like,dislike,作文 like and dislike作文


篇首语:常识是事物可能性的尺度,由预见和经验组成。本文为你选取作文like,dislike,作文 like and dislike作文四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、like,dislike,作文 like and dislike作文(1)

2、I would like to grow up(2)

3、我喜欢的歌曲The Songs I Like英语作文(3)

4、我最喜欢的运动 The Sport I Like Most英语作文(4)

like,dislike,作文 like and dislike作文


1、A heartfelt apoloy an not only heal a daaed relationship but also ake it stroner. Please write an essay of 300 words on the healin power of apoloy with exaple(s) fro your life. Please write an essay of 300 words on the healin power of apoloy with exaple(s) fro your life.

Adittinwe are wron is never aneasy thin.To et a better life, we all need to know the art of apoloy.When we oit a istake, the balane of our ysterious oral feelin is disturbedunless we adit the fault.Althouh adittin istake is a very ebarrassin thin, a sinere apoloy has iraulous restoration ai in healin relationship.

For exaple, one y rooates and I ade antinoybeause of a trifle. When I rearded her idol’s harity as surfae enineerin, she yelled to e riht way, whih leadedus in the old war with wefirlybelieved it was other's fault. Awkwardness of silene in doritory let e an’t fall into sleep at niht andbe trapped inlow ood.Finally, after an inner battle, I deided to sendan apoloy to y rooate for y ipulses with layin down y fae.Surprisinly, y rooate also apoloied to e. When we eet, welauh about our funny quarrels.Sine then, we herish eah other ore sinerely.

However, it is not all apoloy is useful unless it is real, unhaneable and lear whih represents the sinerely and truth feelin fro ind. A truth apoloy is raious but an enfored apoloy is iserable. If you apoloie firstly, you will have oral ball in your ourt speially it is not neessary and soeties an apoloy is followed by the other person apoloiin so that relationships an be healed as y experiene .As a word, a sinere apoloy really has unexpeted ai, whih is able to fix our broken relationship, and ake our relationship stroner.Therefore when we onfront with suh a situation, adittinbravely we were wron and iediately akin a sinere apoloy, whih will brin a surprise.

2、For this part, you are allowed 30 inutes to write an essay explainin why it is unwise to jup to onlusions upon seein or hearin soethin. You an ive explanations to illustrate your point. You should write at least 10 words but no ore than 200 words.

Don't ake onlusions only upon what you seein or hearin

As old sayin put it, "Never jude a book by its over." It is quiet unwise to horribly jup to a onlusion only upon what you seein or hearin soethin. Beause everythin has two sides, while ost people always only pay attention to one side.

In dairy life, different kinds of eduation and livin environent ay affet one's judent so that you will hearin different sounds about the sae thins. What's ore, soeties, if one thin is related to one's benefit, you ay et an opposite view. ertainly, the white lie is an exeption. So, what you hearin ay be far away fro the reality, akin a onlusion after thinkin twie is a wise hoose.

n the other hand, an old sayin that seein is believin isn't aurate anyore today. For exaple, seein soeone is saple, but knowin is diffiult. People have to show various faes to deal in different oasions and et alon with different kind of persons for soe reasons. Beause of it, aybe what you see is just a play, whih is only desined for you in soeone's bad plan. Therefore, when akin a judent, you should be autious and be dependin on as uh seein as possible.

A riht onlusion an ive your life a hand. Therefore, thinkin twie after hearin and seein in different sides is sinifiant when judin one thin.

3、A ity iht be a plae of unavoidable experiene. Livin there, one has the

reassurane of steadily onfrontin life. Lovin and hatin it beoes a atter of alternatin oods, often in the sae day. Please write an essay of 200 words on a ity you like/dislike ost and ive points to support your feelin.

Nanjin is a ity where I have spent the lonest tie of y life exept y hoetown.I like the historial sense and oderniation of Nanjin and I have et so any lovely friends here.But, I also hate to Nanjin, beause it's heavy, soe univilied phenoenon, and separation here.

As we all know, Nanjin is the anient apital of six dynasties, so whih naed historial ultural enter. A lot of plaes of interest are retained in Nanjin, where we an feel theup-and-down hanes in history whenever we walk into the. Althouh it is an old ity, Nanjin is also enereti with quikly developent beause it loates near the Yante, whih akes Nanjin beoe an iportant transportation hub and industrial developent base.And in this suer, Nanjin suessfully held the youth lypi aes.In addition, nothin is iportant than Iet a lot of ood friends, and we studied and played toether. bviously, Nanjin is filled with the eory of y youth, so I have deep feelins for Nanjin.

