保护环境的短文 初中保护环境的短文


篇首语:知识虽宝贵,但更可贵的却在于运用。本文为你选取作文保护环境的短文 初中保护环境的短文四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、保护环境的短文 初中保护环境的短文(1)




保护环境的短文 初中保护环境的短文




2010年月号,一阵来势汹汹的泥石流扑来,惊天动地,满目疮痍。 2年前的北京,难以入眠,因为见证了祖国的骄傲时刻,我们心情澎湃。 1年前的台湾,难以入眠,因为一个村子遭遇了灭顶之灾,我们心情悲痛。 这一年的舟曲,难以入眠,因为一个美丽的地方此刻被泥石所淹没,我们心情沉重。










曾几何时,茫茫白雪离我们越来越远;曾几何时,炎炎夏日变得越来越长。 有人说,当世界不再是一片圣洁雪白,世界也将走向尽头。是的,当皑皑白
























大气污染问题、 水环境污染问题、 垃圾处理问题、 土地荒漠化和沙灾问题、 水土流失问题、 旱灾和水灾问题


不进入自然保护核心区 、倡步行,骑单车 、不使用非降解塑料餐盒

不燃放烟花爆竹 、双面使用纸张 、节约粮食 、拒绝使用一次性用品

消费肉类要适度 、随手关闭水龙头 、一水多用 、尽量购买本地产品

随手关灯,节约用电 、拒绝过分包装、使用节约型水具 拒绝使用珍贵木材制品 、拒绝使用一次性筷子 、尽量利用太阳能

尽量使用可再生物品 、使用节能型灯具 、不干扰野生动物的自由生活

拒食野生动物 、少使用发胶 、减卡救树 、不穿野兽毛皮制作的服装

认识国家重点保护动植物 、不鼓励制作、购买动植物标本 不把野生动物当宠物饲养 、观察身边的小动物、鸟类并为之提供方便的生存条件 、不参与残害动物的活动 、不虐待动物 、节省纸张,回收废纸

垃圾分类回收 、旧物捐给贫困者














171年 渡渡鸟灭绝,原生活于印度洋

1799年 蓝马羚灭绝,原生活于南非

144年 大海雀灭绝,原生活于大西洋北部岛屿保护环境的短文.

176年 欧洲野马灭绝,原生活于欧洲

13年 斑驴灭绝,野生灭绝在160年,原生活于南非

193 年 白臀叶猴在中国境内灭绝,原生活于亚洲

1914年 旅鸽灭绝,野外灭绝在1900年,原生活于北美

1917年 佛罗里达狼灭绝,原生活于北美

191年 卡罗来纳鹦鹉灭绝,野外灭绝在 1904年,北美唯一的特产鹦鹉

192年 高加索野牛灭绝

1937年 巴厘虎灭绝,原生活于印度巴厘岛

1942年 红鸭灭绝,原生活于印度

1947年 普氏野马在中国境内野生灭绝

194年 袋狼灭绝,原生活于澳洲

1964年 冠麻鸭灭绝,原生活于亚洲

1972年 爪哇虎灭绝保护环境的短文.

麋鹿:1900年野生灭绝,目前全世界不超过 3 000头,因为是 1头鹿的后裔而存在遗传缺陷

华南虎:仅余 0只在动物园中,90%是同 6只的后代并有遗传障碍

雪豹:野外生存 1 000~2 000只

白鳍豚:不超过 100只

扬子鳄:不超过 1 00只

大熊猫:野外生存 1 000只左右

黑犀牛:从 1970年的 6万头锐减至现在的 3 00头

指猴: 1966年曾有 9只,后来命运不详

绒毛蛛猴:仅余 100只左右

滇金丝猴:野外仅存 1 000只左右

黔金丝猴:现存 700只

白眉长臂猿:中国野生量仅 0~70只


保护环境随手可做的 0件小事

(1) 使用布袋

(2) 尽量乘坐公共汽车保护环境的短文.

