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First of all, please allow e to express y reatest appreiation for you ive e this opportunity for an interview. And I hope I an ake a ood perforane today I will do y best for this interview.

y nae is××××××, 2 years, raduated fro the udanjian Noral ollee ajor in Enlish and I have been ot the eiht professional ertifiate in Enlish (test for Enlish ajors) and senior Enlish teaher qualifiation .ertifiate. Perhaps y situation on this plae is pretty unlikely, after raduation beause of personal interests I a one to the Heilonjian University raduate ollee ajor in history.

I outoin and open-inded. In y spare tie, I have broad interests. Suh as readin, surfin the internet, listenin to usi. I like hildren very uh. I think hildren are ative, innoent and pure. With the, I feel very relaxed, pleasant and youner. Therefore, I learned a lot fro y one year workin experiene.

To be a ood teaher is y drea, I think a teaher is not only a uide for the students, but also a friend of the, if I were a teaher I would build a lose relation with y students helpin the not only on their study but also on their lives, I will try y best and I a onfident that I an be a ood teaher.

If your ounty to ive e this opportunity, I passed the interview, as any teahers tea eber, I will ontinue learnin, work hard to ontribute to eduation in their own strenth, will never live up to the huan soul enineer of this lorious title.


ood ornin dear teahers, I feel lad to be a andidate standin here for applyin the position of Enlish Teaher in your shool. I think It is a pleasure for e to present yself. y nae is …., and I a 23 years old. I was born in Kunin, and it is y hoetown that I have lived for ore than 20 years. I love this ity, espeially the nie people that I know and the reat ulture that I love. So workin in here was a deision that I ade lon tie ao.

In 200 I was aditted by Yunnan University, ajored in International Trade. The four-year underraduate eduation provided e a wide rane of aadei knowlede and pratial apabilities in any aspets. By studyin this ajor, I passed ET-6 exa in 20xx and et a deree in eonois.

I ained an international perspetive, not only in y own field, but any other aspets as well. I prefer to fous on the latest lobal inforation everyday and I a interested in soial event, ulture and huanity. oreover, the ollee eduation experiene offered e a reat opportunity to ive full play to y reativity and intelliene, in partiular I was been trained to be a ood ouniator durin all sorts of ollee ativities, for instane, I have learned how to ooperate with others sine I partiipated in student union, I was aware of how to deeply understand others and how to obine different opinions by doin various soial ativates.

After raduation, I et an opportunity to have an internship in an eleentary shool. I was assined to be an Enlish teaher for alost one year and had a reat tie in there. Durin this year, I obtained the qualifiation ertifiate for teaher in an exellent sore, and I have pratied y professional expertise in teahin within two seesters. Now I realied that I want to be a ood teaher and prefer to ontinue y eduational areer in order to perfeted y teahin abilities and deonstrate y personal abitions in the doain of eduation.





ood ornin everyone

First of all, please allow e to express y reatest appreiation for you ive e this opportunity for an interview. And I hope I an ake a ood perforane today I will do y best for this interview.

y nae is××××××, 2 years, raduated fro the udanjian Noral ollee ajor in Enlish and I have been ot the eiht professional ertifiate in Enlish (test for Enlish ajors) and senior Enlish teaher qualifiation .ertifiate. Perhaps y situation on this plae is pretty unlikely, after raduation beause of personal interests I a one to the Heilonjian University raduate ollee ajor in history.

I outoin and open-inded. In y spare tie, I have broad interests. Suh as readin, surfin the internet, listenin to usi. I like hildren very uh. I think hildren are ative, innoent and pure. With the, I feel very relaxed, pleasant and youner. Therefore, I learned a lot fro y one year workin experiene.

To be a ood teaher is y drea, I think a teaher is not only a uide for the students, but also a friend of the, if I were a teaher I would build a lose relation with y students helpin the not only on their study but also on their lives, I will try y best and I a onfident that I an be a ood teaher.

If your ounty to ive e this opportunity, I passed the interview, as any teahers tea eber, I will ontinue learnin, work hard to ontribute to eduation in their own strenth, will never live up to the huan soul enineer of this lorious title.


ood ornin dear teahers, I feel lad to be a andidate standin here for applyin the position of Enlish Teaher in your shool. I think It is a pleasure for e to present yself. y nae is …., and I a 23 years old. I was born in Kunin, and it is y hoetown that I have lived for ore than 20 years. I love this ity, espeially the nie people that I know and the reat ulture that I love. So workin in here was a deision that I ade lon tie ao.

