亲近大自然英语作文 亲近大自然的作文400


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1、亲近大自然英语作文 亲近大自然的作文400(1)




亲近大自然英语作文 亲近大自然的作文400


The oposition, nature:

I love nature beause of its vitality; I love nature beause it is like a beautiful poe, like a olorful fairy tale. You listen, nature's all for us!

" Blue sky white louds, the sun is silin, wild flowers nodded, senery ore beautiful, the senery of nature ore beautiful ... ... " The hildren are pratisin sinin the eran writer endelsohn's " sprin. ". They are in nature as they prepared the reen arpet, while playin, sinin. Willow

listened to, aordin to the proud aordin to the "irror ", " she " is to ob the hair touhin it, a lot of passin rades on reen ribbons. To the rass, flower show, " she " sene in the build-e-na.

" iada, iada. " The iadas in the trees shouted with exiteent, as if to a new-born baby fro tadpole sin - like, but the sall tadpole annot respond to it, beause the tadpoles are urently sweatin to find her other! The iadas an not help sall tadpoles, whih also show the world its beautiful sinin voie. Finally, the tadpoles find his other, at the sae tie, also let other indule in pleasures without stop plae aptivated - rystal-lear strea, floatin louds like Pink irls Youth lotus, the sway in the breee rise and dane in a happy ood, as if to tell people they are the world's best daners, they are reen, round and inlaid with rystal pearls round skirt the bakdrop is ore beautiful, they're is brilliant, like to wath their irls oparable.

"Fallin, fallin ... ... . " inko tree leaves are like a little yellow fan, fan away the suer heat, brins ool autun. With " rustle" sound is hidin in the tree three siner - riket, rasshopper and the ourd, a sound, a blast, a vast, far and near, oposin a anifient natural syphony. ake people ood unofortable.

"Woo ~ ~: ~ ~ " as the whistlin of the north wind, driftin profusely and

disorderly, a snow quietly has been to, early in the ornin, all white, illion trees full of pear. Straiht eent road has been built on a lon white arpet, strethed far away, where snow is, aain, so pure, so briht, so people an't bear to put your foot down, lest broke this rare, nature ives us the silvery white arpet. The hildren are lauhin at this natural arpet, ae playin, snowball fihts, skiin, and ie skatin in the park the ar ... ... Look, there are a roup of lovely hildren, the streth as far as eye an see snow in hasin the, ah! Havin a hild fall, not afraid, beause of the silver arpet is soft, hildren of hoeopathy in soft snow hit roll, roll son stood up, hildren are happy, ake people lauhed too, beause hildren have beoe the real " snowan ". I see that they are so free, so happy! I want to join the ae. I love nature, love his briht sprin days, love it iada sound blast, loves his ripplin wheat billow, loves his snow ... ... It's like four side flow piture, slowly slowly spread in front of us, shine!!! I love nature!



an and nature are interative (相互作用的) fores.

Lookin bak alon the river of history, we ay find that harony used to exist between people and nature. At that tie nature was pure field to be plouhed, sown and harvested. an respeted nature and was one part of nature.

It sees that people today are asters of nature Nature is torn into piees. While we are disruptin(破坏) the order of the natural world, we are the ultiate vitis, for nature is seekin its revene(报复)。 Disappearin forests, dryin rivers, polluted soil and worsenin liate have punished reedy huan beins. We have taken too uh fro nature, and iven bak too little.

Lookin forward to the future, when we ain reasonin, when we reeber the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature, when itiens of the world work persistently to protet nature, then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or servant. Sure, people an live in harony with nature, with oitent, hard work and new tehnoloy.


We often say that the earth is our hoeland and huan soiety oes fro nature. Therefore, I think our soiety is a part of nature. People should live haroniously with nature. All the aterials we need to live with oe fro nature, but we should also repay the nature, rather than blindly soliit. For exaple, we should plant ore trees and take ations to protet the environent. In addition, we have to ontrol population. Due to exessive population rowth, huan beins require uh ore natural resoures than before, whih lead to exessive pressure on nature. In order to lon-ter developent, the population rowth ust be ontrolled. We all oe fro nature whih is our hoeland, so we ust try best to protet it.


There is no doubt that huan ativity has an effet on the planet. We see the evidene of ankind's endeavors all around us. verall, it sees that huan ativity hars the Earth ore than benefits it akes. As is vividly betrayed in the photo above, due to over developent, there is liited land bein set aside for endanered anials.

