my,hobby my hobby英语作文50


篇首语:莫道桑榆晚,为霞尚满天。本文为你选取作文my,hobby my hobby英语作文50四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、my,hobby my hobby英语作文50(1)

2、my,hobby英语作文reading my hobby英语作文50(2)

3、my,,hobby英语作文不少60字 my hobby英语作文50(3)

4、my,hobby,is,gardening作文 my hobby英语作文50(4)

my,hobby my hobby英语作文50

篇一:《英语作文y hobby》

英语作文y hobby

参考作文一 y Favorite Hobby

I have any hobbies, suh as readin, skatin, and wathin TV. But readin is y favorite hobby.

I like readin for three reasons. First of all, books introdue e to a new world, whih is olorful and without tie and spae liit. Throuh readin, I an trae bak to anient Eypt, the radle of huan iviliation. It an brin yself to the United states, a laorous land I have been lonin to visit.

Seondly, readin an better yself by showin e a new horion. In the past years, ost of y knowlede has been obtained fro books. I have learned fro any people by readin about their ideas on siene, politis, life and soiety.

Finally, readin brides the ap between y drea and y oal. In order to sueed in y areer in the future, I ust keep readin, y favorite hobby.





y favorite hobby is readin, a rewardin experiene and it has haned e a lot!

I love readin when I was a younster and I always hooked by the harater or the soul beause I think every book is a life and it’s a perfet friend if you appreiate her. We an ouniate with her inwardly and reap the benefit we have never thouht.

Readin also an ive e soe useful aids and help soeties. The ore and wilder I read, the ore I will et. No pain no ain.

I spent y valuable tie to read. And then, it ultivates y taste. I do feel like that.


Everyone has soe hobbies. So do I. I like listenin to usi, readin novels, travelin very uh. But y favorite hobby is listenin to usi. Soeties I a even ray about usi. You ay ask e why. I a ray about usi for any reasons.

First, you know, usi is divided into soe different styles. Suh as pop, ja, rok, blues, bass and syphony. Different persons have different appreiation about usi. I appreiate liht usi, pop usi and so on. I’ve reaped the benefit of usi and haned y ind a lot.

Seond, usi is perfet to y spirit and soul. When I felt desperated, upset, alone and even soeties I lost y teper, And then listenin to usi an ool down y ray ind. usi is ative and positive. It takes e to another world and ade e to be another one. Now I’ an optiist and I will appreiate everyday and everythin.

Third, usi is the sae as our lanuae whih is able to reah y spirit and bride the ap between y soul and the external world.

In a word, I ust say, usi is the oon lanuae of the world. Enjoyin the and you’ll obtain lot happiness.


y Favorite Hobby

y favorite hobby is listenin to usi. When I a tired of studyin, I usually listen to usi either over the radio or by playin reords. But the usi I prefer is lassial instead of popular, beause the forer an let e feel peaeful and ofortable while the latter an only ake e feel uneasy. Indeed, lassial usi has beoe y best friend, so I an’t do without it even for a sinle day.


y Favorite Hobby

y favorite hobby is sinin. I have never reeived any foral usial eduation, nor an I read notes, but this hasn’t affeted y stron likin for sinin. What ounts to e is that sinin never fails to brin e jot. Whenever I feel blue, I sin. And, iraulously, all the sad feelins are one. What fills y hearts is, instead, a feelin of peae. It is not too uh to say that sinin has brihtened up y life.


Wathin TV is y Favorite Hobby

Wathin TV plays an iportant role in our daily lives. In fat it is one of y favorite hobbies. Alost everybody wathes TV soe tie every day akin it perhaps the ost oon hobby in odern soiety. It brins us a lot of benefits. Wathin TV an inrease our knowlede of the world, ive us inforation to iprove our lives and provide a lot of fun. Wathin TV widens our horions. There are nuerous TV proras representin all the worldwide affairs. People learn any thins throuh TV suh as eonois, history, eoraphy, and ulture. any TV proras provide the latest news of doesti and international events. Wathin news every niht on TV is any people¡¯s ost iportant routine. For exaple, people who are livin in anada but never have been to exio are able to know about exian history, ulture and liate by wathin a TV prora alled Disover exio. It is the sae for other ountries. I still reeber learly when I saw Afrian tribes on the sreen. I was fasinated by the arvelous junles, the olorful weapons, the fiere anials and the fantasti wild ay,hobby.


If soeone asks e:" What's your hobby?" I an answer: "y hobby is listenin to Enlish sons”. Soe Enlish sons are very ood. I like the very uh and I a ood at sinin the. Suh as "Sound of usi", "y heart will o on" , "Nobody" and so on. Soeties I an sin the very well.

I like the, beause their lyris are wonderful. For exaple "Sound of usi" :"Doe, a deer, a feale deer. Ray, a drop of olden sun. e, a nae I all yself..." h, how beautiful it is!

The son " y heart will o on" is also very ood. "Every niht in y dreas, I see you, I feel you..." That's so reat. This is y hobby. I like sinin Enlish sons. They're so beautiful!


I have any hobbies, suh as swiin, runnin, and listenin to usi, olletin staps and readin. Readin is y favorite hobby.

In y hildhood, y parents bouht e lots of books. Every day before I went to bed, y o always told e one story. Those stories enrihed y life.

As I rew up, I an read by yself. onsequently, readin books beoes y favorite hobby.

I like readin books for three reasons. First of all, I think a ood book is y faithful friend. It an inrease y happiness when I a heerful and happy; and it an lessen y pain when I a sad or lonely. Seondly readin books an widen y sihts, iprove y skills and ake e wise. Further ore, readin leads e to ahieve y oal as a bride. In order to sueed in y new areer in the future, I ust keep readin, thinkin and pratiin.

Readin has beoe a part of y life. I spend soe tie readin durin the week. It doesn’t take uh tie but it’s iportant in y life. Without readin, y life would be terribly plain and borin. I want to have a ood hobby whih an enrih y life and it’s an outlet for y eotions. I a sure I will keep readin as y lifelon hobby and enjoy it forever.y,hobby.


y favorite hobby is sinin. When I was six years old, y other often took e to the KTV to sin sons with her friends. I liked to sin sons for those unles and aunts with y innoent voie. When I row up, I sin sons just for yself. Beause sinin an ake e relaxed, every tie I a in a bad ood, I sin soe happy sons loudly and then I will feel better.

I love sinin so uh that I spend at least half an hour a day sinin. I sin when takin a bath, washin dishes, walkin the do, and any tie I an do it. To e, sinin is really the ost iportant hobby that akes e happy in y life.


y favorite hobby is danin. Sine I was a little irl, I have been fasinated by the beauty of ballet. I adire the raeful oveents of daners, and I a iersed in the roanti atosphere durin the ballet draas. win to its stron attration, ballet beoes y favorite hobby.

There are any advantaes of danin. To bein with, danin is helpful to keep e in the pink. Seond, it provides e with a ateway to relaxation. Last but not least, danin akes y happy. It always brins enjoyent to y life. As is entioned above, I a fond of danin very uh. I an’t live without y favorite hobby—danin. (110 words)


y hobby is wathin TV. It beoes an iportant part of y life. I spend two hours a day wathin TV. When lyin on the sofa and likin the reote ontrol, I feel quite relaxed.

I bean to wath TV in y hildhood, and soon I ot addited to it. Beause I ould keep balane between y hobby and y shoolwork, y parents didn’t insist that I turn off the TV. y favorite hannel is Disovery and y favorite show is about history. I have learned any thins fro these TV proras , and they even beoe interests that I an share with y friends. When I feel upset, wathin a variety of shows an onsole y sadness.

I will keep wathin TV and learnin thins fro it. TV is not only a tool to ake y life olorful, but also a friend to aopany e by y side.

篇二:《y hobby英语作文》

y hobby英语作文

y hobby英语作文范文1:

I like play football very uh. I think it is one of the ost popular way to relax. And it an help your body row ore stron. I often play football on PE lesson and after shool. In this way I ake friends with a lot of football-liker. we always play toether. Football brin e so uh, I like it!

y hobby英语作文范文2:

Different people, different hobbies. What hobbies do you have?

y hobby is sinin. It's a reat hobby! It's fun and it akes e feel proud.

Sinin an be used to relieve (解除) y fatiues (疲劳), and an help e iprove y aent(腔调). Sinin akes e happy when I' sad. Sinin sons an ake you lever. I a always sinin at hoe to share eah other's joys and sorrow (悲痛) in our life and to learn any sons. I really enjoy sinin.

