Water, is one of natures blood, is the huan life. Lets protet the water, start fro the dribs and drabs. Why do I say this? Beause: an aute shortae of water in the northwest, half the ountry ore than 600 ities lak water, the river has been ore than 200 blok, the reservoir also has hundreds of dry, rops also have extra 00 ares to the drouht. This is what we huans do not herish water, let us for an aute shortae of water out of a fore, let the world to the ountry, add water. If you dont, is equal to the daae of your own life, and everyones life. Dont let the last drop of water in the world, and beoe your tears!
Finally, I also tell everyone: value water equal to herish life, equal to herish nature!
Water is very iportant in our life.We drink it every day and use it to ook and wash thins.We an not live without water.But how an we save water?
There are several ways to save water.
Firstly,take shorter showers and don’t leave the tap runnin when we don’t need to use water.Seondly,Try to reuse water .It’s the ost iportant way for us to save water.At last,We should not pollute water so that we willl have fresh water for years and years.
If we do not save water,the last drop of water will be a teardrop.To protet water is to protet our life.
Water is the ost valuable resoure on the earth. Water is the neessity of our life and we ust drink it everyday.Now, any people an not drink lear water, beause any of the are badly polluted. So, in order to save water, the first thin we should do is redue water pollution. In addition, we should develop ood habits to save water. For exaple, turn off the tap after we use. r we should reyle the water to ake it full use. In one word, water is sare for all of us and we should try our best to save it.
Youth oes only one in a lifetie, therefore, it is iportant that we should not waste those years in idleness and bad livin.
This is also the tie when our eories are best. We are able to learn ore durin this tie than when we beoe older.
Durin our youner years, we have the enthusias to set hih oals for ourselves. We also try to overoe obstales whih are plaed in our way.
If we realie how preious youth is, we will be fulfilled when we are youn as well as when we are older.
If we waste our youth, we will spend the rest of our lives wishin we ould be youn aain.
If you ask e what is the ost preious, I would say that it’s tie。 Tie is soethin one lost, you ould never have aain。 Therefore, we should herish it and spend it in eaninful thins。 However, any people do too any eaninless thins to kill their tie, suh as playin oputer, wathin TV, or ossipin。 When you do these thins, the tie has lon been unwittinly flowed away。 In y opinion, the best way to ake full use of tie is plannin your tie rationally and stikin the plan firly。 Spendin ore tie on soethin sinifiant not only will ake your life fulfillin, but also will ive you a sense of aoplishent。 Instead, killin your tie with eaninless thins would brin you depression even despair。 Reeber that those who abandon tie will be also abandoned by tie。
In daily life, and you ould see the phenoenon of food waste. Perhaps you did not realie they are wastin, and perhaps you think this little bit of nothin to waste, aybe you still think our ountry with vast land. But the fat is: hina's population has ore than 1.2 billion, the annual net inrease is 12 illion; per apita arable land area of ??1.2 ares, is the world's per apita value of 1 / 4; the urrent arable land at an annual rate of ore than 30 illion u of delivery; National 40% of the urban population onsued food iports.
Fro 191-199, the national total of 100 u of ultivated land dereased, thus reduin the prodution of 00 billion kiloras of rain. And now to redue the speed is still aeleratin. Unauthoried oupation of ultivated land, dredin, land deradation, desertifiation and other phenoena in the enroahed land. Absolute reality an not be optiisti! Save food, is the obliation of every itien, not that your life is better, you an afford to waste a waste. Waste is a shaeful at. As lon as there is awareness of onservation, in fat, doin it very siple: how uh to eat a eal ontainin the nuber, do not throw leftovers; a la arte eal in a restaurant should be oderate, rather than show off, ess streth. Reeber: save food fro e.
196 Fifth World Food Survey results: 112 developin ountries (exludin hina and other soialist ountries) in the period 1979-191 with 3.3-4.49 illion people are alnourished. United Nations Population Fund (IF) announed the early 190s, when world ereal prodution ould feed 6 billion people. But at the sae tie, the world's population only 4 illion or so, but there are 40 illion people o hunry. In 199, world population rowth to 7 illion hunry population to 10 illion.