However, soeties I also hate to Nanjin. The reason is that this ity has experiened too uh destrution and sufferin, suh as the Nanjin assare.Suh a heavy rief let e feel anry and want to stay away fro it.In addition, any univilied phenoenonand so any people losin theselves on the way of akin oneyake e feel sik. In addition, I experiened a partin with y friends, whihsoeties let I transfer y sorrow to Nanjin.

I have lived in Nanjin for five years durin whih I ot the joy and also suffered the pain.Soeties, I also wondered whether I like or dislikeNanjin, but I found that I issedNanjin and hoped to return to Nanjin when I went to other ities whih ade e realiethat I have fell in love with Nanjin in silent even thouh she is not perfet. So I hope that Nanjin an develop better and better.

4、Internet is desribed by any people as a double-eded sword for it not only revolutionied the eans of inforation exhane; it has also brouht us, alon with its any advantaes, a lot of side effets. Please write an essay of 200 words about internet.

The internet is a double-eded sword

With the developent of siene and tehnoloy, the Internet, as a sybol of odern iviliation, has already beoe the iportant part in our daily life radually. It akes our life onvenient with transfored the world into a lobal villae, where people are beoin ore and ore related to eah other, but eantie it arries with any side reations.

enerally speakin, Internet ake our life sapler and easier People an et lots of useful inforation throuh the Internet quikly, no atter where they are. E-ail allows us to write to our friends and reeive letters fro our friends heaply and instantly. What’s ore, with the populariation and the developent of the internet, we an enjoy hattin online with others, by whih we an not only keep in touh with our old friends, but also ake new friends, andwe an shoppin online everywhere and anytie. Besides, ore and ore ways of relax and relieve ourselves are aessible beause of internet like enjoyin fils, oin to net shool and playin aes. In a word, the Internet is playin a ore and ore iportant part in our daily life, and it has ade our life ore olorful.

It is enerally areed the Internet has brouht us nuerous benefits, but it has aused soe serious probles as well. ne of the probles at present is that so any kinds of aes on the net an easily attrat the students and even ake the addit to the aes, so they waste a lot of

valuable tie.There are ore side effets is followin like that a lot of people are used to hat online so they have proble when talkin fae to fae. As result. Internet hanes the way people ouniate with eah other and then hanes the odes of thouht. Various tools helpin usreeber thins lead us to be lay and utterly inorant without internet.

Internet is a double-eded sword. But no atter whatever effets they have, the Internet itself is neither ood nor bad. Therefore, whih side of the oins depend on us how to use it, so nothin is iportant than ontrol ourselves to avoid the possible side-effets.

、Beause so uh of one's sientifi future is shaped by early experienes, it is ritial that beinnin sientists selet their entors wisely. But what onstitutes a "ood" hoie is not always obvious. Please write an essay of 200 words on how to hoose your entor/ supervisor as a raduate student.

Early experiene of siene an influene our future developent so hoosin a ood entor is sinifiant for raduate student at the startin point. However, so any raduate student are puled by how to hoose a ood supervisor.There are soe advies as follow.

Shared interests are the buildin bloks of your relationship.hoosin a supervisor is triky beause you don't know uh about the until you start workin with the. Instead, startin by hoosin a proble that interests youis easier to do and just as iportant. To et the ost fro your supervisor, you have to be interested in what they do. As resulted, ettin as uh as possible inforation about what entors researhinfor is the first step to akin a deision.

A ood supervisor says all the riht thins. ver the three years, it's ruial to have soeone who an enourae you when your experients fall flat, hallene you when you beoe oky and help steer you towards suessfully subittin your thesis. So your supervisor will be a entor, friend, onfidante, adviser and also a voie of reason, then ake sure it's a voie you'll want to hear.

hoose a supervisor who exites you. Sientists are ade up of all types of people thinkers, dreaers, pratial workers - all of who are iportant, but you need to find soeone who thinks in the sae way that you do.It is essential to find a supervisor you believe in and whose work you find exitin. Therefore,while you're visitin potential supervisors, try to eet soe of their urrent students as well as other olleaues in their roup who know ore thins about the entor that even the entor ay don't know hiself.