It oes without sayin that there are any different kinds of hobbies and they an't only (不仅) broaden (拓宽) our inds (智力) but also (而且) add ore fun to our life.

y hobby英语作文范文3

I a a 1-year-old student in junior rade 3. Thouh I a oupied with y study, I would like to spend tie on y hobbies, suh as playin the piano, surfin the Internet.

ne of y favourite hobby is readin. Readin has been in y life for any years, sine I bean to learn haraters. It an not only kill the tie, but also, ore iportant, help iprove y oprehension ability. When readin, I an learn a lot. Readin Shakespear's works, I know how Halet looks like. Readin Sorates, I an see how reat anient reek

y hobby英语作文范文4

I like to ollet any thins, suh as nie stones, naes of ovies, books,toys, photos of faous people. But I like olletin staps best. I have been olletin staps for five years. When I was very youn, y unle sent e a stap fro Australia. I loved it at one. Sine then I tried to ollet staps and fell in love with it. I have ore than one hundred staps. Soe were sent by y friends, soe were olleted by yself; soe were fro foiren ountries, soe were hinese. I like the. ften, I take the out and show the to y friends.

y hobby英语作文范文

y hobby is olletin staps. I have olleted ore than two hundred staps. I bean to ollet the last year. I have been olletin the for around a year.

I like staps beause they are very beautiful and very interestin. Every stap is a wonderful piture and fro it you an learn a lot.

Look, these are staps for the snake year. They show us the traditional art of hina. In these staps there are beautiful fishes. And these staps are about the reat persons, suh as Einstein,ao TsinDun, Bill ates, ero Washinton and so. Don't you think the staps are very interestin?

y hobby英语作文范文6

I a a 1-year-old student in junior rade 3. Thouh I a oupied with y study, I would like to spend tie on y hobbies, suh as playin the piano, surfin the Internet.

ne of y favourite hobby is readin. Readin has been in y life for any years, sine I bean to learn haraters. It an not only kill the tie, but also, ore iportant, help iprove y oprehension ability. When readin, I an learn a lot. Readin Shakespear"s works, I know how Halet looks like. Readin Sorates, I an see how reat anient reek philosophers are. Readin Lu Xu, I oe bak to the old tie of hina.

Readin really affet y life.





y hobby英语作文范文7

Different people, different hobbies. What hobbies do you have?

y hobby is sinin. It"s a reat hobby! It"s fun and it akes e feel proud.

Sinin an be used to relieve (解除) y fatiues (疲劳), and an help e iprove y aent(腔调). Sinin akes e happy when I" sad. Sinin sons an ake you lever. I a always sinin at hoe to share eah other"s joys and sorrow (悲痛) in our life and to learn any sons. I really enjoy sinin.

It oes without sayin that there are any different kinds of hobbies and they an"t only (不仅) broaden (拓宽) our inds (智力) but also (而且) add ore fun to our life.





y hobby英语作文范文y,hobby.

y hobby is readin books When I was seven years old.I beae interested in readin books.I like needin books beause there are a lot of useful thins in books.I an learn a lot of knowlede fro books. Books an also teah e how to be a ood person.Books even an solve any probles for e.I will read ore ood books to iprove yself.


y hobby英语作文范文9

While I was still a irl, I loved wathin TV deeply.

As lon as y parents were not at hoe, I turned on and wathed TV until y parents ae hoe. As tie went by, I beae a short-sihted person. Therefore I was forbidden to wath TV. But ost of tie, y parents were busy with their job outside, so I was always at hoe alone and wathed TV seretly. Sine the Television is a kind of eletri appliane, it radiates heat while it works, so the top of television would feel hot after I wathed TV. As a result of this, when y parents ae bak hoe, they would find out and punish e. However, the punishent ouldn’t prevent e fro wathin TV. I ae up with an idea, that is, to put a wet towel on top of the television so that it would be ooled. By usin this ethod, I spent y hildhood in the opany of television. f ause, at the sae tine, I beae a severely short-sihted irl.

There is no doubt that wathin TV is y hobby and I have wathed a quantity of TV proras. The artoons, TV series, ovies, entertainent proras, siene proras, ulture proras, usi proras, finane proras, and news. TV proras are olorful.

As far as I’ onerned, wathin TV an be lassified into three ateories. The rade-three wathin TV is to wath soe stupid, eaninless proras, an not ake people lauh, ry or understand soethin, but only an ake people feel sik. For exaple, the Taiwan youth idol TV series: They kiss. It’s nothin but borin. The rade-two wather is soeone who wathes the interestin proras that an ake people lauh or ry so that they an relax and start to work happily aain. For exaple, the entertainent TV prora Happy ap. Wathin soe full of inforation, an ake people understand theories or an teah people lessons, eaninful proras is what I alled rade-one wathin TV. Throuh wathin this kind of proras you an broaden your siht, and beoe a knowledeable an. Suh as these proras: the Disovery, the Dialoue and the World News.

I a very lad to onsider wathin TV as y hobby, and I a willin to beoe a rade-one wather.

y hobby英语作文范文10

Everyone has his own hobby , it ay ive hi a lot of happiness. y hobby is listenin to usi .

when I was a hild I enjoy listenin to usi espeially the artoon usi ,thouh I' not ood at it, I often lose yself in it. When I a in trouble , usi an ake e al down. When I a very tired , it an ake e ofortable . When I a anry with soethin , it aslo an ake e happy aain. Listenin to usi keeps e in a ood ood and it's ood for y health. Do you like listenin to usi? If not, I hope you an have a try,you will find it so ood.

y hobby英语作文范文11y,hobby.

I enjoy readin books very uh, beause there are lots of interestin thins in the.

Two years ao, I didn't like readin very uh. I had plenty of tie, but I spent lots of tie on playin with oputers. When I was very youn, I didn't think readin book was interestin, beause I found nothin ore interestin than the oputer aes.

I've haned now. I enjoy readin novels, beause there're lots of interestin stories. I love to read Harry Potter. That's a ood novel. I know that it is one of the best-sellers in Enland. I' always lose yself in the interestin stories.

y hobby英语作文范文12

I have any hobbies, suh as readin, skatin, and wathin TV. But readin is y favorite hobby.


I like readin for three reasons. First of all, books introdue e to a new world, whih is olorful and without tie and spae liit. Throuh readin, I an trae bak to anient Eypt, the radle of huan iviliation. It an brin e to the United States, a laorous land I have been lonin to visit. Seondly, readin an better e by showin e a new horion. In the past years, ost of y knowlede has been obtained fro books. I have learned fro any people by readin about their ideas on siene, politis, life and soiety. Thirdly, readin brides the ap between y drea and y oal. In order to sueed in y areer in the future, I ust keep readin, thinkin and pratiin.


Readin has beoe part of y life. Every day, I spend soe tie readin books, newspapers and aaines. At niht, I an hardly o to sleep without a novel in y hand.


点评:这篇关于y Hobby的英语作文,并没有写许许多多的爱好,而是着重挑选了一个Readin,并且主体第二段条理清晰地叙述了喜爱阅读的三个理由,这样的文章整体性会比较强,不会给人凌乱零散的感觉哦!

篇三:《y hobby 我的爱好》

y hobby

Everyone has his own hobby , it ay ive hi a lot of happiness. I enjoy readin books very uh, beause there are lots of interestin thins in the.So y hobby is readin to the book . Four years ao, I did not like readin very uh. I do not have plenty the tie, for I spent lots of tie on playin with oputers. When I was very youn, I did not think readin book is interestin, beause I find nothin ore interestin than the oputer aes.but i have haned it now. if I have tie I will read a book .I like to read historial stories, beause there are lots of interestin stories. I love to read Historial stories in in dynasty. That is a ood history .readin let e know any thins happened in the past . And also let e understand a lot of knowlede.

It is y hobby .I like readin and will until forever.




这是我的爱好。我喜欢阅读 并将会直到永远。


y hobby英语作文

y hobby英语作文范文1:

I like play football very uh. I think it is one of the ost popular way to relax. And it an help your body row ore stron. I often play football on PE lesson and after shool. In this way I ake friends with a lot of football-liker. we always play toether. Football brin e so uh, I like it!

y hobby英语作文范文2:

Different people, different hobbies. What hobbies do you have?

y hobby is sinin. It's a reat hobby! It's fun and it akes e feel proud.

Sinin an be used to relieve (解除) y fatiues (疲劳), and an help e iprove y aent(腔调). Sinin akes e happy when I' sad. Sinin sons an ake you lever. I a always sinin at hoe to share eah other's joys and sorrow (悲痛) in our life and to learn any sons. I really enjoy sinin.

