











What is onfidene? onfidene is to trust yourself. onfidene is to look upon yourself. It is not to indule in self-adiration. It is not to et extreely arroant. It is not to et diy with suess or to be opinionated. It is just to inspire yourself ahead of a quality of ind, in hih spirit, full of enery. It is to eet the hallenes of life in a positive ood. It is to overoe your inferiority, farewell, to et rid of the trouble of a a ready-ade panaea.

Reeber, I have just entered junior hih shool. In the fae of the hallene of new environent, in the fae of so any new ourses and learnin ontents, I lost faith in y own and radually developed a psyholoial sense of inferiority. Ahieveent lided easelessly. It is a teaher and other who enouraed e and let e reain onfidene. radually, y rades ot hiher and hiher and everythin bean to o on well. radually I adapted to the life in iddle shool.




People say that self-onfidene is half of the suess that an brin you ourae to stik to what you do. Without self-onfidene, one an not do well in anythin. Self-onfidene is of reat iportane and value to a person.

Firstly, self-onfidene enables us to have the abition of bein suessful. nly when you have the abition to be suessful, an you be suessful eventually. Seondly, one we ain self-onfidene, we will possess the ourae and strenth to overoe the setbaks and diffiulties. With self-onfidene, no one and nothin an stop you to suess.Thirdly, with self-onfidene we ay aoplish soethin whih sees to be ipossible previously. No reat thin is easy for us, therefore we should hold the idea that anythin is possible. We should, or have to trust in ourselves.

In short, self-onfidene is the spiritual pillar of a person as well as the inherent power, whih is of reat iportane and value to a person.





urrently, self-onfidene has beoe the order of our life, whih iproves the theory that nothin is ore valuable than self-onfidene.

It is obvious that self-onfidene eans trust in one’s ability. If we are full of self-onfidene, we’ll have reative power to live and work, helpin us suess or dreas oe true. n the ontrary, if we have no onfidene in ourselves, there will be little possibilities for us to win. We’ll always fae failure.

What’s ore, no one an deny another fat that self-onfidene ives us liht when we walk in the dark and ourae when we fae stublin bloks. With self-onfidene, we an ahieve oals in our life.








What is onfidene? onfidene is to trust yourself. onfidene is to look upon yourself. It is not to indule in self-adiration. It is not to et extreely arroant. It is not to et diy with suess or to be opinionated. It is just to inspire yourself ahead of a quality of ind, in hih spirit, full of enery. It is to eet the hallenes of life in a positive ood. It is to overoe your inferiority, farewell, to et rid of the trouble of a a ready-ade panaea.

Reeber, I have just entered junior hih shool. In the fae of the hallene of new environent, in the fae of so any new ourses and learnin ontents, I lost faith in y own and radually developed a psyholoial sense of inferiority. Ahieveent lided easelessly. It is a teaher and other who enouraed e and let e reain onfidene. radually, y rades ot hiher and hiher and everythin bean to o on well. radually I adapted to the life in iddle shool.




ood ornin /afternoon/evenin, ladies and entleen. Today, I a honored to stand here to ive a speeh .The title of y speeh is Be onfident ,we are all huan and have flaws, so we are ipossible perfet . And we ust be onfident. As we all know, failure is the other of suess, but I just want to say “suess is the baby of onfidene’’ Without onfidene, thins an beoe neative and unofortable. I reeber, durin an Enlish lass, I wanted to ake a sentene usin the word "listen". I should have said: "I listen to the Voie of hina" but I was too nervous and said "I listen to the Noise of hina". Everybody in the lass lauhed. Sine then I wanted to train yself to be onfident.

I think if you always sile to every body, you will be onfident. If you don't ive up easily, you will be onfident. If you learn self exitation, you will be onfident. If you don't delay, you will be onfident. If you at like a plan, you will be onfident.

At last, I want to say “If you think you an, you an!’’ Thank you for your listenin.


onfidene is widely reonied as an sinifiant role in people's life and ativities. For instane, with enouh onfidene in a job interview, it is ore likely for you to sueed and pass the reruit. In another ase, if you show enouh onfidene in a exaination, you will probably pass it and thus seie a ood opportunity. When you play a role in a play, the onfidene shown in your perforane an help you et applause fro the audiene.

