




2、关于科学的英语作文 对科学的态度英语作文(2)







Two Attitudes towards Life

There are two people wathin outside the window. The first an an only see the rubbish, beause he is a pessiist. He always oplains about his life, as he always reards that od is not equal to hi. While fain diffiulties, he's always frihtened. Therefore he often loses his hanes to win. Reindin his old days, he's very reretful. ne his father had plaed hi at the entrane of the road and told hi to be areful while hoosin his life. But he has hosen the wron way. Now he ets nothin fro his journey but reorse and errors. He dares not to see his father in the haven. He often ries bitterly but in vain. No wonder he is a penniless failure.


However, the seond an is different fro the first. Throuh the window, he an see the beautiful stars. As an optiist, he always siles to everythin. While fain diffiulties, he still keeps a sense of huor. He an defeat all the setbaks and stublin bloks by his reat deterination. And he often finds his life so olorful and interestin as he overoes all the diffiulties. What's ore, he's very stron and powerful. Althouh life is very diffiult outside, he still akes a reat effort to overoe all the troubles. He's very brave and onfident. He's so brave, brave enouh to fae the present life. He's so onfident, onfident enouh to hallene hiself. He's very easy-oin and kind-hearted. He always helps others when they are in trouble. That's why he always owns a ood fae.


Fro the story, we know the fat that the seond an has set a ood exaple to us, so we ust follow his ood exaple.



We have a sayin "destiny" harater reation, therefore, attitude, harater and personality is attitude is destiny, so if the riht attitude fate, fate nature also went toward the diretion of "orret" developent, it is loial, but in the life "attitude" how to "set"? But what is ore oplex, ore likely, it is not so siple, or just take a sinle options an finish. Beause of "life", the life span 70 to estiate assue a pararaph, suh as 10 years before and after 10 years of life needs and ideoloial attitude is not the sae rowth to 20 years old, he aain into 30 aeptable and the environent is not the sae, and so on, has rown to 70 years old, affiration is livin in another world, so that eah to a stae, it ust be different deree of rowth, and learn the different environent, needs and responsibility or said.

Also eans different staes, will have different life "attitude", will ake the neessary adjustents "attitude", to fae your own health life.


It is natural that diffiulties hide in every orner of our life,so we have to fae the at ties.But the proble is that soeties we an do nothin to the hallenin situations as our abilities are liited.In this ase,what an we do is to hane our attitude towards these diffiulties.Just as the sayin oes,”You an’t hane the weather,but you an hane your ood.”

Fain the isfortunes in our lives,soe people hoose to adopt an optiisti attitude to ope with it,while soe prefer to hold a pessiisti attitude to oplain about what they have lost.It is lear that the forer will treasure what they have to lead a happy and substantial life,and the latter will end up with rief and depression for a lon tie.Therefore,we an say life is like a irror whih lauhs as you lauh and ries as you ry.We should keep in ind that attitude deterines everythin.

Above all,to be bravely faed with happiness and sadness in the future,we need to have an optiisti and ative attitude towards life. nly in this way an we surount the touh surroundins and ain ore power to pursue our dreas.

关于科学的英语作文 对科学的态度英语作文

篇一:《英语作文Siene and tehnoloy》

Siene and tehnoloy

Siene and tehnoloy have been brinin huan beins treendous benefits. Thanks to siene and tehnoloy, we now live ofortably and onveniently in houses furnished with air onditioners, refrierators, washin ahines and televisions et. thanks to siene and tehnoloy, we an eat fresh veetables at the year round. Thanks to siene and tehnoloy, we an travel ton distanes in the fration of a seond on planes, trains and ars. Thanks to siene and tehnoloy, we wear lothes with syntheti aterials whih an not easily be worn out.