It oes without sayin that there are any different kinds of hobbies and they an't only (不仅) broaden (拓宽) our inds (智力) but also (而且) add ore fun to our life.

y hobby英语作文范文3

I a a 1-year-old student in junior rade 3. Thouh I a oupied with y study, I would like to spend tie on y hobbies, suh as playin the piano, surfin the Internet.

ne of y favourite hobby is readin. Readin has been in y life for any years, sine I bean to learn haraters. It an not only kill the tie, but also, ore iportant, help iprove y oprehension abil

my,hobby英语作文reading my hobby英语作文50

篇一:《英语作文y hobby》

英语作文y hobby

参考作文一 y Favorite Hobby

I have any hobbies, suh as readin, skatin, and wathin TV. But readin is y favorite hobby.

I like readin for three reasons. First of all, books introdue e to a new world, whih is olorful and without tie and spae liit. Throuh readin, I an trae bak to anient Eypt, the radle of huan iviliation. It an brin yself to the United states, a laorous land I have been lonin to visit.

Seondly, readin an better yself by showin e a new horion. In the past years, ost of y knowlede has been obtained fro books. I have learned fro any people by readin about their ideas on siene, politis, life and soiety.

Finally, readin brides the ap between y drea and y oal. In order to sueed in y areer in the future, I ust keep readin, y favorite hobby.





y favorite hobby is readin, a rewardin experiene and it has haned e a lot!

I love readin when I was a younster and I always hooked by the harater or the soul beause I think every book is a life and it’s a perfet friend if you appreiate her. We an ouniate with her inwardly and reap the benefit we have never thouht.

Readin also an ive e soe useful aids and help soeties. The ore and wilder I read, the ore I will et. No pain no ain.

I spent y valuable tie to read. And then, it ultivates y taste. I do feel like that.


Everyone has soe hobbies. So do I. I like listenin to usi, readin novels, travelin very uh. But y favorite hobby is listenin to usi. Soeties I a even ray about usi. You ay ask e why. I a ray about usi for any reasons.

First, you know, usi is divided into soe different styles. Suh as pop, ja, rok, blues, bass and syphony. Different persons have different appreiation about usi. I appreiate liht usi, pop usi and so on. I’ve reaped the benefit of usi and haned y ind a lot.

Seond, usi is perfet to y spirit and soul. When I felt desperated, upset, alone and even soeties I lost y teper, And then listenin to usi an ool down y ray ind. usi is ative and positive. It takes e to another world and ade e to be another one. Now I’ an optiist and I will appreiate everyday and everythin.

Third, usi is the sae as our lanuae whih is able to reah y spirit and bride the ap between y soul and the external world.

In a word, I ust say, usi is the oon lanuae of the world. Enjoyin the and you’ll obtain lot happiness.y,hobby英语作文readin.


y Favorite Hobby

y favorite hobby is listenin to usi. When I a tired of studyin, I usually listen to usi either over the radio or by playin reords. But the usi I prefer is lassial instead of popular, beause the forer an let e feel peaeful and ofortable while the latter an only ake e feel uneasy. Indeed, lassial usi has beoe y best friend, so I an’t do without it even for a sinle day.


y Favorite Hobbyy,hobby英语作文readin.

y favorite hobby is sinin. I have never reeived any foral usial eduation, nor an I read notes, but this hasn’t affeted y stron likin for sinin. What ounts to e is that sinin never fails to brin e jot. Whenever I feel blue, I sin. And, iraulously, all the sad feelins are one. What fills y hearts is, instead, a feelin of peae. It is not too uh to say that sinin has brihtened up y life.


Wathin TV is y Favorite Hobby

Wathin TV plays an iportant role in our daily lives. In fat it is one of y favorite hobbies. Alost everybody wathes TV soe tie every day akin it perhaps the ost oon hobby in odern soiety. It brins us a lot of benefits. Wathin TV an inrease our knowlede of the world, ive us inforation to iprove our lives and provide a lot of fun. Wathin TV widens our horions. There are nuerous TV proras representin all the worldwide affairs. People learn any thins throuh TV suh as eonois, history, eoraphy, and ulture. any TV proras provide the latest news of doesti and international events. Wathin news every niht on TV is any people¡¯s ost iportant routine. For exaple, people who are livin in anada but never have been to exio are able to know about exian history, ulture and liate by wathin a TV prora alled Disover exio. It is the sae for other ountries. I still reeber learly when I saw Afrian tribes on the sreen. I was fasinated by the arvelous junles, the olorful weapons, the fiere anials and the fantasti wild a


If soeone asks e:" What's your hobby?" I an answer: "y hobby is listenin to Enlish sons”. Soe Enlish sons are very ood. I like the very uh and I a ood at sinin the. Suh as "Sound of usi", "y heart will o on" , "Nobody" and so on. Soeties I an sin the very well.y,hobby英语作文readin.

I like the, beause their lyris are wonderful. For exaple "Sound of usi" :"Doe, a deer, a feale deer. Ray, a drop of olden sun. e, a nae I all yself..." h, how beautiful it is!

The son " y heart will o on" is also very ood. "Every niht in y dreas, I see you, I feel you..." That's so reat. This is y hobby. I like sinin Enlish sons. They're so beautiful!


I have any hobbies, suh as swiin, runnin, and listenin to usi, olletin staps and readin. Readin is y favorite hobby.

In y hildhood, y parents bouht e lots of books. Every day before I went to bed, y o always told e one story. Those stories enrihed y life.

As I rew up, I an read by yself. onsequently, readin books beoes y favorite hobby.

I like readin books for three reasons. First of all, I think a ood book is y faithful friend. It an inrease y happiness when I a heerful and happy; and it an lessen y pain when I a sad or lonely. Seondly readin books an widen y sihts, iprove y skills and ake e wise. Further ore, readin leads e to ahieve y oal as a bride. In order to sueed in y new areer in the future, I ust keep readin, thinkin and pratiin.

Readin has beoe a part of y life. I spend soe tie readin durin the week. It doesn’t take uh tie but it’s iportant in y life. Without readin, y life would be terribly plain and borin. I want to have a ood hobby whih an enrih y life and it’s an outlet for y eotions. I a sure I will keep readin as y lifelon hobby and enjoy it forever.


y favorite hobby is sinin. When I was six years old, y other often took e to the KTV to sin sons with her friends. I liked to sin sons for those unles and aunts with y innoent voie. When I row up, I sin sons just for yself. Beause sinin an ake e relaxed, every tie I a in a bad ood, I sin soe happy sons loudly and then I will feel better.

I love sinin so uh that I spend at least half an hour a day sinin. I sin when takin a bath, washin dishes, walkin the do, and any tie I an do it. To e, sinin is really the ost iportant hobby that akes e happy in y life.


y favorite hobby is danin. Sine I was a little irl, I have been fasinated by the beauty of ballet. I adire the raeful oveents of daners, and I a iersed in the roanti atosphere durin the ballet draas. win to its stron attration, ballet beoes y favorite hobby.

There are any advantaes of danin. To bein with, danin is helpful to keep e in the pink. Seond, it provides e with a ateway to relaxation. Last but not least, danin akes y happy. It always brins enjoyent to y life. As is entioned above, I a fond of danin very uh. I an’t live without y favorite hobby—danin. (110 words)


y hobby is wathin TV. It beoes an iportant part of y life. I spend two hours a day wathin TV. When lyin on the sofa and likin the reote ontrol, I feel quite relaxed.

I bean to wath TV in y hildhood, and soon I ot addited to it. Beause I ould keep balane between y hobby and y shoolwork, y parents didn’t insist that I turn off the TV. y favorite hannel is Disovery and y favorite show is about history. I have learned any thins fro these TV proras , and they even beoe interests that I an share with y friends. When I feel upset, wathin a variety of shows an onsole y sadness.

I will keep wathin TV and learnin thins fro it. TV is not only a tool to ake y life olorful, but also a friend to aopany e by y side.

篇二:《y hobby英语作文》

y hobby英语作文

y hobby英语作文范文1:

I like play football very uh. I think it is one of the ost popular way to relax. And it an help your body row ore stron. I often play football on PE lesson and after shool. In this way I ake friends with a lot of football-liker. we always play toether. Football brin e so uh, I like it!

y hobby英语作文范文2:

Different people, different hobbies. What hobbies do you have?

y hobby is sinin. It's a reat hobby! It's fun and it akes e feel proud.

Sinin an be used to relieve (解除) y fatiues (疲劳), and an help e iprove y aent(腔调). Sinin akes e happy when I' sad. Sinin sons an ake you lever. I a always sinin at hoe to share eah other's joys and sorrow (悲痛) in our life and to learn any sons. I really enjoy sinin.