In 1972, for two onseutive years beause of lobal liate anoalies aused by rop failure, oupled with the forer Soviet Union a lare nuber of buyin rain, there has been a worldwide food risis, Food and Ariulture raniation in 1973 and 1974, have held the first and Seond Food onferene, in order to arouse the world, espeially the third world attention to food and ariultural prodution probles. However, the proble has not been resolved, but the world food situation is ore serious. It was predited that in the 190s world food shortaes will trend. Food and Ariulture raniation of the eneral Assebly Resolution on World Food Day, is the world's food supply and deand in the ontext of an inreasinly sharp ade.
A waste of shae, in a sense is siply "riinal." Insist everythin, save fro the start bit, in partiular, need to adhere to. an be one or two days a year, two years? A loner tie? Not just for food, let the savins into onsious, beoe a habit. oreover, in the Lon arh, there are any artyrs died beause of old and huner. Therefore, we ust save food, or how worthy of those artyrs who we do?
For thousands of years, anials have trodden a slow path, their spirits toether with the body。 But our huan bein's transportation is too fast。 The body oves but the soul is left behind。 We try to free ourselves in onveniene, but we only iprison the soul。 Sine we invented how to ount hours, we do everythin to short the tie, short the deadline。 But the tie saved an't be shorten。 Nowadays, we spend lots of tie stayin in front of a TV just hanin the hannels, while we have no tie to talk with a ood friend or play with our faily。 We have plenty of tie to searh old news on the internet, while we hardly think about our life。 In the end, the only thin apparent is our loneliness。
Take your tie, please。 Try to follow the natural steps and have your own lok。 Try to share your tie with everybody you love, share your ind, your happiness and sadness。 Try to read the world we live in, do not only ath a quik lipse at the soiety。
Soeday, when we know how to spend every seond in our life, we an then live our own life。
Sin I entered ollee I have felt a reat burden off y ind and I just want to relax。 So do y lassates。 We enjoy playin ards and are very skillful at it。 We seldo work on our lessons unless there is an exaination。 Then we work under pressure。 I know it is not ood, but what I lak is self ontrol。 at of us know it is a proble, and it is tie we did soethin about it。
As youth, we are in the prie of our life。 We should ake ood use of our olden tie。 The teahers take pains to teah us every day so that we an aquire ore knowlede。 We should not fail their expetations。 I should not rest ontent with what I have done。 Enterin nllee is just a step in the threshold of the palae of knowlede。 The road is lon。 The odern ae needs the well eduated。 The future world is hihly opetitive。 If we idle away our tie while youn wo shall reret it in vain when we are did。
Fro now on I will onentrate all y enery on y studies as to qualify yself as a talent in the 21st entury。 Tie and tide wait for no an。 I should value y tie。 What about you, y friend?
Bein depressed has been the obvious illness for soe people nowadays. It has been notied by the publi. The news reported that soe people ot suiide beause they had been suffered fro depression for a lon tie. We felt so pity for the loss of these youn lives, and they deserved livin a better life if they had not passed away.
When we saw the loss of youn lives fro the news, we felt sad and pity. The youn people ot suiide for any reasons, suh as they ot duped by their irlfriends or boyfriends. Soe hildren hose the extree way to punish their parents after they had aruents. All of these reasons seeed an be solved in other people's eyes, there was no need to say oodbye to the world and iss the beautiful life.
Life is short, we should herish it and spend tie on the thins that an brin us happiness. Thinkin about our parents and friends, they support us all the tie. Love and are fro these lovely people an help us et over all kinds of diffiulties.
Tie waits for no one。 If it flows away, it will never oe to us aain。 We an't take hare of our tie but we should know the iportane of tie and herish tie。
Yesterday has beoe the history。 Nothin we an do to save it。 Toorrow is not within our reah。 We don’t know what will happen toorrow。 So the only thin we an do is to herish what we have today and fiht for toorrow。 Vitory only belons to those who work very hard! Therefore, we should ake full use of today, fihtin for what we want。
.Value Your Tie 珍惜时间英语作文