(3) 不要过分追求穿着的时尚

(4) 不进入自然保护核心区

() 倡步行,骑单车

(6) 不使用非降解塑料餐盒

(7) 不燃放烟花爆竹

() 双面使用纸张

(9) 节约粮食

(10) 拒绝使用一次性用品

(11) 消费肉类要适度

(12) 随手关闭水龙头

(13) 一水多用

(14) 尽量购买本地产品

(1) 拒绝过分包装

(16) 随手关灯,节约用电

(17) 使用节约型水具

(1) 拒绝使用珍贵木材制品

(19) 拒绝使用一次性筷子

(20) 尽量利用太阳能

(21) 尽量使用可再生物品

(22) 使用节能型灯具

(23) 简化房屋装修

(24) 修旧利废

(2) 不随意取土

(26) 多用肥皂,少用洗涤剂

(27) 不乱占耕地

(2) 不焚烧秸秆

(29) 不干扰野生动物的自由生活

(30) 不恫吓、投喂公共饲养区的动物




hello everyone! y nae is herry.I a a sunshine irl .I a the the student of Nanshan experiental shool . I' in lass 2 rade and I' eleven years old.

Reently, Shenhen always has a hae. Throuh the wood in the doe ,now I know how serious is very pollution.Every day we will put the dust breathe into the body,the dust will affet our health, and even a threat to our lives.

So, fro now , we should start Protet environent.

Before,I love the fireworks ,now I will try to put it less. I also love to play in the water when I was havin a buth,and i waste a lot of water ,but now,I ust save water.Environental protetion starts fro e start fro the little thins around us .For exaple we drivin. less as far as possible.

treat the earth is to yourself,Let's ake our earth better!


In odern soiety, we tend to bee ore and ore aware of our livin environent or physial environent, beause we are not lean as before. So any people now hoose their house as to its environent but not its loation and expenses to afford it. As we all know, the environent pollution is ore and ore serious durin these years, what we ould do is to ake reat efforts in protetin environent radually. As to overnent pollution, as to on people. We also try to protet it and ake it reain lean. Althouh we have anaed to protet the environent to a ertain extent. It is still a very lon way to o.


ood environent an ake people feel happy and fit . To iprove the environent eans to iprove our life.

We should plant ore trees and flowers around us . We shouldn’t ut the down . We should stop fatories fro pourin waste water into the river and waste as into the air.

Whenever we see litter on the round , we should pik it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in publi. Don’t draw on publi walls. It’s our duty to protet the environent.


ur environent is very iportant for our lives . We need the fresh air, the lean water and so on . In the past, there were any trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was lean.But now,people ut down any trees. Air pollution and water polloution are very serious . The environent around us bees very terrible . We should protet our environent. First, we should plant any trees to keep water. Seond , we an ride a bike or walk to the shool and work.Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river . Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plasti bas. Finally, we an ask ore people to join us.


What an I do for our environent?

Everyone an do soethin for our environent. For e, I should try to save eletriity in y daily life. For exaple, if I a the last person leave the lassroo in the evenin, I will always reeber to turn off the lihts. In order to protet our forests, I will use paper wisely. I should try to use both sides of paper whenever it is possible. I will not use thins like paper ups and disposable hopstiks beause they are ade of wood. I believe that doin all these sall thins will iprove our environent and help ake our world a better plae to live in.


With the developent of our soiety, enery in the world bees ore and ore liited, so it is quite iportant for us to save enery and to protet our environent. As a student, there are a lot of ethods we an do to save enery at hoe. For exaple, first, we an turn off the liht as well as other applianes when we are not usin the. Seond, reyle the waste water, paper and other waste so that we an reuse the. What's ore, it is suested to use publi transportation ore instead of private ars.

Above all, everyone an ake a reat ontribution to our environent. I hope I an learn ore to develop new and lear enery, like enery fro the wind and solar.


Water is polluted, we have no lean water to drink. any trees are uttin down, soe anials are ettin less and less. Soe fatories are pourin dirty air into the sky. The population is inreasin faster and faster, resoures are ettin less and less…et. Not only does it affet our lives and health, it also has a reat affetion in the future. People’s health has been reatly affeted by air, noise and water pollution. any people died of diseases. In order to live a better life, soethin ust be done to stop the pollution. It’s our duty to protet our environent. We shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere. Trees are very helpful and iportant for us. We should plant ore and ore trees in order to live better and ore healthy in the future.