It oes without sayin that there are any different kinds of hobbies and they an't only (不仅) broaden (拓宽) our inds (智力) but also (而且) add ore fun to our life.

y hobby英语作文范文3

I a a 1-year-old student in junior rade 3. Thouh I a oupied with y study, I would like to spend tie on y hobbies, suh as playin the piano, surfin the Internet.

ne of y favourite hobby is readin. Readin has been in y life for any years, sine I bean to learn haraters. It an not only kill the tie, but also, ore iportant, help iprove y oprehension ability. When readin, I an learn a lot. Readin Shakespear's works, I know how Halet looks like. Readin Sorates, I an see how reat anient reek

y hobby英语作文范文4

I like to ollet any thins, suh as nie stones, naes of ovies, books,toys, photos of faous people. But I like olletin staps best. I have been olletin staps for five years. When I was very youn, y unle sent e a stap fro Australia. I loved it at one. Sine then I tried to ollet staps and fell in love with it. I have ore than one hundred staps. Soe were sent by y friends, soe were olleted by yself; soe were fro foiren ountries, soe were hinese. I like the. ften, I take the out and show the to y friends.

y hobby英语作文范文

y hobby is olletin staps. I have olleted ore than two hundred staps. I bean to ollet the last year. I have been olletin the for around a year.

I like staps beause they are very beautiful and very interestin. Every stap is a wonderful piture and fro it you an learn a lot.

Look, these are staps for the snake year. They show us the traditional art of hina. In these staps there are beautiful fishes. And these staps are about the reat persons, suh as Einstein,ao TsinDun, Bill ates, ero Washinton and so. Don't you think the staps are very interestin?

y hobby英语作文范文6

I a a 1-year-old student in junior rade 3. Thouh I a oupied with y study, I would like to spend tie on y hobbies, suh as playin the piano, surfin the Internet.

ne of y favourite hobby is readin. Readin has been in y life for any years, sine I bean to learn haraters. It an not only kill the tie, but also, ore iportant, help iprove y oprehension ability. When readin, I an learn a lot. Readin Shakespear"s works, I know how Halet looks like. Readin Sorates, I an see how reat anient reek philosophers are. Readin Lu Xu, I oe bak to the old tie of hina.

Readin really affet y life.





y hobby英语作文范文7

Different people, different hobbies. What hobbies do you have?

y hobby is sinin. It"s a reat hobby! It"s fun and it akes e feel proud.

Sinin an be used to relieve (解除) y fatiues (疲劳), and an help e iprove y aent(腔调). Sinin akes e happy when I" sad. Sinin sons an ake you lever. I a always sinin at hoe to share eah other"s joys and sorrow (悲痛) in our life and to learn any sons. I really enjoy sinin.

It oes without sayin that there are any different kinds of hobbies and they an"t only (不仅) broaden (拓宽) our inds (智力) but also (而且) add ore fun to our life.





y hobby英语作文范文

y hobby is readin books When I was seven years old.I beae interested in readin books.I like needin books beause there are a lot of useful thins in books.I an learn a lot of knowlede fro books. Books an also teah e how to be a ood person.Books even an solve any probles for e.I will read ore ood books to iprove yself.


y hobby英语作文范文9

While I was still a irl, I loved wathin TV deeply.

As lon as y parents were not at hoe, I turned on and wathed TV until y parents ae hoe. As tie went by, I beae a short-sihted person. Therefore I was forbidden to wath TV. But ost of tie, y parents were busy with their job outside, so I was always at hoe alone and wathed TV seretly. Sine the Television is a kind of eletri appliane, it radiates heat while it works, so the top of television would feel hot after I wathed TV. As a result of this, when y parents ae bak hoe, they would find out and punish e. However, the punishent ouldn’t prevent e fro wathin TV. I ae up with an idea, that is, to put a wet towel on top of the television so that it would be ooled. By usin this ethod, I spent y hildhood in the opany of television. f ause, at the sae tine, I beae a severely short-sihted irl.

There is no doubt that wathin TV is y hobby and I have wathed a quantity of TV proras. The artoons, TV series, ovies, entertainent proras, siene proras, ulture proras, usi proras, finane proras, and news. TV proras are olorful.

As far as I’ onerned, wathin TV an be lassified into three ateories. The rade-three wathin TV is to wath soe stupid, eaninless proras, an not ake people lauh, ry or understand soethin, but only an ake people feel sik. For exaple, the Taiwan youth idol TV series: They kiss. It’s nothin but borin. The rade-two wather is soeone who wathes the interestin proras that an ake people lauh or ry so that they an relax and start to work happily aain. For exaple, the entertainent TV prora Happy ap. Wathin soe full of inforation, an ake people understand theories or an teah people lessons, eaninful proras is what I alled rade-one wathin TV. Throuh wathin this kind of proras you an broaden your siht, and beoe a knowledeable an. Suh as these proras: the Disovery, the Dialoue and the World News.

I a very lad to onsider wathin TV as y hobby, and I a willin to beoe a rade-one wather.

y hobby英语作文范文10

Everyone has his own hobby , it ay ive hi a lot of happiness. y hobby is listenin to usi .

when I was a hild I enjoy listenin to usi espeially the artoon usi ,thouh I' not ood at it, I often lose yself in it. When I a in trouble , usi an ake e al down. When I a very tired , it an ake e ofortable . When I a anry with soethin , it aslo an ake e happy aain. Listenin to usi keeps e in a ood ood and it's ood for y health. Do you like listenin to usi? If not, I hope you an have a try,you will find it so ood.y,hobby英语作文readin.

y hobby英语作文范文11

I enjoy readin books very uh, beause there are lots of interestin thins in the.y,hobby英语作文readin.

Two years ao, I didn't like readin very uh. I had plenty of tie, but I spent lots of tie on playin with oputers. When I was very youn, I didn't think readin book was interestin, beause I found nothin ore interestin than the oputer aes.

I've haned now. I enjoy readin novels, beause there're lots of interestin stories. I love to read Harry Potter. That's a ood novel. I know that it is one of the best-sellers in Enland. I' always lose yself in the interestin stories.

y hobby英语作文范文12

I have any hobbies, suh as readin, skatin, and wathin TV. But readin is y favorite hobby.


I like readin for three reasons. First of all, books introdue e to a new world, whih is olorful and without tie and spae liit. Throuh readin, I an trae bak to anient Eypt, the radle of huan iviliation. It an brin e to the United States, a laorous land I have been lonin to visit. Seondly, readin an better e by showin e a new horion. In the past years, ost of y knowlede has been obtained fro books. I have learned fro any people by readin about their ideas on siene, politis, life and soiety. Thirdly, readin brides the ap between y drea and y oal. In order to sueed in y areer in the future, I ust keep readin, thinkin and pratiin.


Readin has beoe part of y life. Every day, I spend soe tie readin books, newspapers and aaines. At niht, I an hardly o to sleep without a novel in y hand.


点评:这篇关于y Hobby的英语作文,并没有写许许多多的爱好,而是着重挑选了一个Readin,并且主体第二段条理清晰地叙述了喜爱阅读的三个理由,这样的文章整体性会比较强,不会给人凌乱零散的感觉哦!


y hobby

Everyone has his own hobby , it ay ive hi a lot of happiness. y hobby is listenin to usi .

when I was a hild I enjoy listenin to usi espeially the artoon usi ,thouh I' not ood at it, I often lose yself in it. When I a in trouble , usi an ake e al down. When I a very tired , it an ake e ofortable . When I a anry with soethin , it aslo an ake e happy aain. Listenin to usi keeps e in a ood ood and it's ood for y health.

Do you like listenin to usi? If not, I hope you an have a try,you will find it so ood.

y hobby

I enjoy readin books very uh, beause there are lots of interestin thins in the. Two years ao, I didn't like readin very uh. I had plenty of tie, but I spent lots of tie on playin with oputers. When I was very youn, I didn't think readin book was interestin, beause I found nothin ore interestin than the oputer aes.

I've haned now. I enjoy readin novels, beause there're lots of interestin stories. I love to read Harry Potter. That's a ood novel. I know that it is one of the best-sellers in Enland. I' always lose yself in the interestin stories.


y hobby

1 hobby is readin.I was interested in readin when I was five rears old. At that tie y other always e to read soe storybooks.radually I found readin very interestin.It ann’t only let e know a lot of knowlede,but also ake e happy. I like readin all kinds of artiles, suh as stories , news reports ,aaines and so on.And I usually do soe readin in the evenin.Readin akes y life olourful and wonderful.

2 y favorite hobby is listenin to usi. When I a tired of studyin, I usually listen to usi either over the radio or by playin reords. But the usi I prefer is lassial instead of popular, beause the forer an let e feel peaeful and ofortable while the latter an only ake e feel uneasy. Indeed, lassial usi has beoe y best friend, so I an’t do without it even for a sinle day.

篇五:《关于y Hobby的英语作文》

Key points: 1.挑选一个爱好,着重去描写。2.阐述每个理由时运用总起句,使文章条理清晰。

I have any hobbies, suh as readin, skatin, and wathin TV. But readin is y favorite hobby.


