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间,以为一个平凡的夜便是神奇的平安夜,大家都在轻声吟唱一首祝福的颂歌。 可是很好笑,在真正的平安夜我从来不参加任何的聚会。不会戴着圣诞帽到处说着“”,也不会等在教堂的外面聆听神的祝福。太过热闹时,我反而会更寂寞,所以只会找个地方躲起来。
n Deeber 2, people around the world elebrate the birth of Jesus hrist. Soe people elebrate by ivin ifts. hildren ay be thankin Santa laus for new toys. They ay also be oin to hurh with their failies. hristas has so any traditions and sybols assoiated with it, that it's hard to deterine exatly how it ae to be the elebration it is today.
hristas Day
Ah! hristas ornin! hildren like to wake up early while it's still dark and sneak into the livin roo to hek the presents----find any with their nae on it, shake the to uess what's inside, and then aybe they'll o bak to bed and pretend they are still asleep when their parents oe to wake the with a "erry hristas!"
But alost no one I know ets opletely dressed or eats a reular breakfast first thin hristas ornin. They just put on a robe or wear their pajaas and o to see what's under the hristas tree. Soe hristian failies have a tradition of readin the Bible story of Jesus' birth. aybe it's to reind the hildren that hristas is Jesus' birthday.
Soeone will bein to take the presents out fro under the tree, see whose nae is on the pakae, and then pass the around. Soe failies wait until all the presents have been iven out before openin any of the, while others open eah one as it oes to the. There are any "thank you" to the ones who ave the ifts, new lothes are tried on to see if they fit, and of ourse the ost interestin toys will iediately be played with.
Usually aon the hristas ifts will be soe espeially deliious andy or ake or ookies whih everyone tastes. These sweet thins ay be the only breakfast any people eat hristas ornin. After the ifts have been opened, the roo will be tidied up exept where the hildren are playin with their toys. Everyone will wash and et dressed for the day.
Soe people ay o to a hristas ornin hurh servie around ten o'lok if their hurh didn't have one on hristas Eve. But ost people will just wath TV. Well, ost en will. The hildren ay play outside or inside with their new toys, but the others will be in the kithen preparin hristas Dinner.
Althouh hristas is a Western holiday, but now there are any hinese people love it, perhaps beause in the day we an et any ifts, or perhaps beause it is
Interestin, but I love it, and ore than that, but also beause we are teahers and students toether, happy, exept that the "red, reen and white" between teahers and students outside of deep love.
Hope the stars, et the oon, and finally looked forward happy hristas. n that day, I arrived ate, suddenly, I was shoked, and saw a Santa laus holdin a saxophone, where side-hop ede blowin, extreely beautiful and it is filled with ifts and lawn around the tie I really 好想well want to touh it, the way it should be a ift ah! "Hey! A pity! It is siply ipossible. Iediately, I saw two or three fro Santa laus fae, hands, also took a nuber of thins, but unfortunately do not see what is inside. Powerful sense of uriosity that I an not help to pour into the rowd, alon for the ride. "So is the andy ah!" Althouh I rarely eat andy, but not today, I would have to arry on eatin one eal, even if I lost half of the teeth.
Arrived the hristas festival aain, siilar to usually, loal sholars oe out to oppose the hinese in suession aain reently over" hristas festival", the any people ephasies the hristas festival aain and aain aain western is a reliious sex festival, is a faily day, the person wants to eet toether toether at western this whole faily of.
I have to say; the ediu, publi opinion disuss these to have annually what use? Who like the quilt to observe a festival opulsory?We have another that kind of the festival that take the whole faily eber as the topi return little? Say a onveniently, I not a to oppose the reunited traditional festival of whole faily, but all the year round, ust have so how any days, stay is happy for ourselves a joy? The hristas festival ave us a reason at the riht oent- an and favorite friend's party, an anae to keep the spirit stronly shoppin, an revel to idle away in seekin pleasure all niht.
All thins are sell at a disount, all hotels han full deorate, the street liht is briht, bar in aain and aain sow" hristas Eve" I feel that the hristas festival ave everyone is a festival that without sense of responsibility, we an think the oneself very youn, iitate the buttha and returned to 1 years old ...
If you think that you really an't lead a hristas festival with obsequious to foreiners praise oean, that relaxs the point rather, take it as a relaxed" the shoppin stana!"
hristas Is oin .
I like hristas, it is just like our Sprin Festival.
aybe the Sprin Festival is uh ore iportant and interestin than hristas, but I like hristas Day better. Beause we an spend tie with our friends and lassates durin hristas. When it is snowy, hristas beoes uh ore lovely, just like in fairytales. I an iaine I a in a fairytale, the irl who sold the athes is y friend, the uly duk beoin ore and ore beautiful and so on. What a beautiful plae! So we an also all hristas “Snowy Lovely Day.”
n hristas Day, shops are red and reen. There are so any hristas ards, hristas hats, hristas dolls and any olourful thins. So shops look very beautiful. We an ive a ard or a doll to our friends and say “erry hristas.” By the way, I think studyin an also beoe uh ore interestin.
hristas is oin, it also eans a new year will oe. Let’s study harder to weloe the new year!
hristas is one of the ost iportant elebrations of the year for the western ountries. I t is just like our Sprin Festival. However, now days hristas is no loner only elebrated by the hristians, but by ost people fro all over the world.
hristas is the day that Jesus hrist was born, who is the son of od in hristianity. People in the western world elebrate and worship this day in his honor. The Santa laus will oe out and send presents for hildren. hristas ards and deorated trees are all over the plae.
aybe the Sprin Festival is uh ore iportant and interestin than hristas in hina, but I like hristas Day better. n hristas Day, shops are red and reen. There are so any hristas ards, hristas hats, hristas dolls and any olorful thins. So shops look very beautiful. The ost iportant that I' plannin to spend tie with our friends and lassates durin hristas. I will ive a ard or a doll to y friends and say “ I wish you have a erry hristas.” By the way, I think studyin at library on hristas an also beoe uh ore interestin.
hristas is oin; it also eans a new year will oe. Let’s study harder to weloe the New Year!