In 200 I was aditted by Yunnan University, ajored in International Trade. The four-year underraduate eduation provided e a wide rane of aadei knowlede and pratial apabilities in any aspets. By studyin this ajor, I passed ET-6 exa in 20xx and et a deree in eonois.

I ained an international perspetive, not only in y own field, but any other aspets as well. I prefer to fous on the latest lobal inforation everyday and I a interested in soial event, ulture and huanity. oreover, the ollee eduation experiene offered e a reat opportunity to ive full play to y reativity and intelliene, in partiular I was been trained to be a ood ouniator durin all sorts of ollee ativities, for instane, I have learned how to ooperate with others sine I partiipated in student union, I was aware of how to deeply understand others and how to obine different opinions by doin various soial ativates.

After raduation, I et an opportunity to have an internship in an eleentary shool. I was assined to be an Enlish teaher for alost one year and had a reat tie in there. Durin this year, I obtained the qualifiation ertifiate for teaher in an exellent sore, and I have pratied y professional expertise in teahin within two seesters. Now I realied that I want to be a ood teaher and prefer to ontinue y eduational areer in order to perfeted y teahin abilities and deonstrate y personal abitions in the doain of eduation.





ood ornin everyone

First of all, please allow e to express y reatest appreiation for you ive e this opportunity for an interview. And I hope I an ake a ood perforane today I will do y best for this interview.

y nae is××××××, 2 years, raduated fro the udanjian Noral ollee ajor in Enlish and I have been ot the eiht professional ertifiate in Enlish (test for Enlish ajors) and senior Enlish teaher qualifiation .ertifiate. Perhaps y situation on this plae is pretty unlikely, after raduation beause of personal interests I a one to the Heilonjian University raduate ollee ajor in history.

I outoin and open-inded. In y spare tie, I have broad interests. Suh as readin, surfin the internet, listenin to usi. I like hildren very uh. I think hildren are ative, innoent and pure. With the, I feel very relaxed, pleasant and youner. Therefore, I learned a lot fro y one year workin experiene.

To be a ood teaher is y drea, I think a teaher is not only a uide for the students, but also a friend of the, if I were a teaher I would build a lose relation with y students helpin the not only on their study but also on their lives, I will try y best and I a onfident that I an be a ood teaher.

If your ounty to ive e this opportunity, I passed the interview, as any teahers tea eber, I will ontinue learnin, work hard to ontribute to eduation in their own strenth, will never live up to the huan soul enineer of this lorious title.


ood ornin dear teahers, I feel lad to be a andidate standin here for applyin the position of Enlish Teaher in your shool. I think It is a pleasure for e to present yself. y nae is …., and I a 23 years old. I was born in Kunin, and it is y hoetown that I have lived for ore than 20 years. I love this ity, espeially the nie people that I know and the reat ulture that I love. So workin in here was a deision that I ade lon tie ao.

In 200 I was aditted by Yunnan University, ajored in International Trade. The four-year underraduate eduation provided e a wide rane of aadei knowlede and pratial apabilities in any aspets. By studyin this ajor, I passed ET-6 exa in 20xx and et a deree in eonois.

I ained an international perspetive, not only in y own field, but any other aspets as well. I prefer to fous on the latest lobal inforation everyday and I a interested in soial event, ulture and huanity. oreover, the ollee eduation experiene offered e a reat opportunity to ive full play to y reativity and intelliene, in partiular I was been trained to be a ood ouniator durin all sorts of ollee ativities, for instane, I have learned how to ooperate with others sine I partiipated in student union, I was aware of how to deeply understand others and how to obine different opinions by doin various soial ativates.

After raduation, I et an opportunity to have an internship in an eleentary shool. I was assined to be an Enlish teaher for alost one year and had a reat tie in there. Durin this year, I obtained the qualifiation ertifiate for teaher in an exellent sore, and I have pratied y professional expertise in teahin within two seesters. Now I realied that I want to be a ood teaher and prefer to ontinue y eduational areer in order to perfeted y teahin abilities and deonstrate y personal abitions in the doain of eduation.




