I like readin for three reasons. First of all, books introdue e to a new world, whih is olorful and without tie and spae liit. Throuh readin, I an trae bak to anient Eypt, the radle of huan iviliation. It an brin e to the United States, a laorous land I have been lonin to visit. Seondly, readin an better e by showin e a new horion. In the past years, ost of y knowlede has been obtained fro books. I have learned fro any people by readin about their ideas on siene, politis, life and soiety. Thirdly, readin brides the ap between y drea and y oal. In order to sueed in y areer in the future, I ust keep readin, thinkin and pratiin. 我喜爱读书有三个原因:首先,书籍带我进入一个新世界,这个世界五颜六色没有时空限制。通过读书,我可以追溯到占代埃及——这个人类文明的摇篮。书能把我带到美国,那个我一直想去游览的充满魅力的地方。其次,读书能够在我

my,,hobby英语作文不少60字 my hobby英语作文50

篇一:《小学英语作文-我的业余爱好(y hobby)》

小学英语作文:我的业余爱好(y hobby)


I a endy. I a in Nanhai Experiental Priary Shool. I a in lass 9, rade 6. I a tall and thin. I live in Dali. I have any ood friends. I often play with the.

I have any hobbies, ridin a bike, drawin pitures and readin books. But I like to read books the best. Beause of readin books is ood for y . I also like ridin bikes. Beause of it does a lot of ood to y body. What s your hobby? an you tell e?

篇二:《学生英语作文y hobby》

y hobby

10 侯丽

Different people have different hobbies.Now I enjoy readin books very uh, beause readin books an ake e happy.

one years ao, I was in rade 7, I didn't think readin book was interestin, I didn't like readin at all.beause readin is hard,playin with oputeraes is easy. I spent lots of tie on playin with oputers.Ihane now. I enjoy readin Enlish books.beause there are lots of interestin stories in books.

In all, I love stories . I just like readin.


there. They brin fruit, drink and bread. r. Blak and rs. Blak talk with eah other. They talk very happily. Ann reads a aaine. To likes flyin a kite. The kite flies very well. They are hunry now. They want to eat their food. They are very happy.


ary 是个英国女孩,五年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。

y nae is ary. I oe fro Enland. I a an Enlish irl. I a a student. I a in rade Five. I like y teaher. Her Enlish is ood. There are four people in y faily. I have a twin sister. y father is a dotor. y other is a teaher. I love the very uh. They love e, too.

4、题目: y net friend(我的网友)



提示词:(1)oputer (2)net friend (3) talk with eah other(互相交谈)

(4) in the hat roo (在聊天室) ()talk in Enlish (用英语交谈) (6)ood now

y net friend

I a Tony. I a have a oputer. I have a net friend. His nae is Jak. He is 12 years old. He is a student. He likes surfin the net. We often talk with eah other in the hat roo. We talk in Enlish. y Enlish is ood now. He is a ood boy. I like hi very uh. Do you want to have a net friend?








年龄:12 国籍:英国(Enland)



爱好:唱歌(sinin)、跳舞(danin)、看电视(wathin TV)

优点:友好(friendly)、乐于助人(like to helpothers)

y ood friend

I have a ood friend. Her nae is Ann. Her hinese nae is Wan Xiaolan. She is fro Enland. She is in Beijin now. She is in Yuyin Priary Shool. She is in lass Four, rade Six. She is twelve. She has blue eyes and yellow

hair. Her father is a dotor and her other is a nurse. Her brother is five years old. She likes danin, sinin and wathin TV. She is friendly and she likes to help others. What a ood irl!

6、短文写作。根据给出的提示和要求,写一篇6个单词左右的英语短文。 要求:1、写一封介绍你一家的电子邮件给Jay

Hello, Jay,

I a very happy to be your net friend. There are four people in y faily. They are y parents , y sister and I. y father is the oldest and the tallest. He an drive a ar. He is a dotor. y other is a fatory worker. She works hard. y sister is a student. She is the best in her LASs. y hobby is playin basketball. y sister and I o to shool on foot. I have a happy faily. What about you?

Bye- bye,


7、Jak 昨天跟他妈妈买东西,请根据下表的信息,写一篇不少于60个单词的小作文。

Happy Shop:Soe piees of andy ¥4 A roll of toilet paper ¥ r. hen’s Store:A arton of ie rea¥1

Unle Eddy’s Store:A bottle of shapoo¥4 A pair of soks¥ Bi Blue Departent Store:A ba of hips ¥9 Toy ar ¥10

Yesterday was Jak’s shoppin day. He went shoppin with his other. They went to the Happy Shop . They bouht soe piees of andy. They are 4 yuan. They bouht a roll of toilet paper. They bouht a arton of ie rea at r. hen’s Store .They bouht a bottle of shapoo and a pair of soks at Unle Eddy’s Store . They went to the Bi Blue Departent Store. They bouht a toy ar. It’s 10 yuan. They were very happy.

、假设你是ay, 请用不少于60个单词来向你的笔友Jay介绍你的家庭情况,请在文中使用3个最高级和2个比较级。

Hi, Jay,

I’ very happy to be your pen-friends. I have a war faily. There are four people in y faily. y father is the tallest and the oldest in y faily. y other is beautiful. She is a teaher. She is thinner than y father. I a a student. I a three years older than y sister. y sister is the younest in y faily. I love y faily. What about you?y,,hobby英语作文不少60字.

Bye bye,



y Friends

I have two ood friends. They’re han Pin and Ji. han Pin is 12. Ji is three years older than her. He’s 1. Ji is heavier than han Pin.



班别: 姓名: 学号:

weekend. He is oin to read a aaine this Saturday ornin. He is oin to o to the oo this Saturday afternoon. He is oin to buy a book this Sunday ornin. He is oin to learn Kunfu this Sunday afternoon. He is oin to wath TV this Sunday evenin.


题目:A Happy Day in Sprin

提示:下图是r. Blak 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景。请用一般现在时描写图中所呈现出的内容。可作适当的想象和发挥。



A Happy Day in Sprin

It’s sprin. It’s sunny and loudy today. There are any bi trees in the park. r. Blak’s faily have a pini in a park. They brin any food there. They brin fruit, drink and bread. r. Blak and rs. Blak talk with eah other. They talk very happily. Ann reads a aaine. To likes flyin a kite. The kite flies very well. They are hunry now. They want to eat their food. They are very happy.


ary 是个英国女孩,五年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。

y nae is ary. I oe fro Enland. I a an Enlish irl. I a a student. I a in rade Five. I like y teaher. Her Enlish is ood. There are four people in y faily. I have a twin sister.

y father is a dotor. y other is a teaher. I love the very uh. They love e, too.

4、题目: y net friend(我的网友)


2.要将提示词全部体现在作文中;不得少于0个单词。 提示词:(1)oputer (2)net friend (3) talk with eah other(互相交谈)

(4) in the hat roo (在聊天室) ()talk in Enlish (用英语交谈)

(6)ood now

y net friend

I a Tony. I have a oputer. I have a new friend. His nae is Jak. He is 12 years old. He is a student. He likes surfin the net. We often talk with eah other in the hat roo. We talk in Enlish. y Enlish is ood now. He is a ood boy. I like hi very uh. Do you want to have a net friend?





y ood friend

I have a ood friend. Her nae is Ann. Her hinese nae is Wan Xiaolan. She is fro Enland. She is in Beijin now. She is twelve. She has blue eyes and yellow hair. Her father is a dotor and her other is a nurse. Her brother is five years old. She likes danin, sinin and wathin TV. She is friendly and she likes to help others. What a ood irl!



Hello, Jay,

I a very happy to be your net friend. There are four people in y faily. They are y parents , y sister and I. y father is the oldest and the tallest. He an drive a ar. He is a dotor. y

other is a fatory worker. She works hard. y sister is a student. She is the best in her lass. y hobby is playin basketball. y sister and I o to shool on foot. I have a happy faily. What about you?

Bye- bye,


7、Jak 昨天跟他妈妈买东西,请根据下表的信息,写一篇不少于60个单词的小作文。

Happy Shop:Soe piees of andy ¥4 A roll of toilet paper ¥

r. hen’s Store:A arton of ie rea¥1

Unle Eddy’s Store:A bottle of shapoo¥4 A pair of soks¥

Bi Blue Departent Store:A ba of hips ¥9 Toy ar ¥10

Yesterday was Jak’s shoppin day. He went shoppin with his other.

They went to the bouht a arton of ie rea at bottle of shapoo and a pair of soks at . They bouht a toy ar. It’s 10 yuan. They were very happy.

、假设你是ay, 请用不少于60个单词来向你的笔友Jay介绍你的家庭情况,请在文中使用3个最高级和2个比较级。

Hi, Jay,




to be




I have

a war faily. There are four people in y faily. y father is the tallest and the oldest in y faily. y other is beautiful. She is a teaher. She is thinner than y father. I a a student. I a three years older than y sister. y sister is the younest in y faily. I love y faily. What about you?