You will also find help fro those loser to hoe. n a day-to-day basis you will spend ore tie workin with students and postdos than your supervisor. So it's iportant that there's a ood soial environent.

As a word, hoosin a ood entor will benefit your sientifi areer so thinkin twie before akin deision.

6、Please write an essay of 200 words on the usi for that strikes you ost and fous on its harateristis or your feelins derived fro it.

篇二:《我不喜欢写作 I Dislike Writin》

我不喜欢写作 I Dislike Writin

yo is a teaher of y shool who teahes hinese. Sine I was little, shetauht e how to read and write. She was always strit with e and now is thesae. After I ould read, she told e to keep a diary every day. At first, itwas siple. I just wrote about the weather and what I did that day. radually, Iust write soethin of y own feelins. Soeties, after I read an essay or abook, I should write a suary or reation to the essay or book. I find it'sood to y study and y writin skill is the best in y lass. Alost everytie, y artiles are onsidered as the odel version in y lass. However, I dislikewritin after have been writin for so any years. Even worse, I feel like I an'twrite any loner. Soeties, I note down nothin when I rab the pen in hand. That'sakes e upset.


篇三:《我不喜欢写作 I Dislike Writin》

我不喜欢写作 I Dislike Writin

y o is a teaher of y shool who teahes hinese. Sine I was little, she tauht e how to read and write. She was always strit with e and now is the sae. After I ould read, she told e to keep a diary every day. At first, it was siple. I just wrote about the weather and what I did that day. radually, I ust write soethin of y own feelins. Soeties, after I read an essay or a book, I should write a suary or reation to the essay or book. I find it's ood to y study and y writin skill is the best in y lass. Alost every tie, y artiles are onsidered as the odel version in y lass. However, I dislike writin after have been writin for so any years. Even worse, I feel like I an't write any loner. Soeties, I note down nothin when I rab the pen in hand. That's akes e upset.



A ity iht be a plae of unavoidable experiene. Livin there, one has the reassurane of steadily onfrontin life. Lovin and hatin it beoes a atter of alternatin oods, often in the sae day. Please write an essay of 20 words on a ity you like/dislike ost and ive points to support your feelin.

作文号:4226教师:张林雅字数:10~30 满分:100

Nanjin is a plae where I just left y hoetown to, I will ontinue to live in the ity. I really like her history and odern ity. Here I ake any hospitable friends, and experiene to deliious Nanjin food. However, I also hate Nanjin very uh, beause she has the univilied phenoenon of odern iviliation, there are soe very hateful environental probles.

As is known to all, Nanjin is the six dynasties anient apital, with very deep ultural bakround, there are still a lot of plaes of interest there, that we an feel the historial hane of Nanjin. Althouh the plae is an old ity, Nanjin, with eoraphial advantaes, in reent years has been a boo. What’s ore, I ake any very iportant friends at here, learnin and playin toether. bviously, the Town ave e a ood ipression, so I have deep feelins for nanjin.

Nonetheless, soeties I also hate to nanjin. As an old sayin oes, a oin has two sides. The reason is that odern barbaris has infeted the whole nanjin. Then, the

phenoenon of runnin a red liht often ours. oreover, in reent years, the deterioration of environent akes e so thorouhly disappointed with nanjin.

Reently, a period of tie livin in nanjin, I have joy and pain. Soeties, I also want to know y feelin of the ity, like or don't like it, but I find that I issed the beauty of nanjin. I hope I have no rerets when I leave nanjin, even if she is not perfet. So, I hope Nanjin is ettin better and better.



1. akin friends


2. Fashion and lothes



1. Nae


2. Study or work




3. Weather


4. Hoetown


. Drivin


6. Handrafts


7. Sport


. Holiday


9. Birthday


10. Lanuae


11. Danin

会跳舞吗? 未来学习吗?中国人喜欢跳什么?老人年轻人喜欢的舞蹈

12. Internet and internet shoppin


13. Noise


14. TV proralike,dislike,作文.


1. Livin

住在什么地方,最喜欢房子的哪个位置,为什么,如果重装房子,会如何改善? 喜欢邀请别人来家里吗,做什么?

