




2、Do Not Lose Courage别失去勇气英语作文(2)

3、Do Not Lose Courage别失去勇气英语作文(3)

4、Do Not Lose Courage别失去勇气英语作文(4)





I a not a brave irl, I a afraid of losin fae in front of y friends and parents, so I always let the hane o and refuse to try. ne, I have a hane to take a perforane in the hristas show, but thinkin about if I perfored badly, all y friends would lauh at e, so I ave up the hane. But now, I a tired of lettin so any hanes to o, I want to try, after seein y friends take all the hanes to try, I a not oin to be the outsider all the tie, I want to live y own life and ake soe differenes. People say failure is not terrible, the unforettable thin are to lose the ourae to try and then akin all kinds of exuses. Let’s take out our ourae and do what we want to do.


It’s beyond reproah that we will oe aross all kinds of diffiulties and hallenes in our life tie .Soe will be subjeted to frequent sadness .Soe will lose their way to ove on .Thus,only when we equip ourselves with hope and ourae an we finally sueed in the unertain future.

Forrest up showed so reat ourae in the ovie that he touhed e a lot . For one thin,no atter when and where Jenny ot into trouble ,Forrest up would brin her out of it without thinkin how danerous the situation would be .aybe we should all fell ashaed that we love ourselves ore than we love love ,but Forrest showed reat ourae in love .For another,Forrest up risked his life to save Bubba in the war.It’s ourae that helped Forrest ain a series of honor after war .Forrest up is beautiful for his perseverane and touhes others with his ourae.

A person an’t do without ourae in ters of love and friendship ,let alone life . A weak person ay avoid the diffiulties ,but a person with ourae will fae up to it head-on. Therefore,let’equip ourselves with reat ourae.


ourae is very iportant. Everyone needs it. We will eet any diffiulties in our life and soeties we will fail, but we an’t lose ourae. If we lose ourae, we an’t do anythin, beause we don’t dare to do anythin; we are afraid of failure. This is y hinese teaher e in the first lass. I aaree with hi. For exaple, we don’t have the ourae to hands up to say our answer, how an we know we are riht or wron. I awill reeber his word forever,” never lose ourae .”


In the atter of ourae we all have our liits. There never was a hero who did not have his bounds. I asuppose it ay be said of Nelson and all the others whose ourae has been advertised that there ae ties in their lives when their bravery knew it had oe to its liit.

I ahave found ine a ood any ties. Soeties this was expeted--often it was unexpeted. I aknow a an who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you ould not et hi to sleep with a safety-raor.

I anever had the ourae to talk aross a lon, narrow roo. I ashould be at the end of the roo fain all the audiene. If I aattept to talk aross a roo I afind yself turnin this way and that, and thus at alternate periods I ahave part of the audiene behind e. You ouht never to have any part of the audiene behind you; you never an tell what they are oin to do.


I aa not a brave irl, I aa afraid of losin fae in front of y friends and parents, so I aalways let the hane o and refuse to try. ne, I ahave a hane to take a perforane in the hristas show, but thinkin about if I aperfored badly, all y friends would lauh at e, so I aave up the hane. But now, I aa tired of lettin so any hanes to o, I awant to try, after seein y friends take all the hanes to try, I aa not oin to be the outsider all the tie, I awant to live y own life and ake soe differenes. People say failure is not terrible, the unforettable thin are to lose the ourae to try and then akin all kinds of exuses. Let’s take out our ourae and do what we want to do.










Do Not Lose Courage别失去勇气英语作文

Do Not Lose ourae别失去勇气英语作文

在平清淡淡的学习、工作、糊口中,大家都常常接触到作文吧,作文根据文体的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、论说文。为了让您在写作文时更加简朴利便,下面是小编为大家收集的Do Not Lose ourae别失去勇气英语作文,但愿能够匡助到大家。

ourae is very iportant. Everyone needs it. We will eet any diffiulties in our life and soeties we will fail, but we an’t lose ourae. If we lose ourae, we an’t do anythin, beause we don’t dare to do anythin; we are afraid of failure. This is y hinese teaher e in the first lass. I aree with hi. For exaple, we don’t have the ourae to hands up to say our answer, how an we know we are riht or wron. I will reeber his word forever,” never lose ourae .”


Do Not Lose Courage别失去勇气英语作文

Do Not Lose ourae别失去勇气英语作文

在平清淡淡的学习、工作、糊口中,大家都常常接触到作文吧,作文根据文体的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、论说文。为了让您在写作文时更加简朴利便,下面是小编为大家收集的Do Not Lose ourae别失去勇气英语作文,但愿能够匡助到大家。

ourae is very iportant. Everyone needs it. We will eet any diffiulties in our life and soeties we will fail, but we an’t lose ourae. If we lose ourae, we an’t do anythin, beause we don’t dare to do anythin; we are afraid of failure. This is y hinese teaher e in the first lass. I aree with hi. For exaple, we don’t have the ourae to hands up to say our answer, how an we know we are riht or wron. I will reeber his word forever,” never lose ourae .”


Do Not Lose Courage别失去勇气英语作文

Do Not Lose ourae别失去勇气英语作文

在平清淡淡的学习、工作、糊口中,大家都常常接触到作文吧,作文根据文体的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、论说文。为了让您在写作文时更加简朴利便,下面是小编为大家收集的Do Not Lose ourae别失去勇气英语作文,但愿能够匡助到大家。

ourae is very iportant. Everyone needs it. We will eet any diffiulties in our life and soeties we will fail, but we an’t lose ourae. If we lose ourae, we an’t do anythin, beause we don’t dare to do anythin; we are afraid of failure. This is y hinese teaher e in the first lass. I aree with hi. For exaple, we don’t have the ourae to hands up to say our answer, how an we know we are riht or wron. I will reeber his word forever,” never lose ourae .”









Do Not Lose Courage别失去勇气英语作文


Do Not Lose Courage别失去勇气英语作文


Do Not Lose Courage别失去勇气英语作文


