Bye bye,



y Friends

I have two ood friends. They’re han Pin and Ji. han Pin is 12. Ji is three years older than her. He’s 1. Ji is heavier than han Pin. He’s 60 kiloras. Ji is taller than her. He’s 162. han Pin is a hinese irl. She lives in Xinhui. Ji is a anadian boy. He lives in uanhou now. han Pin likes red. Her favorite sport is badinton. Ji likes blue. His favorite sport is swiin. I like the very uh.


y Weekend

I have happy weekend.

n Saturday ornin I always have Enlish lasses at shool. I study hard in the lassroo. In the afternoon I often play oputer aes. n Sunday ornin I often draw pitures. Soeties I visit y randother and randfather. Soeties I listen to usi. n Sunday afternoon I often do housework or o shoppin.

So I love weekends.


y birthday

Yesterday was arh 20th. It was y birthday. I had a party. I ate too uh. ike brouht a arton of ie rea. Jenny brouht soe andy. ary brouht a lot of ookies. y o ade a ake. y dad bouht a toy ar for e. I was very happy. At the party we san and daned. We had a ood tie.


y Favorite People

Who is your favorite people? y favorite people is y other. She is beautiful. She is 3 years old. She is tall and thin. She has bi eyes and lon hair. She likes ookin. She ooks ood eals for us every day. And she always does all the housework. She looks after y father and e. I love y other very uh.

13、请描写一下你的房间,注意要使用“there be ”句型。

y Bedroo

I have a nie and sall bedroo. There is a beautiful bed and two sall hair. I also have a bi and tall loset beause I have any lothes. There is a bi desk next to the window. I always do y hoework at the desk. There is a faily photo on the wall. We took this photo this suer holiday. I like y bedroo.


y Shool

I study at Yuyin Priary Shool. y shool is very bi and beautiful. There are three buildins and a playround. There are any trees and flowers. y lassroo is very bi and briht. There are 60 students in it. They study hard and always help with eah other. ur teahers are very nie and sart. I like y shool.




一、 .以Basketball 为题写一篇约60个单词的作文参考词汇:popular ,

in the world , like, favorite, fan, a faous player, play…well, in the future.

Basketball is very popular in the world. any youn people like playin basketball . It is y favorite sport . I’ a

basketball fan . I like ihael Jordan.

He is a very faous player . I hope I an play basketball well and be a basketball star in the future.


y Favorite

Sport Star

Yao in is y favorite basketball star.

He was born on

Septeber 12,190, Shanhai. He is .26 eters tall and about 134 k weih . His favorite olor is blue, and he likes eatin eat very uh . In 1997, he joined Shanhai Basketball Tea and beae a basketball player. In 199, he joined hina’s National Tea . In 2000, he joined Asian All Star Basketball Tea.

In 2002,he joined Aerian Houston Roket. He is faous all over the world now .

We are proud of hi .



假如你叫刘杰,因患重感冒今明两天不能上学,请给你老师写一张请假条 Dear r .Li ,

I a sorry to tell you that I a not feelin well

today . This ornin I went to see the dotor and he told e that I had a bad old . And he also asked e to stay in bed for two days. So I an’t o to shool today and toorrow. Now I a writin to you to ask for two days’ leave. I

hope I’ll et well and o bak to shool soon . Thank you.

Yours Liu Jie




题目:A Happy Day in Sprin

提示:下图是r. Blak 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景。请用一般现在时描写图中所呈现出的内容。可作适当的想象和发挥。

要求: B条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范。 不少于70个单词。

A Happy Day in Sprin

It’s sprin. It’s sunny and loudy today. There are any bi trees in the park. r.

Blak’s faily has a pini in a park. They brin uh food there. They brin fruit, drink and bread. r. Blak and rs. Blak talk with eah other. They talk very happily. Ann reads a aaine. To likes flyin a kite. The kite flies very well. They are hunry now. They want to eat their food. They are very happy.


ike is a student. He is y ood friend. He is busy at the weekend. He is oin to read a aaine this Saturday ornin. He is oin to o to the oo this Saturday afternoon. He is oin to buy a book this Sunday ornin. He is oin to learn Kunfu this Sunday afternoon. He is oin to wath TV this Sunday evenin.y,,hobby英语作文不少60字.


ary 是个英国女孩,五年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。

y nae is ary. I oe fro Enland. I a an Enlish irl. I a a student. I a in rade Five. I like y teaher. Her Enlish is ood. There are four people in y faily. I have a twin sister. y father is a dotor. y other is a teaher. I love the very uh. They love e, too.

4、题目: y net friend(我的网友)



提示词:(1)oputer (2)net friend (3) talk with eah other(互相交谈)(4) in the hat roo (在聊天室) ()talk in Enlish (用英语交谈) (6)ood now

y net friend

I a Tony. I have a oputer. I have a new friend. His nae is Jak. He is 12 years old. He is a student. He likes surfin the net. We often talk with eah other in the hat roo. We talk in Enlish. y Enlish is ood now. He is a ood boy. I like hi very uh. Do you want to have a net friend?


要求:A条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范。 B要将名片中的内容全部体现在作文中。


y ood friend

I have a ood friend. Her nae is Ann. Her hinese nae is Wan Xiaolan. She is fro Enland. She is in Beijin now. She is in Yuyin Priary Shool. She is in lass Four, rade Six. She is twelve. She has blue eyes and yellow hair. Her father is a dotor and her other is a nurse. Her brother is five years old. She likes danin, sinin and wathin TV. She is friendly and she likes to help others. What a ood irl!



Hello, Jay,

I a very happy to be your net friend. There are four people in y faily. They are y parents, y sister and I. y father is the oldest and the tallest. He an drive a ar. He is a dotor. y other is a fatory worker. She works hard. y sister is a student. She is the best in her lass. y hobby is playin basketball. y sister and I o to shool on foot. I have a happy faily. What about you?

Bye- bye,


7、Jak 昨天跟他妈妈买东西,请根据下表的信息,写一篇不少于60个单词的小作文。

Happy Shop:Soe piees of andy ¥4 A roll of toilet paper ¥

r. hen’s Store:A arton of ie rea¥1

Unle Eddy’s Store:A bottle of shapoo¥4 A pair of soks¥

Bi Blue Departent Store:A ba of hips ¥9 Toy ar ¥10

Yesterday was Jak’s shoppin day. He went shoppin with his other.

They went to the Happy Shop. They bouht soe piees of andy. They are 4 Yuan. They bouht a roll of toilet paper. They bouht a arton of ie rea at r. hen’s

Store .They bouht a bottle of shapoo and a pair of soks at Unle Eddy’s Store. They went to the Bi Blue Departent Store. They bouht a toy ar. It’s 10 Yuan. They were very happy.

、假设你是ay, 请用不少于60个单词来向你的笔友Jay介绍你的家庭情况,请在文中使用3个最高级和2个比较级。y,,hobby英语作文不少60字.

Hi, Jay,

I’ very happy to be your pen-friends. I have a war faily. There are four people in y faily. y father is the tallest and the oldest in y faily. y other is beautiful. She is a teaher. She is thinner than y father. I a a student. I a three years older than y sister. y sister is the younest in y faily. I love y faily. What about you?



y Friends

I have two ood friends. They’re han Pin and Ji. han Pin is 12. Ji is three years older than her. He’s 1. Ji is heavier than han

my,hobby,is,gardening作文 my hobby英语作文50

篇一:《英语作文y hobby》

英语作文y hobby

英语作文y hobby

Different people have different hobbies.For exaple,soeone likes readin,soeone likes swiin and soeone likes olletin and so on.

I used to read books and draw pitures beause by readin books I ould learn any funny thins.But now I don't like it.I an only learn fro books.I ouldn't et knowlede fro others.I need a hane.Travelin is y favorite hobby now.But I an't o travelin a lot.I an visit any different plaes of interest by travelin.I an learn a lot about people,plaes and history.It's very interestin.What is your hobby?Let's share eah other!

I have any ood friends.They all have their hobbies.Ann studies very hard.So her hobby is book readin.Tony loves labour,and his hobby is ardenin.He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard.Judy is a quiet irl.She likes knittin.She always knits soe sweaters for her dolls.We have different hobbies,but we are ood friends.

I love travelin.I have reat fun in travelin.



不同人有不同爱好。例如,有人喜欢读书,有人喜欢游泳,还有人喜欢收藏等等。 我过去喜欢读书和画画,因为从书中我能了解许多有趣的事。但我现在不喜欢了。我只能从书中得到知识,而不能从其他方面获得知识。我需要改变一下。旅行是我现在最喜欢的爱好,但我不能经常去旅行。通过旅行我能参观许多名胜古迹。我还可以学到许多关于人文、地理、历史方面的事。那真是非常有趣。你的爱好是什么?让我们一起分享!



