











Dear teahers and students:

ood afternoon,!y nae is WanHan. I` 11. I oe fro lass3 rade of DaiYue Qu DaoLan No.2 Priary Shool.There are 4 people in y faily. y father is tall. y other is pretty.y sister has a lon hair. And I` a ood student. However, y hoe is near the shool, I often et up early. Beause I ust work hard. after shool, I like playin oputer aes and readin books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have Enlish, usi, oputer and P.E. on Tuesdays. y Enlish teaher is iss Lu. Her lass is so uh fun. So y favourite lass is Enlish. And I like hinese too.

This is e. An ative irl. Please reeber WanHan Thank you very uh!


y hobby is readin. I read story books, aaines, newspapers and any kind of aterial.

That I find interestin. This hobby ot started when I was a little boy. I had always wanted y parents to read fairy tales and other stories to e. Soon they ot fed up and tired of havin to read to e ontinually. So as soon as I ould, I learned to read. Soon I ould read siple fairy tales and other stories. Now I read just about.


Hello, everyone. y nae is JinYue. Beauty is y Enlish nae. I ten years old. I a student of lass one rade four fro Affiliated Priary Shool of Hefei Pedaoial ollee. I like sinin 、danin、drawin and playin Pinpan. I like Enlish. I hope to beoe your ood friends. Thank you very uh!


A lossy blak hair, often wearin a ponytail, thik eyebrows, a pair of briht eyes, a sall nose, there is a herry outh. Do you know who she is? She is e - Yan iyao.

I eiht years old this year, and I o to lass four, rade three, Kan huan Road Priary Shool. I was a sart hild at shool; at hoe I was a ood boy to ask, and y other alled e a "question ark". As soon as I o hoe fro shool, I always have a word that I ant finish, and I ant finish the atter. I also like readin, no atter after lunh or after finishin y hoework in the afternoon, I always like to sit on the sofa and read books. y other didnt ask e to sleep. I wouldnt o to bed on y own. A lot of lassates all e "little bookwor". I a the lass leader of the hinese lanuae roup, I do y best for the lass, soeties I an et the oplients of the hinese teahers, and I feel very ofortable in y heart.

I a a youn pioneer who loves the lass and loves the olletive.


y nae is a hi. I 9 years old. I in rade four. y heiht is 140 entieters, and y weiht is 3 kiloras. Blak hair and beautiful eyes, a sall outh with o and dad aruin probles.

I have any hobbies: roller skatin, playin football, playin table tennis, and playin aes, doin anual work and jisaw pule, but y favorite is to read extraurriular books. I read "reens fairy tales", "one hundred thousand why", "when the elebrities are still sall", "the Water arin"... These books ake e love the lively onkey, sart Ikkyu, Li Bai, Nie Er, Lei Fen understand, know the Yante River, the Yellow River, the reat Wall. But, readin also brouht e trouble. I reeber that one I was tired of writin assinents, I wanted to take a rest. I took out a book to read it, beause the plot was too attrative. It took e two hours to see that I didnt finish y hoework.

I have a lot of ood friends, and every tie I play with the, all y troubles will be forotten.

This is e. Are you willin to ake friends with e?





Hello !

y nae is Yixuan ! y Enlish nae is ary !

y favorite food are fish and rie . Beause they're healthy!

y favorite subjet are Enlish and usi .Beause they're very interestin ,But i don't like ath ,

Beause it's very borin ! Ilike y Enlish teaher , Beause she is funnin ! Do you like e ?


oodornin, everybody! Today, I` very happy. Let e introdue yself to you. y nae is Huanixun. y Enlish nae is Eileen. I` . I study in lass1 rade 2 in The Shiyan Priary Shool of Shiqiao. I` an ative irl. I like playin table tennis and badinton,beause I think they`re very interestin. And I also skip rope at shool everyday. I`d like eatin potatoes. They`re tasty. y favourite olour is pink. And I like hinese best. It`s funny. n weekends, I like readin in y roo and oin skatin on The Panyu Square. I have a happy faily. y father, y other and e. y drea is to be a painter, beause I like drawin very uh. I` a happy irl. Thank you for listenin! Please reeber e!