2019圣诞节个性签名唯美好听 祝你圣诞节快乐
6、最好的圣诞礼物 是见你一面。
9、闪闪发光的圣诞节 我要blingbling的他。
14、如果你送我圣诞礼物 我就和你讲一下我的收货地址
hristas is the ost iportant festival in the western world. It falls on Deeber 2th. When y other and I stayed in Aeria, we were invited by one of y other's friends to have hristas with an Aerian faily. We bouht soe presents for our Aerian friends on our way to their house.
They had prepared different kinds of ifts for their faily and uests when we ot to their house, suh as hristas andles, akes, ards, little toys, bisuits and so on. A hristas tree was plaed in the oer of the brilliant hall. How beautiful it was! We were ipressed by these. We had a bi eal. After dinner, they told us soe interestin stories about hristas. We learned that hristas had soethin to do with od. We went to bed at idniht. Thouh we knew the Santa laus was not true, we were still waitin for the Santa laus with white beard to brin us presents.And we reeived any beautiful presents the next ornin.
This hristas was really unforettable. Not only did I have a ood tie, but also I knew soethin about forein ulture.
The annual hristas is hildren's favorite holiday, is also a tie for the kids happy adults busy, beause that adults need to prepare a hristas ift.
Every hild likes ifts are different, and y favorite ift is two skirt beautiful teperaent, it's a pity that it's too expensive, so o don't buy for e, but y other said, wait for a disount an buy, then I don't know what disappointed, or the happy? Every hild hope an et your idea of a ift, but soe parents have no way to ive their hildren a ift they "hope".
I think I was luky, thank y parents work hard to ake oney, I didn't have suh a nie faily. hristas that niht, I should et hristas presents, but I still want to wish, let e et I want a hristas ift, also hope to have a happy hristas. But even if I didn't et what I want ifts, I will herish it, herish it.
hristas is one of the ost iportant elebrations of the year for the western ountries. It falls on the twenty- fifth of Deeber and has the sae iportane as hinese New Year to people with Enlish bakrounds. The elebration is for the birth of Jesus hrist, who is the son of od in hristianity. Now days hristas is no loner only elebrated by the hristians, but by ost people fro all over the world.
n the twenty- fourth of Deeber everyone ets exited for it’s the day before hristas whih is alled hristas Eve. The hildren are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “Santa laus will only oe and ive you a present if you be ood.” The youner kids atually believe that Santa will oe down the hiney on the sleih that’s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short bread and beer are prepared for Santa when he oes, however ost ties parents just eat the. Soe hildren put soks and saks up for the holdin of the presents (that their parents put in).
Rise and shine on hristas ornin! The hildren are always the first ones to wake up, soe even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a bi sile on their fae and oh dear….I hope no one’s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyone that ot pink underwear. hildren play while dinner is prepared by the adults. The hristas dinner are usually eaten toether by relatives. The tradition of hristas puddin and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. The rest of the day is usually aes and fun before the ood days all oe to an end.
I wish everyone a erry hristas and a Happy New Year!!!
hristas Is oin
I like hristas, it is just like our Sprin Festival.
aybe the Sprin Festival is uh ore iportant and interestin than hristas, but I like hristas Day better. Beause we an spend tie with our friends and lassates durin hristas. When it is snowy,
hristas beoes uh ore lovely, just like in fairytales. I an iaine I a in a fairytale, the irl who sold the athes is y friend, the uly duk beoin ore and ore beautiful and so on. What a beautiful plae! So we an also all hristas “Snowy Lovely Day.”
n hristas Day, shops are red and reen. There are so any hristas ards, hristas hats, hristas dolls and any olourful thins. So shops look very beautiful. We an ive a ard or a doll to our friends and say “erry hristas.” By the way, I think studyin an also beoe uh ore interestin.
hristas is oin, it also eans a new year will oe. Let’s study harder to weloe
The hinese sprin festival and the western hristas.
Evely nation has its own folk festivals. Those festivals ive people a hane to be away fro their reular work and everyday worries to enjoy theselves and to develop kindship and fi'iendship. The sprin festival is the hief holiday in hina while hristas is the ost iportant redletter day in the western world.
The sprin festival and hristas have uh in oon. Both are prepared hefiorehand to reate a joyous atosphere; both offer a faily reunion with a square feast: and both satisfy the hildren with new lothes, lovely presents and deliious food. However, the hinese sprin festival has no reliious bakround while hristas has soethin to do with od and there is santa laus with white heard to brin hildren presents. The westerners send eah other hristas ards for reetins while the hinese people pay a all on eah other.
Nowadays, soe of the hinese youth has beun to elebrate hristas, followin the exaple of the westerners. Perhaps they do so just for fun and out of uriosity.