Nevertheless, there are a portion nuber of individual who aquire inadequate onfidene in theselves. There are any reasons for lak of onfidene, but in eneral, they oe down to two ajor ones. First, soe people tend to iproperly belittle theselves. Without a orret estiate of theselves, they often hesitate to press forward in the fae of diffiulties. Seond, soe people overestiate diffiulties. For the, diffiulties are always like hih ountains whih they an never et over.

When onfronted with adversity or diffiulty, never should we lost faith in ourselves. The world is full of hardships, and we annot hane this reality. The only thin we an do is iprove ourselves. It is possible to build up onfidene in ourselves if we take the riht attitude to our abilities. Always reeber that onfidene is the proise for overoin ay diffiulties in the world.


urrently, self-onfidene has beoe the order of our life, whih iproves the theory that nothin is ore valuable than self-onfidene.


It is obvious that self-onfidene eans trust in one’s ability. If we are full of self-onfidene, we’ll have reative power to live and work, helpin us suess or dreas oe true. n the ontrary, if we have no onfidene in ourselves, there will be little possibilities for us to win. We’ll always fae failure.


What’s ore, no one an deny another fat that self-onfidene ives us liht when we walk in the dark and ourae when we fae stublin bloks. With self-onfidene, we an ahieve oals in our life.



onfidene is power--the power to attrat, persuade, influene, and sueed. Iaine what your life would be like if you had an abundane of selfonfidene !

onfidene isn't an inherited trait, it' s a learned one. This eans that you an have an abun-

dane of self-onfidene. Start here, riht now.

onfidene starts in the ind.What you think of yourself very uh influenes the way you feel about yourself. This, in turn, affets the way you speak and at.

No one an ake you feel inferior without your onsent.

The very first thin you have to do to reate abundant self-onfidene is to start thinkin with onfidene. Pay attention to your internal dialoue, and learn to notie when you allow neativity or doubt to ontrol the ourse of your thinkin.

Your environent has a treendous influene on you. The books you read, the people you spend tie with, and the usi you listen to all influene the way you think and feel about yourself and the world around you.

In a nutshell, your environent an either build up your self-onfidene or dra it down. If you're in a situation where you're disouraed, suh as an unhealthy relationship or a iserable job, you have to hane that situation if you want your self-onfidene level to row. reate an environent that supports you if your desire to have abundant self-onfidene. Spend tie with onfident people.












As we all know, “Failure is the other of suess.” But few people an understand what the sayin really eans.

Whoever you are,you are sure to eet trouble in your life. As the tie oes by, the probles that we eet will beoe ore and ore. For exaple,the failures in study,life or friendship. But how to do the if we eet failures?I think the riht way to do is fain failure bravely. Last year, I failed in a onth exa, I was very frustrated,so I even thouht that I would ive up. Soe days later, y other knew it, she said to e with a sile,“It is wron for you to ive up, do you reeber that you sueeded last tie,you will et ood rades next tie if you fae failure bravely .” I thouht about those words for a lon tie.

Finally, I understand that I should reard the probles as the hallenes. So I try y best to deal with it. I will see the bride to suess very soon. Please reeber:“Nothin is ipossible if we fae failure bravely.”

Failure is the other of suess(失败是成功之母)

Everybody will have failure. The failure is a suessful other, if there is no failure, that will not have hane to show an ahieveent. ), applause(掌声), et . But the person who fail any ties will also have soe previous(宝贵的) treasures(财富) . In fat, we should study fro those person who have faed failures bravely . Beause if there is failure, there will be an ahieveent. Failure doesn't ean you are a fool , it doesn’t ean you haven't sueeded either. Failure doesn't ean you have nothin , failure an brin you soe experiene;

This is the failure, please preious(珍惜) failure bravely .

Believed in yself

When I was a little irl, I didn’t live a happy life. Beause I was not able to do what y o and teahers wanted e to do.

