











ood afternoon, teahers! Today, I` very happy to ake a speeh here. Noe fro lass1 rade 6 of TonPu No.2 Priary Shool. I` an ative irl. I like playin basketball. Beause I think it`s very interestin. I`d like to eat potatoes. They`re tasty. y favourite olour is reen. And I like ath best. It`s fun. n the puter aes and readin books. y favourite food is hiken. It`s tasty and yuy. I often do y hoee fro lass1 rade of TonPu No.2 Priary Shool. There are 4 people in y faily. y father is tall. y other is pretty.y sister has a lon hair. And I` a ood student. Hoputer aes and readin books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sputer and P.E. on Tuesdays. y ath teaher is iss Huan. Her lass is so uh fun. So y favourite lass is ath. And I like hinese and Enlish, too. This is e. An ative irl. Please reeber XuLulu. Thank you very uh!


ood afternoon, teahers! Today, I` very happy to ake a speeh here. Noe fro lass1 rade 6 of TonPu No.2 Priary Shool. I` an ative irl. I like playin basketball. Beause I think it`s very interestin. I`d like to eat potatoes. They`re tasty. y favourite olour is reen. And I like ath best. It`s fun. n weekend, I like readin books in y roo. I have a happy faily. y father is tall and stron.y other is hard-workin and tall, too. y brother is sart. And I` a ood student. y drea is to be a teaher, beause I want to help the poor hildren in the future. Thank you for listenin! Please reeber e!


ood afternoon, teahers! y nae is xululu. i` 11. i oe fro lass1 rade of tonpu no.2 priary shool. there are 4 people in y faily. y father is tall. y other is pretty.y sister has a lon hair. and i` a ood student. however, y hoe is near the shool,

i often et up early. beause i ust work hard. after shool, i like playin oputer aes and readin books. i`d like to eat apples. they are sweet and healthy. and i like tuesday best. we have enlish, usi, oputer and p.e. on tuesdays. y ath teaher is iss huan. her lass is so uh fun.

so y favourite lass is ath. and i like hinese and enlish, too. this is e. an ative irl. please reeber xululu. thank you very uh!


oodafternoon, teahers! today, i` very happy to ake a speeh(演讲) here. now, let e introdue (先容)yself. y nae is huruijie. y enlish nae is olly. i` 12. i oe fro lass1 rade 6 of tonpu no.2 priary shool. i` an ative irl. i like playin basketball. beause i think it`s very interestin. i`d like to eat potatoes. they`re tasty(好吃的.). y favourite olour is reen. and i like ath best. it`s fun. on the weekend(在周末), i like readin books in y roo. i have a happy faily. y father is tall and stron(强壮).y other is hard-workin(工作努力) and tall, too. y brother is sart.(漂亮) and i` a ood student. y drea(梦想) is to be a teaher, beause i want to help the poor (贫穷的)hildren in the future(在将来). thank you for listenin! please reeber(记住) e!





Hello ,teahers. I want to say soethin about a irl :This is a irl who is beautiful .She has two bi eyes ,a sall nose ,and two sall ears .She likes swiin and danin .She likes learnin Enlish ,beause it’s interestin .But she doesn’t like aths ,it’s very diffiult.There are three people in her faily :father ,other ,and her .They love her very uh .Do you know this irl ?Yes ,this is e , a lovely irl.

Hello ,teahers. I want to say soethin about a boy :This is a boy who is handsoe .He has two bi eyes ,a sall nose ,and two sall ears .He likes swiin and playin oputer aes .He likes learnin Enlish ,beause it’s interestin .But he doesn’t like aths ,it’s very diffiult.Do you know this boy ?Yes ,this is e , a ool boy.


hello, everyone. today, its y honor to introdue yself. y nae is han linyi. y enlish nae is jasine. i` and oe fro shenli oilfield no.12 priary shool, lass rade 2.

i a ative irl. i like danin ,beause it`s very interestin. i`d like to eat apple and banana, for they`re tasty. y favourite olour is reen. and i learn enlish in shane enlish shool on weekend, i like readin books and tellin stories.