However, siene and tehnoloy have also brouht us a tot of disasters. First, beause of the any breakthrouhs in the field of ediine, people are now livin uh loner than they used to. As a result, the population of the world is inreasin, ausin tots of probles. Seond, beause of the developent of industry, tots of the wastes fro fatories pour into the air and rivers, ausin pollution of at kinds. Third, soe terrorists are usin siene and tehnoloy aainst ankind. They use bioloial, heial and unlear weapons to threaten world peae

so it's urent that we find ways to solve these probles. But we should not stop the developent of siene and tehnoloy beause of these disasters they brin, just as we should not ive up eatin for fear of hokin. In addition, we should ake soe rules to reulate our ations. As lon as we use siene and tehnoloy in a proper way, they ay brin us even ore benefits.





What tehnoloy really brins to us

Tehnoloy has been hihly developed to iprove huan’s life. Nowadays, we have the tehnoloy that enables us to talk to friends aross the oean, to anae our shedules and even to finish ost of the ativities in our daily life. But do all these really ive us a happier life? Does tehnoloy really take us to the day we wanted when we invented it? In this essay I’ oin to disuss the effet tehnoloy has in reality.

As is always the ase, soethin new will definitely do us ood in soe way. For instant, hue aount of labor work has been redued due to the First Tehnoloy Evolution. It’s also undeniable that new tehnoloy breaks the isolation of tie and distane, whih akes it possible for us to share our points and views all over the world just on a lik. People have been happy and enjoyed talkin with SS, eail instead of sendin a real letter or have a diret eetin for over deades of years.

However, is the above the life we really want? Not really. Tehnoloy sees to ake everythin real tie. Atually, it’s not. New ethods like SS ive people ore tie to “think” before they talk to eah other, before they present their thouhts. radually, people bein to lose the ability to hat in real tie. They rely too uh on the tie behind an SS or an eail. The lak of diret ouniation, whih we usually refer to as “Fae to Fae”, results in even ore reliane on the delayed ouniation. Tehnoloy, instead of helpin people jup out of the irle ade of tie and distane, has ade another irle itself trappin people to the fear of akin a real ouniation.

For e, I don’t think that tehnoloy is leadin us to a briht future that it was supposed to. It’s rather reatin another situation alled “We are alone toether”. akin the best of the tehnoloy doesn’t just ean let it invade every sinle roo in our life. nly bein used properly an it really brin us a happier life.


Siene and tehnoloy hane our life

With the rapid developent of siene and tehnoloy, our daily life has been haned a lot. New tehnoloial inventions bein to play an essential role, for exaple, the robot an help us lean up and finish uh hoework. As a result of that, we an spare ore tie to be dediated to our job, and we are able to be fully exposed to our hobbies.

Always have soe tie to hope that their ell phone is "Hello, you dial the nuber teporarily unable to onnet" state. So, we all need a jaket that an ask the obile phone sinal. Danepants sports usi is desined to be two Lithuania desiners. The lothes ade of this fiber an be used to onvert the teperature of the huan body into eletrial enery, whih an be driven by eletroni devies suh as P3 players.

Respite of that, soe disadvantaes of tehnoloial inventions ay appear. The exessive use of hih tehnoloy an also ake our life be passive. The ajorities of us will beoe laier en, and they are unwillin to explore inds any loner.

All in all, the iproveent of siene and tehnoloy an soothly inrease the standards of people's life. n the other hand, it ay lead to the lainess of people's behavior and ind.


Do siene and tehnoloy hane our lives for the better or for the worse?

Nowadays,with the developent of siene,our life has a eat histori hane than before. Siultaneously,the hanes were so rapidly that takin so any probles. The aruent about the developent of siene and tehnoloy hene beae inelutable.

Soe people held the view that the developent of siene and tehnoloy was ood. They believed that the advantae outweihed the disadvantae. win to the developent of siene and tehnoloy,our life ould et reat abundant and onvenient. The invention of eletri liht,new transportation,Internet --Nobody did not benefit fro the developent of siene and tehnoloy. oparin with the past tie,the health of huan and the standard of our life had haned a lot...... Nothin what havin reat iprove did not depend on the developent of siene and tehnoloy. We would lose everythin we had ot if we lost it. However,the other people insisted that the disadvantae outweihed the advantae. The atters that siene and tehnoloy took were unpreedented in spite of benefitin fro the developent of siene and tehnoloy. The first proble was the pollution. It was the ost iediate proble that the siene and tehnoloy took. Not only our water,but also our food beae ore and ore inseure due to the pollution. oreover,we ust are about our world to ensure it did not ruin by the war that new tehnoloy supported. The destrution of siene and tehnoloy was lethal and uniainable. Nevertheless,there was another thin we have to fae:the RSA. Nowadays,the odern eans of siene and tehnoloy ouldn't deal with this proble aused by itself. So they had to say that the developent of siene and tehnoloy enhaned the fatalness of our life.