If everyone akes ontribution to protetin the environent, the world will bee uh ore beautiful. In a word, if everyone pays ore attention to our environent, there will be less pollution and our life will be better. “There is only one earth”, I hope everyone will protet our environent well.


Fro June1, 200, shops and superarkets are forbidden fro offerin free plasti bas to ustoers, aordin to a new law. A nation-wide apain aainst plasti bas has been launhed.

Nowadays, hinese people use up to three billion plasti bas a day. While bein very onvenient to shoppers, plasti bas also ause serious white pollution” and waste resoures.

Thouh the ban ay ause soe inonveniene to shoppers, it an help redue the use of plasti bas when people have to pay for the. Besides, the ban, in away, an proote publi awareness of environental protetion.

So I think it neessary to forbid shops and superarkets fro offerin free plasti bas. When shoppin, we an use loth bas or baskets instead of plasti bas as we used to.


akin Every Day Earth Day

Now the earth is in bad ondition. For exaple, in soe plaes, the air and water pollution is so serious that it auses any deaths. At the sae tie, any anials and plants are in daner beause of the destrution of their habitats.

Lukily, we huan beins have realied the proble. n April 22nd, illions of people aross the world do soethin ood for the earth. Soe lean up beahes and water, soe pik up rubbish, others ive speehes to all on ore people to take ation. But an we save the earth only by one day’s work? The future of our planet depends on our efforts. What we should do is to ake every day Earth Day. nly by takin ood are of it every day an we hope to live in harony with nature.


Environental probles are as bi as not for individual ountry or individual people to address. In other word, we have reahed the stae that environental probles be solved for international view. To what extent do you aree or disaree?

In reent years, any nations have bee ore aware of the environental issues eah nation faes, suh as air and water pollution. The question is, are the environental issues a national proble or an international proble? It is y belief that the environental issues have rown to the point of bein an international proble needin international ooperation to resolve.

Beause of the differenes in environental poliies, resoures and tehnoloy, international ooperation ould provide quiker results and have a reater ipat on brinin resolution to environental probles for nations of differin environental poliies and of lesser resoures and tehnoloy. By poolin international resoures and tehnoloy to address the environental probles, the disadvantaed nations are provided the assistane needed. therwise their environental onditions deteriorate ultiately affetin the resoures and environent of the world as a whole.

ne of the diffiulities to an international resolution to environental issues is the differene in individual nations view and poliies toward environental protetion. In order for international ooperation to our and sueed, the nations of the world ust subit theselved to international standards and supervision by an international ission eleted by the partiipatin nations of the world. All ebers ust aree to abide by the standards established.

The environental issues fain eah ountry are not unrelated to the well bein of the rest of the world. The ipat is lon ter and international in sope. Without international ooperation and areeent to address suh environental issues as laial eltin at the South Pole, depletion of the oone layer, water pollution, air polution, et., the environental onditions of the world will deteriorate to the detrient of every nation, not just those that inore or lak the resoures and tehnoloy to resolve their individual environental probles.

As part of the sae planet, it is the responsibility of eah individual and nation to protet the lobal environent. nly international ooperation will provide the tiely solutions and the effetiveness needed to stop the deterioratin lobal environent.




Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.

We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn’t cut them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.

Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in public. Don’t draw on public walls. It’s our duty to protect the environment.





1。 不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;

2。 词数:100左右。

3。 参考词汇:

无车日Car-free Day;


One possible version:

Car-free Day was launched in our city and 107 other cities on September 22, to encourage people to take public transport, ride bicycles or walk instead of driving private cars。

The campaign has gained much support all over the country and has raised awareness among all people of energy saving and environmental protection。 It"s a real success。

With the development of the economy, more and more families have bought private cars, thus leading to much heavier traffic problems and more serious air pollution。 Therefore, I think it"s necessary to launch such campaigns。 And I hope more and more cities and their residents will take part in this type of activity


















保护环境 人人有责 初中生环保作文400字












保护环境的作文50字 保护环境的文章五十字 环境