Absolutely, we should reserve soe land for the world's anials for the followin reasons. First, ankind's need for land is onstantly rowin. If the deand is not heked ontrolled in soe way, huans will eventually develop all of the earth's available land. At that tie, ankind will have no ore roo to row, and all the wild(otivational odel yuedu.ipan.o) anials will have disappeared, as well as other valuable resoures. Seond, huans are able to innovate and an use the land that they already possess in ore effiient ways. Anials are unable to do this. ne their land is taken away fro the, they will die. Third and last, endanered anials are an iportant part of the biodiversity of our planet. If they disappear, we annot predit what the effet will be. Therefore, we should treat suh anials as a valuable resoure to be proteted.

To su up, the world's endanered anials are an iportant resoure and we should protet the by settin aside soe land for the. Althouh ankind's need for land ontinues to row, people are intellient and inventive enouh to put the land into use properly. In this way, we an have enouh land for farin, housin and industry, and preserve the biodiversity of the planet at the sae tie.























an is a eber of the nature, and is a part of the whole eosyste. However, we use the wisdo of ankind to the endless developent of natural, whih destroyed the eoloial balane and resoure alloation.亲近大自然英语作文.

The exploitation of resoures has influened the livin environent of other anials. like the swans. In fat, people an appropriate sarifie soe benefits to the anial a hane of survival. Stritly abide by the oratoriu, let the fish an breed. Stop the wanton killin, aintain the eoloial balane. We just need to ive the a little help, beause the wildlife is surprisely resilient. Eah year,alost the entire world population of these iryially endanered birds ake a 9000-kiloetre roundtrip to spend the winter at Poyan.

iven the riht help, even the rarest reatures an return fro the brink, whih eans if we show the will nature will show the way.

篇六:《热爱大自然 英语范文 The beauty of nature》

The beauty of nature

I love the four seasons in nature.Eah season has its unique taste. Spin is like a ild irl.She brins the warth and vitality to the world.The soft breee reens the leaves and rass.The hibernatin anials bein to revive and brisk.亲近大自然英语作文.

Suer is like a bold and passionate irl.If she is happy,she'll ive us blain sunliht while she loses teper,a torrential rain is looin.

In Autun,leaves turn and fall down fro the trees.The rops an be harvested.The anials store abundant food for throuh the lon winter. In Winter,the swallows fly South to shelter fro old.It always snow in Winter.The snow overed up the fields with a white oat.The world suddenly beoes lean and peaeful. The hildren are busy ballin up snow to ake a snowan and playin snowball fihts. What a wonderful tie for people.

A life fore indwells in nature. Every season has its distintive feature. This is the beauty and arvel of nature.

篇七:《人与自然 英语作文》

an and the nature

Reently,with the developent of the industry,there’re a rowin nuber of natural disasters surroundin us suh as the earthquake, flood, hurriane and tsunai. verall ,the ause behind this phenoenon is related to any aspets.However ,it’s our fault indeed.Puttin it in another way,it’s a onsequene aused by ourselves to a ertain extent. When it oes to the relation between the huan and the nature,every individual ay hold diverse opinions.For instane,soeone arues that en should brin out the resoure fro the nature ,and what’s ore, spare no effort to ake the use of the environent.As a ontrast,soeone ephasies that we should keep the balane with the eoloial syste rather than ask for a reat deal of benefit fro it.Apparently,the erit varies fro one to one.

As far as I’ onerned,the huan and the nature should opleent eah other.Provided that we just ain what we need fro the nature instead of repayin soethin valuable to the environent,we ouldn’t step far.n the other hand,if we are only enaed in ivin our servie to nature,the huan soiety wouldn’t ake any advaneent.Takin everythin into onsideration,only by strikin a balane between deandin the wealth fro the nature and dediatin ourselves to it an we ake our relationship with nature ore haronious and o further.

篇八:《人与自然 英语作文》

an and nature are interative 相互作用的 fores. 第一范文网整理

Lookin bak alon the river of history we ay find that harony used to exist between people and nature. At that tie nature was pure field to be plouhed sown and harvested. an respeted nature and was one part of nature. While we are disruptin破坏 the order of the natural world we are the ultiate vitis for nature is seekin its revene报复. Disappearin forests dryin rivers polluted soil and worsenin liate have punished reedy huan beins. We have taken too uh fro nature and iven bak too little.