Anyway,every oin has its two sides. So,we should be ore dialetial when we do with the proble. nly in this way ould we let the siene and tehnoloy serve for huan better and better.


Dear r. President,

I’d like to show y opinions on students’ sientifi and tehnoloial abilities for innovation and ive soe suestions. I don’t think our shool is well enaed in iprovin students’ innovation abilities. In y eyes, students in our shool do little innovative jobs other than study. In ost of their part tie, they listen to usi, read books, or play oputer aes, whih needn’t be uh reative.关于科学的英语作文.

In order to iprove abilities for innovation, firstly university leaders an show the iportane of innovation by letures, posters, et. Then seondly, lessons and atosphere in lass an be iproved by teahers, for exaple, to enourae reative thinkin and innovative assinents. Finally, lare nubers of reative ativities suh as sientifi inventions also help a lot. By partiipatin in those ativities, students an not only be ore reative, but also enrih their lives.

In a word, sientifi and tehnoloial innovation is of reat iportane. With ore exellent and reative students in siene and tehnoloy, our shool will be ore powerful, so will our ountry.




 总论关于科学的英语作文.

 科技是一把双刃剑

Iproveent in siene and tehnoloy is a double-eded sword, offerin ofort and onveniene to life, while siultaneously brinin har and pain to people.关于科学的英语作文.

 When the developent of siene and tehnoloy brins ankind plenty of profits, it also brins us severely neative effets.

 积极影响:positive effets



New sientifi disovery and tehnial revolution are hanin the soial ode of prodution, prootin the developent of the soial produtivity


With the rapid developent of siene and tehnoloy,people's aterial and spiritual life have been reatly iproved


odern sientifi and tehnoloial ahieveents are widely used to ake people's leisure life rih and olorful, suh as online aes, listenin to usi, wathin ovies, et.

3、极大地开阔了人类的视野和对物质世界的认识水平。iprove huan's onitive ability and knowlede

Siene and tehnoloy has reatly broadened our vision and understandin of the aterial world level


With the advane of the siene and tehnoloy, the power of huan bein to onquer natural disasters is so inreasinly iproved that the onfidene of huan is reatly strenthened.


Siene and tehnoloy ake huan enjoy better edial onditions

an's life span has been inreased with the advane of the edial siene.

 消极影响:


1、it an ause lobal warin,the daae of eoloial balane,the

aeleration of speies extintion rate and ore frequent extree weather 2、高科技拉大了富国与贫国的差距

Tehnoloy has widened the ap between rih and poor ountries


odern tehnoloy hallenes the traditional ulture


odern tehnoloy hallenes our ethis and orality.


The iproveent of siene and tehnoloy auses neative ipats on huan seurity and peae


Hih-teh and life

Nowadays, kinds of new tehnoloy are bein disovered and produed. And all these tehnoloies apply to various aspets suh as ariultural, industrial, ilitary, shool, daily life and the rest.

With so any hih tehnoloies, what has haned in our life? And how the hih-teh influene the world?

Hybrid rie is a ood exaple of the hih-teh on the ariultural. In the past, there are any people starved to death. However, Yuan Lonpin who dediated all his tie to ultivate the hybrid rie to save the haner of the world..

Hih tehnoloy is as well as iportant to ilitary. Atoi, bob, h-bob, airraft are the best representative. Delays are danerous. If a ountry want to be stron, it’s required powerful ilitary strenth. Then no ountry dare to enroah upon you easily.

But, every oins has two sides. Even thouh hih ilitary is benefit to the ountry, what’s worried about is that soe people, soe ountry would abuse these hih-teh produts just like the World War Ⅱ. Thus people and ounties are supposed to adopt the riht attitude to the hih-teh.关于科学的英语作文.