篇二:《英语作文y hobby》

英语作文y hobby

英语作文y hobby

Different people have different hobbies.For exaple,soeone likes readin,soeone likes swiin and soeone likes olletin and so on.

I used to read books and draw pitures beause by readin books I ould learn any funny thins.But now I don't like it.I an only learn fro books.I ouldn't et knowlede fro others.I need a hane.Travelin is y favorite hobby now.But I an't o travelin a lot.I an visit any different plaes of interest by travelin.I an learn a lot about people,plaes and history.It's very interestin.What is your hobby?Let's share eah other!

I have any ood friends.They all have their hobbies.Ann studies very hard.So her hobby is book readin.Tony loves labour,and his hobby is ardenin.He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard.Judy is a quiet irl.She likes knittin.She always knits soe sweaters for her dolls.We have different hobbies,but we are ood friends.

I love travelin.I have reat fun in travelin.



不同人有不同爱好。例如,有人喜欢读书,有人喜欢游泳,还有人喜欢收藏等等。 我过去喜欢读书和画画,因为从书中我能了解许多有趣的事。但我现在不喜欢了。我只能从书中得到知识,而不能从其他方面获得知识。我需要改变一下。旅行是我现在最喜欢的爱好,但我不能经常去旅行。通过旅行我能参观许多名胜古迹。我还可以学到许多关于人文、地理、历史方面的事。那真是非常有趣。你的爱好是什么?让我们一起分享!



篇三:《英语作文y hobby》

英语作文y hobby

参考作文一 y Favorite Hobby

I have any hobbies, suh as readin, skatin, and wathin TV. But readin is y favorite hobby.

I like readin for three reasons. First of all, books introdue e to a new world, whih is olorful and without tie and spae liit. Throuh readin, I an trae bak to anient Eypt, the radle of huan iviliation. It an brin yself to the United states, a laorous land I have been lonin to visit.

Seondly, readin an better yself by showin e a new horion. In the past years, ost of y knowlede has been obtained fro books. I have learned fro any people by readin about their ideas on siene, politis, life and soiety.

Finally, readin brides the ap between y drea and y oal. In order to sueed in y areer in the future, I ust keep readin, y favorite hobby.





y favorite hobby is readin, a rewardin experiene and it has haned e a lot!

I love readin when I was a younster and I always hooked by the harater or the soul beause I think every book is a life and it’s a perfet friend if you appreiate her. We an ouniate with her inwardly and reap the benefit we have never thouht.

Readin also an ive e soe useful aids and help soeties. The ore and wilder I read, the ore I will et. No pain no ain.

I spent y valuable tie to read. And then, it ultivates y taste. I do feel like that.


Everyone has soe hobbies. So do I. I like listenin to usi, readin novels, travelin very uh. But y favorite hobby is listenin to usi. Soeties I a even ray about usi. You ay ask e why. I a ray about usi for any reasons.

First, you know, usi is divided into soe different styles. Suh as pop, ja, rok, blues, bass and syphony. Different persons have different appreiation about usi. I appreiate liht usi, pop usi and so on. I’ve reaped the benefit of usi and haned y ind a lot.

Seond, usi is perfet to y spirit and soul. When I felt desperated, upset, alone and even soeties I lost y teper, And then listenin to usi an ool down y ray ind. usi is ative and positive. It takes e to another world and ade e to be another one. Now I’ an optiist and I will appreiate everyday and everythin.y,hobby,is,ardenin作文.

Third, usi is the sae as our lanuae whih is able to reah y spirit and bride the ap between y soul and the external world.

In a word, I ust say, usi is the oon lanuae of the world. Enjoyin the and you’ll obtain lot happiness.


y Favorite Hobby

y favorite hobby is listenin to usi. When I a tired of studyin, I usually listen to usi either over the radio or by playin reords. But the usi I prefer is lassial instead of popular, beause the forer an let e feel peaeful and ofortable while the latter an only ake e feel uneasy. Indeed, lassial usi has beoe y best friend, so I an’t do without it even for a sinle day.


y Favorite Hobby

y favorite hobby is sinin. I have never reeived any foral usial eduation, nor an I read notes, but this hasn’t affeted y stron likin for sinin. What ounts to e is that sinin never fails to brin e jot. Whenever I feel blue, I sin. And, iraulously, all the sad feelins are one. What fills y hearts is, instead, a feelin of peae. It is not too uh to say that sinin has brihtened up y life.


Wathin TV is y Favorite Hobby

Wathin TV plays an iportant role in our daily lives. In fat it is one of y favorite hobbies. Alost everybody wathes TV soe tie every day akin it perhaps the ost oon hobby in odern soiety. It brins us a lot of benefits. Wathin TV an inrease our knowlede of the world, ive us inforation to iprove our lives and provide a lot of fun. Wathin TV widens our horions. There are nuerous TV proras representin all the worldwide affairs. People learn any thins throuh TV suh as eonois, history, eoraphy, and ulture. any TV proras provide the latest news of doesti and international events. Wathin news every niht on TV is any people¡¯s ost iportant routine. For exaple, people who are livin in anada but never have been to exio are able to know about exian history, ulture and liate by wathin a TV prora alled Disover exio. It is the sae for other ountries. I still reeber learly when I saw Afrian tribes on the sreen. I was fasinated by the arvelous junles, the olorful weapons, the fiere anials and the fantasti wild a


If soeone asks e:" What's your hobby?" I an answer: "y hobby is listenin to Enlish sons”. Soe Enlish sons are very ood. I like the very uh and I a ood at sinin the. Suh as "Sound of usi", "y heart will o on" , "Nobody" and so on. Soeties I an sin the very well.y,hobby,is,ardenin作文.

I like the, beause their lyris are wonderful. For exaple "Sound of usi" :"Doe, a deer, a feale deer. Ray, a drop of olden sun. e, a nae I all yself..." h, how beautiful it is!

The son " y heart will o on" is also very ood. "Every niht in y dreas, I see you, I feel you..." That's so reat. This is y hobby. I like sinin Enlish sons. They're so beautiful!


I have any hobbies, suh as swiin, runnin, and listenin to usi, olletin staps and readin. Readin is y favorite hobby.

In y hildhood, y parents bouht e lots of books. Every day before I went to bed, y o always told e one story. Those stories enrihed y life.

As I rew up, I an read by yself. onsequently, readin books beoes y favorite hobby.

I like readin books for three reasons. First of all, I think a ood book is y faithful friend. It an inrease y happiness when I a heerful and happy; and it an lessen y pain when I a sad or lonely. Seondly readin books an widen y sihts, iprove y skills and ake e wise. Further ore, readin leads e to ahieve y oal as a bride. In order to sueed in y new areer in the future, I ust keep readin, thinkin and pratiin.

Readin has beoe a part of y life. I spend soe tie readin durin the week. It doesn’t take uh tie but it’s iportant in y life. Without readin, y life would be terribly plain and borin. I want to have a ood hobby whih an enrih y life and it’s an outlet for y eotions. I a sure I will keep readin as y lifelon hobby and enjoy it forever.


y favorite hobby is sinin. When I was six years old, y other often took e to the KTV to sin sons with her friends. I liked to sin sons for those unles and aunts with y innoent voie. When I row up, I sin sons just for yself. Beause sinin an ake e relaxed, every tie I a in a bad ood, I sin soe happy sons loudly and then I will feel better.

I love sinin so uh that I spend at least half an hour a day sinin. I sin when takin a bath, washin dishes, walkin the do, and any tie I an do it. To e, sinin is really the ost iportant hobby that akes e happy in y life.y,hobby,is,ardenin作文.


y favorite hobby is danin. Sine I was a little irl, I have been fasinated by the beauty of ballet. I adire the raeful oveents of daners, and I a iersed in the roanti atosphere durin the ballet draas. win to its stron attration, ballet beoes y favorite hobby.y,hobby,is,ardenin作文.

There are any advantaes of danin. To bein with, danin is helpful to keep e in the pink. Seond, it provides e with a ateway to relaxation. Last but not least, danin akes y happy. It always brins enjoyent to y life. As is entioned above, I a fond of danin very uh. I an’t live without y favorite hobby—danin. (110 words)


y hobby is wathin TV. It beoes an iportant part of y life. I spend two hours a day wathin TV. When lyin on the sofa and likin the reote ontrol, I feel quite relaxed.

I bean to wath TV in y hildhood, and soon I ot addited to it. Beause I ould keep balane between y hobby and y shoolwork, y parents didn’t insist that I turn off the TV. y favorite hannel is Disovery and y favorite show is about history. I have learned any thins fro these TV proras , and they even beoe interests that I an share with y friends. When I feel upset, wathin a variety of shows an onsole y sadness.