i have a happy faily. y father is tall and stron ,and y other is beautiful ,they all work in shenli oilfield. i` a erit student and et on well with y lassates. to be a art teaher is y drea, beause i want to help other hildren in the future.

thank you! please reeber e!


ood afternoon, teahers! y nae is xx. i 11 now. i fro lass2 rade of tonpu no.2 priary shool. y enlish teaher is iss sun.

shes quiet and kind. shes short and youn. y ood friend is hanbinbin. shes 12. shes tall and pretty. were in the sae lass. we both like enlish very uh. i like paintin , listenin to usi, playin oputer aes and readin books. y favourite food is hiken. its tasty and yuy.

i often do y hoework and read books on saturdays. this is e. please reeber yanxiaodan. thank you very uh!


ood afternoon, teahers! y nae is xx. i` 11. i oe fro lass1 rade of tonpu no.2 priary shool. there are 4 people in y faily. y father is tall. y other is pretty.y sister has a lon hair. and i` a ood student. however, y hoe is near the shool,

i often et up early. beause i ust work hard. after shool, i like playin oputer aes and readin books. i`d like to eat apples. they are sweet and healthy. and i like tuesday best. we have enlish, usi, oputer and p.e. on tuesdays. y ath teaher is iss huan. her lass is so uh fun.

so y favourite lass is ath. and i like hinese and enlish, too. this is e. an ative irl. please reeber xululu. thank you very uh!


hi! y nae is tess. i a a irl. l an speak enlish very well. i like enlish very uh. i a thin and tall. i a ten years old. i a lovely ood! i jiaoli its far this year, 12-year-old, hansha ity in the rie fields junior seondary shool readin. i a ood at playin table tennis, hina is the eond in the tea; i like playin the piano, for two years has been a five-level . i like to eat kf, so why fat. this is the first tie partiipate in the enlish ae, or lak of experiene, but i hope i an play reat! next, i brin you a son - edelweiss. ,too. i look like a bi pi.i like y tahers.

i like y shool. its bi. its beautiful. its lean. there are three buildins in y shool. one is shool buildin .one is dane studio. the other is doretory. there is a playround, too. we an play on it. i like everythin!





ood ornin everyone

First of all, please allow e to express y reatest appreiation for you ive e this opportunity for an interview. And I hope I an ake a ood perforane today I will do y best for this interview.

y nae is××××××, 2 years, raduated fro the udanjian Noral ollee ajor in Enlish and I have been ot the eiht professional ertifiate in Enlish (test for Enlish ajors) and senior Enlish teaher qualifiation .ertifiate. Perhaps y situation on this plae is pretty unlikely, after raduation beause of personal interests I a one to the Heilonjian University raduate ollee ajor in history.

I outoin and open-inded. In y spare tie, I have broad interests. Suh as readin, surfin the internet, listenin to usi. I like hildren very uh. I think hildren are ative, innoent and pure. With the, I feel very relaxed, pleasant and youner. Therefore, I learned a lot fro y one year workin experiene.

To be a ood teaher is y drea, I think a teaher is not only a uide for the students, but also a friend of the, if I were a teaher I would build a lose relation with y students helpin the not only on their study but also on their lives, I will try y best and I a onfident that I an be a ood teaher.

If your ounty to ive e this opportunity, I passed the interview, as any teahers tea eber, I will ontinue learnin, work hard to ontribute to eduation in their own strenth, will never live up to the huan soul enineer of this lorious title.


ood ornin dear teahers, I feel lad to be a andidate standin here for applyin the position of Enlish Teaher in your shool. I think It is a pleasure for e to present yself. y nae is …., and I a 23 years old. I was born in Kunin, and it is y hoetown that I have lived for ore than 20 years. I love this ity, espeially the nie people that I know and the reat ulture that I love. So workin in here was a deision that I ade lon tie ao.