Thouh hih-teh is so benefit to our life ,it’s antiipated to be astered by kind people rather than the devil.

Hih-teh an ake or break our life. With the proper purpose, it’ll serves you, otherwise, it’ll kill you.

篇八:《2014考研英语作文范文 科技与生活》

2014考研英语作文范文 科技与生活











As is vividly depited by the piture above, a traveler happily starts his journey by

hih-speed railway fro uanhou to Wuhan. In the year of 2009, Wuhan-uanhou

hih-speed railway went into operation, reduin travellin tie fro 12 hours to 3 hours, brinin uh onveniene to the transportation between the two ities①。 No wonder the

aption in the piture says “with the Wu-uan hih-speed railway, ities far away is just like a plae nearby”。

Siene and tehnoloy are the priary produtive fores② and have been playin a key role in the national eonoy developent. n the one hand, proress in siene and tehnoloy has prooted eonoi and soial proress reatly. Take the hih-speed railway as an exaple. Firstly, the railway beoes a new enine③ of booin of reional eonoi. Seondly, the railway helps to attrat a lot of tourists, so that touris in these ities flourishes. Last but not the least, the load of the existin transportation network an be released to a reat extent. n the other hand, with the developent of siene and tehnoloy, suh as the operation of

hih-speed transportation, video phone, weba eetin, the world has beoe saller and saller.

It has lon been a tradition for hinese overnent to attah reat iportane to the

advanes④ in siene and tehnoloy. Siene and tehnoloy has suessfully shaped an entirely new iae of hina on lobal stae via the two rand world events, 200 lypi aes and 2010 Shanhai World Expo. It is stronly advised that youn people should devote theselves into the study of siene and tehnoloy for “better ity, better life”。






① reduin…, brinin…: 并列的两个现在分词短语作状语。

② Siene and tehnoloy are the priary produtive fores: 科学技术是第一生产力。这是任何一篇与科技相关的文章都可以用的万能句型。

③ a new enine: 一个新的引擎,这是一个形象的比喻,把科技对经济发展的动力表达得非常具体、形象。

涉及到科技、发展、环境等题目时,不可避免的就需要用到发展这个词,本文中 “发展”,多次出现,作者采用了多样化的词汇: “developent(n.)”,“proress (n.)”,“flourish(v.)”,“boo(v. /n. )”,“advane”。

这类词汇还有: “prosperous(adj.)”,“iprove(v.)”等。


④ 如果题目要求最后一段举例,则我们可以把文章的结尾改成例子:如手机、因特网等是如何提高了生活效率的。


我们今天处在科技发展日新月异的信息时代,90% 的科技文献是用英语写成.科技英语文献与普通英语文本从语言结构上看都是由语音、词汇和语法构成,但随着其运用的规范性,科技英语在文体风格上的专业性、客观性和精确性越来越突出,已成为一门独立的文体,它非常注重语义逻辑上的连贯性和表达的明晰性.在翻译过程中应结合科技英语的文体特征力求表达科技英语的专业性客观性和精确性.

1 词汇特点及翻译


( 1) 纯科技词汇,即那些只用于某个专业或学科的专门词汇和术语,如 diode( 二极管) 、isotope( 同位素) 等.由于此类词义精确而狭窄,了解专门词汇和术语是准确翻译的第一步; ( 2) 常用词汇的专业化.有相当多的专门词汇和术语来自英语的常用词汇,但用到某一专业领域却成了专业技术用语,具有严格的科学含义,如onvert the followin denary nubers base . ( 把下列各十进制换算成以 为基值的数) ,base( 基地)意为基值.新兴科学在传统科学的影响下,尽量利用常用旧词,赋新义于旧词;

