bak safely!