It is known to all that hina has the larest population in the world. The lare population brins any probles. The ap between the rih and the poor beoes ore serious. But sine the poliy of faily plan, the rowth is slow down. It has been predited that India’s population will surpass hina in the future.
When talkin about India, the first ipression for e is Bollywood. Bollywood produes a lot of Indian ovies every year. The hottest ovie durin reent years is Three Idiots. It reveals the Indian proble in a huorous way. As India ets ore population, but the eonoy is not that boo. ost people live in the low life standard. Thus, beoin a enineer is every youn people’s drea, so that they an hane their fates.
There is soethin in oon between hina and India. Both has the lare population and the eonoy develops fast. But hina’s population has been ontrolled while India’s not. So there is no doubt that India will have the larest population in the future.
Population offiials and deoraphers have uh to worry about hina’s inreasinly ain population. It is estiated that the proportion of people aed 60 or older in hina will rise to 11. perent in 2020. By the iddle of this entury, people aed beyond 60 will take up 27.4 perent of the total population — that eans one out of every four people will be senior!
The ain population poses a serious hallene to failies and the soiety. n the one hand, with failies beoin saller and livin pae esalatin, it is even raver for failies to are for aed ebers adequately. n the other hand, ain auses a relative deline in workin fore. onsequently, the produtivity of the whole soiety will be affeted to soe extent.
The rapidity of the population’s ain has ade it ore urent for the adoption of ountereasures. There is no doubt that the key is to build a solid eonoi foundation. eanwhile, iportane should be attahed to overall soial proress by hanin the bakward situation in soial seurity, welfare and servie. What’s ore, faily are and ounity-based servies should also be enouraed.
hina has beoe a ountry with an inreasin nuber of old people. By old people we usually ean persons over the ae of sixty. We often all the senior itiens instead of old en to show our respet.
ost senior itiens retire or no loner work full-tie. They usually live in their own houses not far fro their hildren's, while the hildren of a few senior itiens have one abroad and work or study far beyond the oeans. For ertain senior itiens, tile years after retireent are not very enjoyable. First, they feel that their lives lose eanin for bein at hoe all day. In addition, they ay feel lonely, espeially those without hildren around. oreover, they beoe ore onerned with their health, as they row older, and worry a lot about their safety. At the sae tie, any senior itiens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do thins they were not able to do when they were workin and raisin their failies. They spend their tie travellin, doin exerises or wathin TV. They et toether with their fellow ebers who have the oon interests and equal free tie.
In fat, there are soe still ontinuin their work, not just for oney, but to show their value. However, no one really wants to be old, and perhaps all like to be youn forever.
any ountries will experiene ain populations in the next entury beause of delinin birth and ortality rates. hina will soon join their ranks.
As for the issue of ain, its situation has been rowin inreasinly severe in spite of the fat ost people are still inorant of the probles it brins about. Firstly, with failies beoin saller and livin pae esalatin, it is even raver for failies to are for aed ebers adequately. Seondly, ain auses a relative deline in workin fore in that fewer people have to support the inreasin aed people. onsequently, the produtivity of the whole soiety is affeted to soe extent. Thirdly and ost iportantly, the ain of population in hina resulted fro the suessful ipleentation of faily plannin has not been synhronied with national eonoi proress.
The rapidity of the population's ain has ade it ore urent for the adoption of ountereasures. No doubt they key is to build a solid eonoi foundation. eanwhile, iportane shall be attahed to overall soial proress by hanin the bakward situation in soial seurity, welfare and servie. What's ore, faily are and ounity servies shall also be enouraed.
The line hart depits that the perentae of those aed over 60 inreased oderately fro 6% of the total population in 1990 to 1% in 2010 in hina. It is predited that the proportion will aount to 2% in 2020 and 30% in 2040.
Quite a few fators an aount for this phenoenon, but the followin iht be the ritial ones: for one thin, with the ipleentation of hina's faily plannin poliy and the iproveent of people's livin standard, fewer and fewer people are willin to have ore hildren. Therefore, the birth rate has draatially dropped, whih results in a low proportion of younsters and a hiher proportion of elders. For another, due to the fat that ore hospitals are equipped with advaned edial instruents and ore professional staffs, any inurable diseases now an be easily ured. As a result, the publi an enjoy an inreased life span, addin to the rowin proportion of old people.
The ain of the population is also a result of soial proress and eonoi developent. However, this phenoenon will be likely to brin about soe undesirable onsequenes in the future. Hene it is hih tie that we fiured out soe ways to fae the up-oin hallenes.
The new year eans a new beinnin, and also the beinnin of happiness and well-bein. In the ordinary novel oronavirus, a new type of oronavirus has been a popular devil in hina, and has brouht hina into an unpreedented risis. In Wuhan, where the epidei is the ost serious, edial workers are reatin irales related to life and death.
That day, the wind outside the window was like a wild anial runnin at full speed, bitin the old baffle erilessly and repeatedly. A few fallen leaves floated down, and other leaves fell on the rass, while one leaf wanted to return to the top of the tree but was trapped in the distane forever by the stron wind. I sat on the sofa, lookin around bored. I aidentally saw y other sittin by starin at the sreen of y obile phone. Her expression haned fro al to surprise, and fro surprise to seriousness. I uriously approahed and asked, "o, what are you lookin at?" she didn't respond to e, just touhed y head. I looked at the sreen of y obile phone, and several lines of bi blak words ae into y eyes: the epidei in Wuhan is ettin worse step by step, and the edial staff is about to ollapse! Here is a olor //www.riji.net/pipleted 37 resue operations in 4 hours, and when he is about to ollapse, he just keeps tellin hiself "I' still youn!" shoked e. He only relied on these four words to save the lives of ountless patients. As the old sayin oes, "not for ood looks, but for ood dotors", it an be seen that dotors are so reat that they should have one hoe for a reunion dinner durin the new year and still strule in the front line of epidei situation, fihtin a war without soke of unpowder.
I believe that with the joint efforts of the world, we will surely win the battle aainst the virus. Here, I also wish the whole ountry a happy new year and all the best!