( 3) 通用科技词汇,即不同专业经常使用的那些词汇,数量较大,出现的频率也高,但在不同的专业里有较为稳定的词义.如 base 一词,在无线电专业词义为“基极”; 在计算机专业词义为“基值”; 在机械专业词义为“机器的底座”在航天科技领域词义为“发射场”; ( 4) 词汇构成的多元化.新的科技词语层出不穷,大量科技新词以借用、合成法、缩略法和派生词等形式出现.以派生词为例,由前缀 hydro -,hyer-和 inter -构成的词条在科技英语中就有 2000 多条.科技文献翻译需要译者既要精通英语,又要懂得专业知识,由于科技英语词汇的复杂多变,科技英语译者要善于通过词汇的专业语境、词语搭配、句法结构及上下文判定词义.以词语搭配为例,动词与名词的搭配,形容词与名词修饰名词在意义上很不相同,如 an effiient exert 和 an effiieny ex-ert分别意为“一个做事高效的专家”和“一个效率专家”.

2 句法特点及翻译


2. 1 无灵名词作主语

英语把表示有生命体的名词列为有灵名词( aniate nouns) ,把表示无生命体的名词列为无灵名词( inaniate nouns) .科技文体的第 1 个显着特点是无灵名词作主语的句子很多,这主要是因为科技文献所描述和讨论的是科技事实或科学发现,科技文献所报告的主要是自然的规律或科技活动的成果,因而无人称句子使用频繁.有灵名词和无灵名词作主语的句子使用相同谓语时,意义是不一样的,试比较下列句子的意义: Therindin ahine refused to stop.磨床就是停不下来. ( 无灵名词作主语) They refuse to ive u.他们拒绝放弃.

2. 2 被动语态的广泛应用根据英国利兹大学John Swales 的统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动语态.这是因为根据文章侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确.第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象,因而被动语态就成了追求叙述客观性和规范性的一种重要语言手段.例如: E-letrial enery an be stored in two etal batteriesseparated by an insulatin ediu. Suh a devie isalled a apaitor,and its ability to store eletrial en-ery is tered apaitane. It is easured in farads.这段短文中各句的主语分别为: Eletrial enery;

Suh a devie; its ability to store eletrial enery; It( apaitane) .它们都包含了较多的信息,并且处于句首的位置,非常醒目.此外,4 个主语完全不同,避免了单调重复,前后连贯,

自然流畅.被动结构确实表达简洁客观的效果.事实上,英语被动语句中常用的 by 在日常英语中多表达行为的执行者,在科技英语中,则常可表达方式、手段或原因状语.

2. 3 使用科技长句的倾向科技英语表达科学原理、规律、概念以及各事物之间错综复杂的关系,而复杂的科学思维往往无法使用简单句来表达,所以语法结构复杂的长句较多应用于科技英语.了解英语长句的“树状”结构,明确主句的主语、谓语和宾语及从句和修饰成分的引导词,分析几层意思之间的相互逻辑关系,再按照汉语的特点和表达方式,正确地译出原文的意思,不必拘泥于原文的形式.例如: Behaviorists suest that the hild who is

raised in an environent where there are any stiuliwhih develop his or her apaity for appropriate re-sponses will experiene reater intelletual developent.行为主义者认为,如果儿童的成长环境里有许多刺激因素,如果这些因素能培养其适当反应的能力,那么,儿童的智力就会发展到较高的水平.本句的主语为“behaviorists”,谓语是动词“suest”,宾语是一个宾语从句,由连词“that”引导.该宾语从句中,主语部分是“the hild...re- sponses”,其中“the hild”是主语,其后面跟有 3 个限制性定语从句 : 第 1 个是由关系代词“who”引导; 第 2 个是由关系副词“where”引导; 第 3 个是由关系代词“whih”引导.本句翻译的难点在把“whih”引导的定语从句译为状语从句,把动词短语“experiene reater intelletual developent”,译为“智力发展到较高的水平”,更符合汉语表达.英语的句子结构和叙述方式与汉语不同,在阅读英语长句时容易造成思维阻断,遇到长句时以句 法和逻辑为导向,采用抓句子核心的理解方式是切实可行的.科技英语在其演变和发展过程中逐渐形成自身特有的体裁或文体风格,汉英科技英语翻译应忠实原义、逻辑正确、语言通顺,在实践中应遵循深刻理解原义,确切表达合乎科技文章的语言结构特色的译文的原则.科技英语翻译工作者除了要有良好的专业知识外,了解科技英语与普通英语文体的差异,掌握一些科技文章的语言结构特色,对于科技翻译无疑是大有裨益的.