Nature the environent whih huan beins live by is anifient and unique. There si only one earth with super livin onditions in the universe. We should have herished nature and preserved it. onversely however we have been ontinually spoilin it even to a shokin deree. Now lets see what we have don. Thousands of trees have been ut down per year whih has aused soil erosion. Hundreds of thousands of tons of FS have been left in the hiher sky in the last deade whih has led to the oone layer leak above the South Pole that overs an area of that of the United States. illion tons of fuel ontainin nitroen and sulphur have been onsued per year whih has eventually resulted in aid rain throuhout the world.

arin For Nature--verpopulation

What is nature Its everythin that exists in the world independently of people suh as pants and anials earth and roks and the weather. Now ore and ore people are fousin on the nature. It is no doubt that the nature is iportant to every huan bein. No nature no life. Beause of the supplies of the nature we have lived happily for a lon tie. And we started to ain every thin available fro the nature. And this lasted so lon a tie.

Today people have disovered that the nature around is ettin worse and worse.

What is threatenin the nature Air and water pollution overharvestin of plant and anial speies overpopulation and so on. verpopulation is the biest soure of pollution. Lets take overpopulation as an exaple. What does overpopulation feel like When we ove slowly throuh the ity in a tai. When we enter a rowded slu distrit. When the teperature is hih and when the air is thik with dust and soke. The streets are rowded with people. The streets see alive with people. People eatin. People washin. People talkin. People sleepin. People visitin eah other aruin and sreain. People relievin theselves. People pushin their hands throuh the taxi windows bein. People leadin anials. People people people people. As we drive slowly亲近大自然英语作文.

throuh the rowd soundin the taxis horn the dust heat noise and ookin fires ade it like a sene fro hell I adit,frihtenin.

To the nature overpopulation is a bi proble. ore people ore pollution. And the bi population is threatenin the nature every seond. The rapid rise in world population is not reatin probles only for the developin ountries. The whole world faes the proble that raw aterials are bein used up at an inreasin rate and food prodution an not keep up with the population inrease. People in rih ountries ake the heaviest deands on the worlds resoures its food fuel and land and ause the ost pollution. A baby born in the United States will use in his lifetie 30 ties ore of the worlds resoures than a baby born in India. Unless all the ountries of the world take united ation to deal with the population explosion there will be ore and ore people fihtin for a share of less and less land food and fuel and the future will brin poverty isery and war to us all.

For ost of the developin ountries it is a ood idea to ontrol the population rowth. For exaple hina has arried out birth ontrol for years. And this plan has a reat effet on the world population. If the population ontinues to inrease if the air and water ontinue to be polluted if we dont do soethin to protet wild-plant and wildlife speies will be delinin. Speies and bioloial ounities have diffiulty adaptin to hane. Eonoi opportunities and the quality of

life of future enerations are also put at risk. By protetin nature we protet ourselves.

Lets unite toether hand in hand we stand all aross the land.

We an ake this world in whih to live. Hand in hand. ontrol the population rowth. Take ood are of our nature.

Huan and Nature 人与自然 Nature the environent whih huan beins live by is anifient and unique. There is only one earth with super livin onditions in the universe. We should have herished nature and preserved it. 自然是人们生存的美丽和唯一的环境。宇宙中只有一个美好的生活环境。我们应该好好保护和珍惜环境。 onversely however we have been ontinually spoilin it even to a shokin deree. Now lets see what we have don. 相反的我们对它造成了很大的破坏现在让我们回首曾经所做的。

Thousands of trees have been ut down per year whih has aused soil erosion. Hundreds of thousands of tons of FS have been left in the hiher sky in the last deade whih has led to the oone layer leak above the South Pole that overs an area of that of the United States. illion tons of fuel ontainin nitroen and sulphur have been onsued per year whih has eventually resulted in aid rain throuhout the world. 每年有成千上万的树木被砍伐引发了泥石流。过去的几十年有成千上万吨氟氯化碳堆积在高空这导致美国在南极上空的臭氧层的破坏。每年有上百万吨含氮和硫的燃 料的燃烧导致了全世界性的酸雨。

Siilarly eoloy has been affeted as well. And onsiderable nuber of speies have been extint as the years o by any reatures whih were oon in the past are beoin less and less even rare. The Tibet antelope for instane is a ood exaple. Sine the antelopes of Tibet have a part of fur on their body whih an be ade into a preious ape driven by soe lawless dealers any villaers killed antelopes exessively and shokin for the lare suns of fortune. 同样的生态也受到了影响。许多在过去很常见的生物物种这些年来变得越来越少有些甚至濒临灭绝。以藏羚羊为例由于它们的皮毛可以制造成珍贵的披肩被利益所驱 使很多违法商人就开始大规模猎杀藏羚羊来大赚一笔。
















导语:自然,一个幽静、神奇的世界也曾令我流连忘返,忘不了当时惬意的舒适感….. 下面是亲近大自然作文,欢迎阅读!






















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