In 200 I was aditted by Yunnan University, ajored in International Trade. The four-year underraduate eduation provided e a wide rane of aadei knowlede and pratial apabilities in any aspets. By studyin this ajor, I passed ET-6 exa in 20xx and et a deree in eonois.

I ained an international perspetive, not only in y own field, but any other aspets as well. I prefer to fous on the latest lobal inforation everyday and I a interested in soial event, ulture and huanity. oreover, the ollee eduation experiene offered e a reat opportunity to ive full play to y reativity and intelliene, in partiular I was been trained to be a ood ouniator durin all sorts of ollee ativities, for instane, I have learned how to ooperate with others sine I partiipated in student union, I was aware of how to deeply understand others and how to obine different opinions by doin various soial ativates.

After raduation, I et an opportunity to have an internship in an eleentary shool. I was assined to be an Enlish teaher for alost one year and had a reat tie in there. Durin this year, I obtained the qualifiation ertifiate for teaher in an exellent sore, and I have pratied y professional expertise in teahin within two seesters. Now I realied that I want to be a ood teaher and prefer to ontinue y eduational areer in order to perfeted y teahin abilities and deonstrate y personal abitions in the doain of eduation.





ood ornin everyone

First of all, please allow e to express y reatest appreiation for you ive e this opportunity for an interview. And I hope I an ake a ood perforane today I will do y best for this interview.

y nae is××××××, 2 years, raduated fro the udanjian Noral ollee ajor in Enlish and I have been ot the eiht professional ertifiate in Enlish (test for Enlish ajors) and senior Enlish teaher qualifiation .ertifiate. Perhaps y situation on this plae is pretty unlikely, after raduation beause of personal interests I a one to the Heilonjian University raduate ollee ajor in history.

I outoin and open-inded. In y spare tie, I have broad interests. Suh as readin, surfin the internet, listenin to usi. I like hildren very uh. I think hildren are ative, innoent and pure. With the, I feel very relaxed, pleasant and youner. Therefore, I learned a lot fro y one year workin experiene.

To be a ood teaher is y drea, I think a teaher is not only a uide for the students, but also a friend of the, if I were a teaher I would build a lose relation with y students helpin the not only on their study but also on their lives, I will try y best and I a onfident that I an be a ood teaher.

If your ounty to ive e this opportunity, I passed the interview, as any teahers tea eber, I will ontinue learnin, work hard to ontribute to eduation in their own strenth, will never live up to the huan soul enineer of this lorious title.


ood ornin dear teahers, I feel lad to be a andidate standin here for applyin the position of Enlish Teaher in your shool. I think It is a pleasure for e to present yself. y nae is …., and I a 23 years old. I was born in Kunin, and it is y hoetown that I have lived for ore than 20 years. I love this ity, espeially the nie people that I know and the reat ulture that I love. So workin in here was a deision that I ade lon tie ao.

In 200 I was aditted by Yunnan University, ajored in International Trade. The four-year underraduate eduation provided e a wide rane of aadei knowlede and pratial apabilities in any aspets. By studyin this ajor, I passed ET-6 exa in 20xx and et a deree in eonois.

I ained an international perspetive, not only in y own field, but any other aspets as well. I prefer to fous on the latest lobal inforation everyday and I a interested in soial event, ulture and huanity. oreover, the ollee eduation experiene offered e a reat opportunity to ive full play to y reativity and intelliene, in partiular I was been trained to be a ood ouniator durin all sorts of ollee ativities, for instane, I have learned how to ooperate with others sine I partiipated in student union, I was aware of how to deeply understand others and how to obine different opinions by doin various soial ativates.

After raduation, I et an opportunity to have an internship in an eleentary shool. I was assined to be an Enlish teaher for alost one year and had a reat tie in there. Durin this year, I obtained the qualifiation ertifiate for teaher in an exellent sore, and I have pratied y professional expertise in teahin within two seesters. Now I realied that I want to be a ood teaher and prefer to ontinue y eduational areer in order to perfeted y teahin abilities and deonstrate y personal abitions in the doain of eduation.






























