英语作文: 逃离网络
篇首语:读和写是学生最必要的两种学习方法,也是通向周围世界的两扇窗口。本文为你选取作文英语作文: 逃离网络四篇,希望能帮到你。
英语作文: 逃离网络
英语作文: 逃离网络
在平清淡淡的学习、工作、糊口中,说到作文,大家肯定都不目生吧,根据写作命题的'特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是小编收集顿的英语作文: 逃离网络,但愿能够匡助到大家。
Nowadays, with the developent of siene and tehnoloy, the network provides us with reat onveniene, suh as the video phone, weba eetin, the world has beoe saller and saller. Beause the network is so onveniene, lots of people see to be ore relyin on it than before, espeially for the youn eneration, ost of the are already addited to it.
aybe you an see this kind of people around you, they play oputer or ell phone anytie when they are free. The last thin they do before they o to bed is play ell phone, and the first thin they et up to do is pik up the phone. They are so ure to refresh the iro-blo, they pani when they iss the latest news. oreover, those net itiens are ore prefer net soialie than the reality one, they ould hat with the one in the internet for a lon tie about anythin, but they find it hard to talk to the person fae to fae.
Rely on network too uh ould be danerous. any people play oputer or ell phone with inappropriate pose, it ould ause short eyes or other illness. What’s ore, any people like to surf the internet with ell phone when they are walkin, in this ase, they will pay less attention to the situation around the, they iht easily et hit by ar.
The network brin us reat onveniene, still, we live in reality. We should et far away fro the internet soeties, it is better to feel the reality, even thouh it iht ruel to you.
关于网络大学英语作文,800词 英语作文800字
y favorite sport
There are any kinds of sports that I enjoy, suh as swiin, runnin, and danin.
However, the sport that I like ost is basketball. When I was in junior hih, I started to play
basketball in shool. At that tie, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to
wath basketball aes as uh as I an. The basketball aes have iven e the ost
wonderful tie in y life.
y favorite sport
y favourite sport is swiin, beause swiin is an aerobi exerise, and a kind of
sports that an exerise the whole body. What’s better, if we persist in swiin, we an avoid
diseases, inrease the iunity iprove etabolis.
When I was seven years old, I bean to learn how to swi, and y oah was y father.
There is a river flowin throuh y hoetown. I used to swi in this river, and it was also in this
river that I learnt swiin. I an still reeber when I started to learn swiin. I was so
sared of the water. As soon as I put y head in the water, the water would run into y nose, and
it ade e feel so unofortable. I even thouht I would die if I ontinued to swi. But y
father enouraed e by tellin e any athletes’ diffiult experienes. I ot the onfidene and
ained the skill finally.
When it is suer, I usually swi in the river. There is also a swiin park, where people
an use the failities whih are provided for the, suh as the bi lon slide. But now the river has
been polluted by the fatories nearby. They pour dirty and poisonous water into the river without
any purifiation, so it is not as lear as it was when I was a hild.
ur opany also provides us with a swiin pool. We an swi in it for free, and I like
to o swiin with y workates after work and on weekends. We an not only ake friends,
but also keep healthy by doin this, so we benefit a lot fro our opany. That’s y favourite
sport. I love it very uh. Do you like swiin?
y favourite holiday
y favourite holiday is Sprin Festival.It always takes plae in January or February.The date
is not fixed,beause it is based on the lunar alendar .Durin the festival ,all the ebers of
faily will et toether to elebrate it.People will dress up and deorate their house.hildren will
play and enjoy theselves.hildren an also et soe "Luky oney"as their Sprin Festival's
present.After the lok beats twelve ties ,the dinner will bein.Pepople will eat duplins as the
ain ours.
Water and life
Water is iportant in our life. As huans, we are water and oxyen based oraniss, as are
any oraniss on earth. Without water, we will dehydrate and die.
The earth's rust akes up less than 1% of the earth and all the oeans on the planet are in the
earth's rust. Therefore, water akes up less than 1% of the earth. "ne drop of water is one drop
of life." The huan body is soethin like 70% water. We heavily reply on water to survive.
We need to take are of water. As the proress of our soiety is onoin, ore and ore
pollutants have been released to the water resoures suh as rivers and oeans. A drop of water is a
life. As huan bein, we should take ood are of our water; we should save water!
Water and life关于网络大学英语作文,00词。
with the proress of industrialiation, the fresh water on the earth beoe less and less. life
an not extend without water, so people should treasure water.
water onservation should take ation fro e, start fro now, sine doin at one's side, start
fro inor atter. we ould save water by reylin the water, as usin bath water to flush toliet,
usin the rie washin water to water the plants. savin water is the thin that everyone an do
fro our daily life to iprove the environent.