ood afternoon, teahers! y nae is XuLulu. I` 11. I oe fro lass1 rade of TonPu No.2 Priary Shool. There are 4 people in y faily. y father is tall. y other is pretty.y sister has (lon hair. And I` a ood student.y hoe is near the shool, but I often et up early. Beause I ust work hard. after shool, I like playin oputer aes and readin books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have Enlish, usi, oputer and P.E. on Tuesdays. y ath teaher is iss Huan. Her lass is so uh fun. So y favourite lass is ath. And I like hinese and Enlish, too. This is e. An ative (活泼的)irl. Please reeber (记住)XuLulu. Thank you very uh!


y nae is liu sha 。I a a shool irl 。I a 13 years oid。 I a live in an Su 。I very like panada and I like playin soer,beause it is interestin。





Hello !

y nae is Yixuan ! y Enlish nae is ary !

y favorite food are fish and rie . Beause they're healthy!

y favorite subjet are Enlish and usi .Beause they're very interestin ,But i don't like ath ,

Beause it's very borin ! Ilike y Enlish teaher , Beause she is funnin ! Do you like e ?


oodornin, everybody! Today, I` very happy. Let e introdue yself to you. y nae is Huanixun. y Enlish nae is Eileen. I` . I study in lass1 rade 2 in The Shiyan Priary Shool of Shiqiao. I` an ative irl. I like playin table tennis and badinton,beause I think they`re very interestin. And I also skip rope at shool everyday. I`d like eatin potatoes. They`re tasty. y favourite olour is pink. And I like hinese best. It`s funny. n weekends, I like readin in y roo and oin skatin on The Panyu Square. I have a happy faily. y father, y other and e. y drea is to be a painter, beause I like drawin very uh. I` a happy irl. Thank you for listenin! Please reeber e!


ood afternoon, teahers! y nae is XuLulu. I` 11. I oe fro lass1 rade of TonPu No.2 Priary Shool. There are 4 people in y faily. y father is tall. y other is pretty.y sister has (lon hair. And I` a ood student.y hoe is near the shool, but I often et up early. Beause I ust work hard. after shool, I like playin oputer aes and readin books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have Enlish, usi, oputer and P.E. on Tuesdays. y ath teaher is iss Huan. Her lass is so uh fun. So y favourite lass is ath. And I like hinese and Enlish, too. This is e. An ative (活泼的)irl. Please reeber (记住)XuLulu. Thank you very uh!


y nae is liu sha 。I a a shool irl 。I a 13 years oid。 I a live in an Su 。I very like panada and I like playin soer,beause it is interestin。





oodafternoon, teahers! Today, I` very happy to ake a speeh here. Now, let e introdue yself. y nae is huRuijie. y Enlish nae is olly.

I` 12. I oe fro lass1 rade 6 of TonPu No.2 Priary Shool. I` an ative irl. I like playin basketball. Beause I think it`s very interestin.

I`d like to eat potatoes. They`re tasty. y favourite olour is reen. And I like ath best. It`s fun. n weekend, I like readin books in y roo. I have a happy faily. y father is tall and stron.y other is hard-workin and tall, too.

y brother is sart. And I` a ood student. y drea is to be a teaher, beause I want to help the poor hildren in the future. Thank you for listenin! Please reeber e!


ood afternoon, teahers! y nae is YanXiaodan. I` 11 now. I` fro lass2 rade of TonPu No.2 Priary Shool. y Enlish teaher is iss Sun. She`s quiet and kind.

She`s short and youn. y ood friend is hanBinbin. She`s 12. She`s tall and pretty. We`re in the sae lass. We both like Enlish very uh. I like paintin , listenin to usi, playin oputer aes and readin books. y favourite food is hiken. It`s tasty and yuy. I often do y hoework and read books on Saturdays. This is e. Please reeber YanXiaodan. Thank you very uh!


ood afternoon, teahers! I` very happy to introdue yself here.

I` Sott. y hinese nae is Sunijin. I` 13. I` fro lass1 rade 6 of TonPu No.2 Priary Shool. I have any hobbies, suh as playin pin-pon, playin badinton, listenin to usi, readin aaines and so on. y favourite food is hiken. It`s tasty and yuy. So I` very stron. I` a nauhty boy. I always play triks. And I just like stayin in y roo and readin books. But I have a drea, I want to be a ar-desiner. Beause I` a ar fan.This is e. Please reeber Sunijin! Thank you very uh!




