(1) 主题思想:面对生活的态度

(2) 文章展开:第一段结尾或第二段开始点明主题:需要积极的心态面对生活,尤其在面对挫折之时。接着举例说明,在汶川地震中无数人民拥有积极的心态,渴望仅存的一点生的希望,与灾难抗争。在重建灾区的过程中,大部分民众也是拥有着积极的人生观,为重建家园贡献自己的力量。最后说明积极心态的重要性,我们应当采取以下几方面措施:设定人生目标,有目标就有前进的动力;改变面对事情的态度,态度决定一切。

(3) 表示采取积极的态度的词汇:take/develop/keep a positive/active attitude towards…. be active/positive to…. Positive attitude is the key to success. Attitude is everything。

(4) 相关主题:面对挫折的态度、目标计划的重要性、竞争力社会下人们应当持有的正确态度、有勇气有信心的品质。






At present, for the sake of the safety of students, we ant o to shool without atherin toether. Its the lonest winter vaation in history. For our study, the teaher tutored us live online.


In order to deal with the epidei, all provines and reions aross the ountry launhed a live ation of "no suspension of lasses" for teahers, and any eduational institutions launhed various learnin software. Faous teahers online free teahin, help students learn, online tutorin.


Beause of the live broadast of online lasses, teahers in various provines have different aruents. Hunan Neha said to ost students that the teahin effet of online ourses is not uaranteed at all. Why does this foralis exist I think Hunan teahers are riht. In the online lass, soe students who love learnin an insist on the online lass, but soe students who are not self disiplined an do what they should do when they open the live broadast. So online lasses dont neessarily et learnin results.


Personally, I dont think the online lass has any learnin effet. The online lass and the teahers live online tutorin for eah student have a lare nuber of students, but the teaher ant take everyone into onsideration. Everyones probles are different, so we an only fous on the. A person in the roo to study, not in the shool lassroo learnin atosphere. The shedule is haoti. Stay up late, o to bed late, and reserve ultiple alar loks. et up in the ornin, punh in and o to sleep. Teahers ant teah online lessons fae to fae, any students are perfuntory. The lak of interation between teahers and students ay benefit those who are ood at learnin, but for those who are tired of learnin, there is no effet in learnin. Teahers need to teah fae-to-fae and supervise learnin fae to fae.


Internet lass is inonvenient for poor failies. It is possible to always disonnet fro the Internet. If there is a faily with a lare population, it is possible for hildren to use Internet ards in Internet lass. Livin in the ountryside, soe students who dont have a ood sinal are also in trouble. They ant have a ood online lass. There is no ell phone for the students in priary shool. If parents want to o out to work, they ant learn at all.


Students fous is not on live broadast. Fain the teptation of QQ, wehat, aes and TV, any students are hard to resist the teptation and have no enery to fous on online lasses. Teahers also dont know what students are doin. There are too any students, soe of who are sleepin while takin lessons on the Internet. r obile Internet lass, while students are wathin TV. The obile phone oputer TV has ertain influene on the eyesiht, but it is not ood for the eyes.


So I dont think that online lasses an ahieve the effet of teahin and learnin by teahers, and soe students ant adapt to online learnin. Learnin has not been iproved. But in this speial period, we an only learn online now. In any ase, I hope that all the students will take online lasses seriously and learn a little bit. I hope that the shool notie will oe earlier and start to iss the days of studyin in the lassroo.



This years winter vaation is an extraordinary one. Due to the novel oronavirus, the shool hours are delayed. In order to ensure the noral proress of teahin, the shool launhed the network ourse. Today is the fourth day of online teahin. The students have radually adapted to this new teahin ethod, and have not slakened their study due to the supervision of the teaher. They atively answer the teahers questions in lass, listen arefully, and finish their hoework on tie after lass. The teahers who beoe the "anhor" take turns to oplete the teahin of various subjets. They are very ative in lass, attentive in ourseware preparation and in plae in knowlede suary. I feel that this online teahin ethod an not only protet the safety of students and teahers, but also further stiulate students interest in learnin, so as to iprove the effiieny of learnin.