A et-toether on ay Day Holiday
Dear Wan Hon:
How is everythin ettin alon with you? It is alost one year sine we raduated fro
university. I iss you very uh. What have you been doin all these days?
I have been a iddle shool teaher in y hoetown sine raduation. Teahin always
keeps e busy, but I like y students and I love teahin, you know. So everythin is fine here.
There will be a forer lassates' ettin toether durin this ay Day holiday at y shool.
You are y best friend. I never foret those happy days we spent toether. I hope you an
oe to y shool when the tie is due and you are free.
I a lookin forward to you reply.
Yours truly,
A ourse that has ipressed you ost in ollee
There are any ourses in eah ollee year. But the ourse whih ipressed e ost in ollee is Advaned Enlish Audio-Visual & Speakin. The reasons why I like this ourse are as follows.
The first reason is that I have learnt a lot fro this ourse. y listenin ability, speakin ability as well as translation ability has iproved reatly after takin this ourse. The seond reason is that I like the teaher of this ourse, r. Qin, very uh. He is a harin entlean with reat patiene. His oral Enlish is perfet, soundin like Aerian speakers. He treated us very strit but we still like hi extreely.
Just as the proverb oes, “A strit teaher produes outstandin students.” Thanks to r. Qin’s uidane and teahins in this ourse, all y lassates have ade reat proress in Enlish learnin.
The ost Benefiial Ativity in y apus(文都版)关于网络大学英语作文,00词。
It is well known that university is reatly different fro hih shool ainly due to that university will hold a lare nuber of ativities, whih benefits ollee students a lot. Fro y perspetive, the ost benefiial one is “Lon-distane Runnin for Love” oranied by the Students Union when I a a freshan. The oney olleted by this ativity is ontributed to Projet Hope.
It is really y honor to partiipate the lon runnin, beause it benefits e reatly not only in body but also in ind. To bein with, the ativity reinds e of the reat iportane of physial health. Before I o to ollee, I only fous on aadei ahieveents while the physial health isses y attention. But, the lon-runnin tells e in tie th
at a sound ind lies in a sound body. Additionally, durin y partiipation in this ativity, I a infored well that there are still any hildren in rural areas who have to drop out of shool beause of ipoverished failies. Thus, for one thin, I fully realie the reat iportane of helpin the fulfill their dreas. For another thin, I herish the opportunity to study in university ore, for when opared with those hildren in poverty-striken areas, we should harbor a rateful heart.
By and lare, althouh I have taken part in any apus ativities, I dee the lon runnin for love ost benefiial to e. And I a lookin forward to that ore wonderful and eaninful ativities will be held in our apus.
The ost Ipressive lassate in y ollee
Without question, Lisa is the person who has influened y ollee life ost. She is y lassate, who always leaves a deep ipression on you by deonstratin her passion for life and the spirit of never yieldin, even in the fae of extree hallenes. She is the ost ouraeous person I have ever known.
Durin y ollee years, it is Lisa that kept teahin e how to live throuh setbaks in the life journey. I’ll never foret that when I failed in y Enlish exaination and I felt overwheled, Lisa tauht e that failure teahes suess, everyone had to persevere and fae up to innuerable setbaks, as lon as I fae y probles bravely, I would reate y own wonderful life . With her help , I finally ained the onfidene and passed the exa.
Thanks to Lisa, I have learned the iportane of ourae, whih is the indispensable harateristi in y life. She also let e know the iportane of onfidene. It eans a lot to e and still in y head till this day.
毫无疑问,Lisa是大学里对我影响最深的一名同学。她是我同桌,她对生活的激情以及面临极端困境时永不服输的精神永远都能给人留下深刻的印象。她是我见过的最勇敢的女生。 在我的大学生涯中,是Lisa一直教导我如何面对生活中的挫折。我永远都不会忘记,当我没通过英语考试,灰心丧气时,是她教给我,失败是成功之母,每个人都会遇到无数的困难,都应坚持,只要我勇敢面对困难,我肯定能迎来自己美好的生活。在她的帮助下,我最终找回了自信,通过了考试。
1.n pen Poliy
The open poliy eans that our ountry is open to investent, trade and tehnial and eonoi ooperation with other ountries on the basis of equality and utual benefit. The purpose of open poliy is to aquire advaned tehnoloy, anaeent skills to serve our soialist onstrution so as to proote the realiation of the four oderniations.
We ust adhere to the open poliy. Beause eonoi relations between states today have beoe inreasinly lose, and no ountry an possibly advane behind lose doors. nly in this way, an we radually lose the ap between our ountry and the developed ountries.
Throuh the ipleentation of poliy, we an learn advaned tehnoloy and anaerial expertise fro abroad; ake full use of the forein apitals to set up reat enterprises; absorb useful and healthy ideas and new knowlede of the odern iviliation; and broaden our views and raise our level of opetene.
