There are a lot of differene between newspaper and inforation on internet. ne of iportant thins is that it is not onvenient to save and look up inforation on newspaper, while the inforation on internet is easier to save. Another iportant thin is that you ust pay soe oney for readin any newspaper. But you an et inforation on internet without payin. The third ain differene is there are a lot of speifi experts editin newspaper. By ontrast, anyone an lai their ideas on internet freely.
But there are still soe sae thins between these. At the beinnin with, they all onentrate the latest news. The seond is both of the has attrative title and olorful pitures. Finally, they all et profit by publishin advertiseent.
Suarily, in y opinion, the inforation on internet is ore helpful for e.
Newspapers and websites are two ajor new edia in the world today, both of whih an provide us with lots of news and inforation. But theyre different in soe ways.
Newspapers enjoy a loner history and often oe out daily with ore reliable news and inforation. They an be arried and read alost anywhere you like. So any people like readin the. But they an only ontain texts and photos.
n the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, espeially aon youn people. Websites have not only texts with pitures but also audios and videos, whih akes stories ore interestin. Whats ore, they are updated fro tie to tie. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite onvenient for people without a oputer onneted with the Internet to et inforation fro websites.
With the developent of the siene and tehnoloy,the oputer has been beoin the neessity for people in the 21st entury.Followin,network is of lose link with our life,brinin us inoparable onveniene on our life and work.
Throuh the network,we an searh for useful datas and et to know the urrent events.When you play oputer aes after a lon-tie work,it an relieve your pressure and ake you feel relaxed.Besides,playin online aes is not all bad,for it an fulfil students entertainin requests as well as pratise their response ability.
However,there still exists soe disadvantaes in the network.The radiation fro the oputer will do har to peoples health if you keep on wathin the oputer for a lon tie.And short siht ay aused by it for your eyes stay tense.At present,there are too any aes on the Internet,but soe of the are not of ood quality even ontain soe unhealthy ontent like violene and so on.Duo to the lak of reoniin soiety and self-protetion awareness,soe students et addited in the aes and online datin. In fat,network is not that horrible,as lon as we know ore about it,it will beoe our riht hand on our studies.Lets build a lean network world toether.
A ouple of years ao, individuals an only take ourses at real shools. In other words, only when they o out to shools by theselves will they have lessons whih they want to have. However in reent years, with the developent of internet and eduation ode, online teahin has beoe inreasinly oon. This kind of teahin ode eans that a student just needs to have lasses sittin in front of a oputer at hoe, whih appealin to lots of people.
It is widely aknowleded that online teahin has its apparent erits. First and foreost, shared resoures online are aessible to all people, whih osts a little at the sae tie. This feature brins about sinifiant benefits espeially to those who fail to afford that any ourses at real shools. Seondly, online teahin akes it oe a reality that one is able to study at the best pae suitable for hi aordin to his own shedule. Last but not least, studyin at hoe without oin out is uh ore ofortable as well as onvenient to busy people in onteporary soiety.
eanwhile, there is no denyin that online teahin also has deerits that annot be disissed. For one thin, online teahin, not like fae-to-fae teahin, laks interation between teahers and students, ausin teahers not to reeive feedbaks fro students in tie. For
another thin, for people who are poor at self-disipline, learnin online at hoe will be a less effetive way sine they are easier to be distrated by other thins. Besides, all of online teahin ourses are ready-ade rather than usto-ade, that is to say, it is troublesoe to be flexible when hanes are needed.