16. Bird


17. olletion


19. Weekend plan or spare tie


20. Swiin

喜欢游泳吗? 什么地方?什么时候?多久?

21. Newspaper


22. Indoor ativity


23. oney and happiness


24.Eail or letter


2.Text essae and ell phone






27. olor








31. Tie preferene




1. A sall business you want to run

1. Bad weather you experiened

2. Two faily ebers in a faily

3. A piee of furniture

4. A swiin plae

. An outdoor ativity

6. The hane of your hoetown in reent years

7. Favorite website

. A weddin you took part in

People and anials


1. A wild anial in your ountry

2. An old an you want to talk about

3. Best friend

4. A hild you like

. A leader you adire

6. A person in news you want to eet

7. Two faily ebers in a faily

. A ood student

9. A harater in a hildhood story


1.A person who helped you

2. Soeone who lives a healthy life

3. A teaher you want to eet aain

Plaes and buildins


1. A restaurant you like

2. A ity you want to travel in

3. A forein ountry you’d like to o to

4. A historial plae/an anient

. An ideal house you’d like to live in

6. A workin plae

7. An interestin shop 重点

. A street you are failiar with


1. A hotel

2. A arden/park you are failiar with



1. A book you’ve read for any ties/you want to read aain

2. A faily photo

3. A kind of forein food you’d like to try

4. An expensive thin you want to save oney for

. A ift

6. A produt you bouht that was ade in a forein ountry


1. An antique or old thin your faily has kept for a lon tie

2. A toy

Events and experienes


1. A situation you ot onratulations fro others

2. Experiene of ettin oney as ift

3. Experiene of bein anry of soethin 重点

4. A onversation throuh the phone

. A walk you had with a friend

6. A speial eal you had

7. Positive hane happened to youlike,dislike,作文.

. Suess you want to ahieve reently

9. A healthy life style you want to reoend to others

10. Your ideal job

11. Favorite sport


1. If you had one day off, what would you do 虚拟语气题目,注意

2. Favorite subjet at iddle shool

edia and entertainent


1. An advertiseent

2. A TV prora you like/dislike

3. Favorite forein fil /favorite son in hildhood

4. Favorite forein usi

. Favorite newspaper or aaine




1、Soe people think oputer and Internet are iportant in hildren's study, but others think students an learn ore effetively in shools and with teahers. Disuss both views and ive your own opinion.(教育类)

2、Soe people believe that teenaers should onentrate on all shool subjets, while others lai that students should fous on the subjet that they are best at or that they find interestin. Disuss both views and ive your opinion.(教育类)

I would like to grow up

I would like to grow up quickly. Because when the child is too painful.Their learning in schools is also easy.But no parents at home in the days I read.I first read of all the pain. When I go to school "times New Roman" It does not matter but I put them even have to leave the Department of me, but my father does not let me go out looking for friends to play.I then Kua how life!

我喜欢的歌曲The Songs I Like英语作文

Popular usi is always favored by the publi, and I like popular usi, too. But I like lassi usi the ost. When I was very sall, y parents send e to learn playin piano. The oent I listened to the lassi usi, I was attrated by its wonderful rhyth. Now, before I sleep, I will listen to soe lassi usi, whih helps e sleep well.


【我喜欢的歌曲The Sons I Like英语作文】相关文章:

1.I Like Travel英语作文

2.I would like to tell you英语作文

3.I like wathin TV英语作文

4.I dont like rainin英语作文

.精选高中英语作文:The Sport I Like Best

6.中学生英语作文:I like y hoetown

7.I like a person的英语作文及翻译

.小学英语《I like football》教学设计

9.Unit9 I like usi that I an

我最喜欢的运动 The Sport I Like Most英语作文

I take exerise every day. It akes feels ood and helps e to beoe taller. y favorite sport is football and I want to be a football player in the future. I play football with y friends every week. It is suh a reat tie for e. y friends and I always do the reat tea work and we beat other teas.



I like English.


who I like


I like my family


三年级英语作文:I like fruit


I like your Jackson - Yi


初中英语作文:I like winter best


英语作文:Do you like me-


我喜欢寒假 I Like Winter Holiday


Like a dandelion flying in the sky


我喜欢的歌曲The Songs I Like英语作文


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我最喜欢的运动 The Sport I Like Most英语作文


︿life like winter flower_




See also snow