Fro: 第一,四级写作再现“反押题”的倾向。
我们今天在微博上和新东方在线的互动平台上,看到一些奇葩的评论和互动。有的同学说我的考试题目是《A lassate of yours who has influened you ost in ollee》“一个影响我最多的同学”,结果这个同学写完发现写的是一个影响我最多的老师,我们觉得这也不算跑题,应该是审题不够仔细,考场过于紧张,可能是考前缺乏听课的训练和素质提升,也没有进行模考,可能紧张了,但是这样的题目会扣分的,明明让你写一位影响最深的同学,你写了影响最深的老师,这个我们可以根据未完成题目指令的要求这一项来进行扣分。我想这方面的错不知道大家有没有去犯?如果没有的话自然是最好的。所以我们现在的题目普遍来说比较简单。
这么简单的一个主题,好像你会说的很多,又好象什么也不会说;好象你能写的很多,但是语言普通简单也不行。所以现在我们说现在四级作文第三个趋势是重在语言质量。同学们比拼的是驾驭英语语言本身的能力,对词汇、语法、固定句型套用的熟练程度和精彩程度。 第四,题目记叙、描述与议论并重
a apus ativity that has benefited you ost. state the reasons at least 120 No ore than10 words
urrently, students in ountin nubers pay attention to aadei ahieveent, neletin
apus ativities, like speakin ontest , son ontest and its like. However, fro y perspetive, we younsters should take partiipate in ore apus ativities.
I hold the notion that apus ativities has lots of benefits on various fronts. At the top of the list, soial ativities, suh as son ontest ould help us ake ore friends, expandin our
aquaintanes. In addition, students would widen horion, inrease knowlede durin the period takin part in apus ativities. Last but not list, just as a sayin oes, “ all work and no play akes Jak a dull boy”; therefore, students’ hoie to join in soe shool ativities would ease our ind and relief our burden, whih will be benefiial to the study.
In onlusion, younsters should take part in olorful and eaninful ativities at apus. Hene, I suest shools an hold soe ativities to ultivate students ability, physially and
I have et so any friends in y ollee life. They have exerted enorous influene on y life. However, one of y ost ipressive friends is y rooate, Li in.
In the lass eetin on the first day of shool, Li in did not ipress us at all. We started to notie hi beause he was always late for lasses. We were thus ipressed by his lainess. I ae to know hi and his situation beause we were rooates and spent uh tie toether: his
other was seriously ill and sik abed in lon-ter, his father left hi and his other erilessly. Hene, it was hi that shouldered the heavy burden of takin are of his sik other supportin the whole faily. Finally, under reat pressures, he balaned his life and study perfetly: he was no loner always late, took ood are of his other and even won the sholarship any years in a row.
The experiene of Li in an be one of the ost onvinin ases of the power of persistene and will. He left a deep ipression and iposed a durable influene on e. Indeed, friend suh as hi an be rearded as asset and property in our life. We have rihts to hoose our own friends,but we should also be prudent and sensible enouh to hoose friends who an brin us “positive enery”. (22 words)
Dotors and Nurses
hina nursin areer developent plan proposed that by 201, the proportion of the national pratie (Assistant) physiians and reistered nurses has reahed 1:1-1:1.2. It sees likely that the statisti annot arrest the attention of the publi beause of the vaue understandin of dotors and nurses. In spite of the siilarities on the surfae, there are soe differenes between the in the aspets of work environent and tie arraneent, work ontent and basi quality.
Firstly, dotors and nurses are very distint in the requireents of basi ability and quality. Dotors are profession staff that have a ood aster of edial and health knowlede and are enaed in disease prevention and treatent. In addition, what they are required inludes not only the ood edial talents and oprehensive analysis ability, but also ood physial and psyholoial quality. Besides, the requireent of polite servie for dotors is the sae with nurses. Nevertheless, the reulations of nurses involve a ood understandin of the onventional dianosis and treatent and nursin three levels of operation skills. With a hih deree of responsibility and basi professional ethis, nurses have the duty of asterin stron ouniation and lanuae
In ondition, one obvious differene between the is the work environent and tie arraneent. The averae workin tie of dotors is 9 hours per week, a tie of duration
With the developent of the siene and tehnoloy,the oputer has been beoin the neessity for people in the 21st entury.Followin,network is of lose link with our life,brinin us inoparable onveniene on our life and work.
Throuh the network,we an searh for useful datas and et to know the urrent events.When you play oputer aes after a lon-tie work,it an relieve your pressure and ake you feel relaxed.Besides,playin online aes is not all bad,for it an fulfil students entertainin requests as well as pratise their response ability.