I will keep wathin TV and learnin thins fro it. TV is not only a tool to ake y life olorful, but also a friend to aopany e by y side.

篇四:《y Hobby》

y Hobbyy,hobby,is,ardenin作文.

Different people have different hobbies.For exaple,soeone likes readin,soeone likes swiin and soeone likes olletin and so on.

I used to read books and draw pitures beause by readin books I ould learn any funny thins.But now I don't like it.I an only learn fro books.I ouldn't et knowlede fro others.I need a hane.Travelin is y favorite hobby now.But I an't o travelin a lot.I an visit any different plaes of interest by travelin.I an learn a lot about people,plaes and history.It's very interestin.What is your hobby?Let's share eah other!

I have any ood friends.They all have their hobbies.Ann studies very hard.So her hobby is book readin.Tony loves labour,and his hobby is ardenin.He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard.We have different hobbies,but we are ood friendI I love travelin.

我的爱好 不同人有不同爱好。例如,有人喜欢读书,有人喜欢游泳,还有人喜欢收藏等等。





y teaher

y teaher is xxxx.he/she is very pretty/handsoe. i love hi/her very uh .she/he is tall.she wears a pair of lasses.she likes sinin.......and so on.she is very hard-workin.aithouh she always very tired ,she still very happy.i love y teaher very uh!!!

y shool

y shool is very beautiful. It is in uihen, near the Qianden Lake. Do you know it? It is Nanhai Experiental Priary Shool. I like y shool very uh. There is a bi playround in y shool. We have P.E. lass on the playround and we often play sports on it , too. ur teahin buildin has five floors. y lassroo is on the fifth floor. It is bi and lean. The oputer roos are on the third floor. There is a library on the seond floor. There are any books in the library. I often read books here. There are soe usi roos and art roos in the teahin buildin, too. The teahers in y shool are very kind . The students are very polite and sart. I a happy in y shool.

篇五:《y hobby英语作文》y,hobby,is,ardenin作文.

y hobby英语作文

y hobby英语作文范文1:

I like play football very uh. I think it is one of the ost popular way to relax. And it an help your body row ore stron. I often play football on PE lesson and after shool. In this way I ake friends with a lot of football-liker. we always play toether. Football brin e so uh, I like it!

y hobby英语作文范文2:

Different people, different hobbies. What hobbies do you have?

y hobby is sinin. It's a reat hobby! It's fun and it akes e feel proud.

Sinin an be used to relieve (解除) y fatiues (疲劳), and an help e iprove y aent(腔调). Sinin akes e happy when I' sad. Sinin sons an ake you lever. I a always sinin at hoe to share eah other's joys and sorrow (悲痛) in our life and to learn any sons. I really enjoy sinin.

It oes without sayin that there are any different kinds of hobbies and they an't only (不仅) broaden (拓宽) our inds (智力) but also (而且) add ore fun to our life.

y hobby英语作文范文3

I a a 1-year-old student in junior rade 3. Thouh I a oupied with y study, I would like to spend tie on y hobbies, suh as playin the piano, surfin the Internet.

ne of y favourite hobby is readin. Readin has been in y life for any years, sine I bean to learn haraters. It an not only kill the tie, but also, ore iportant, help iprove y oprehension ability. When readin, I an learn a lot. Readin Shakespear's works, I know how Halet looks like. Readin Sorates, I an see how reat anient reek

y hobby英语作文范文4

I like to ollet any thins, suh as nie stones, naes of ovies, books,toys, photos of faous people. But I like olletin staps best. I have been olletin staps for five years. When I was very youn, y unle sent e a stap fro Australia. I loved it at one. Sine then I tried to ollet staps and fell in love with it. I have ore than one hundred staps. Soe were sent by y friends, soe were olleted by yself; soe were fro foiren ountries, soe were hinese. I like the. ften, I take the out and show the to y friends.

y hobby英语作文范文

y hobby is olletin staps. I have olleted ore than two hundred staps. I bean to ollet the last year. I have been olletin the for around a year.

I like staps beause they are very beautiful and very interestin. Every stap is a wonderful piture and fro it you an learn a lot.

Look, these are staps for the snake year. They show us the traditional art of hina. In these staps there are beautiful fishes. And these staps are about the reat persons, suh as Einstein,ao TsinDun, Bill ates, ero Washinton and so. Don't you think the staps are very interestin?

y hobby英语作文范文6

I a a 1-year-old student in junior rade 3. Thouh I a oupied with y study, I would like to spend tie on y hobbies, suh as playin the piano, surfin the Internet.

ne of y favourite hobby is readin. Readin has been in y life for any years, sine I bean to learn haraters. It an not only kill the tie, but also, ore iportant, help iprove y oprehension ability. When readin, I an learn a lot. Readin Shakespear"s works, I know how Halet looks like. Readin Sorates, I an see how reat anient reek philosophers are. Readin Lu Xu, I oe bak to the old tie of hina.

Readin really affet y life.





y hobby英语作文范文7

Different people, different hobbies. What hobbies do you have?

y hobby is sinin. It"s a reat hobby! It"s fun and it akes e feel proud.

Sinin an be used to relieve (解除) y fatiues (疲劳), and an help e iprove y aent(腔调). Sinin akes e happy when I" sad. Sinin sons an ake you lever. I a always sinin at hoe to share eah other"s joys and sorrow (悲痛) in our life and to learn any sons. I really enjoy sinin.

It oes without sayin that there are any different kinds of hobbies and they an"t only (不仅) broaden (拓宽) our inds (智力) but also (而且) add ore fun to our life.





y hobby英语作文范文

y hobby is readin books When I was seven years old.I beae interested in readin books.I like needin books beause there are a lot of useful thins in books.I an learn a lot of knowlede fro books. Books an also teah e how to be a ood person.Books even an solve any probles for e.I will read ore ood books to iprove yself.


y hobby英语作文范文9

While I was still a irl, I loved wathin TV deeply.

As lon as y parents were not at hoe, I turned on and wathed TV until y parents ae hoe. As tie went by, I beae a short-sihted person. Therefore I was forbidden to wath TV. But ost of tie, y parents were busy with their job outside, so I was always at hoe alone and wathed TV seretly. Sine the Television is a kind of eletri appliane, it radiates heat while it works, so the top of television would feel hot after I wathed TV. As a result of this, when y parents ae bak hoe, they would find out and punish e. However, the punishent ouldn’t prevent e fro wathin TV. I ae up with an idea, that is, to put a wet towel on top of the television so that it would be ooled. By usin this ethod, I spent y hildhood in the opany of television. f ause, at the sae tine, I beae a severely short-sihted irl.

There is no doubt that wathin TV is y hobby and I have wathed a quantity of TV proras. The artoons, TV series, ovies, entertainent proras, siene proras, ulture proras, usi proras, finane proras, and news. TV proras are olorful.

As far as I’ onerned, wathin TV an be lassified into three ateories. The rade-three wathin TV is to wath soe stupid, eaninless proras, an not ake people lauh, ry or understand soethin, but only an ake people feel sik. For exaple, the Taiwan youth idol TV series: They kiss. It’s nothin but borin. The rade-two wather is soeone who wathes the interestin proras that an ake people lauh or ry so that they an relax and start to work happily aain. For exaple, the entertainent TV prora Happy ap. Wathin soe full of inforation, an ake people understand theories or an teah people lessons, eaninful proras is what I alled rade-one wathin TV. Throuh wathin this kind of proras you an broaden your siht, and beoe a knowledeable an. Suh as these proras: the Disovery, the Dialoue and the World News.

I a very lad to onsider wathin TV as y hobby, and I a willin to beoe a rade-one wather.

y hobby英语作文范文10

Everyone has his own hobby , it ay ive hi a lot of happiness. y hobby is listenin to usi .

when I was a hild I enjoy listenin to usi espeially the artoon usi ,thouh I' not ood at it, I often lose yself in it. When I a in trouble , usi an ake e al down. When I a very tired , it an ake e ofortable . When I a anry with soethin , it aslo an ake e happy aain. Listenin to usi keeps e in a ood ood and it's ood for y health. Do you like listenin


英语作文:My hobby


初二英语作文my hobby


初一英语作文:My hobby


初三英语作文:My Hobby


三年级英语作文:My hobby


My hobby 五年级英语作文


四年级英语作文:My hobbies


小学英语作文:My hobby


小学英语作文:My hobby


我的兴趣爱好英语作文 My hobby


英语作文:我的爱好My hobby


2014中考英语作文热点话题:爱好 My Hobby


小学生英语作文带翻译:我的爱好 My hobby


My Hobby


MY Famliy Hobbies