I didn’t et hih arks. I liked doin thins that they thouht not riht enouh. nly dad was on y side. He enouraed e to do what I liked. He told e to believe in yself. He knew that I loved playin the piano, so he bouht one for e and asked soeone to teah e. Now I was very ood at it. I one played on stae(舞台) of our shool and et the first prie. I was very happy .

I would beoe a piano player if I worked hard and always believed in yself.


There are any fators that an ontribute to a person’s suess in life. Whether he is at shool or at work, a person is ore likely to sueed if he is hard-workin, honest, intellient, responsible, and so on. But of all the possible harateristis that an affet one’s suess, I believe self-onfidene to be the ost iportant for the followin reasons.

The first reason is that when a person has self-onfidene he believes in hiself. He believes that he an and will sueed, and this ives hi the ourae to try new thins.

In order to be suessful we ust be willin to take soe risks, so havin self-onfidene is very iportant.

Another reason is that a onfident person rarely ives up. When he fails he tries aain and aain until he wins. A final reason is that onfident people are not afraid to show off their ahieveents. This is not to say that they should bra, but that they should raefully and onfidently aept the oplients of others. When their ahieveents are notied ore by others at shool or work, they are ore likely to sueed.

In short, I believe self-onfidene to be the ost iportant fator in suess. It enables people to take risks, try aain when they fail, and enjoy their aoplishents when they win. With these abilities, a onfident person an sueed easily at shool or work.


People say that self-onfidene is half of the suess that an brin you ourae to stik to what you do. Without self-onfidene, one an not do well in anythin. Self-onfidene is of reat iportane and value to a person.

Firstly, self-onfidene enables us to have the abition of bein suessful. nly when you have the abition to be suessful, an you be suessful eventually. Seondly, one we ain self-onfidene, we will possess the ourae and strenth to overoe the setbaks and diffiulties. With self-onfidene, no one and nothin an stop you to suess.Thirdly, with self-onfidene we ay aoplish soethin whih sees to be ipossible previously. No reat thin is easy for us, therefore we should hold the idea that anythin is possible. We should, or have to trust in ourselves.

In short, self-onfidene is the spiritual pillar of a person as well as the inherent power, whih is of reat iportane and value to a person.


It’s enerally aepted that onfidene plays a very vital role in one’s life. But do you really know what dose self-onfidene ean? Well, it eans that you have stron belief that you an do thins and you will sueed in the end. If you want to do soethin well, you ust have faith in yourself. Just like the old sayin oes, onfidene in yourself is the first step on the road to suess. therwise, you ay hardly to do anythin riht. Soe people love to oplain how inapable they are or how diffiult their tasks are, they never think about the proble in theselves, whih is lak of onfidene. If they fail, they will refuse to have another try. Then they will never ever have the hane to overoe diffiulties.

There are several reasons why people feel no onfidene about theselves when they eet the hallenes. First of all, they underestiate theselves. Seond, they tend to overestiate the probles that in front of the. Last but not least, they are afraid of losin their fae or akin terrible istakes if they fail.

There are any ways for us to build up self-onfidene. Eerson used to say: “Self-trust is the first seret of suess.” Before we do soethin, we should ake full preparations and try to enourae ourselves that we will suess. If we fail, don’t be afraid, try aain; or turn to others for help. If we an overoe the adversities this tie, then we will ain soe onfidene. Step by step, we would beoe ore and ore onfident. We should have a riht attitude toward our abilities and should never look down upon ourselves. The hief thin to reeber is: failure is the other of suess.




n onfidene

As we all know, "Failure is the other of suess." But I just want to say"Suess is the baby of onfidene."

First of all, onfidene akes us happier in our life. Life is like a wonderful son, a briht and olorful paintin. If onfidene is with us in our life, we will find that life really beoes riher and ore interestin.

Then, onfidene akes us brave and ouraeous. If we lak onfidene in ourselves, how an we overoe diffiulties we eet with? If we have no onfideue in ourselves, how an we sueed in developin ourselves in the future?Without onfidene, nothin an be aoplished. That is to say, if you want to win, you have to believe in yourself.

Finally, I would like to use the followin words as our utual enouraeent:"If you think you an, you an."

































自信 Confidence英语作文




