However,there still exists soe disadvantaes in the network.The radiation fro the oputer will do har to peoples health if you keep on wathin the oputer for a lon tie.And short siht ay aused by it for your eyes stay tense.At present,there are too any aes on the Internet,but soe of the are not of ood quality even ontain soe unhealthy ontent like violene and so on.Duo to the lak of reoniin soiety and self-protetion awareness,soe students et addited in the aes and online datin. In fat,network is not that horrible,as lon as we know ore about it,it will beoe our riht hand on our studies.Lets build a lean network world toether.
A ouple of years ao, individuals an only take ourses at real shools. In other words, only when they o out to shools by theselves will they have lessons whih they want to have. However in reent years, with the developent of internet and eduation ode, online teahin has beoe inreasinly oon. This kind of teahin ode eans that a student just needs to have lasses sittin in front of a oputer at hoe, whih appealin to lots of people.
It is widely aknowleded that online teahin has its apparent erits. First and foreost, shared resoures online are aessible to all people, whih osts a little at the sae tie. This feature brins about sinifiant benefits espeially to those who fail to afford that any ourses at real shools. Seondly, online teahin akes it oe a reality that one is able to study at the best pae suitable for hi aordin to his own shedule. Last but not least, studyin at hoe without oin out is uh ore ofortable as well as onvenient to busy people in onteporary soiety.
eanwhile, there is no denyin that online teahin also has deerits that annot be disissed. For one thin, online teahin, not like fae-to-fae teahin, laks interation between teahers and students, ausin teahers not to reeive feedbaks fro students in tie. For
another thin, for people who are poor at self-disipline, learnin online at hoe will be a less effetive way sine they are easier to be distrated by other thins. Besides, all of online teahin ourses are ready-ade rather than usto-ade, that is to say, it is troublesoe to be flexible when hanes are needed.
With the developent of the siene and tehnoloy,the oputer has been beoin the neessity for people in the 21st entury.Followin,network is of lose link with our life,brinin us inoparable onveniene on our life and work.
Throuh the network,we an searh for useful datas and et to know the urrent events.When you play oputer aes after a lon-tie work,it an relieve your pressure and ake you feel relaxed.Besides,playin online aes is not all bad,for it an fulfil students entertainin requests as well as pratise their response ability.
However,there still exists soe disadvantaes in the network.The radiation fro the oputer will do har to peoples health if you keep on wathin the oputer for a lon tie.And short siht ay aused by it for your eyes stay tense.At present,there are too any aes on the Internet,but soe of the are not of ood quality even ontain soe unhealthy ontent like violene and so on.Duo to the lak of reoniin soiety and self-protetion awareness,soe students et addited in the aes and online datin. In fat,network is not that horrible,as lon as we know ore about it,it will beoe our riht hand on our studies.Lets build a lean network world toether.
A ouple of years ao, individuals an only take ourses at real shools. In other words, only when they o out to shools by theselves will they have lessons whih they want to have. However in reent years, with the developent of internet and eduation ode, online teahin has beoe inreasinly oon. This kind of teahin ode eans that a student just needs to have lasses sittin in front of a oputer at hoe, whih appealin to lots of people.
It is widely aknowleded that online teahin has its apparent erits. First and foreost, shared resoures online are aessible to all people, whih osts a little at the sae tie. This feature brins about sinifiant benefits espeially to those who fail to afford that any ourses at real shools. Seondly, online teahin akes it oe a reality that one is able to study at the best pae suitable for hi aordin to his own shedule. Last but not least, studyin at hoe without oin out is uh ore ofortable as well as onvenient to busy people in onteporary soiety.
eanwhile, there is no denyin that online teahin also has deerits that annot be disissed. For one thin, online teahin, not like fae-to-fae teahin, laks interation between teahers and students, ausin teahers not to reeive feedbaks fro students in tie. For another thin, for people who are poor at self-disipline, learnin online at hoe will be a less effetive way sine they are easier to be distrated by other thins. Besides, all of online teahin ourses are ready-ade rather than usto-ade, that is to say, it is troublesoe to be flexible when hanes are needed.
Internet is now oin into our life. It brins us not only a lot of onveniene ,happiness but also troubles. Soe students use Internet as a too to study. They look up the eanins of the words, a translated for of a sentene,the bakround of an event or a story ,the inforation of a opany or a faous person,et.
They also read news or send e-ails throuh it. Internet helps the learn ore and study well.
n the other hand,soe students play aes,hat with friends ,see the pitures or fils even the unhealthy ones on the Internet the whole day. They are not interested in their subjets. It’s very danerous for the!
The Internet’s advantaes and disadvantaes are shown learly to us. I think we should ake ood use of it and stay away fro the unhealthy websites.