A novel oronavirus epidei aused by pneuonia in 2020 was enveloped in hina. People bean to stay indoors and life beae oppressive. In this ontext, the inistry of Eduation issued a notie of "no suspension of lasses", offiially openin up a new way of learnin, online teahin.


Every day in nail live roup lasses, I think this teahin ethod has beoe lively, y interest in learnin has also inreased a lot. Teahers teah eah lesson to us in the for of ourseware in the live roo. The knowlede fraework of the whole lesson beoes lear and lear, whih is very onduive to our aeptane and diestion.


Seondly, this way has broken throuh the oriinal teahin ode. In shool, there is only one teaher for eah subjet, but in online teahin, any different teahers are our teahers, so that we an fully understand the teahin styles and harateristis of different teahers, and then we an know the teahin ethods we are interested in.


oreover, in online teahin, eah teaher only needs to have one or two lasses a day, whih akes the teahers have enouh tie to rade and write oents for the students, so that the students an understand the shortoins and hihlihts of their own work, and then know whih diretion we an work in.


All in all, we are interested in learnin in this winter. "If winter oes, will sprin be far behind?" I believe that as lon as we arefully arry out online learnin and always aintain our onfidene in learnin, there will always be a ray of sunshine, whih will break throuh the hae of the epidei and brin war sprin. When sprin oes, we will et toether on apus.



E-learnin is a beautiful epidei in the epidei; arin is an eternal lassi in life. ——Insription


This years winter vaation is surprisinly lon beause of the epidei. In order to let us "stop lasses and never stop learnin", teahers have beoe "anhor" or "ustoer servie" online. For a while, online lasses beae a beautiful fashion, and the teahers help in the ap ade students feel that this winter vaation was not too old.


At the beinnin of online lasses, ost of our students were able to ontrol theselves. However, soe students have radually shown their true olors. They have privately arraned tie to play aes, hat with their lassates, and even foret about online lasses. But did you know that the teaher ade reat efforts to keep us oin.


Lets say that r. Huan in our lass prepares a list of all the learnin tasks for us every evenin. The teaher should wath the video lesson first. If the effet is not ood, he will ontinue to searh. He ust find the best learnin resoures to avoid leavin any loopholes and bad experiene for the students.


Then onitor the opletion of the students hoework at any tie. When the eletroni hoework is sent out, pitures of the hoework are reeived eah tie. Its a piture. an you iaine that the teaher arefully orrets eah students hoework on the sreen? There are not only skethin irles, but also oents. Whats wron with han? Lis sentene is not sooth. Wans handwritin is too srawly Teahers will annotate one by one, and often use enourain lanuae to heer students on, and alost no repetition.


That tie, hu forot to subit his hoework. The teaher iediately reinded hi with a text essae. After reeivin the pitures, he iediately orreted the and ured the to orret the. In the fae of the students with poor quality and not serious attitude, the teaher will also ake a telephone hoe visit. The teaher will take tie out of his busy shedule to answer the students questions!


That tie, when I was learnin the lassial hinese "hidin y ears and stealin the bell", I et with onfusion and sent an inforation onsultation to the teaher. Knowin that the teaher is very busy, I didnt expet the teaher to reply iediately. But unexpetedly, I reeived the teahers reply in less than a inute. There were not only words but also verified pitures in the reply. At the end of the reply, I also attahed a piee of enourain words that ade e onfident and full of onfidene: I lad that you an study so atively, and the teaher applauds your disovery and bold query. In the future, if you enounter different probles in your study, dont believe in authority, just dare to prove it. Praise your spirit of inquiry!


I dont know how lon it will take for the epidei to end, but online lasses have added a new era of happiness to our learnin, whih has beoe the ost beautiful fashion I have ever et in y rowth. The teahers efforts and love have ade our hearts losely linked throuh the ysterious thread of the Internet. That etiulous are has beoe an eternal lassi in y life.






























